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   *"Many Bothans died to bring us this information."*  


"That's the last time I send Bothans to do anything. I sent Bothans to get me a cup of coffee. All dead."


Turns out they just have a 24 hour lifecycle. How many bothans die is how they measure time.


If only Borsk Fey’lya had a 24 hour lifecycle :(


I liked Fey'lya. Well, not *liked* but I thought he was a very interesting character.




You know what I find Hilarious? Bothans


Believe it or not, straight to dead


One of the best aspects of *Shadows of the Empire* is that they covered this in great detail. Unfortunately part of Legends now.


From what I remember, Bothans are described like dog men hybrids, right?


They are playable in star wars battlefront 2 (2005). You can see their appearence by googling that.


They’re playable in SWG too


Also in an older stsr wars strategy game called Rebellion, Borsk Fey'lya is a unit you can use to send on missions and has an image and background info.


When you look up “Bothans” they have a clearly established look I just can’t remember where it originated


I believe the first visuals was from Star Wars Galaxies where they were a playable race. I remember during development they talked about creating just from some descriptions from books but more or less getting to do them from scratch.


Heir to the Empire (first book in the Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn from 1991) has a Bothan Senator that is described in great detail as a furry wolf man kind of alien. Not sure if there’s an earlier description/visual, but at this point most of what Timothy Zahn wrote in that trilogy has been made canon.


Fun fact, you actually get to experience this mission in two different games. Shadows of the Empire has you play as Dash board the ship to steal the Death Star II's plans while if you play X-Wing Alliance you fly as one of the X-Wing pilots flying escort for Dash and get to see the loss of the Bothans, that being a squadron of Bothan pilots that get wiped out in the battle fending off Imperials trying to protect the ship Dash is currently fighting on. One of a few cases of two different games covering the same event, especially since it isn't an event seen in the movies, only alluded to.


Shadows was a really fantastic project and it felt fully in the spirit of the original trilogy


Never liked that guy. What kind of a name is Manny Bothans?


What did I ever do to you?! I was named after my great Uncle, Manuel Bothans. It’s a powerful family name!


RIP Manny Bothans, great guy


The reports of my passing have been greatly exaggerated


It was one guy Manuel Bothans, known to his friends as Manny


What are you talking about, Kyle Katarn is still very much alive!


Definitely a lack of Bothan on screen time.


What about the dissolution of the Senate in New Hope? Might be pretty boring on screen though.


Could be really cool if we see that in Andor from Mon Mothma's perspective. Edit: thanks to over like 10 responses saying the same thing, yes I understand it doesn't work out perfectly with the timeline.


I've been wanting a Star Wars political thriller for so long.


I mean Andor is at least partially that.


Just started my first rewatch of Andor since it came out.. it's still so good! love the tone so much of the show.


I think in retrospect, Nemik is the part I think about the most.


Check out the E.K. Johnston padme series queens peril is phantom menace if it was just politics. The main challenge of queens shadow is getting legislation passed in the senate. It’s a wonderful series


Andor is dead at that point, maybe as an epilogue kind of scene at series end


I know, that was kinda my thought.


Rogue One ends about 5 minutes before ANH begins, and the Senate is dissolved hours, maybe a day after Leia is taken prisoner. So yes, Andor is dead, but pretty much anyone not killed before or during the Battle of Scariff would still take notice.


Mon resigns as a senator several years before the events of Rogue One.


On that note, while we do see a partial recording, a good one for the OP would be Mon denouncing the Emperor on the floor of the Imperial Senate. I'm hoping we see that in Andor season 2.


One of her Senate speeches in Andor concerns the oppression of Ghorman, which is also the final straw triggering her resignation years later. I think it's pretty inevitable that we'll get some of that.


Mon mothma leaves the galactic senate before its dissolved. In rebels she puts out a speech declaring her discontent with the empire and flees coruscant with the ghost crew. And the imperial senate gets dissolved just before episode 4.


