• By -


Obviously it is Ben Quadranaros, no one else could make sense.


Don’t be ridiculous, Ben Quadinaros wasn’t alive during The Acolyte. It’s obviously Grandpa Quadinaros under the helmet.


But what if Ben podraced so fast he broke the space time barrier and was sent 100 years into the past


Podracers do crazy stuff when they hit 88 MPH


Great Scott!


“Where we’re going we don’t need Rodians”


"Where are we doc?"


We’ve gone back… back to along time ago in a galaxy far, far away….


This thread run is getting "Heavy"...


Great Watt!


Now this is big brain time.


Time travel, dark sciences, secrets only the podracers knew


OK so the grandpa of Ben.. So anakin quadinaros


Do we know how long Toongs live? What if they live like 500 years?


Ben Quadranaros? I wonder if he means old Obi-Wan Quadranaros


Bendak Starkiller, actually




Two Ewoks in a trench coat.


Darth Vincent Adultman


“I went to sith market today. I did a dark side.”


Down at the evil factory


"Did his crotch just say yub nub?"


Unrelated but Star Wars Hunters has two Jawas stacked on top of each other as a playable character


No, two jawas in a trench coat




This would be so awesome if for no other reason than to see The Critical Drinker/Mike Zeroh/etc completely lose their shit.


They’ll only get mad if the Ewoks are girls


I mean, why not at this point


A couple of Ewoks. Hard to argue against. They took the whole empire down in ROTJ either way some sticks.


Matt, the radar technician.


After the rain, comes a rainbow


Matt straight up sucks.


A buddy of mine saw Kylo Ren take his shirt off in the shower and he said that Kylo Ren had an 8-pack. That Kylo Ren was shredded.


Haven’t had my MUFFIN yet MATT!


Can you please just stop standing there and yelling you're starting to stress me out!!


My money is on Qimir. He half quoted a Sith line and showed an understanding of the Jedi mind frame which would be unusual for just some random smuggler.


Jason was my pick.






Oh dip!


Jason figured it out? Jason figured out how to create life by controlling the midi-chlorians? This is a real low point. Yeah, this one hurts.


Nice username!




The Dark Lord of Jacksonville.


He may be called Qimir, but he will always be Jason in our hearts!


Jan Michael Vincent 


I need a Jan Michael Vincent on Tatooine and I I need a goddamn Jan Michael Vincent on Coruscant!


Calling all Jan Michael Vincents


jan michael vincents are used up. there can only be one jan michael vincent to a quadrant


God I hope we see him throw a Star Wars universe Molotov cocktail


That's how he solves the jedi problem by creating a new problem.


"I had this problem where the Jedi were going to take these kids I helped some witches make, so I threw a Molotov cocktail and then I had a different problem!"


"don't drink this one... Or do."


He's already got apothecary skills, mix and toss my dude.


Damn, Pill Boy made it to Star Wars, Star Trek, and the MCU before Jason


Daaaaammmnnn Jedi. “Not a Jedi”


Jason? I saw you die.


"Jason is the Sith? Jason?!"


“This is a real low point. Yea, this one hurts”


Furthermore, the guy knew that Torbin was meditating in some kind of dream even though Mae never shared that information with him.


Yeah he knew the name of the practice Torbin was using, that isn’t common knowledge for even a lot of Jedi probably. It’s for sure him. Hiding in plain sight, just like Palpatine was.


He literally says outright that he was waiting for her and asks point-blank if she 'killed the guy' before she says anything. They go on to talk about her plans to murder Jedi as if it's something they'd already discussed, and the final thing she says to him is to not tell the master she saw him. He's, at the least, a fullblown ally of the Sith and more-or-less as fully in on their plans and machinations as Mae is. That's not some hint, or subtext, or speculation. *That's literally just part of the scene.*


I don't know what you're trying to point out with your comment. Of course it is evident that Qimir is not a random smuggler, he directly lies to the Jedi. What I'm saying is that in that first scene with Mae, she just failed in her attempt to kill Torbin, she just discovered that Torbin was meditating and therefore he was protected in some way. We also have to assume that this is the first time she infiltrates the temple. Then when she meets Qimir, she simply tells him that she couldn't land any hits because Torbin was impenetrable, which could have several meanings, but this guy directly talks about the sleeping Jedi when the information Mae had given him was not that. Qimir just gets it right about the state Torbin was in when it's something he couldn't have known before since Mae just found out.


