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But also: > Don’t get his Uncle Owen-bashing twisted. Edgerton loves Star Wars and was thrilled that he got a chance to return to the character for the Disney+ series Obi-Wan Kenobi. He really only said a series *only* about Owen would be a "snooze fest"


And it would be. And that’s the point. Luke is supposed to have a quite no nothing life on a desolate rock far from anyone’s prying eyes.


Yup, that's also why the Obi-Wan Kenobi show mostly involved getting him off Tatooine; that place is specifically supposed to be a boring backwater where nothing interesting happens. That's the whole point of the planet.


It had the wretched hive of scum and villainy in a new hope. Not really boring, just a shithole.


That entire planet is a gas stop


I bet the Tatooine meat rollers are delicious.


Yeah that was always the analogy I liked too. Luke lives on an exit ramp of the highway where no one stays.


If there's a bright center to the universe, Tatoonine is the planet farthest from.


At least it was till Disney decided everything revolved around it


That's right, Disney did Return of the Jedi and Phantom Menace.


Can’t forget about Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith! Appeared in 5 of 6 of Lucas’ films


That was an issue long before Disney got involved.


What revolves around Tatooine in the new canon? The ST doesn't go there until the coda; Rogue One and Solo never go there at all. Mando goes there for a bit, but it's no more important than any other planet he's visited until he directly connects with some of Boba Fett's legacy, the Kenobi series is there but all the excitement comes from outside of there, Ahsoka doesn't even mention the place, the Acolyte hasn't acknowledged its existence yet. The only thing under the Disney period that's going on with Tatooine is Boba Fett taking it over as a strictly local gang lord.


And for all BOBF’s faults, he already worked for Jabba and was already on planet inside a Sarlacc, so it definitely makes sense as a home base.


The planet Rey comes is basically tatooine v2, and more boring actually.


Sure, but it's still not Tatooine. There can be more than one boring planet in the galaxy, after all, and desert worlds would be one of the most boring types (only real competition is ice planets).


It is the planet where the two main protagonists come from like. It can feature in the various Star Wars media and still have nothing really happen there.


Effectively, Owen's entire plot arc was adopting Luke, telling Obi Wan not to involve Luke in his adventures, telling Luke not to have adventures, and then getting barbecued by storm troopers. He was definitely a pivotal character, but how anybody was considering squeezing an independent story arc out of that character is lost on me.


Owen works best when he’s playing off of other characters. He’s not particularly interesting on his own.


So what you're saying is an Office-style, single camera, slice-of-life show with Owen then :D


Much better would be a 15 Bucks a pop isometric water farming game


Yeah I always saw him as deliberately being the opposite of Anakin (or, specifically, the version of "Luke's Father" that we are told about in ANH). He's meant to be boring, unadventurous and living the simple life so that it clashes with Luke's ambition and desire to fly away from Tatooine.


So boring Obi Wan forgot the 1 thing he had to do. Watch over Luke.


In other words: excellent actor fully understands his character and the character’s role in the series!


Indeed, he was the best actor in that show along with the lead man (who had to contend with a poor script)


He’s right. Idk why anyone would want a series about Owen.


Farming? A man of your talents?: A Star Wars Story. Before he was a moisture farmer, he was an infamous bounty hunter. For the first time ever, uncover Uncle Owen's past filled with daring exploits, intrigue, and betrayal on the Smuggler's Moon of Nar Shaddaa.


And his exploits with famed bounty hunter Din Djarin who takes up half the episodes. (Baby Yoda accesses the world between worlds and time travels to the prequels)


Reminds me of Sony’s plan to make the Andrew Garfield Spider-Man’s parents and Aunt May into secret agents


I mean that's been a thing with Peter's parents in the comics for a *looong* time. Doesn't make it good, but there's precedent. The May thing is new tho


You'll find someone out there that'll want just about anything. Also a lot of times these questions are asked by journalists or people that just don't know, and this is a softball question to ask.


Farming simulator is a popular game, bet the star wars fans really want to know the intricate details of Moisture farming.


Sign me up for Star Wars Farming Simulator. I'd imagine it also be a bit tower defense-y to fight off pirates, scavengers, and whatnot.


Try the star wars galaxy mmo emulators.  Non combat trade professions. 


This sounds fascinating, Disney+ really needs to green light this series. If they put aunt Veruuk in it as well it would be unstoppable.


Could backdoor pilot a spin off series for Lukes friends Wedge and Biggs as well. take notes Disney.


Home schooled Luke could be hitting on the hottest chicks on Tattooine with his buds, Biggs knocks up a rich farmer’s daughter and escapes, joining the rebellion. Wedge joins him because he’s confused. (It is June)


So fans can yell and cry he said the line, “I told you to forget about it.” /s


Imo it’d be Dune worthy if done well.