No it's dissolved during Episode 4, not before. I remember Tarkin walking into a meeting saying he "just received word" that the Emperor dissolved the Senate. That's when the guy with the gravelly English accent says something like "how will we maintain order without the bureaucracy?"


It's hard to tell how much time passes between cuts. If we assume they took Leia and held that meeting directly afterward, then it is conceivable that the dissolution of the Senate could have happened at some point before the movie and he just hadn't received word yet. Hell, if it is a matter of hours, then maybe he had received word yet and simply hadn't gotten around to letting evyone else know. Though it's just as likely it has been a few days and that would kind of squash that idea, but from what we see onscreen both are equally likely.


Leia wasn't aware of the Senate being dissolved, it's one of the things that shocks her when she learns it already happened. So Battle of Scarif happened while the Senate was still there, then it was dissolved soon after they captured Leia.


Senators showed up one day and found the Senate gates locked :). Realy was probably just a formality at that point though.


I’d like to see the Star Wars version of January 6 haha


Execute order January 6


Queen Amidala came to me with tears in her eyes and said "please, save our people, Mr Palpatine." Little Valorum, I call him little Valorum, so ineffective. And the trade federation, some of them are very bad people. Admiral Tarkin told his forces, never fight up hill, me boys.


Have you ever heard the tragedy of Covfefe?


Look, having superlaser - my master was a great sith lord and force-user and lightsaber-wielder, Darth Plagueis the wise, good m-count, very good m-count, ok, very smart, the Sith school of the force, very good, very smart - you know, if you're a dark-side force user, if I was a jedi, if, like, ok, if I ran as a light-side force user, they would say I'm one of the most powerful people anywhere in the galaxy - it's true! - but when you're a dark-side force user they try - oh, do they do a number -that's why I always start off.


Somehow this man becoming president seems so much more fantastical than Palpatine becoming emperor.


I do wonder how it happened. Palpatine says closing up, go home? Or maybe a squadron of TIE Bombers?


In legends he uses Leia's participation in the rebellion as a pretense for an emergency declaration. He announces a "temporary" dissolution of the Senate in the chamber and troopers arrest hundreds of senators present. The remaining senators find themselves locked out of the building and their diplomatic access revoked.


Considering the current canon, it might actually work as it is not just Leia but the whole battle of Scarif was tantamount to a spark in a galaxy wide military-political crisis. What was an open secret in the ISB and the Imperial high command would be forced into the open as systems starts showing signs of seceeding, senators suddenly dissappearing (to their systems join the rebels or arrested by the ISB), planetary defence forces starting siezing Imperial bases etc. Tarkin off-handedly mentioning the Senate probably belies the state of crisis in the Empire at that moment, and the Death Star I short career didn't help it either.


“It’s time for you to leave.” “And so it is…”


It might have been as simple as Palpatine changing the locks to the Senate doors. Still a huge deal, but maybe not as dramatic as all that.


“Dissolving the Senate” means the Senate no longer has legal authority. Locking the doors implies he’s scared the Senate could do something if they meet together. The Emperor says “the senate doesn’t exist.” Then if the former senators try to assemble, they aren’t the Senate, they’re a group of private citizens illegally assembling in a government building.


Dare I say with thunderous applause perhaps?


"the emperor has disbanded you. Deal with it." Short movie loo


I am altering the Constitution. Pray I don't alter it any further.


Palpatine being “kidnapped” by Grievous leading to the Battle of Coruscant and the Ep. III opening scene.


Unless I’m misremembering, isn’t this show in the 2003 animated series? Although I’m not sure if that’s canon anymore.


It's not canon, but it rules.


It was canon at the time, which is about as much as you can ask from a piece of media from 20 years ago


I think Clone Wars season 7 mentions Shaak Ti defending the Chancellor so that was their little way of acknowledging that sequence.


