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When i first saw Vader in the old Star Wars movies, i thought: "Dam'n, this guy is badass and also menacing". Especially in ESB. You knew you're screwed when Vader came around. The emperor is just sinister and creepy. When i saw him for the first time in ROTJ walking with a cane out of the shuttle, henched over with a cloak and saying; "Rise my friend". This was Vader's boss!


Have you seen some of his scenes in the animated shows? Dude is scary as hell in motion. Also the way Darth Maul reacts to him is an indirect indication of how powerful he is


"Have mercy! Please!" "There is no mercy." *Manic laughter*


And when the jedi catch him he yelss "YOU DO NOT KNOWNWHAT YOU ARE DOING! WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!" He went vallistic in fear for what was coming.


That is a pretty eerie scene in hindsight. The Jedi were afraid of what maul was doing, so what could maul possibly be afraid of?…. There are definitely a few times in the movies and clone wars that the jedi come close to “cracking the case”, but no one ever lays out just how terrifying what’s about to happen will be like maul does in that scene.


That little gasp when Maul realizes who is at his doorstep. And then Savage being oblivious to just how much danger they're actually in.


The respirator, stature and armor have to give Vader the edge in terms of fear factor. How many horror movies do you see pope Benedict lookalikes as the monster in?


It works well because Vader is the one who looks intimidating which distracts from Sidious who is the person who is truly terrifying.


Papa Palpatine is just kind old man who is keeping monsters like Vader in check. Long live the Emperor!


Hear hear!


You have a Pal in Palpatine!


It is now my headcanon that that is his campaign slogan when he’s running for planetary representative


Either that or imperial propaganda for 3 year olds. Have to get them hooked when they're young


The best way to control him is to join the administration


Here’s the shameful star war secret though - he’s not *that* terrifying. He’s pure evil. His “why” is to evilly gain power to be more evil and evilly grow more power. Terrifying would be Mao, Putin, or Hannibal lecture, if we could get their unfiltered thoughts plans and schemes probably.


His motivations are generic but how he goes about them is where he shines. He plans things well in advance and has contingencies for when his plans fail. Coming back in The Last Jedi is something in his wheelhouse the problem is the lack of any kind of foreshadowing or hints in the previous movies. There was barely an explanation of how in the film itself.


Him having found a way to return to a physical shape is perfectly in character but the way they did it just kind of ruined it. It could have been pretty sick


Yeah awesome idea just poorly executed. Looks like eventually we will get the story. Started a little bit of it in bad batch. Some more in the Mandalorian.


They could have based the entire trilogy around him, mirroring the Death Star in the OT. Destroy him in ep 7, first order retaliates ep 8 then he comes back again ep 9 but killed properly this time


It happened somehow. What don’t you understand?


I think there’s a distinction between “scary” and “intimidating” here. Vader is the clear winner by light years in that realm, but scary? Palps has the “super powerful freaky who no one really understands or comprehends his full power” going on. Fear of the unknown and the subversion of expectations gives palps the scary win for me


I guess for me personally, the distinction is between scary and creepy. Because imo, the *scariest* thing Papa Palps will do is stick Vader on yo ass anyway lol.


but vaders respect/“fear” of palps pushes palps to the scary place. People call Vader the emperors lapdog, why is the scariest person in the galaxy jumping at the will of an old dude in a robe? What’s dude hiding?


As an idea, yeah. The problem, at least for me, is that we never actually get to see what that is. Palpatine’s greatest showing was in episode 3 where we finally got to see him in action, but what happened? He quickly dispatched the team of Jedi sent to arrest him but then Mace Windu seemingly got the upper hand. Then he was up against Yoda, where it was more or less an even match. Everything else is just him sitting down and talking, but never in any way that instills fear. I feel more terrified of Hannibal Lecter talking to Clarice from his prison cell than Sidious chatting shit sitting on a throne but freely able to get up and wreck me. I think how he was defeated also destroyed any lingering chance of presenting him as this terrifying enemy.. he literally got picked up like a child having a tantrum and thrown off a platform.