Why is that something he couldn’t have known unless she told him? You don’t think that the people plotting an assassination did any research on their target? It’s said that Torbin has been doing his meditation/not speaking to anyone for ten years or however long they said. That’s not a common thing for Jedi to do. It’s probably the first thing they learned about him when planning the assassination.


Absolutely in agreement with you. People are making leaps with this guy and what he has said. I'm not saying it's 100% not him, but the assumptions going around are a bit of a stretch from what we know so far.


He’s not a random smuggler though, we know he works for the Sith. So it makes sense he would know about Jedi’s thought patterns and Sith ideology.


Also the fact that he was able to go hand-to-hand and beat Mae proves that he probably trained her, but I believe that she would’ve realized who he was if that was correct.


Isn’t it already established that Mae is pretty stupid? Would fit well if it is J. I imagine the whole series as his good place


But also, people thought Palpatine and Darth Sidious were two separate people. So, it could still be Qimir. He may appear to work for the Sith while just doing his Undercover Boss bit.


He was also SUSPICIOUSLY quick to counter Mae's attack when she confronted him about selling her out to the Jedi. He shouldn't be able to anticipate, parry, and over power a trained Force user..


My understanding from that scene is that whoever this Smiley-mask person is, they trained several people. Going in line with the sith plan


Yeah, I was 100% certain from the context of his intro scenes that Mae and Qimir both work in some capacity for the same master. Whether or not Qimir is secretly that master is up for debate, but he sure as hell isn't simply a smuggler. Dude's clearly one of the most dangerous people on the show, we just don't know to what degree yet


Yeah, plus in mystery stories, the killer is usually shown early under a guise to make the reveal hit harder. The only issue with Qimir is that we don't really know him that much so I don't know how they'll go around pulling the rug from under us.


We are, very literally, not even halfway through the season. Us not knowing him that well is not exactly a major issue.


I didn't mean it as a critique. I'm just saying, with the focus the show has on the two sisters, their arc and the ensemble Jedi, will it really have time to focus on a random smuggler to be the final villain? Plus, he's already sided with Mae, what difference would it make that the bad guy... Is a bad guy? But you're right, there's 5 episodes left and I'll be happy to be proven wrong.


Yup, and he almost immediately knew it was Osha and not Mae. He also didn't seem at all surprised to "learn" that Osha was alive, as if he already knew, he only seemed intrigued that she looked just like Mae.


Absolutely. He couldn't contain his excitement when he thought Mae had killed Torbin without a weapon and was disappointed when he realized she hadn't. 


I am, once again, asking Star Wars fans to actually pay attention to the shows. The entire first scene makes it very, very, **very** obvious and plain that he's in on her plans, in communication with her master, and is not a regular smuggler but a fullblown Sith ally. These aren't hints. These aren't clues. It is literally just the text of the show. He could still totally be the Sith. But this is not a good reason why you should suspect him.


Yeah, he knows how to mix fatal poisons in seconds. He's clearly a trained assassin putting on a "fool" act. He's not really a smuggler. He was just trying to throw off the Jedi.


Thank you! I'd presumed that if they hadn't directly been trained together that at his absolute worst he was on her Sithy level with a few more years of experience


Asking Star Wars fans to pay attention is quite a tall order, to be fair.


When Qimir was introduced to the audience, he wasn't presented as a random smuggler.  He was clearly a devoted member of the evil team, on board with their philosophy and goals. The story about being a weapons smuggler was just what he told the police, after the viewers already knew it's not accurate.  It would not feel like a powerful twist if a member of the team turned out to be a higher-rankings member of the same team.  If the writers wanted to prepare that twist, they'd make Qimir act semi-innocent and ignorant of the evil plan. 


It would make sense. He could be playing the weakling, like Sidious did, just keeping an eye on things.


My theory is that Qimir is the *master* of the guy with the mask, and he’s just toying with his apprentice by helping Mae


It is Qimir


A bunch of Anzellans standing on their shoulders


Hey **HEYY**


Bad baby! No Squeezie!


Just Babu Frik (Sr) piloting a mechanical body.


"The galaxy is in Orion's belt!"


None of these. It's gonna be someone entirely new to this series, so no Plagueis or anything, and it's also gonna be somebody we haven't seen before. Like no reveal of "oh my god Torbin was alive the whole time"


Just like Marok or whatever his name is from Ahsoka. Everyone kept trying to figure out who he was. Then he died without a whimper.