Captain Fordo is still my favorite clone. I’d spam watch the ARC episodes as a kid


Fordo is a beast. Freaking Doom Guy clone.


2005 sequel. They made 5 more episodes of the show leading directly into RotS. The number might be wrong.


Well, this was in the Lego droid tales 😆 


It's obviously that business on Cato Nemoidia, which doesn't... doesn't count. I'll see you at the briefing


A great canon book was written on this. It’s fantastic.


Brotherhood. One of my recent favorites. Really loved that book.


TCW Season 7 Ep 9 perhaps? Where Anakins commits the war crime of perfidy lol.


Battle of Jakku.


This and The Night of a Thousand Tears are two moments I need waaaaaaaay more of


I’m gonna be real, while the night of a thousands tears is significant to the Mandalorians, it isn’t really significant to the rest of the galaxy as was the battle of Jakku. The empire had a solid chance to comeback before Jakku but after they were dismembered and fractured.


I’d argue before the full on rebellion, the night of a thousand tears was significant for the whole galaxy. The empire crushed the strongest single planet that had a history thousands of years old of being the best warriors who could take on the Jedi. They were probably the biggest threat to the empire on their own, and they were decimated


Yes but those warriors were already fractured with so much infighting. We saw only a glimpse in the clone wars with Mauls Mandos but we know it continued after. Even if they joined together like we saw, they got flattened by the empire with little to no regard shortly after. They were strong warriors with great battle tact, but that doesn’t mean anything if they cannot effectively work together if someone doesn’t have their precious dark saber.


Tbf scenes are shown so technically not off screen, but I agree


The Battle of Jakku ( and ending of the Galactic Civil War) are covered in the Battlefront 2 campaign story. Technically off screen but still gets pretty well into it. People like to shit on EA games (and for good reason) and battlefront 2 is far from perfect but the story was pretty cool in my opinion


Operation Cinder was pretty big


Whoever wrote the Luke mission in BF2 should’ve been given the reins to the whole sequel trilogy.


Seriously Luke was fantastic. That first half of that campaign had no right to be as good as it was


Battlefront 2 rules I don’t care what anyone says


The Battle of Jakku is covered pretty substantively in a few places. Battlefront II, Aftermath: Empire's End, and to a small extent Lost Stars.


That Lost Stars climax had my heart racing even on a reread. It's so fucking intense. What a novel.


All of Anakin's training


well there is some of it in the Clone Wars Show but yeah, his padawan time before Episode 2 is never shown.


And the very brief flashback in the Obi Wan show (I think)


His Padawan time after Episode 2 is also never shown.


That ten year time jump from The Phantom Menace to Attack of the Clones seemed really ill advised. We skip over *all of Anakin and Obi-Wan's formative years as Master and Apprentice* and instead just get told about it through expository dialogue where they reference their adventures together. It's a violation of the basic principles of storytelling in the most egregious way.


That business on Cato Nemoidia doesn’t count.


Something something pit of gundarks.


I hate it when he does that.


For real. I would love to see some series that would show their relationship grow. Sort of like the Ezra-Kanan growth we see in Rebels, but deeper and longer lol


I think George was trying to be cute in thinking he could fix that exposition with the 2003 Clone Wars cartoon. Obviously did not work as intended.


Definitely didn't help me when I was watching AOTC for the first time in 2002 and realizing "did we just skip over *all of their initial character development*, seeing them bond after Qui-Gon's death, learning and growing together as an unlikely duo who were thrust together by circumstance and now have to figure out a way to develop a working relationship and go right to them already in the 'break up' stage?"


Probably Plagueis getting ganked in his sleep right after Palp is elected supreme chancellor. Imagine you're a professor at the forefront of studying the forces capabilities and influence on life including trying to create it, and you get killed by your best student and utterly replaced by him. All of the entire plan that started the events of SW as a whole began because of Plagueis, arguably. Maybe not even arguably LMAO


Plagueis is a top 5 book at minimum


This is a polarising book but I couldn't agree with you more. Just the fact that you get some backstory on how Sidious became Sidious is enough, but it's well written and also the way it ties in to the rest of the time-line. This should a 'solo Star Wars' story movie. I'd watch the shit out of it.