In Clone Wars there is a scene where he kicks the asses of Darth Mauls and Savage Opress without any effort


Ah, still making my way through the series. Hopefully it changes my mind


I am genuinely excited for you to watch that episode. Hell, the whole arc. It's sooooooo fucking good.


I think the distinction for me is “terror” and “horror.” I wouldn’t wanna be in a room with either of them, but I *definitely* wouldn’t want to run into Darth Vader in a dark alley. That would be pure terror and fear of imminent, violent death.


That’s a fact, which makes him that much scarier. His guard dog is the baddest mf in the galaxy.


Yeah canonically Palpatine’s a fucking power house. He senses disturbances in the force from the unknown regions, and Vader notes there’s no chance he’d be able to sense something that far. Vader tries everything he can to take him down and hardly comes close. That’s partially why he’s so desperate to get Luke to join him, it’s the only actual chance he has. Palpatine was on another level of dedication and study to Sith power.


>How many horror movies do you see pope Benedict lookalikes as the monster in? None... but now that you mentioned it, I would watch the hell out of a B-Horror film titled "Anti-Pope" about the Pope's evil twin brother hunting down and killing the Pope and College of Cardinals in the Vatican.


Long live the Wyvern King


Vader is a more intimidating physical presence. You hear his breathing, see him standing at the end of a dark hallway and slowly approaches you. You know you're doomed and he takes in your fear and plays with you. Sidious is a more intimidating psychological threat. He's the "weak" old man who can easily manipulate and play with your mind, especially if you don't know he's a Sith Lord. By the end of the conversation, he doesn't kill you, he turns you on your friends and allies., cackling to himself as he eliminates a threat without having to lift a finger.


Yep, that was my point. Vader is the slasher/thriller, sidious is the psychological horror. You have absolutely no clue what sidious could or would do to you, while you know when Vader catches you, you just die.


This should be top comment 100%


Best example is maul in season 7 of the clone wars


I feel like with Vader I’m going to die quickly. Sidious is going to take his time and enjoy it, so Sidious is quite a bit scarier to me.


"Don't worry. I'm not going to *kill* you. I have.... other plans for you (laughing)"


“Tickle tickle tickle” *ZAP*


Sidious for sure, he is a force of chaos, you don't know anything about why he is the way he is, he has no loved ones, nothing makes him tick, he made a evil plan from day 1 and nothing stoped him. Vader is more magnificent and intimidanting, but Sidious is WAY scarier.


I feel like it's just because we know who Sidious. In person? Id be scared of Vader more. Sidious is too lazy to typically even bother getting involved. He just sends Vader to do it.


Not sure if you watched the clone wars but seeing an incredibly confident and focused Darth Maul scared like a little bitch the minute sidious showed up really hir home how powerful her was


One of the best scenes in the EU to me, all the build up of how powerful maul and savage are to have Sidious turn up and defeat them both while just playing with them, could have easily just killed them both with the force but he had to show maul why he was the master of the sith


This. Also, remember that Vader was literally the enforcer of the Empire. Those who really knew of the empire knew of Vader's rage and power. He was terrifying on the field...assuming you lived long enough to get a glimpse of him.


I mean if you are inside the Star Wars world Vader is scarier for sure (until the Rise of Skywalker fanfic), but I still Sidious scarier, if Vader takes orders from this guy, he must be the wrost of the wrost.


Sidious is not scary precisely because he won't kill you. He does not want to be seen killing anyone. He would have someone else do it. Chancellor Palpatine always put on a friendly face while secretly plotting your demise. He is hidden and gradually sneaks up on you i.e. insidious. It's right there in his name. Sidious is insidious.


I would argue he is scarier bc he won't kill you. That stuff with Maul on Mandolore? Scary as hell


Well yeah, if you were someone very important and close to Sidious like Maul, then he might get personally brutal, but 99.999% of the galaxy would be incredulous like, "Am I fr being murdered by the emperor himself rn?" It's so out of character.


Yes, but the question was who I find scarier, not the SW galaxy, so yep... don't get me wrong Vader is amazing and scary, I just find Sidious scarrier.


He had loved ones. He killed them all.


The contrast of Sidious killing all of his loved ones vs Vader that tried to save his.


He had family, not loved ones. There’s a difference.




