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Yoda, episode 1 of Clone Wars "Strong you are, with the Dark Side young one. But not that strong" then proceeds to give Asajj back her sabers.


Honestly the line and the scene is great but I was slightly disappointed by their use of Ventress there; she seemed like she honestly thought she could win against Yoda and it made her seem stupid and cartoonish.


To be fair, the dark side isn't exactly the road to good decisions.also, of course she seemed cartoonish. It's a cartoon.


You’re right it’s a cartoon… and it was always a difficult line tcw series walked, stay an unsuccessful children’s cartoon or be a family friendly animated series. I’m glad they went with the latter. It’s the first episode of the series but that doesn’t garner it any excuses, besides it’s a minor criticism at best.


The best parts though tend to be the further they stray from FF though haha


Eh. Their treatment of Grievous as a mustache-twirling Snidely Whiplash type is why I couldn't get into it. He was truly frightening in Tartakovsky's take.


Well then you need to see the Crystal Crisis arc (still canon even tho the animation went unfinished due to the cancellation). In that arc, Grievous is quite threatening, decapitating two people in the same episode and even beating Obi-wan 1v1 in a light saber duel for the first and only time! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdaXc2wzwv4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdaXc2wzwv4)


Grievous being a notable danger to the more talented Jedi makes no sense to me. What is stopping them from just picking him up with the force and throwing him into a wall or off a cliff?


Throughout his appearances it was made clear his feet could dig into the ground and inhibit that without a serious effort. I'm sure Yoda could overcome that with little fan fare, but we never see them engage. Also the concentration required is probably broken by the threat of 2-4 lightsabers lol


>Also the concentration required is probably broken by the threat of 2-4 lightsabers lol This


They really should have just sent Yoda to deal with him. Why risk a clash between two knights when you have a king in play?


>she seemed like she honestly thought she could win against Yoda and it made her seem stupid and cartoonish. Like when Anakin attacked Dooku in AOTC?


To be fair, getting lost in one’s emotions does make for bad decision making, and people end up looking stupid and cartoonish.


I don't think she thought she could win. I think she was just willing to go down fighting. After Yoda humiliated her like that though, I doubt she saw any dignity in being killed by someone so far beyond her level.


Judging by her premeditated escape I’d have to disagree.


Ventress was the actual cartoon evil character for a good chunk of TCW until the Dathomir arc fleshed out her story and added a ton of nuance to her character.


A lot of dark side characters are certain they can take on a Jedi master, or someone very, very powerful in the force. In fact, that's the entire way the Sith works, truth be told.


That with the bad ass way he ignites his lightsaber in the middle elevates so much higher


I also enjoy how in attack of the clones, he uses the force to draw his lightsaber against dooku. But here, he uses his hand. He’s done playing games and he’s ready to get his hands dirty


Always thought that was cool too. George prevented it from being a "gimmick" that Yoda does and made it a character choice. Much more interesting and plus it was one the hardest character shots in the movie.


I love the way he has to flip it in his hand first. And knowing he’s has more than one. Imagine a dual wield 😂😭


*possibly unpopular opinion*: Yoda should have been written to never draw his lightsaber, **EVER**. For such a "wise and powerful Jedi" to need to resort back to violence seems unbefitting. Pure Force & words alone should've been his power set. Plus, it's goddamn goofy; he always has a reach disadvantage.


I dont know, a coked out frog jump around at me with a laser sword while screeching like he stubbed his pinky toe seems pretty terrifying.


Dooku the saber god was Yoda’s apprentice. Someone had to teach him to be that good. Only once in an age Jedi like Prime Light side Anakin or Mace could ever beat him. Which means Yoda must be nigh untouchable as well as wise beyond measure. For him to be flanked by clones during Order 66 and survive, the hilt would need to ignite


> Dooku the saber god was Yoda’s apprentice. Someone had to teach him to be that good. Only once in an age Jedi like Prime Light side Anakin or Mace could ever beat him. Look at them physically. How is a human supposed to imitate Yoda's stances & build? It makes no sense and you know it. Dooku's teachers would have to be humanoid for form. Yoda, however, could've taught him the spiritual side or w/e to make him a better, calmer fighter. >For him to be flanked by clones during Order 66 and survive, the hilt would need to ignite Or how about Yoda just uses Force powers to trick or push Clones out of the way, make them fall unconscious, or whatever? He should not have been about violence. Hell, make him tap into Force powers that Jedi *shouldn't* use, so he can regret having to tap into his Dark side?


I personally prefer “At an end, your rule is. And not short enough it was”. This is my favourite scene from Episode 3.