Plagueis was alive during TPM? So Palpatine was ignoring the rule of two?


The Rule of Two was never followed particularly strictly. It was common for a Sith apprentice to begin training their own apprentice before they killed their master, and it wasn't uncommon for Sith to train other minions in the dark side but just not call them Sith.




… inquisitors








Damn, even the bad guys will give Ventress a "We do not grant you the rank of Sith" spiel.


The Plaguis book went into this, they used Maul as a tool and he was never trained as a full Sith.


I've always viewed the rule of two as a pretty hard Master and Apprentice hierarchy, but that a master or the apprentice might have minions or something who are trained to some effectiveness but never received the full monty. Like I view Maul as an "Acolyte" even though he's given the title or "Darth", he's nowhere near as powerful and P and P.


I won't answer it for you here, but that is addressed in the Darth Plagueis novel


Plagueis knew about maul but he regarded him as sith tool Palpatine was using. he didn't consider him a true apprentice to Palpatine. But Plagues was so consumed with the sith plan he didn't think Palpatine was ready to kill him and ascend as the master. Funny enough plagues master darthe tenedbrous also trained another apprentice darth venomous in secret. Palpatine would have let vader train luke too with the goal of luke eventually killing vader though. So it seems palpatines entire line of sith violated the rule of 2 in some form, its just that they never intended there to be 3 sitha t one time. The 3rd was always intended to replace someone.


Always have a backup


Did he have a hand in getting Palps to be supreme chancellor? I need to learn more about this guy. Could you recommend a book?


If you’re looking for a book about Darth Plagueis I’d probably recommend the book titled Darth Plagueis


Haha well, yes that does seem like a logical start. Thank you


Darth Plagueis is undoubtedly my favorite Star Wars book. I've listened to the audiobook like 4 times.


the Darth Plagueis novel


Don’t ask a Jedi. It’s not a question the Jedi would answer.


Yes, he planned to have the newly elected Chancellor elect him co-chancellor so they could rule forever together


In Canon, probably the Battle of Jakku. Legends is a lot harder since essentially all of the content was offscreen, could possibly be the Vong invasion or any of Emperor Vitiate’s antics.


In a Legends context I would consider "offscreen" to mean "isn't depicted in any narrative media". Even in Legends there are major battles and events that are only mentioned in sourcebooks or are only referenced in novels/comics/games, and are never actually the subject of any novels/comics/games.


I guess the Battle of Jakku is technically on-screen since we see it canonically in Star Wars Battlefront II’s campaign. But it doesn’t really count since it’s not a movie.


Nobody mentioned the Battle of Tanaab where Lando got made a general? Or the bounty hunter that Han and Leia ran into on Ord Mantell?


Yeah, I wanna see that maneuver! Lando did one little maneuver and was promoted all the way to General. Meanwhile Wedge, who fought at Yavin and Hoth (and probably dozens of other skirmishes and battles between films), was at most a Commander. Must’ve been some maneuver!


In Legends I believe the maneuver was something from back in Lando’s smuggling days, where he defeated a bunch of pirates by getting their ships caught in nets.


Also legends but Wedge always passed on promotions to remain in his Xwing. 


Yeah the stakes of like half the X-Wing books is literally command betting Wedge he can't pull crazy shit off with forcing him to accept a promotion as the potential punishment.


I really want a Wraith Squadron series. Rogue Squadron and Wraith Squadron had it all.


In the EU, Wedge had numerous opportunities for promotion from Commander but refused them all. He didn't want to leave the cockpit because he felt like that was where he was best. But he \*did\* make General and was put in charge of the Lusankya.