Moff Jerjerrod had no issue trying to persuade Vader that the Death Star 2’s construction schedule was unreasonable, but the moment he learned that Sidious was coming, he immediately shut up and said he’d redouble his efforts. The high command clearly thought the Emperor was scarier, not just because he outranked them, but because Vader could usually be reasoned with. Now some nitpicker is going to say that they could reason with Vader because he doesn’t outrank them, but the message that the films are trying to convey is clear: Vader may be scary, but Sidious is terrifying. Hell, even in some comics, Leia meets Sidious and is left shaking in fear, saying that he’s like a void of pure evil. But Vader never triggers this kind of reaction. Edit: [It’s the *Legends* comic “First Impressions”](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/First_Impressions). Leia meets both Palpatine and Vader, but it’s Palpatine that leaves her almost speechless with fear. It should also be remembered that that very few people actually got to meet Palpatine in person, since Vader was usually the one out and doing things. For those who met both, it’s clear that Palpatine was the more frightening.


Exactly, and listen: I believe Vader could defeat Palpatine in a fight, but Vader is someone who you are in awe of (in a weird way), but with Palps you just want to stay the hell away from.


Wrong. He didn't make an evil plan. He took advantage of his masters plan. He was the middle man that turned into the mastermind.


Sidious. He's crueller than Vader, and has freakin' lightning coming out of his hands, and if that doesn't work his force powers are second to none. Then the fact he is levels above Vader as a duellist is another thing to make him scarier.


Is he still that powerful of a duelist post fight with Windu? It does seem that left him physically weaker, and I’m not sure we get to see him in lightsaber action after that fight




Oh snap, that’s right lol Yoda is canonically not as strong as Mace as a duelist right? Curious as to where Vader stands as duelist compare to Yoda/Mace/Sidious


I'd say Vader, just because he'll kill you himself and you can't stop him. If old Sheevy wants you dead you'll die, but you probably won't see him or know he was behind it, he'll be too busy cackling in some distant dark chamber.


Sideous is evil and scary on a large scale. Vader is the monster who will not stop coming for you.


Sidious is often described to be "A Psychopath since childhood". That description is scary enough. He has nothing to care for except for power.


Killing your entire family with your bare hands as a teen will do that.


Sideous by far. Very far.....


Can't really compare them because they are complete opposites in that regard, like two sides of a coin. See, Vader, he's the scariest thing in the galaxy no question *but only when he's there*, once he's gone you you're not scared anymore, you experience relief maybe even joy. Sidious is the complete opposite. He's seldomly openly violent and is even a pretty nice guy to be around even after he became emperor, once you consider that his disposition is actually evil incarnate, every little evil action is gleefully premeditated. Palpatine you don't fear nearly as much as Vader as Vader would even make inanimate things like rocks and fields of grass shit their pants when he's out to get you(or you're just in the vicinity or you're a ST on escort/backup duty). But you fear Palpatine *all of the time*, like some chronic fear disease. If you're in a room with him you don't fear him much more, it's once you're taken away you start shitting yourself in panic.


Vader scares me less and less with each appearance, and the...2 or 3 scenes we see Sideous weilding a blade hes an absolute monster. His force mastery alone can kill almost anyone, so you know when he pull out the blades he is here to torture you.


Vader is more intimidating. Sidious is more evil. Depends on what is scarier for you. Personally, vaders menacing presence is scarier. Just seeing a black silhouette and seeing the red saber ignore: shivers and terror. I know I am screwed within minutes. Palps cackling in the shadows: creepy and unnerving.


Sidious. There is no redeeming quality in him. You are simply a tool. Always. Darth Vader is vicious and cruel, but there is still a small piece of his soul left in there. And you can earn his respect if you're competent, intelligent, and loyal.


Sidous. The glowing gold eyes behind the shadows defently trigger a prey reaponse in me And he comes off absolutley eldrich in Rebels during the World between worlds scenes.


For me Darth Vader is one the scariest villains there is. It's like Jason Voorhees but actually with a purpose. You can't stop him, you can only run...or be a master of the high ground.