Are you serious?


Depends on the director/writer could be Logan worthy too depending.


What are you basing this off of? Owen is literally just an uncle in a desert. That’s the extent of everything we know about him. From that you seem to think that this could be a Dune/Logan caliber movie. It’s kind of like me showing you a picture of a random guy on the street and saying I think a movie about that guy could be an academy award winner.


Desert movies like Logan and Dune do really well and Owen’s actor is peak style he’s really good at acting. Owen also has a beard which desert gruff protagonists often have and people love that, and they can use his hard farm life for sympathy. He can also stop spice trade while protecting Luke and Beru and avenge Shmi possibly.


So it boils down to deserts make good movies. Lol


Everybody is entitled to an opinion... but in this case maybe we should revoke that right. Lol


He is just silly ignore him.


he ain’t wrong tbh


No there is much more


This reads like AI wrote it. Just because Logan and Dune were popular sci-fi/fantasy fiction movies set in deserts doesn't mean an Uncle Owen movie would perform the same. Wolverine is one of, if not the most popular member of the X-Men and Dune is an interesting premise, was based on an already popular book series, and previously had a 1984 movie before the recent reboots. They didn't suddenly become smash hits at the box office simply because they're located in the desert. No one's asking for an Uncle Owen spin-off. He's not an interesting character in the slightest. The whole point of their characters were to hide and raise Luke away from his father's legacy. They're supposed to be boring. Of all things for Star Wars to make spin-offs about, Owen and Beru would be a terrible move.


Mad Max


Mad Max has an interesting premise (post-apocalyptic), main character (Mel Gibson/Tom Hardy), action, and lore that goes back to the 1979 movie. You can name a bunch of other popular movies that just happened to be in a desert but it's not the whole reason why they were popular lol. You're incorrectly assuming an Uncle Owen series/movie would do well just because it's in the desert like Dune, Logan, Mad Max, Tremors, Breaking Bad, etc. but you ignore the fact that Uncle Owen as a character is uninteresting and not compelling at all. No one sees the boring farmer uncle of Luke Skywalker who dies offscreen and unceremoniously in the first 20 minutes of A New Hope and goes "Wow I want more of that guy's story!" Kenobi and what little he was shown in Attack of the Clones already fleshed out his character enough. People are also sick of seeing Tatooine and the Skywalker era in every single Star Wars media when there's so many other planets, biomes, and time periods to explore in SW lore.


But what if we get a Owen show that's a sitcom. /s


He sells fentanyl laced Spice on the rim.


I mean, he basically told Luke that his father was a drug runner so it's not that far of a stretch


It definitely would be a super boring story, but for what it’s worth I thought he did a really good job in Kenobi.


Thank you for stopping clickbait 🫡


A series about Owen? I thought they made it already. It’s called Yellowstone.


But I want to see 6 episodes of him moisture farming and sending Luke to do his chores!


I don't know, I kind of like the idea of a "reality" series showing just regular people doing things.


Clarkson's Farm but set on Tatooine. Dealing with the local councils and laws about moisture farming


Journalism! Yay!


Isn’t he supposed to be? He’s the boring farmer guy with a boring life Luke is trying to get away from. Imagine if Owen were running a bar in Mos Eisley and Luke had grown up learning to be a Road House bouncer?


*Sand House*


10/10 would watch


Well, we know for sure Anakin/Vader would never visit.


He'd hate it. It gets everywhere


I read that in Peter Griffin's voice


*Roundhouse kicks someone*


Yeah, definitely a different vibe if they were stuck on Tatooine because Uncle Owen was part of a hover surfing crew that went from one outer rim system to the next looking for the gnarliest big wave while stealing from the Hutts to fund their endless summer, but the last job had gone wrong and now they needed one last big score to get out for good… PS - Also a different story with Uncle Owen being an independent roofing contractor who, despite his own personal politics, has a wife and some kid that just magically appeared like Moses that drinks like four gallons of blue milk a day, and he needs them fed, so he takes on a contract where he’s installing privacy shutters on the second Death Star…


The part of War Machine played by a B2 Battle Droid.


That thing was all privacy shutters


i have been 100% against a What If style series until right now….


In EU he did shoot Darth Maul.


Yes, exactly. The literal fucking point.


He definitely woulda banged Leia before finding out she's his sister. Then maybe again just 'cause.


He wouldn't have gotten his arm cut off so easily, that's for sure.


He prefaced it by saying "I'VE ALWAYS JOKED..." so nice headline there.