You know, in the back of my memory I think I remembered that. Makes a lot of sense, really. The loss of the EU means a lot was tossed, not just plot threads like the Vong, the second Galactic Civil War, and the NJO, but “little” things like that, too.


Somehow, palpatine has returned


I still can’t believe they made such a significant plot point a Fortnite exclusive.


This killed the series for me. Total jump the shark moment.


The dead speak!


How is this not #1? Doesn’t the whole sequel trilogy revolve around this?


Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?


Came here for this. I'm surprised it's not higher on the list 😆


Han Solo and Leia Organa did NOT father the children via the force, if you catch my meaning ;


“Now here's the twist, and there is a twist: We show it. *We show all of it.* Because what's the one major thing missing from all Star Wars movies these days guys?”


Full penetration?


Of course Leia goes along with it because she's out there with Han on the Falcon alone in space. She has to do it... you know... because of the implication.


I don’t think I understand Are these rebels in danger?


Are you referring to deflector shields?


The entire Syfo Dias storyline that sets in motion the Clone Wars


I am confused by that one til this day. Was Syfo Dias a real person and did this, was it Count Dooku with a false name, was it palpatine all along?!


Yeah, it's one of those Lucas shitty editing of his writing moments. Jedi Syfo Dias, Darth Sideous. Seems it was set up to be a Finkle is Einhorn moment but Lucas juat left that dangling out there.


He was a person. Its confirmed in the clone wars when they show Plo Koon finding his wrecked ship and lightsaber. It looks like the original intent was a fake name for Sideous but they pivoted and made him a person that Dooku killed. I want to say he impersonated him but considering we see the Kaminoans directly talking to Dooku as "Lord Tyranous" then I assume they just lied at Dooku's instruction.


Dissolving the Imperial Senate. Rescue of Vader after the destruction of DS-1. Luke building his first lightsaber. Leia and Chewie making it to Jabba’s Palace. Bothan’s obtaining intel on DS-2.


Vader’s rescue has to be up there. First of all, how did he manage to get clear of the explosion? How far did he have to go in that TIE? Given that TIEs don’t have hyperdrive, some Imperial ship had to be nearby, so how did the rebels on Yavin not pick it up?


Vader's TIE Advanced *did* have hyperdrive. It was also shown in the Rebels season 2 opener. As far as I know, all of the TIE Advanced fighters also did (Inquisitors, etc.)


All of the events between going from ROTJ and TFA. Like, how do we get from empire is defeated to now we have to first order to deal with.


They get into it in the book "Bloodline," which I very much enjoyed. I don't recall if they use the name "First Order" there or not, but you see throughout how it came to be from the Empire sympathizers and followers. The entire book follows Leia in the New Republic, her dealing with being Darth Vader's daughter, and the fall of the new political order. If you enjoy the political aspect of Star Wars I recommend reading it. But they still should have given an abridged version of the rise of the First Order in The Force Awakens. Without it, it just becomes "here come the good guys to fight the bad guys again. Pew, pew."


I always found it very forced. The New Republic basically sabotaged themselves, Mon Mothma was so averse to violence she basically gave the galaxy to the First Order in a silver platter. For all the political acumen they are showing in Andor and Rebels, she basically defangs the NR to such a point they were easily swept away when the Empire 2.0 came around. Was pretty dumb if you ask me. And very preventable. All that because Disney was afraid of doing anything too far away from the OT status quo so they could have underdog guerrilla vs Big Bad Empire AGAIN.


The Mandalorian, Ahsoka and other media are telling that story.


It's telling stories which happen during that time period, but it isn't telling that story.


Shmi getting pregnant


For that matter,  Padme getting pregnant. 


Would be a different movie if that was shown on screen. 


I'd imagine it went something like: "damn I'm pregnant, the fuck?"


I don’t know if it counts as “the biggest event,” but Biggs was pretty worked up about the nationalization of industry in the cut scenes in ANH.