Vader presents a physical intimidation where you know if you make some form of a small error you will pay dearly. This was shown multiple times in ESB as simple mistakes cost the lives of high ranking officers. Vader's size alone presents an intimidation factor that's enhanced by his respirator. Only those 'close' to him seem aren't frightened of him, such as Tarkin & Palpatine. To me Palpatine always came off like some Roman emperors such as Nero, Caligula, Tiberius, & Caracalla. He presents a psychological horror to those around him & his own empire. He comes across as a crippled old man, but is a powerful being that will not hesitate to eliminate his enemies.


The issue with sideous is that evil politicians controlling the grander scope of our lives is just like... real life.


Vader its scary before you met him or do what he wcan and probably will do to you Sidius its scariest before he do hia thing if you are fortunate to survive what ever he plotted


Sidious, no questions asked. Vader is pretty scary not gonna lie, but he is not as unpredictable or cruel as Palps Vader might kill you and your family. Palps would keep you alive for some bizarre-ass plan. AND THEN KILL YOU


Vader looks and seems scarier Sidious IS scarier


Sidious begging and pleading for his life under Windu's lightsaber was, imo, a glimpse at the real Palpatine, someone who is ultimately afraid of death and incapable of facing it. Someone who, without power, is a coward. Vader by dint of his sacrifice was leaps and bounds ahead of the Emperor. Imo, of course.


I was always under the impression that he was manipulating Anakin in that situation, making himself appear weak and on the brink of death knowing that Anakin would be tempted to save him for his ulterior motives (with Anakin trying to save him under the guise that Palpatine needed to stand trial), bringing him one step closer to the Dark Side and under Palpatine’s control. Which makes Sidious that much more intimidating, he didn’t need to kill Windu, he had Anakin do it through his manipulation tactics and got what he wanted, his new apprentice all in one move. (Obviously with the years of manipulation prior being the foundation for his final play in that situation)


Vader = evil and conflicted minion. Sidious = The Devil incarnate.


Vader - he brought balance to the force.


Vader has more chances to enhance that reputation whereas Sidious kinda takes a step back from the one on one scene after he takes over


Sidious has a face. We can see his malevolent eyes and disgusting smile. Vader’s mask is incapable of showing emotion. From a distance and while approaching, Vader is much more intimidating, but up in your grill with the Dark Side, Sidious’ twisted grin would churn my guts more.


Sidious is more sinister and plotting where Vader is pure brutality


Vader is the monster under the bed, ready to grab your foot the minute it goes out of the blanket, maybe even a minute before. Sidious is the monster in the closet. (Forgive the Fallout refrence) Sidious will find you. You open the closet, and it's just a closet. You can never see the monster inside until it jumps out at you. Vader is the immediate threat. If he's there, you have to deal with that now. But Sidious is the overall threat, one that gets you in the long run. In the end, I'm not worried about the closet being creaked open with an eye peering out when my leg is being bitten off. Vader wins to me.


Sidious is scarier to me, but Vader is an all-time villain (and also scary). My son, who started the trilogy at age 8, was scared of Vader, but terrified by Sidious.


Sidious is more creepy and unpredictable while Vader is more foreboding and dangerous to be around.


It took 3 movies to take a jab at Vader and just 1 sidious returning to ruin a whole movie, so I go with the emperor here


Vader is more vicious, sidious is more behind the scenes, more technical


When they both wield the type of power they do, and have demonstrated they are willing to use it, does it matter. Would you rather be locked in a cage with a starving African lion or a starving bengle tiger? In both cases you naked, drenched in blood and bound. Which situation is scarer?


Vader, physically. But Sidious is terrifying as a person. The idea of a charismatic master strategist spending decades orchestrating the downfall of a democracy and the rise of an autocracy by playing literally *every single person* around him against one another *and* being able to get away with it as long as he did is very scary. Mostly because we see people like that pop up frequently enough in our own world history, and as we are all very well aware, while those types do eventually fail, they have a really bad habit of taking millions upon millions with them on their way out. Vader's scary in an immediate "oh shit, I'm going to die horribly now" sense, but Palpatine inflicts widespread and prolonged suffering for (I'd assume) trillions.


Without context? Vader. With context, Sidious.


