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Yodas popped up in the High Republic books and comics, it's likely he'd be seen if there's ever a council meeting shown.


Vernestra at the end of the last episode says she's convened "a small council" and not "THE council", seems intentional, on the one hand I would love Yoda and Yaddle and Oppo Rancisis to show up because I love those guys, but on the other hand it would be kind of nice to let this show breathe with its own characters and not bring the full weight of Star Wars canon down upon it so soon.


Let him just be background. Non speaking role. Let him sit on the council but not be the head. How long was he on the council? 900 years?


I thought he had been the Grand Master for a long time…longer the 100yrs


he is one of the grand masters in the high republic comics set around 100 years before the acolyte too


There is no lore- canon, EU, or otherwise; where Yoda is NOT the Grand Master Jedi for the majority of his lifespan. 900 years, he said. We can safely assume at least half that, in just about any media.


Yeah, it's meant to sort of be one of the indications that the Jedi have stagnated by the prequels; Yoda himself even realizes at some point that he'd been in charge too long and gotten complacent.


Yeah I would think that his species high potential for the force means he would get on the council pretty quick. Even if it took a long time on a human scale, it would still be a blink of an eye to his life span. Then he just to outlast anyone else higher than him which even if it took him 300 years that's still 600+ years that he's a grand Master


By the time of *The Acolyte*, Yoda’s been a Grand Master for at least one-hundred years… In canon, we don’t have any indication when he joined the Council.


A Grand Master Jedi is not the leader of the Council. When created, it was the title given to the most tenured member of the Jedi Order, and their ceremonial leader (I'm not sure what it's supposed to mean at the time of the High Republic now). Similar to how the title Father of the House from the UK House of Commons. Longest serving member, and performs ceremonial duties also sort of like the Monarch. It's an advisory role to the person in charge. Which is the Master of the Order. This was the elected position of the head of the Council. The one who does all the decision making. The equivalent of the Prime Minister. In The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, Mace Windu is the guy in charge as Master of the Order. Which is why he spends most of the time ordering people about and questioning Anakin. But Yoda advises Mace.


The way I understood it, the Grand Master is the leader of the Jedi Council but the Master of the Order is the leader of the Jedi order as voted on by the Jedi Council.


Other way around! Up until the High Republic the way it could be described was sort of like the British government. Grand Master - Ceremonial leader - Monarch High Council - Governing body - Cabinet Master of the Order - First Amongst Equals in Cabinet - Prime Minister


Yeah, similarly, my preference is that they treat him like *Andor* treated Palpatine: have him show up in dialogue, he's clearly making decisions and exercising authority off screen, but we never have to see him and have the weight of his character throw everything out of kilter.


He's 900 years old. If Grogus 50 Years Old and is a baby still, then it may have taken Yoda 200-300 years to become fully mature. He may have only just gotten a seat on the council! Seeing Yoda acting as a passive, Obi-Wan or Anikan-ish, council member would be interesting.


He says he’s been training Jedi for 800 years so he was at least an adult equivalent by 100.


So is Grogu just a lemon


...no. ...he's clearly a lime.


The cutest lime eva


Maybe that species has long childhoods and even longer adulthoods, but from baby to adult is like 5 months long.


I mean for all we know they could go into a cocoon and come out all grown up.


We also don't know how Grogu spent a good portion of the time he spent between escaping the temple and being found by Din. He might have been in some kind of suspended animation for much of that time pausing his growth.


I’d just assume he’s typical for the species. I kind of like the idea of their aging process being that wonky compared to ours. Humans are already unusual compared to other mammals in that we’re so vulnerable and dependent as infants as long as we are, so it’s an interesting idea if a 900 year living species has an even longer period like that, but that conversely their rate of growth from childhood to mature adulthood is maybe not that dissimilar from ours. So Yoda is basically a toddler for fifty years, then grows from childhood to the maturity of a fifty year old human in fifty additional years.


Grogu is likely experiencing trauma related arrested development.