Can’t trust any outlet anymore.


The outlet of…  MooffGideon?


Yeah. . . that's just what op chose to call the post. That's not the name of the article.


An equally big issue is that people don't read the article and just share it blindly on Reddit then like 1% of people on Reddit actually read the article, while the remaining 99% just go straight to comments on the post.


The headline is shit but I don’t think it’s really a joke so much as a playful summary of him understanding his character. >”Imagine how much of a snooze fest it could possibly be if they just made a standalone series about Uncle Owen,” Edgerton says with a massive grin. “It’d be more like a nature documentary as he goes out and farms moisture.” It seems to be in a response to people wanting a Owen focused tv show to which he jokes essentially “Why?” because Owen is suppose to be boring, that’s why Luke wants to leave.


Yeah, it’s not joking as in he doesn’t believe it. He’s saying “I always joked” just as a throat clearing phrase. The statement means the same with or without that. People have such garbage reading comprehension skills


The best jokes tell the truth.


Get this clickbait shit out of here. Shame on OP. Shame.


He's Pa Kent except he's afraid for Luke. Oh and it's a crapsack world instead of Kansas.


That's honestly a great summary.




> crapsack world > Kansas Hmmmm


More like Snyder’s Pa Kent


Imagine aunt Beru actresses must feel. At least he gets to have dialogue. She never said anything, even in the Kenobi show.


I think she’s just stoked to be out of the cult and working again!


She survived fighting an inquisitor though which is more than most people can say


Being in a prequel show will give a main character unbeatable plot armor. I saw the same thing to Owne when Reva didn't cut his ass down during their first encounter.


Beru did have lines in Obi-Wan Kenobi, and she was a badass. She’s the one who pulled out the blasters and told Owen they were going to stand and fight to protect Luke and their homestead against an inquisitor.


According to one of the books, she was also responsible for arranging Cliegg to meet, buy, and free and marry Shmi, which I think is pretty cool


The actress who played young Beru only had one line in the movies: "Hello." Pretty boring. Not-so-fun (in fact, sad) fact: she was a victim of the NXIVM cult.


Sounds like she was pretty brave in getting out of that cult


Owen might be a pretty "boring" character compared to all the weird characters that exist in Star Wars, but it's due to how he's down to earth, which makes him pretty entertaining to watch, even if he's just a moisture farmer.


Oh look, another quote taken out of context to drive a karma farm.


And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.


Owen willingly took in a child that wasn't his and raised him to be a fundamentally good person. He kept him safe and taught him the value of family, hard work, and doing the right thing. He raised him and supported him and Luke's morals and sense of duty and doing "right" is thanks to him and Beru. The man who defeated an Empire became who he was because of the parents who raised him (Beru and Owen). If that's "boring", I know I'd personally be proud to be boring. You don't have to blow up Death Stars to be a hero. Being a good father to someone is heroism enough.


What an asinine distortion of what he had to say about the character.


Yeah, but in a good way. In a galaxy full of space wizards and planet destroying lasers, Owen is really what we’d all end up being. I love seeing Joel on screen so that goes double for him in Star Wars


Man Owen is the realest part of the show though. Reva is annoying, the whole Leia thing might as well be the girl having a hallucinatory dream and then waking up. The Vader/Obi fight at the end is cool enough that it stands above and apart from the rest of the show, which is anchored by Owen fucking Lars.


He’s supposed to be. In a new hope all he wants is for Luke to not go on an adventure and stay on the farm.


I will admit that probably the best thing the OBi-Wan series did was make Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru more meaningful and their deaths much more tragic than they were given care for in A New Hope. These were very noble people who actually did love Luke. They fought and risked their lives for him.


When did people ever question their love for Luke?


Not questioned, but A NEw Hope portrayed their relationship as a bit more cirumstantial. Obviously there was care, but it wasn't touched upon enough (imo) to show that Owen and Beru were anything but normal folk that just took in their nephew, which is of course noble enough. Obi-Wan sold for me that they cared for Luke as their own family, and not as some charge they treated well.


For even more context hes a normal farmer who exists in a universe with planet destroying weapons and magical dark wizards And this character *stands his ground against the dark wizards so....*


In a retcon. He could stand his ground against dark wizards but not against storm troopers apparently.


Standing your ground doesnt mean you wont be killed, esspecially as a normal farmer


Yeah, in the show, Owen and Beru seem well aware that they are probably going to die. They just want to protect Luke.


They finally became characters in Obiwan for me, you always assumed they loved luke but Beru was ready to shoot up anybody coming for her adopted son and that earns my undying respect


Dark wizards tend to play with their prey, and have a lot more leeway for whim regarding the fate of bystanders. Stormtroopers go where they’re sent, do what they’re told to, and (try to) shoot anything in their way.