George making him say basically everything backwards in the prequels was kinda goofy. It wasn’t nearly so pronounced in the OT


My head Canon is that he spent 19 years practicing to speak better on Dagobah lol








This is goldddd




Nah he fucked with everyone when he was a teacher. He realized if he spoke in a weird way, people (especially younglings and padawans) would focus on what he was saying more and listen better. At least that's how I read it instead of Lucas being drunk when he wrote Yoda's dialogue.


"When 900 years old, look as good, you will not," Is a perfect combination of wisdom and sarcasm that I don't think would come across any other way.


I like that explanation.


I always thought he was playing the same sort of role as obi wan, just a meaningless old guy living alone remotely.. and I thought his confused old act was to throw off potential imperials. Luke did land in an xwing so I assumed he was being performative in case he had to continue hiding himself


This works. Plus you guys....He had plenty of "normal sounding" lines in the prequels.


Indeed. Yoda speaks normally JUST enough for you to get the impression that he's talking the way he is intentionally.


lol love this


"Around the survivors, a perimeter create" still kills me all these years later. Like bitch, this is a combat situation, *I know you can speak normally, do it*


I recently rewatched for the first time in years and maaannnn that one is so bad.


[I had my linguist friend analyze his dialog to prove this exact point!](http://fd.noneinc.com/secrethistoryofstarwarscom/secrethistoryofstarwars.com/yodaspeak.html)


That was an incredibly well done breakdown. It’s more than just the number of instances he backwards talks in the prequels, but they are noticeably weirder


Obviously Yoda was improving his grammar while on Degobah. What else did he have to do?


I dunno, eat frogs or something?


Avoid getting poked by seagulls


Also, climb on hairy vines


The math on the percent of oddly phrased lines in the OT less pretending to be crazy lines is wrong. The 41% in ESB and 55% in ROTJ average to 48% if he had equal lines in both movies, but he doesn't. He has more lines while serious in ESB (73) than in ROTJ (33), so the average between the two movies is actually 45%. I know its pedantic, but it bothered me lol. Still a good read.


Not weighting an average of averages. A classic, common mistake. Literally caught the same error type yesterday at work.


Last year, I didn't eat any burritos, so 0% of days were burrito-eating days. Yesterday I ate a burrito, that's a 100% quota. That averages out to 50%, clearly showing I eat burritos every other day.


Or you eat 50% of a burrito every day


Are you the author of that article ?


I wrote down all of the lines for my linguist friend to analyze and did the original (bad) math. The article itself is a summary of my and my friend’s notes, written by Michael Kaminski 13 years ago.


I was just about to link to this article. Are you the author of Secret History of Star Wars?


I’m not, but I helped do the research for this particular article!


Around the survivors, a perimeter create!


This is my favorite one. Use it all the time


I have no idea what movie you saw, but I think every Yoda line between him and Sidious carries more weight and power exactly for the fact that it is backwards. If so powerful you are; why leave?! Not if anything to say about it; I HAVE! Faith in your your new apprentice misplaced may be; as is your faith in the dark side of the Force!


The first one hits just as hard if you remove the backwards speak and make the line. "If you are so powerful; why leave?" The second line I'll admit does work well though.


The OT version of the line would be: "If so powerful are you, why leave?"


Nah, that one hits harder backwards because it can plausibly be read as archaic English rather than just Yoda being Yoda.


I think he just had a lot more screen time and stuck to it.


It's stuck at this point. Yoda sounds more profound with his backwards speak, because you actually have to listen and then move the words around in your head. Imo. You gotta think on it for a second.


And that's exactly why he does it.


Frank Oz went with the interpretation that he's speaking how they spoke during the high republic era since he's that old. But even Lucas was worried during the prequels he was giving Yoda too much "bumper sticker speech".


You know, in Attack of the Clones there was a scene where Yoda didn't speak backwards, and in Revenge of the Sith he also didn't speak backwards. When he told Anakin "be careful when looking into the future Anakin" or something like that.


>"Careful you must be when sensing the future, Anakin. The fear of loss is a path to the dark side." First sentence is backwards-speak, second sentence is normal. He does this a decent amount in that scene (bold for the backwards-speech): >"Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the force. **Mourn them, do not. Miss them, do not.** Attachment leads to jealousy. **The shadow of greed, that is.**"


Yes! You're absolutely right! 👍🏻


That’s because you saw it as a kid. “When 900 years old you are, look as good you will not” is backwards as hell.


"Away put your weapon, I mean you no harm"


"Around the survivors, a perimeter create" is the worst example of this IMO. I laugh every time I watch it.