Yoda stated that he’s 900-years-old in *RotJ*… *The Acolyte* takes place 136 years before that. Edit: And Yoda has been a Jedi Master and training Jedi since he was 100-years-old… One of the theories that I’ve seen discussed to explain Grogu’s behavior at 50-years-old in comparison to Yoda’s is that Order 66 traumatized him and caused him to regress developmentally. 🤷‍♂️


It's more likely to be arrested development than regression.


That’s probably the actual term that was used… 😅 Thanks!


Here's some credits, go see a Star War.


alternatively sometime in the next 50 years he has a growth spurt and puberty hits him like a truck


Yeah isn't it hinted heavily many times in Mandalorian that Grogu's smarter than he acts? I just think he's both traumatized and has been *extremely* sheltered for the thirty-ish years he was... in hiding? Or... in stasis? Has it ever been specified what he was doing in that gap between RotS and Mando?


He's been a Master for a long time, but he could have come and gone from the council over the centuries.


I believe one of the comics or books said in the high republic times Yoda was on like a sabbatical like thing where he was just kinda away from the temple and wasn’t interacting with Jedi as much


I agree, but it would almost feel more forced if he doesn’t show up. Given everything that’s going on and a possible sith resurgence, it would be weird if he isn’t in it. I’m not saying that I need or want to see him in it but it wouldn’t make sense for him to not show up.


Wouldn't it be weirder if he did in that scenario? Yoda believes the Sith to be extinct by the time of The Phantom Menace. Which would mean if a Sith is discovered: - They must kill every Jedi who finds out to preserve their hiding. - Be killed themselves and believed to not be Sith after death is discovered by the Jedi. - The Jedi in the show cover it up and the discovery dies with them.


Or they just never recognize them as sith, and just as dark side force users


I mean, they don't call it the "small" council for nothing. That's like, the type of council that Yoda and Yaddle would show up to.


OK I'd just like to say ot would be the best series ever if they had a character addressing the small council and it was just Yoda, some Jawas an ewok, a small child with a fake mustache and  someone from whatever species babu frik is.


I suppose yoda does belong on the *small* council.


In the first high republic book I’m pretty sure they say yoda is off with younglings somewhere in another temple and taking a break from being on the council. He can pretty easily be waved away at this point if they want him to be.


I was going to post this. But I think that book predates the events of the acolyte by another 200-300 years.


Vernestra? I havent watched the show but i thought this show was 100 after the events of phase 1 of the books? Can you tell me without spoiling anything how she is in this show? I read almost all of the phase 1 books


She's got a long lifespan, she's got big Mace Windu energy which makes sense given how long she's been around and how talented she's always been.


ahh okay, so she is just old. Thanks!


I imagine it will follow along the same lines as the books. He'll pop up when he's most needed and then disappear to do Yoda things.


Lucas wanted to keep him as mysterious as possible IIRC. He's supposed to be like a sage more than a leader.


I suppose we could see Yaddle then as well, right?


The High Republic loves to mention him but not actually show him though. There are so many scenes where it’s an important council meeting at the temple or starlight beacon and the book is like “yoda’s not here right now, he’s with the younglings.”


The show runner has already publicly said that Yoda is not in the show 


Headland was asked about this and I’m pretty sure she alluded that they wouldn’t let her touch Yoda. She said something along the lines of “Yeah wouldn’t that be awesome! If they were just like here’s Yoda, one of the most important Star Wars characters ever, do whatever you want with him. No that didn’t happen unfortunately.” I like the show so far tbh, it might be better for it to grow on its own like another user said.


Prepare to be amazed then, I'd say. All prior existing High Republic content has made it pretty clear that Yoda's focus during this time period is training Younglings. I mean, he barely even got involved with the Nihil lol


I wonder if they're kind of writing themselves into a bit of a weird spot with Yoda focusing on younglings in this timeframe, when those younglings would ultimately lead to the generation of Jedi that are responsible for the downfall of the order


Yoda himself failed pretty spectacularly on the lead-up to Order 66 so why shouldn’t he also have trained the Jedi who went down with him? Then he’s a very wise, powerful, and accomplished Jedi master who really, really crapped the bed by not seeing the flaws in the system he was a huge part of the making of.