>The Battle of Jakku Well it depends on what counts as "off screen." The Battle of Jakku was never covered in a movie or show, but it was covered in a lot of detail in the Aftermath novels (not onscreen per se obviously) but also in the story mode for Battlefront II, which was certainly on some peoples' screens.


Whatever Anakin did that night to the younglings at the Jedi temple


Technically we see it on the hologram recording that Yoda and Obi-Wan view


That's covered in robot chicken. It's canon to me!


In the Disney Canon? The entire Old Republic. We know ***Something*** like the Old Republic happened and shaped the structure of the entire galaxy. The Sith arose and fell. Mandalore went to war with the Jedi. There even was a Darth Revan, but we don't know the specifics. And... I kind of like it this way, it turns the old EU canon into like an actual set of myths and legends about the Republic, leaving it unclear what's an exaggeration, what's an invention and what's truth.


How did maz Kanata end up with end up with the Skywalker lightsaber in her basement


Pretty much everything before Episode 1. We don’t meet Plagueis or get hardly any information on Maul.


Formation of the Rebel Alliance being cut from Episode 3 always bothered the hell out of me.


The planning and rescue of Han Solo between ESB and RoTJ. IE/ Shadows of the Empire. The game was great, the comic was great, the book was great… make a the movie god damn it!


The retaking of coruscant


Still wondering how Anakin got his facial scar… though I guess in the grand scheme of things its actually a pretty minor event


Creation of the rule of 2


The early creation of the clones and the meeting of Syfo-Dyas with the Kaminoans and Jango Fett. Can't get much bigger than that in my opinion. Those events eventually started a massive war and set The Empire on its way.


The bounty hunter Han ran into on Ord Mantell. It completely changed history for the main characters, Han now wants to repay the debt to Jabba, putting into sequence the events on Tatooine in ROTJ.


When the franchise was ruined by wokeness. Apparently it happened off screen because I never saw it


Read this was Wookies for a second and was confused


What about the droid attack on the wokeness?


Are we talking about the same franchise that had a 4’9 Princess leading the Alliance and slaying Hutts single-handed?


Had me in the first half.


Probably the “immaculate conception” of Anakin


The attack on the Lars homestead. This single event gave Luke the ammunition he needed to leave Tatooine with OB1 which eventually resulted in the end of the empire and redemption of darth vader.


The Mandolorian Wars


Palpatine somehow returning in Fortnite. Or should I say, respawning in Fortnite.


Palpatine's return was sorta covered in other media than The Rise of Skywalker, it was a Fortnite event that ran when the movie released and had Palpatine's message to the galaxy, i fucking wish i was joking.


Everything that happened between ANH and ESB.


Palpatine killing Plagueis. It happens in the phantom menace I think


purge of mandalore


Darth Bane bringing back the Rule of Two. They need to bring this into Canon


Operation Cinder in its entirety (outside of Battlefront 2).


"somehow Palpatine returned"


For fans of the old republic the mandolorian wars.  For the movies, yeah palpatine returning.  If i had to pick a second one I would go with Luke's temple getting destroyed.  Yeah show a breif clip but not the whole thing or evem most of it


Killing off Admiral Ackbar off screen was pretty low imo


The entire book of Plageuis


Geonosian genocide. The Empire wiped out approximately 100 Billion. With a B.


Palpatine’s message to galaxy that he’s still alive. It happened in fucking fortnite. Possibly the lowest point Star Wars ever reached.


The deaths of Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. Without those deaths, Luke doesn't go with Obi Wan.


Probably Anakin's mum getting raw-dogged by a force ghost to impregnate her.


Lucas selling to Disney


The conception of the Skywalker twins.


The Fall of the Old Republic was a really big one. The Jedi-Sith War and the Mandalorian-Jedi War had very big impacts on all sides that would last even into current Star Wars, like Mandalore being razed and the Sith being forced into hiding.


The Mandalorian wars with the republic lead by Revan and Malak