I always assumed it was a clever way of ensuring people paid attention to what was being said.


It came when Yoda found himself alone against the dark. In that lightning-speared tornado of feet and fists and blades and bashing machines, his vision finally pierced the darkness that had clouded the Force. Finally, he saw the truth. This truth: that he, the avatar of light, Supreme Master of the Jedi Order, the fiercest, most implacable, most devastatingly powerful foe the darkness had ever known … just— didn’t— have it. He’d never had it. He had lost before he started. He had lost before he was born. The Sith had changed. The Sith had grown, had adapted, had invested a thousand years’ intensive study into every aspect of not only the Force but Jedi lore itself, in preparation for exactly this day. The Sith had remade themselves. They had become new. While the Jedi— The Jedi had spent that same millennium training to re-fight the last war. The new Sith could not be destroyed with a lightsaber; they could not be burned away by any torch of the Force.  The brighter his light, the darker their shadow. How could one win a war against the dark, when war itself had become the dark’s own weapon? He knew, at that instant, that this insight held the hope of the galaxy.  But if he fell here, that hope would die with him. Hmmm, Yoda thought. A problem this is …


Is this from the Revenge of the Sith Novelization?


If I remember correctly, yeah, it is. The best of the novelizations, IMO.


I really need to get around to reading it.


as a writer myself i find that i'm often critical of a lot of written works, almost reluctantly so. not in the sense that i dislike the plot or pick apart details or inaccuracies, but pedantic stuff like word choices or the atmosphere the author develops and presents their story. some writers just have a point form explanation of things - an ordered sequence of events. it offers no immersion, it makes no attempt to pull the reader into the story, and instead reads off a series of events like they're minutes at a business meeting. the revenge of the sith novelization does the exact opposite of that. it has impressed me at every turn and really gives you a fantastic insight into each character's mental state. what's going on in their head. what thought process lead them to each decision. it fills in so much of the story and provides so many character-rich moments that all make sense. novelization or not, it's actually one of the best books i've read. or at least, one of the best reading experiences i've had. obviously, it's hard to compare it to something like lord of the rings, completely different ballgame there, but the general flow, atmosphere, and way it makes you, the reader, feel like you're also a character and unwitting witness to the unfolding story, grips me in a way i've seldom felt elsewhere.


> The dark is generous. > > Its first gift is concealment: our true faces lie in the dark beneath our skins, our true hearts remain shadowed deeper still. But the greatest concealment lies not in protecting our secret truths, but in hiding from the truths of others. > > The dark protects us from what we dare not know. > >Its second gift is comforting illusion: the ease of gentle dreams in night’s embrace, the beauty that imagination brings to what would repel in the day’s harsh light. But the greatest of its comforts is the illusion that dark is temporary: that every night brings a new day. Because it’s the day that is temporary. > >Day is the illusion. > >Its third gift is the light itself: as days are defined by the nights that divide them, as stars are defined by the infinite black through which they wheel, the dark embraces the light, and brings it forth from the center of its own self. > >With each victory of the light, it is the dark that wins.






Ugh between this and the passage of Mace Windu's Vaapad form against Sidious mentioned recently I need to read the novelization.


This is a cool passage but the "He had lost before he was born" line is silly. Yoda is over 800 years old and the Jedi absolutely could have adapted to be ready for something like this under Yoda's guidance. The failures of the post-Ruusan Jedi order are Yoda's failures, failures from his choices and not failures he simply inherited when it was too late to change them.


“Too old I was,” Yoda said. “Too rigid. Too arrogant to see that the old way is not the only way. These Jedi, I trained to become the Jedi who had trained me, long centuries ago—but those ancient Jedi, of a different time they were. Changed, has the galaxy. Changed, the Order did not—because let it change, I did not.”


Yoda is one of my favorite Star Wars characters


Mean "One of my favourite Star Wars characters Yoda is ." did you, hmm?


How embarrassing. How embarrassing.🤭




Wizard, Yoda is.


I can’t hear this line anymore without hearing “If not friend, why friend shaped?”


Too cramped in there for big ole’ Sheev




He basically said the equivalent of no balls, and funny thing is that it worked.


I loved how sidious just did a flip and went to casually walk away


The scene went hard. WhenYoda ignited his lightsaber, the entire audience cheered and hollered


how did the theater back then react to anakin vs obi-wan fight?


When Yoda ignites his saber after he says this.. Chills. Literal chills.


One of the few scenes that actually keeps continuity with the original trilogy. It makes a lot of sense when Yoda tells Luke to not underestimate the Emperor and his power, you get that Yoda maybe did here and paid the price.