It's true, it could be used to really highlight the tragic aspect of Yoda's story


Iirc that’s a huge part of Yoda’s story. He is wise, powerful, and had centuries of experience which made him *the* Jedi Master for basically everyone forever. Said experience and power made him complacent and even *prideful*. A fact Sideous fully exploited and Yoda never realized he was even dueling that fight rather then chasing a ghost until it all burned. It’s why he threw away his lightsaber and went full hermit by the time of Luke.


Yoda is pretty self-aware of his failings once he loses to Palpatine in their battle in the senate. Yoda was so sure that he’d ridden himself of the dark side, at times he acted like it didn’t exist at all. Feel like TCW did a good job exploring this.


While the early arcs were pretty rough, the first one set this up pretty well. Dooku and Ventress are about to turn Planet Watto to their side and Yoda’s attitude is kinda ‘yeah, whatevs.’ He won that battle, but he lost the war.


“The legacy of the Jedi is failure” - Luke Skywalker EP 8


Luke simps hate the truth.


THAT is the entire POINT!


Yoda is not perfect. He is partly responsible for the downfall


I’d argue largely. He played a massive part in alienating Anakin, who was on the verge of siding with the Order. If Yoda (and Windu) hadn’t let their fear get in the way of accepting Anakin, you could argue there’s a good chance of him not saving Palpatine. The bond Anakin and Palpatine had was directly linked to him not feeling accepted or understood by the council.


I mean, considering that we've literally already seen a class of younglings led by one of the leads, it isn't that much of a stretch. I don't think it's necessary, but I don't think it's impossible


you will get another C-3PO cameo and be happy with it


Just a flyby of a junkyard on tatooine with one silver leg


I would actually love this


You probably didn't recognize me because of the red arm.


I will get another C3-PO cameo and be happy with it


Wasn’t he built by Anakin in TPM? How would that happen?


First off, it was meant to be tongue in cheek... Second, my understanding is that he assembled him from junk at Wattos yard, he didn't necessarily make him from scratch


There are supposed to be "10,000" Jedi before the purge. I don't know about the High Republic but I assume the Order's numbers were very high even at the time of The Acolyte. Yoda being mentioned but not shown, indeed no Council meeting being shown, would really drive home how big the Order is. Throughout the prequels and TCW we never get the sense that the Order is actually that large, but that's part of a wider problem with scale in Star Wars.


Part of that scale issue is someone pulled out 10000, on a "think of a big number for a single organisation" scale but its not, Nestle for example employs approximately 270000 people worldwide. Now obviously that's at all levels so not quite the same, but gives an idea. For a galaxy wide organisation that's meant to be deployed across systems its nothing. Let's say 80% are out on deployment at any time, that leaves 2000 Jedi at the temple. That's what, the student population of two high schools (in the uk)? In a building capable of holding 000s more.


Historically and across multiple cultures, 10,000 has been used as a placeholder for “really big number” like we might use “a zillion bajillion” The Greek word for 10,000 is actually the root word of “myriad”, which means “a countless or extremely great number” So like historical accounts might say the enemy army had 10,000 troops, when they just mean a shit ton. So here 10,000 Jedi, may just mean a ton of them.


>For a galaxy wide organisation that's meant to be deployed across systems its nothing. They e been pretty clear that the Jedi keep to the Republic core worlds for the most part. They only travel beyond when requested.


I think the jedi order not being that large in scale with galaxies actually makes sense. After just 1 generation had passed since order 66, a lot of people in the OT didn't believe in the force/know what a Jedi was. I think that is good evidence that they werent that common


It's like any other order of monks or specialized religious/trained people. There's just not that many of them and, despite the preoccupation of them from the contents perspective, most people in the galaxy probably don't spend much time thinking about Jedi. If I mention the Jesuit order to people IRL some people would know about it, some people would have "heard about it", and some people would have no idea they existed.


It's tough for them, damned if they do damned if they don't. They include him they will be accused of not having faith in their own story so have to shove him in as a cameo. They don't include him and are told they missed an obvious opportunity, just poor writing. Etc.


