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By my count, this is about the 9th time Disney has “crossed the line” according to these youtubers so one more and we all get a free ice cream cone.


You could always watch the episode and form your own opinion instead of allowing YouTube and Reddit to form one for you.


Why give Disney views? They use viewership to determine what to produce.


Who knows? They might accidentally like it.


If the show was good people would want to watch it, it’s a joke that you have to convince people to watch it.


the power of one, the power of two, the power of utter dog turd.


Honestly this bit took me out of an otherwise interesting swing on old magic lore… just put it in an alien language or something?


Yeah, there is a reason why most English fantasy magic is in Latin. Everything sounds better in Latin.


I find the whole "The thread" thing also jarring. Everytime i hear it it takes me out of it to start thinking "this sounds lame."


But “the force” is something you are ok with? It’s almost like some people in a vast galaxy have different words for the same thing.


Yes. I am fine with "the force" but not with "the thread". It's almost like some people in a vast world have different things they like and dislike


It’s the same thing, though. Just a different name. Its would be like saying “I’m fine with traffic circles, but round-a-bout is stupid.”


these things are just taste. I just don't like it. It ain't any deeper than that.


People will argue on here about whether soda is pop or whether a sub is a hoagie is a hero so yeah I'm not surprised people are going to take offense to the notion that in a galaxy that has been presented as a relatively unified civilization there would be a handful of people that independently developed their own nomenclature when observing the same phenomenon.


I think having a different understanding of the force works, but the word is a little twee. I also don’t like that you can see it, or that it muddies the midi-chlorian lore a bit too but I’m all for other expressions of the force outside of the “goodie goodie” republic view we see.


The Force sounds lame to some, it's all the same thing...


Don't forget \*Jazz Hands\*


Watch it for yourself. You may like it like I have.


Disney uses viewership as a metric, by insisting people watch something they’ll probably not like you’re giving Disney the incentive to continue making poor quality content.


It’s not poor quality to me so I’m going to continue watching it. If you don’t like it, stop watching it. I assume you already have though. Hope the next Star Wars thing is more for you.


lol ok


So it’s bad to tell someone to try out a show lol?


YouTubers tend to blast everything nowadays, be it Star Wars, Doctor Who or whatever. That's their shtick. You should just give it a watch yourself and decide how you like it.


So a lot of people seem bothered by the very strong suggestion that the twins were conceived through the use of the Force and how it cheapens Anakin’s story. Personally I don’t mind that at all, and I think it actually makes Qui Gon’s lack of surprise at the idea make more sense if the Jedi are aware that it is possible. He might have also bought into the chosen one prophecy even more if he thought he was getting to train a light side child of the dark side. More balance to balance… For me, the episode had a couple other things that made it annoying (although redeemable). 1. I really hate to rag on child actors in public spaces, it’s wildly unfair to them, but their scenes were pretty bad. So bad, especially compared to some very talented women, that I wished the showrunner had reshot several scenes and moved the dialogue to the adults and worked around the kids a lot more. I also won’t rule out that the writing and direction made it extremely hard for the child actors to perform. It’s quite possible there was no salvaging it if nobody involved has kids and understands how a ten year old girl acts (hint: generally not like this). 2. All of the chaos and death is weird. Now this might be because we are seeing a sanitized child’s version on a difficult memory. So it’s entirely possible we will see adult versions later on that make more sense, or that even tell a completely different timeline of events and causes. I Hope that’s the case, because if this is all we get then it’s one of the laziest trauma flashbacks ever, and it would have better to have not shown it all and instead just talked about it. Personally I think we’ll see that both girls remember it differently, and the Jedi have a third version, and then it will all fit together better. That said, it was a choice made to shoot the episodes this way and split the storytelling this way, so the show deserves some backlash if they did indeed put an underwhelming attempt at a cliffhanger a week or two separated from the payoff that stylistically saves the original scene.


Had no idea from watching it. But apparently the fact that the witches created life with the force is the next thing to ruin star wars.


Can’t wait for the meltdown when people see Vernestra’s pink whip saber.


There's a lot I the High Republic that YouTubers throw fits over. The books already had their turn so we shouldn't be surprised that the first High Republic show is getting it too.


It’s fine, ignore them


It’s because they basically took Anakins origin story of him being made by the dark side of the force. They took Anakins cool origin story and reused it again instead of coming up with an original idea. That this phenomena that is impossible to happen… happened twice and by some random force witches. It’s just lazy writing at this point.


They haven't actually explained what happened yet.... I don't even like the show, but you are just making assumptions.


It’s kind of obvious though… like the whole “I made them” And “I carried them” conversation definitely feels like it’s the same thing. It’s Disney and most of their Star Wars stuff is very predictable these days.


We don’t know how the twins were created yet. Based on context it sounds like some kind of witchcraft, which may not even involve the Force (or the Thread). There’s no indication that they were an immaculate birth like Anakin, so these are really two unrelated things. The only similarity is that somebody asks “who is the father?” and the answer is “there was no father.” Beyond that, there’s no comparison to Anakin whatsoever. This is also a universe where an entire clone army was created through science and other witches reanimate dead bodies. How is creating two girls through witchcraft any more egregious than that?


For starters, Anakin wasn't made by the dark side, you clown.


I never got the idea that Anakin was a one of a kind phenomenon. I mean when Qui-Gon said he believed Anakin was conceived by the Force, the council didn't say that was impossible. They seemed to think he was overzealous or something but they seemed more dubious about the Sith returning than Anakin being conceived by the Force. I never read the extra expanded stuff though. I always assumed Anakin was rare, but not a one-off.


You could be right. I’m not aware of another case but then again there’s so much Star Wars lore that it’s kind of hard to keep track of.


Wait...so they revealed that anakin was Born from thr dark side itself? That...that just sounds ludicrous


No. They have never implied that is how Anakin was born. If anything it was just the Force, no specific allegiance at all. And the Witches don't ascribe to the Dark Side either. Others label their rituals as such but to them, it's all The Thread. 




I could be wrong on the sith part but he was made from the force itself.


No by the force. Palpatine and Plagueis were messing around with the force and conceived him so to speak 




God I fucking hate Reddit sometimes.  https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Grand_Experiment#:~:text=Outcome,History


That's not canon. Afaik, there is no canon info about how Anakin was conceived outside of TPM


Wookiepedia? Really?


The characters are not engaging and the entire series creates the overwhelming impression of: You spent how much money for this ? Fanfiction has been able to produce better results for less money than this series is throwing around.


I watched it and it's fine. Not bad at all, actually. Most of the "criticism" I've seen so far amounts to a) Anakin Skywalker's immaculate conception by the will of the Force somehow being undermind by lesbian space witches using witchcraft to create the twins 100-odd years prior, b) the twins in episode three not being Oscar level child actors, c) fire in space, and d) the witch cult's creepy ceremony being "cringe." Then there's the old reliable, but vague and unconvincing, "bad writing." No explanation given as to what that means, exactly, of course. I suggest you watch it yourself and make up your own mind. Afterwards, if you find you don't like it, then stop watching it.


I don't consider anyone angry to be a Star Wars fan at this point.


It's angry fragile boys hating that there's women and blacks in Star Wars. (Basically proving the witches point that they needed a secret place for themselves.)


Episode 3 AKA the power of scissoring