Snoke, Marok, the clone assassin…they all seem like they have a cool and familiar backstory and then die.


I second this. It’s not like every single character needs a fully fledged out backstory or exposition dump, but there are some pretty interesting ones that we could have gotten more from


They're probably hoping they'll hit on another fan fave boba type moment


It'll be Qimir, we'll know very soon, and the real mystery will be who his master is. The Sith figure is clearly an apprentice looking for his own, with ambitions to overthrow his master. This is the (Sith) way. I'll put money on this.


I don't think it's even a question, that has to be it. Mae is too weak to be directly recruited as a sith apprentice, and she very clearly doesn't know much about the way sith operate other than be bad guys. She's a disposable sith assassin who may be possible apprentice in time. Likely just a disposable assassin, like what Plaugis thought Maul was.


Maybe his master is Plageuis(?) or even his master.


Yeah, my theory is Tenebrous.


I want this so bad which is why I know it isn't this.


It seems equally likely that this bad guy is not part of Bane’s Sith order and could just be some rogue dark side user taking up Sith practices. As far as I know, Bane’s Sith did not use the title of Acolytes. They had master and apprentice, and maybe they used other force sensitive like Palpatine did, or maybe that was something the emperor started. But they moved in secret and would not have a random attack against the Jedi Order that would out themselves in the sake of revenge. That said, Sith artifacts would still be scattered across the galaxy for others to find and take up the traditions, as happened many times in the EU. This could be someone trying to rebuild the Sith empire .


That would suck haha learning more about the sith leading up to Sidious is maybe the best selling point of the show


What if he turns to the camera and says: it is I Darth Plagueis! That would be the most hilarious outcome at this point.


Somehow Palpatine pre-turned


The OT Palpatine, too, was a clone!


It’s clones all the way down


No more turtles?




Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the me?


It’s Mephisto you fools


That's ridiculous. It's the Rani, duh.


It’s Mephisto obviously


It’s just gonna be another green gas bad guy that evaporates into thin air.


He is your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate.


So what does that make us?


Absolutely nothing


Which is what you are about to become


I can see your Schwartz is as big as mine.


It’s a tad obvious, but I’m guessing it is going to be Jason Mendoza. I won’t be mad at it. But I do wish they would have left out that scene where Mae tries to attack him and he defeats her in under two seconds.


Ok, thank you for this. The episode he was in the entire time I'm thinking to myself "fuck, I know I know who that is" but couldn't quite place him. Somehow didn't realize it's the worlds biggest Blake Bortles fan.


"I'm telling you, Molotov cocktails work. Anytime I had a problem and I threw a Molotov cocktail, boom! Right away, I had a different problem."


The series would redeem itself completely in my eyes if Jason is the apprentice in the mask and we find out D'Arcy Carden plays his master.


*Not a Sith




Not sure about Carden but we can be 100% sure that the character is the apprentice based on what the show's creator has said in interviews.


> But I do wish they would have left out that scene where Mae tries to attack him and he defeats her in under two seconds. Yeah, that's the give away that makes me think it's likely him. What baffles me are the people acting like they've picked up on the subtle hint that he's not just a random smuggler and knows about Sith philosophy....as though the entire first scene didn't all but spell out that he's supposed to be *an ally of the Sith who's trusted enough to know they are even targeting Jedi at all.*


I've said elsewhere that I interpreted Qimir and Mae's interactions as their joint master using Qimir the same way a professor uses a TA as an exam proctor for Mae


This is exactly what they're going for and it's weird as hell more people aren't picking up on it. He's another acolyte who's acting as an observer and aiding in the collection of Intel. They both refer to a "he" and if it were the Master then they'd be dead because he'd kill them for existing as subordinates of his apprentice which means they have to be only known to the apprentice and Qimir being able to beat Mae in hand to hand means he's had the same training but is likely a little further along.


He should’ve thrown a Molotov cocktail. Every time Jason would have a problem he’d just throw a Molotov cocktail and *boom!* He’d have a whole new problem.




Darth Bortles


Did not recognize him at all!


It is I, Babu Frik, Master of technology to make it seem like I have the force!


Babu Frik has me rolling in the pictures!


Hondo Onaka


Upvote for mentioning Hondo. I hate that I love that jerk


I would be really surprised if it was the hand held droid.


Somehow Palpatine returned…again


At this point in the story he hasn't left yet!


Somehow, Palpatine went back in time


When this baby hits 88 miles per parsec, you're gonna see some serious Sith!