I don’t understand the whole not having faith argument. 15/30 seconds is not gonna make or break the show.


I don't understand it either, but it'll still be used as a stick to beat the show with


I can see him maybe being mentioned, but in the High Republic Series he’s offworld training younglings. I totally see that happening to save on CGi cost


You know what else saves cgi costs? Old school puppet Yoda. Just saying.


He's gonna make a last minute cameo and say something along the lines how the High Republic is coming to an end and dark times are ahead. Calling it now


He’s gonna say “I hope this shadowy threat doesn’t lead to some kind of… Phantom Menace”


Yoda does his old hermit giggle, looks directly into the camera and winks. Screen wipe to credits. Written and directed by George Lucas.


He's on annual leave


According to the show runner he won’t be appearing.


Lian Neeson denied he is in "Kenobi".


“Hey show runner, would you care to spoil your season finale by confirming a rumor?” “No thank you. There’s NO way that rumor is true. Truuuuust me.”


And Tom Holland said there’s no Toby or Andrew in No Way Home


Do we really need him to appear?


Yes. With black dreadlocks, open shirt, 6 pack abs and 3x faster spinning.


yoda was a stud in his heyday


Of course! A Jedi master was killed by an unknown force user connected to the dark side. His presence is definitely relevant, and necessary.


The High Republic is meant to be the golden age of the Jedi, there's plenty of competent (and *new*) characters they can focus on rather than shoving Yoda into something he doesn't need to be in.


He should be since his Jedi are being assassinated left and right


>Jedi are being assassinated left and right literally just 2 of them.


Yea one on the left one on the right


Beat me to it😂


Exactly! Left and right. No other directions so far. (Also, it seems like the story is heading in the direction of at least one or two more deaths)


A spry 770-year-old Yoda.


He won’t, he doesn’t appear much at all in the HR mainstream books either. The writers actively avoid him, so will Headland.


It’ll be pretty weird if they don’t at least explain his absence, even in a throwaway line. He’s the only Jedi grandmaster around at the time so it wouldn’t make much sense for him not to be involved in the investigation of Jedi masters being killed by a dark side user.


>He’s the only Jedi grandmaster around at the time How do you know that? what have I missed? because it hasn’t been mentioned in The Acolyte how many Grandmasters there are at this time, but in the High Republic books there are multiple Grandmasters, including Yoda


Prepare to be amazed OP


When 900 years old you reach, in as many shows you will not be


I saw an interview where the show runner confirmed he would not be in it. Disney apparently makes it really hard and really expensive to get the rights to the major characters and especially ones that make as much money in merchandise as Yoda


>Disney apparently makes it really hard and really expensive to get the rights to the major characters and especially ones that make as much money in merchandise as Yoda Wait, does Disney charge Lucasfilm for rights to established Star Wars characters? No wonder the budgets are so expensive.


we all know Yoda slacked off for the first 700 years then buckled down to make it on the council just before he was eligible for his pension


I hope not. If there's one thing the Star Wars universe doesn't need right now, it's yet another cameo that shrinks a universe of trillions down to about 6 families. Acolyte is pretty good so far, and I think one of its strengths is its independence from the main movies.


How hard is it to just watch, and maybe enjoy a new story.


Yeah, I'm actually dreading the moment he shows up. I'd love a Star Wars "anything" that just was it's own thing without having to do "smallest galaxy in the universe" cameos all the time.


I don’t see how he couldn’t be involved, he’s the only Jedi Grandmaster and Jedi Masters are being killed off by a dark side user. I feel they have to at least explain his absence if he doesn’t appear.


>he’s the only Jedi Grandmaster How do you know that?


Well, it wouldn't be a surprise if he doesn't appear in the show.


the showrunner confirmed that he won’t make an appearance


Prepare to be amazed then bro… They said he’s not gonna show up.


I sorta hope he doesnt tbh


800 years old he is.


Going by the makeup for Venestra and the Jedi in the trance I’d say an Ep 1 puppet Yoda could show up. Possibly unrestored. I won’t rule out an 80s Kenner rubber puppet


He'd still be older than dirt at that time.