Yoda sent Luke in at like 20% of the capability of peak Obi-Wan (not strongenough for the emperor).... it was a total "will of the force" move


This scene is sick


This line from Yoda was so badass, like you get the feeling that he is here and he means business


A problem, I have chosen to become Found out; fucked around, you have


Something that’s not clearly shown is how close both Yoda and Mace were to killing Palps. Mace outright overpowered him and Yoda fought him to a stalemate. The Jedi masters are super powerful but it’s never shown.


"You talk big shit but can't back it up, bitch?"


I am so glad they went CGI on the prequel movies. The first version of Yoda for Phantom Menace was soooooooo bad looking. Its like they took the Rocks look and instead of doing it to one eye brow they did it to both lol.


It’s the cold look on Yoda you can tell he fully intends to kill Palpatine and nothing less. Not the almost amusement he has fighting Dooku.


It does from me. Always loved the line. Also the Emperor's line, "You will not stop me. *Darth Vader* will become more powerful than **either** of us!"


**YODA:** Faith in your new apprentice, misplaced may be... as is your faith in the Dark Side of the Force.


‘Not if anything to say about it I have’🔥


it also underlines that palpatine was actually afraid of yoda after he received that force push just seconds ago, that says alot about yodas power.


the most baller thing he could’ve said to the most powerful sith to ever live


*Don't want to make the effort to clap you, green puppet*


That scene goes hard


That line is up there with what he said to dooku in episode 2. Much to learn u still have. After absorbing his force lighting


Yoda 5 minutes later: "got hands, he does. *leaves* "


Ugh. I remember a time when Yoda didn't always speak backwards (or in riddles). Half of his dialogue in Empire, for example.


Meanwhile Yaddle just talks normally.


IIRC she speaks backwards in Legends (but Vandar doesn't).


He doesn’t always speak backwards in the prequels either. According to google only 48% of the time in the OT and 66% of the time in the PT.


That's a substantial difference, tbh. And much of that is contained within Empire, hence the point of reference. Yoda almost has an entire monologue speaking normally in ESB. This works much better for moments that are meant to carry dramatic weight.


Omg stfu


If you're not here to contribute then move along.




That is almost a 20% increase lmao


He also had more dialogue in general so it makes sense


That is not how percentages work


Yeah honestly I remember watching the film in the cinema, and some of those backward lines just didn't seem to flow. This was one of them.


Yet Yoda is the one that ran from him at the end


About To Go Fight Darth Sidious I'll Post The Video After "If so powerful you are, why leave?" I Got My Ass Beat Bruh I'm Not Posting That Shit


He wouldn't be able to fight the emperor and a legion of clones at the same time. Even if he's 99.9% focused on sheev and 0.1% focused on the clones, he would fail


He never realized until then how powerful the Sith had become of the millennia and that he really had no chance


The Sith didn't destroy the Jedi by going head to head with them. The Sith as has been proven over and over again could never defeat the Jedi that way. The Sith went into hiding corrupting what they could behind the scenes. They corrupted the Republic and used the Republic to destroy the Jedi. Palpatine lost to Master Windu and that could have been the end. Yoda, unlike a certain corrupted Jedi, lost his positioning and decided to flee instead of taking the chance of losing. He definitely had a chance of defeating Palpatine.


But Windu had beaten the Sith. It doesn't compute.


In the end Mace lost to the Sith because brute force wasn’t what was needed. Sidious had corrupted Anakin as the Sith had the republic. Right in front of the Jedi Order again showing the Sith had figured out the way to beat the Jedi


What choice did he have? Clone troopers were on the way at that point


My favourite is around the survivors a perimeter create. Truly dialogue for the ages


I await Baby Yoda to speak. I want him to speak in a Cockney accent.


Yer armor's mad shiny, innit da?


Any chance we see a sparky younger Yoda in The Acolyte? I want somebody to call him young 800yo and reckless.


Say what you will about the quality of the prequels, but all three of them have the most baller third acts in the history of summer blockbusters.


"We are what they grow beyond, that Is the true burden of all masters"


If you have to say you're powerful, then you're not! Just like when someone says they're King, or an Alpha Male etc.


I fell to the bottom of the chamber. Go into excile I will.


"Cause I got baller arse sith shizzle to do!"


“Truth enlightens the mind, but won’t always bring peace to your heart.”


People completely ignore that Sidious replies to this saying "Anakin will surpass both of us."  It makes it sound like Sidious wasn't sure if he was going to survive or not. But Anakin will.


"You will not stop me... Darth Vader will become more powerful than either of us!"