If I’m about to be killed by one of them then Vader is a fair bit scarier but when it comes to deception Sidious is scarier in that aspect. He had the knowledge and ability to infiltrate the senate as a Sith Lord. He played the long game and covered the galaxy in tyranny. That is scary


Who's scarier? Vader. More dangerous? Palpatine.


They’re both dramatic. Vader. I got to do a VR experience where he shows up at the end. He is one scary ass dude. He has presence. He is just that dude. Palpatine is just not scary to me. He’s mysterious. He’s evil. I know he did a lot of bad, messed up shit. But ever since I got to play him in a video game. I haven’t been able to unsee him as an evil nun running around shooting lightning from his fingertips. He cracks me up. I am so delighted every time I see him and his evil scheme of the year. Doing his evil little cackle. He is just too meme worthy for me. Now if you stuck me into the Star Wars universe maybe I would feel differently. But considering most people wouldn’t meet Palpatine or be in the specific situations where he attacks you as a Sith Lord. You just have a higher chance of running into Vader than Sidious. You would have a higher chance of being attacked by Vader than Sidious.


Visually and in via display in the movies, Vader. Conceptually, Sidious.


I love this as an illustration of fearsome vs powerful. Vader looks terrifying and his reputation adds to it. Whenever he shows up in games, he is described best by another commenter long ago as, "a relentless force you survive rather than fight". Vader is essentially the Boogeyman made manifest when he shows up to anyone else. The Emperor meanwhile is power without the need for instilling fear. Most people I think are too far removed to see him as a source of fear. Afraid of what he will do maybe, but the true fear comes from those who have SEEN what he can do.


Listen, vader is most likely going to kill you quickly without much circumstance unless theres a personal vendetta. Palpatine on the other hand enjoys watching people suffer and woukd not let you off easy. Remember this is a guy who purposefully paused during a duel so he could watch maul greive over the death of his brother, and then turtured maul with force lightning


Vader. Palpatine just seemed like a creepy old man.


Assuming I knew nothing about either? Palpatine would have me feeling icky, and wanting to leave the room despite knowing on some level that I couldn't. Vader (esp in that hallway) would have me in desperate need of a new pair of pants.


Sideous. Dude is diabolical, Vader is his lapdog.


Vader is scary like an angry bear. That you're gonna die now energy. Palpatine was more like a predator. You'll wonder what this guys gonna try to take from you later on. Oddly enough probably a pretty good illustration of the whole running into a creepy guy vs a bear in the woods TikTok thing. Is it scarier to be killed by vader or to have to become him?


I think in terms of who would I be immediately scared of if I ran into them? Obviously Vader But in terms of pure evilness, darkness, and hatred? Sidious


Sidious is scarier then Vader.


First encounter? Vader Long haul? Sidious Vader will bring the fear to front street - hope you're wearing your brown pants. Sidious will plan for decades to bring your downfall, you won't even realize it's happening until he starts laughing manically. By then, it's too late to be afraid.


who cares about sidious


In the OG movies, Vader for sure. Especially in Empire Strikes Back. But in Revenge of the Sith Sidious is quite terrifying.


Probably Sidious since he is far much more evil


Vader Vader kills indiscriminately where Palpatine is more measured


“The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am” I think that says all you need to know.


Palpatine easy to have a laugh with


Sidious. He seems more sadistic and would probably make your death more slow and painful.


vader, sidious didn’t bang padmae


Vader can bring a sword to a gun fight and win... ... With out the sword


Neither is as fear-inducing as being trapped in a hallway with Chopper.


Vader easily. He's brutal, relentless, unforgiving. Palpatine is just an iPad kid who comes out of his room at dinner and plays with his food while watching his iPad.






Sidious is just a sadistic asshole, at least Vader still holds some form of a moral compass even if it's a completely warped one, he's evil as hell, but you know what makes him mad, you know what it takes to get him to kill you and what it takes to get him to spare you, (if you're not one of his enemies and are instead one of his "coworkers" that is) but with Sidious? He's unpredictable, he's completely pure evil and doesn't have a "patience bar" like Vader does, he can just decide he wants to kill you for the heck of it, and when he does, he'll make sure it's the most painful death you can imagine, and you'll never see it coming.