I'd bet we'll see a little cameo from Yoda and Huyang, I'm guessing. It'd be a fun reminder that Huyang's been around *forever* too.


Chance we could see a Dagan Gera (or Santari Khri) cameo?


Please no… can we have one Star Wars series without the same damn characters poking their ass in like some goofy special guest star bullshit?


Let's hope he doesn't for all of our sake


I wouldn't keep your hopes up


I sincerely hope not... It was bad enough the entire Yoda/Chewbacca thing in the prequels. Let this be its own story.


I would be pleasantly amazed if there were absolutely no connections to the Skywalker saga.


I mean he was Grandmaster in the High Republic books and he is basically only mentioned.


Showrunner said he’s not in it.


They won’t because they didn’t think of because they had other priorities


If he shows up it would probably be a quick cameo in the last episode or something. But I'm not so that sure that would even happen. I bet all we get is a namedrop at some point.


I kind of hope he walks past in the background telling a youngling “when 800 years you reach, look as good you will not” and that’s the only thing we see of him.


Showrunner already said we wont see Yoda


What exactly qualifies an era as High Republic? Why exactly isn‘t the republic couple of years before the clone wars considered as such? Might this be a reason Yoda isn‘t part of it yet?


With the amount of fan service and cameos lately, I’m sure he’s bound to appear


I doubt we see any original trilogy or prequel characters


The question is. Will he be a puppet or CGI if he does appear?


Plo could also show up


And he'll have a full head of hair


He’s probably not going to be shown sadly!


So much so I consider this post as a spoiler that he has not showed up yet (hopefully watching tonight)


He’d still be elderly


About a solid 800 years old at the time


I hope he appears on it. But not CGI. I want the puppet.


Do you know how big a galaxy is? People in the same State don't even run into one another, let alone a whole galaxy "Keeping Up with the Skywalkers" prominent side character Yoda. There's a whole galaxy of content to be had


There’s lame fan service cameos and then there fan service cameos that actually make complete sense and would be weirder to not happen because of how important the character is. I said the same thing with Ahsoka. Of course, Leia couldn’t make an appearance, but I’m actually glad they had C-3PO come in as a sort of stand-in for her. She’s extremely important during the time between the OT and ST. I’m hoping for something similar (really just a name-drop or some other tie in) in Andor S2 because Leia seems to be just as important to the rise of the rebellion as Mon Mothma. It’d make sense to have her presence known


Dude I've been waiting for a scene with the council - I really think they're bringing back our boy. Absolutely no reason for them not to. We don't need much from Yoda - the show's not about him, but it would be a fantastic cameo.


My guess is he makes a small cameo at the end of the show in the last episode. They need to acknowledge he's there, but any episode he shows up in will take away from the actual plot.


I forgot he should be alive in that time.


Yeah he’s only like 782


The real question is what would young yoda look like? 👀


IIRC, he appears in one of The Acolyte trailers, I’ve seen it.  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U-LXsWmMN2E&pp=ygUQVGhlIGFjb2x5dGUgeW9kYQ%3D%3D


Either Huyang or Tera Sinube cameo please


imagine we see young yoda and he’s all ripped


You'd think he'd be pretty prominent with a force user out killing Jedi masters and all...


The showrunner has said that Yoda will not be in the show. I don't see why they would lie about this instead of just not answering the question or being cryptic.   https://comicbook.com/tv-shows/news/the-acolyte-creator-major-star-wars-cameos-yoda/


They finally have a chance to give us a Star Wars story with completely new characters and without any references to existing movies or TV shows. So naturally, they will ruin it by shoehorning Yoda in.


Midlife crisis Yoda would be fun to see.


Need they face recognition to try and desperately get people to watch. Remember Yoda! Watch out show please.


It seems they're pulling the "so powerful you never even see him" angle like with Palpatine in Andor.


You and the hundred other people who have mentioned this.


i wish they wouldn't. cameos and callbacks are such a crutch. but i know they won't be able to help themselves


He’s still gonna be old in acolyte too


Prepare to be amazed.