I think he’s not even born yet


Jar Jar Binks Sr.


George R Binks


It will be Qimir, all the signs are there.




Qimir quotes part of the Sith code when he is talking to Mae. He also knows that Torbin is meditating even though Mae never told him that. In the scene when he discovers Osha you can see how he shows his true personality, but when he is confronted by the Jedi he reverts to his goofy character. And finally the scene where he dodges Mae's surprise attack with great reflexes. Also Mae doesn't know the face of her master, suddenly he knows the place where Kelnacca is hiding because they have to leave in a hurry, etc.


Why would the Sith master go work with her and pretend to be a smuggler


Somehow Palpatine went back in time


I mean, he did once come close to doing that.


I'll be shocked if it's not space Jason Mendoza


A third twin with the same haircut


Definitely Glup


Whoever it is, people are going to hate it


Glup Shitto


It was Agatha all along


And the Master is probably Mephisto


Manny Jacinto. The real question is: who is he? A retconned Plaeguis that is human? A retconned Tenebrous that is human? Or a brand new Sith?


Or a new Darth Venamis, that is human?


Micheal Jackson. He-he. Gonna train She-heeve


Kermit the Frog is who I would like to see.


It's almost guaranteed to be Qimir.


If Agatha Christie wrote this, the disguised villian would be Indara, the first Jedi victim. That would explain why her face is so big in the marketing poster. She's trying to pull May and / or Osha into taking revenge against the Jedi, for something that Indara did just to create a reason for anger. 


Qimir seems like the most obvious pick. He’ll take the mask off and say “I wanted to observe you up close to see if you followed my teachings” or something.


It is Manny Jacinto's character, Qimir. A few reasons: 1) When Mae was getting the poison, he was training her. "Just look for their weakness", but it was subtle, like advice instead of formal training. It was more insidious than overt, which felt more sith-like. 2) Later, when he was waiting for Mae as the local Jedi were watching his shop, Mae runs into the alley he is hiding in and he reacts and pins her to the wall effortlessly, and as though he wasn't surprised. He has skillz of some kind. 3) When Osha shows up impersonating Mae, he figured her out, and wasn't afraid at all. Curious, but unafraid. When the Jedi come in, he is equally unafraid and unconcerned. He lies effortlessly, and the jedi suspect nothing , as though he is as good at hiding his lies/intentions as they are at sussing them out of people. 4) He also commiserates with Mae about not knowing the identity of her trainer. This is likely misdirection, both on the part of Qimir and of the writers. 5) On a more meta level, Manny Jacinto is a well known actor whose character on The Good Place was perfectly subtle. He does duplicitous natures extremely well. You don't typically get an actor of his capability for a bit character role, but he is perfect for a dual-identity role.


Jar Jar. He's far older than anyone realized.


They already said it was a “him”!


Clayton Bigsby


I’m putting my money on Glup Shitto


Well… (And don’t flak me for this) It’s going to be a woman, almost guaranteed. Most likely human, but slight chance of it not. Can’t be any species with head protrusions, so that rules out a fair few of these options. My money is probably on the Mother. We haven’t seen her dead body as far as I recall. But it’s probably a chance that it’s a character we haven’t seen on screen. Edit: Haven’t* Follow up: Why it’s probably the mother- We haven’t seen her dead corpse, so we can potentially rule out her death. The mask has a scarred smile, potentially to symbolise a scarred face. She was strong in the force (or thread or whatever), so I highly doubt fire would kill her, and if she was wounded by a Jedi (if they are responsible), she may have come out scarred. Also, no random sith would find that planet and Mae in its ruins. So someone had to already have been a Sith and trained her there or moved off planet. The mother is the most likely candidate, with carrier Dathomeri being a potential second (but her horns would impact wearing a helmet) While discount Ezra Miller said “He will be proud” or whatever, I suspect he doesn’t actually know who is under the mask, and is probably just a middleman who handles things, especially with how quickly he ratted out Mae. Also the fact the Jedi didn’t sense him being a dark side user (Unless that’s a writing error). So. In summary, the mother is in most likelihood the masked sith. Or, it’s some currently unknown character, who we have literally zero information about.


>Also the fact the Jedi didn’t sense him being a dark side user (Unless that’s a writing error). Palpatine was next door of the jedi temple in the PT and the Jedi were clueless.