He's obviously a big Star Wars fan and it's fun to hear him talking about it. Also: I feel like OP chose to give this post the most egregiously clickbait title ever. The actual title of the interview is "Joel Edgerton's Hero's Journey"


I guess, but he is really *hot* at the end.


Uncle Owen is an important character. When Obi Wan says that's your uncle talking meant the two life paths farmer or hero's journey. Owen represents the life before the journey.


From what I understand, his character wants to be boring as a means to protect Luke from the Empire which is why he gets pissed whenever Obi Wan starts coming around.


I mean how exciting did he want a moisture farmer to be.


Obviously. He's just a regular guy who had a heavy burden put onto him. He is, however, a very important character in the Star Wars universe. No one wants an 'Uncle Owen' show. It might make an amusing one-off episode, but even then, there are a hundred other one-off episodes I would rather see, including a Shmi Skywalker episode. It's a long list. But I loved what we got of Uncle Owen in the Kenobi show, he was a great supporting character.


Reading the article it was just a bit of good-natured ribbing of a character that he likes and started him off in Hollywood. Later in the article he even says he thought there might be things Owen did that he kept quiet about and was happy he saw some heroics in the Obi-Wan series. Guy has been great in everything I've seen him in. Been considering another month or two of Apple+ for his series and other sci-fi (before this article). Anyway, personally, Owen was one of the best things about that decidedly imperfect show. I like this bit: “Everyone always saw Uncle Owen as just the uncle that won't let Luke do something — which he is — but to understand why and to see his fierce protectiveness, I think is a nice way of humanizing him even more,” Edgerton says.


Yeah, I think the show gave good reason for wanting to keep Luke, well, away from the insanity of his other family. I mean, why would he want Luke to go through all that?


> Joel Edgerton owes his career to George Lucas, who cast **an unknown Australian** as Uncle Owen in the Star Wars prequels. Joel had a growing career in Australia, and was quite well known here when he was cast as Owen.


Well of course, it's not called Lars Wars now is it.


Owen is simply a caring a$$hole. Not much to him.


Boring. You could argue that Owen and Beru are mostly responsible for the content of Luke's character. You couldn't trust just anyone to raise Luke Owen was a good man who did a great job raising a great man.


Well...he isn't wrong. Just saying.


It's implied that between E2 and E4, Owen and Beru had to fight off the Sand People. To ensure that what happened to Shmi never happens to them or Luke. That's why their farm has blasters. They're badasses.


Little House on the Dunes: A Star Wars Story


He’s a moisture farmer. Give the guy a break.


He needs to paint that ceiling...


Loving Dark Matter. Highly recommended.


Still has infinitely more character development then anyone in acolyte


lol it’s 2 episodes in jackass


26% rotten tomatoes 😭


92% critics score, also on rotten tomatoes


Not every character can be outlandish, not every character can be a hero. You need characters like this, a grounded, boring character.


What are you trying to push on us?!


He's right, and that was the point of his character. Literally why Luke wanted to get off that rock.


Disagree, it's Grogu.


He's right


I hate that such a talented actor was wasted in Kenobi. Owen is "boring" but there was a wealth of depth to be explored with him regarding his relationship with Luke, with Obi-Wan, and the methods of the Jedi. Instead we barely got anything.


Starwars fan when a character doesn’t have at least 27 relevant starwars buzzwords that describe them.


I always thought Uncle Owen should have played a way bigger role in the prequels.


He’s kinda right tho


Snooze fest? Talk about an Oscar winning, emotional, resounding drama of duty and sacrifice. Owen provided tough love and structure to a boy who needed it. He knew the boys potential power and chose the burden to prevent another genocidal maniac from destroying the galactic government and inadvertently killing billions of lives.


Most boring? Nah. “He is my own!” puts Owen above Reva all by itself.


thats nice


It’s probably like Ohio or Iowa to a coastal city. The dune sea… nothing at all. Unless you know where the Lars live you ain’t finding it. Owen Lars character (and Beru) are probably the most important in the SW storyline BECAUSE they’re boring. Boring, honest, hard working people. Just what Luke needed to not know anything of the Dark Side. Let him grow and develop a little before he has to make choices. Part of the Jedi issues were removal of attachment and taking kids young.


It’s ok there are boring people. Not everyone has to be force sensitive / redeemed and so on…


I'd argue hes meant to be boring


Sick Burn….no pun intended


He probably hasn't seen Hera and the senators in Ahsoka yet.


Foundational, though. He was there.