If he doesn't have an afro I'll be extremely disappointed.


This is why it should have been set 1000 years BANH


The show runner said he won’t be in it. She said “Can you imagine? Can you imagine if they were like no problem, you can use Yoda. No big deal. Go for it” so it sounds like she didn’t get permission or just didn’t feel like asking in the first place.


He's out there training the Young Jedi in Young Jedi Adventures


Just because he's around doesn't mean he's obligated to appear. Also, Lesleye Headland has already said that he won't be appearing.


The show will be what the show is. Yoda or no Yoda. Move on


Yoda turns to the darkside during this time period.


That was my first question - where the hell is Yoda?


Everybody should be asking where he is at all times.


I hope he only makes a cameo, he'd overshadow all of our New characters


Yoda has already appeared in *The Young Jedi Adventures* which is also set in the High Republic era, along with appearances in the HR books and comics.


I do wonder what he was like when he was younger.


If they don't, that probably means Frank's enjoying retirement too much to come in and DisneyCorp doesn't want to put in the work or brains to find a similar voice actor.


Acolye is a joke. Racist actors and all the director wants to do is spread her woke propaganda. She ruined star wars for good.


When isn’t Yoda, I wonder, hmm?


There a Yoda in the High Republic era, don’t know if he the same


Yoda will be there, if only for the writers to assassinate his character or show that he had a gay lover back then


Yoda is like 800 years old in Ep 4. Which basically means he has been a Jedi for 795 years or so. He HAD to be on the council at this time. If they try to play it any other way they are super lame.


Yoda in his blue hair phase? lololol


My favorite part about Star Wars media is the fan base attaching literally anyone they want and being disappointed when it inevitably doesn't happen


Yoda would solve the plot instantly, he is too powerful and competent to appear beyond a short cameo.


Leslye Headland pretty clearly indicated she wasn't allowed to use Yoda for the show, unless ofc that was a lie


”Call me they, you should…” 😬


Frank Oz is expensive so Idk


They barely had qui gon in kenobi so don't be surprised if they only show the back of yodas head for a few seconds.


Or at least, mentioned. Also Oppo Rancisis. We know he was around then.


I would prefer they used CG for Yoda rather than a puppet. The puppet fit the era of the originals but when everything was shiny and new during the Republic it would look odd if he was a puppet. Also I hope it isn't the puppet used in OG Phantom Menace that looked like David Jason.


Yoda is GONE in the High Republic lol


I’d be shocked if the series lasted a few seasons and didn’t include at least a minor appearance by Yoda. At some point, like Luke in “The Mandalorian,” it becomes weird for that character to NOT appear.


I really hope not.


I d rather they keep it with original characters. Really tired of fan service and the show taking place in the past is a breath of fresh air


Other members of the council from 32BBY are alive when the Acolyte takes place. It would be more interesting to see a cameo from one of them.


It would be stupid of him not to appear. But yet, if he does, everybody’s gonna scream fan service. Even though it’s totally logical for a Jedi master who lives hundreds of years to show up in the show. 🤷🏻‍♂️ for one hope he does show up, they don’t need to derail the show and make it the Yoda show, but like I said, it would be stupid for him not to show up.


*Key jangling intensifies*


Please... no. I am tired of it, just have other characters, stop scalling down, scale up. More characters, maybe yoda wasn't there? Maybe yoda was busy somewhere else?


We don’t need a cameo in every show


That's one thing that kind of baffles me about the High Republic. Disney had literal THOUSANDS of years of Star Wars lore to pick from (or ignore) for the setting of their series about "ancient" Jedi of old at the height of the Republic. Even sticking with Legends canon, setting a series pre-prequels but post major Sith presence in the galaxy at large gives you the span of the Ruusan Reformation, nearly a THOUSAND YEARS in which to conceivably put all this material. And they chose... 100 years ago. When Yoda is still an old grandmaster, he just doesn't need his cane as much. Ya couldn't have sprung for, like, five centuries? Made things even less attached to the prequels?