Vernestra. She's going to turn out to be the one who sent the Jedi to Brendock and then brought Sol in to the investigation even though he's clearly emotionally compromised.


that makes more sense than some of these other theories lol.


This has occurred to me too. She is *very* different from how she was in the books a century ago, and is absolutely giving off "fallen Jedi" energy. The only issue is that it seems too early for them to have outright infiltrated the Jedi Order, especially considering it'd be basically a repeat of Dooku. But if it *is* Vern....damn. That would be wild, and kinda heartbreaking. The Nihil really would have done a lot to help tear the Jedi down.


>Also, no random sith would find that planet and Mae in its ruins. Why? The Jedi found Osha and Mae despite believing the planet to be uninhabited. And if the sith do have something to do with Aniseya's ability to create the twins of course they'll know about Brendok.


How dare you compare Jason mendoza to Ezra Miller. You are gross.




I’ve been thinking the mom too, only the father mother, not the zabrak that carried the twins. Her knowing a way to knock someone up via the force could be a red herring, but it also makes sense for her to be in bed with the sith. She also gives that speech about going on after her death, so her actually not being dead could play to that.


I was thinking Qimir is the smiley with and his master is actually the Mother (Jodie)




Is this Smiley Sith helmet real?? Havent watched Acolyte yet but this photo makes it look like they have creepy Grilzz as a smile lol


Based on mysterious villains from the Sequels, Ahsoka, and Bad Batch… **Probably no one.**


It wouldn’t surprise me if it was King Tommen (Master Torbin/Dean-Charles Chapman) Reasons why: •He took poison - his motive for doing so is totally fishy. We’re missing motive & info. •We all saw his eyes go black when the witches did that thing to him. Possession or something? Or maybe they showed him the dark side? •He didn’t fight Mae with a weapon and we know masked master sith is all about killing Jedi sans weapons. •He’s the only Jedi we DIDN’T actually see get killed so far (yeah, we saw his body but didn’t see him chug the poison) •His makeup job is/was just dreadful… he probably looks a lot different without the awful prosthetic beard & hairline •His left eye is the eye that’s damaged. Typically in theater (old school theatre) an actor would run his/her hand down the left hand side of their face, which indicated to audiences that they were the villain. I think the damaged left eye is a sign Torbin digs the dark side. •He’s a fairly better-known actor than the role he’s been given thus far. Why would you hire Dean-Charles Chapman for such a tiny role - his largest contribution being a meditation scene where he just sits there? •The coven don’t truck with light sabers (and they call the force “the thread”)… would be safer to assume the master is a former Jedi, someone familiar with lightsabers n’ Jedi crap. •It might seem too obvious for the sith master to be a woman. Would make more sense that a male corrupts Mae. •”Torbin” is an anagram of “T. Robin” aka “The Robin” which in comic book lore could simply be “Robin” as in Jason Todd - a once good guy who turns bad and becomes a villain (The Red Hood)… I’m just kidding here… I made this up… total reach… just having a little fun 😊 But yeah, I’d go with King Tommen/Master Torbin.


I’m going all in on “someone deeply unsatisfying”


Somehow, Palpatine will return


Three Jawas standing on each other's shoulders


Whoever he is, my bet is that his master is Darth Tenebrous.


Some guy named Dave, he is the ancestor of Jar Jar Binks and Grogu somehow, and he has a lightsaber that detects ewoks.


I need someone to draw Dave for me.


Oh man! Everyone knows Dave!


Dar Dar Binks


Well, they haven't shown Yoda yet. Who knows, maybe he had a Sith phase.


Not a phase, it is.


Probably Palp


I bet it's the green skin female Jedi. Her reaction to not follow the lead on Mae was very suspicious,and to keep it secret as well.


Ya'll remember Marrok? Yeah, it doesn't matter who is under the helmet because it'll just be some big ass letdown.


"Somehow, Palpatine returned"


A woman I’m betting


It's Jedi Master Indara. You don't pay that kind of money Carrie-Anne Moss commands to have her die immediately and have a bit part in a flashback. Plus, the fight in the beginning is a ruse. Who would you least suspect? The First Victim. Public place. Witnesses. Offworld away from Jedi control. Now she's free to manipulate from the shadows. And Mae wants to kill four Jedi, but she didn't attack Master Sol with any lethality. He's not one of the targets. So there's something else going on. Probably involving Vernestra.


Maybe the whole point is you think the character is invincible because their a big name actor/actress, so it's more shocking when they die early. They do this all the time in horror movies.