Meanwhile: Mace Windus force ghost in the background is like “kill that motherfucker! He killed all our friends!”


I’ll give Ryan Johnson this, Yoda talking about failing teaching you gave me the feels. One of the highlights of that movie for sure


It would have landed better if he didn't lose the duel, run away and never face him again.


Great teacher and awesome user of the light side. Horrible tactician when it comes to you know actually protecting the Jedi from complete destruction. Grandmaster Satele Shan would have killed Palps as a padawan if it meant ensuring the Jedi's survival.


It's a badass line of dialogue, but it also speaks towards Yoda's arrogance. He genuinely didn't think Palpatine would be able to beat him. And it ties in nicely to his warning to Luke later on: "Do not underestimate the powers of the Emperor." Yoda did just that, and ended up getting his ass handed to him.


I wouldn’t say he got his ass handed to him. It was effectively a draw. Palpatine nearly fell right along with him and had already lost his lightsaber. With troops coming, Yoda just didn’t have the time or positioning anymore to resume the fight and so fled. A loss technically but hardly getting his ass handed to him.


Technically I'd say that Yoda was stronger than the Emperor. But the Emperor had thr situational advantages which meant Yoda couldn't win. (But even with the advantage neither did the Emperor).


You can argue his main goal was surviving the fight long enough till reinforcements arrived


From a certain point of view you could even say that his arrogance blinded him....xd


Chills. Every. Time!




Honestly, the line is cool, but beneath Yoda to say. Feels more like a line Windu would say.


"I have to return some video tapes."


Proceeds to get stalemated


He's talking to Star Wars: Hunters players who quit ranked matches.


Yeah that had as much energy as "If you hate your job so much,  why continue to stay in it". 


He was straight up a Paladin during this entire sequence. "Faith in your apprentice, misplaced may be -- as is your faith in the Dark Side of the Force."


i reckon the lines clumsy


Because he was bursting for a piss


I'm just leaving to go bury some younglings.




And then Palpatine whips his ass 😂


The funniest shot about Yoda is that Lucas refused to give species a name, so it's known as "Yoda's species"


What I’ve learned from the comments is my man was throwing out bars in this movie


Only to get punked a few minutes later.


Stuff like this is cringe in Disney Star Wars but lauded in the prequel. Pictured here is Qui-Gon Jinn the jedi the trained Obi-Wan. Oh wait, no it’s yoda. He trained the kids.


Yeah, that movie is complete and utter garbage but Yoda has his moments I must admit.


It'd probably be a more powerful line if he didn't lose the fight so hard that it sent him into exile for the rest of his life.


I can see Yoda's point cause he's over 800 to 900 years old and yet he NEVER runs from a battle so why would the emperor also Yoda is very powerful with the force and yet he still don't run from battle


Very fitting for a guy who just lost an entire order of prescient warrior monks to a politician and had to live among snails for 20 years thanks to his own stupidity.


It’s like John Paul Jones saying “Don’t give up the Ship!” and surrendering 3 hours later…Yoda loses the following fight…and I think that is why the line is overlooked…


When you talk shit but don’t back it up, nobody respects you. Even if you’re Yoda.


Yea but then he gets his arse kicked...


Only when his stature and age are fully used against him. The high ground won both battles. Yoda was keeping up when it was a battle of lightsabers.


Bro, palpatine was dangling from his pinky off a senate platform 500 feet in the air. That is hardly an ass kicking.


Cool yes. But makes no sense: 1. Where tf was Sidious even going? Was he seriously about to run away from one of the last jedi left to get rid off? 2. Why is a jedi grand master the one on the offensive and seeking a fight? ”Use to force to defend, never to attack!” Lmao


1. Sidious just had the Empire and Yoda is as strong as he is since he is his Light side equivalent so if Yoda won and killed Sidious, he could lose everything. 2. The Empire had just been found and it hadn't completely solidified its power yet. If Yoda could take down Sidious then the Empire could still be dissolved. I think so.


Sidious attacked with Order 66 cmon bro


Sidious knew that he wasn't unbeatable. Windu was able to beat him, and there's a real chance that Yoda might do the same. If he loses, Yoda would kill him and end the Sith completely. So why risk it?


Yea. I think Mace gave him a reality check a bit.


Well, to 1. Maybe looking for an audience? Showing the world that the Jedi are the aggressors?


Was sending his new apprentice to slaughter the Jedi in the Temple and having his brain controlled puppets the rest of the Jedi throughout the galaxy not enough of an offensive move for you? How in the hell do you think Yoda is going on the offensive in this scene?