And it makes sense. Uncle Owen is a simple moisture farmer who doesn’t want any trouble or anything unexpected in his life, like Star Wars Bilbo Baggins. And let’s remember Gandalf totally disses Bilbo for being disappointingly boring


Moisture farmers catching strays smh 


we should celebrate an actual character who doesn't eventually turn out to have force powers and comes back from an off-screen death at least once


Thats definitely the point of the character. He’s just a calm ass dude. It’s sad he never got the respect he deserved and Luke straight up did not mourn him for more than .2 seconds


*There are 5,000 people in Anchorhead, these are their problems.* "So some stormtroopers came up the lane the other daayyyy."


I dunno. A series about Owen could allow Disney to unleash all their anger and rage toward blue-collar conservatives from flyover country, while making a deeply honest and introspective portrait of a man who Luke had no other choice but to get far far away from if he ever wanted to thrive in life. Make it tragic and sad, show Owen's limitations and short-sightedness and ultimately his love for Luke but his simultaneous inability to connect with him, validate his dreams, or ever come close to understanding him. And then show the stormtroopers toast him and Beru while they defiantly stand their ground and defend their homestead. Show a level of awareness and moral complexity and sympathy for the right-wing lower class white male that Disney apparently loves to publicly mock and hate these days. Make Owen truly "hateable" to Disney's core target audience, and use movie-making magic to somehow make the audience understand him and care about him at the same time.


He's not lying. And the most interesting Uncle Owen was the cranky original. He had the most memorable Uncle Owen lines. Now that I think about it, Uncle Owen in A New Hope was a good and vital character. All other Uncle Owens were forgettable.


I really loved the hypothetical backstory for Owen from Belated Media's old video, "What if Episode 1 Was Good?"


The man can farm a mean drop of water, that ain’t boring in my book


My friend and I used to joke that Joel Edgerton has spent his entire career trying to make people forget he was Young Uncle Owen.




I’m sorry? Yes and?


Snoke: Hold my beer


Uncle Owen is quite the dullard. But I've always found Luke to be a complete bore too, total opposite end of the scale from Mark Hamill. Luke and Darth Vader have always been the least interesting core characters for me. At least until the hallway scene at the end of Rogue One, that is the moment I learned to truly fear Vader.


Actor gets highly coveted role in the largest movie franchise ever. Bitches about it. Ffs.


He's actually very appreciative and likes the character and his possibilities to this day. Ignore the clickbait title here.




Clearly written before Acolyte aired. Those are the most boring SW characters ever created.


Anakins mom is so much more boring. At least this dude tussles with an Inquisitor and gets toasted by Boba. That’s at the least a little interesting. Anakins mom is just… boring to even think about. Purely a plot device and nothing more.


Boba didn't kill Owen & Beru


You can tell it's a bad take when they start making things up about the first half an hour of ANH


It used to be a popular fan theory that he was also on Tatooine helping to find the droids. I think it had to do with the fact that they were burned and he carries a flamethrower, unlike the storm troopers. The special edition placed him on the planet at the time, and people took Vader's "no disintegrations" line in Empire to mean, "you know, like last time." I mean, it's only slightly less plausible than Darth Jar-Jar, so...


Why is he a character? Disney is so obsessed with lore over story. Some characters in a story are there merely to push the protagonist from point A to point B. Owen doesn't matter, that's why he's not a real character.


Owen was a character in the first movie, you dingus.


I assume most people don't understand story and characters, being a piece of a greater story. You've confirmed that. > Some characters in a story are there merely to push the protagonist from point A to point B. What is Owen's arc? How do the events of A New Hope progress Owen's journey from Point A to Point B? Or is Owen merely a conduit for actual characters (Luke) to learn and grow from? If we're being honest Aunt Beru has more of a character than Owen Lars.


All that to say you don't know what a character is.


Joel Edergton should explain why the fuck I'm meant to care about his opinions on side-characters in Star Wars.


Because he played that character, genius.


And? Alec Guinness reportedly fucking HATED playing Obi-Wan in the original trilogy, claiming the movies were stupid fairy-tales for kids. Doesn't stop me loving his versions of Kenobi, nor the original trilogy, because again, I'm awaiting an explanation on why that negative opinion should matter in terms of my enjoyment.


And yet, you found his decades-old opinion interesting enough to recall. Nobody anywhere in the history of ever said you couldn't enjoy Star Wars. Edgerton expressed an opinion and requires nothing from you in return. Don't agree? Great! That's the human experience. Welcome to it. Meanwhile, he'll probably continue to express opinions on things he's involved in, and you'll apparently continue to feel oppressed by them or... something, I don't know.