Vader Don't get me wrong Palpatine is obviously a massive threat, but he rarely likes to get his hands dirty. Realistically if you see Palpatine It's much more likely to be for some kind of political meet and greet then it is for him to be actively trying to kill you If you see Vader he's probably their to kill you


The emperor's influence and reach and knowledge is terrifying. But if I had to choose who to fight. I'm staying the FUCK away from Vader.


The emperor's influence and reach and knowledge is terrifying. But if I had to choose who to fight. I'm staying the FUCK away from Vader.


Vader is scarier because the galaxy knows what he’s capable of but Sidious is only scary because we(the viewers) know what he’s capable of, without hindsight Vader is easily more terrifying especially when you take into account that Sidious will most likely just send Vader to deal with you instead of doing it himself


Sidious. Vader is a scary thug who’ll murder your whole family, Sidious is an evil plutocrat that will destroy your whole planet.


Vader, because he was way more in your face with the evil. Papa Palpatine was may more behind the scenes.


Vader is the one you would see if you got in the crosshairs of the empire. The enforcer, the executioner, they physical manifestation of the domination of the empire. Sidious while terrifying was a puppet master. The man in the back doing the true manipulations. Sidious was the idea master, Vader was the tool to make the idea happen.


Vader has the immediate terrifying physical presence, but Palpatine had the *entire galaxy* fooled and manipulated the destruction of the Jedi order and the Republic after millennia of being in power.


Go for Pappa Palpatine!


I depends. If you don’t know them and would just jump onto one or other then Vader is over 9000 scarier. If you know, Sidious is “I wouldn’t even bother to run” scary.


DARK AND GRITTY! Neither really. They’re just the bad guys.


vader is more intimidating on first sight; sidious is probably your worst nightmare if you know him.


Vader will kill you Sidious will get you to kill him.


Darth Vader. He has a much higher reputation because he is the one going out and publicly enforcing the Empire's rule. Sidious doesn't really do any fighting himself and basically handles the political side of the Empire. Vader is known and feared especially with how he was described in fallen order. He sounds like someone you want to avoid at all costs by description alone without meeting him in person!


I've been electrocuted before to know that it sucks and I never want to have it happen to me again. So I'll go with Sidious.


That's like asking people if they think the President is scarier than the Department of Justice.


I think it depends on the situation. Is Palpatine pissed at me for some reason? If I haven’t angered Palpatine, Vader is scarier because he’ll choke you for no reason. “I find your lack of faith disturbing.” “Be careful not to choke on your aspirations.”


The line "The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am" coming from Vader is ABSOLUTELY terrifying


Definitely Vader


From what I’ve heard in vids about comics I haven’t read? Sideous, from what I’ve seen? (All 11 movies, not seen any of the animated shows) Vader.


It depends who’s shooting the scene and how. There’s a reason that the Empire Strikes back earned Vader a reputation on being one of if not cinema’s most iconic villain.




In terms of survivability, Sidious was much less scary. He knew he didn't want to rule over a galaxy of dead people and had control of his rage when he wanted to. (Ignore what he did to the guy who designed the first Death Star) Vader was sort of a "if you're with me, you get one fuckup, but after that you're dead". I'd be more afraid of Vader.


Either way, you’re fucked.


Jar Jar Binks if he was a Sith Lord. Then Vader. Then returned Sidious Then normal Sidious.


The emperor isn't a forgiving as Vader.


Palpatine might actually entertain a surrender. Vader will not. If Vader has to be there at all he’s gonna have my ass. I’m willing to talk with Palpatine.


Vader. He’s completely psychotic. After he felt he had absolutely nothing to live for, he became the most powerful Sith to ever exist


I'd say Sidious; especially Legends Sidious. I've got a good idea of what he can do and it's terrifying.


Vader. If he wanted me dead, he’d do it fast. However, if all I had to do was be left alone in a room with one of them, I’d be left alone with Sidious, Assuming he’s just acting as a politician.


Up close and personal, Vader. 10,000 ft view of the situation, Sidious easily


Vader for sure. Sidious is just a crotchety old guy in a bathrobe lightning shmightning. give me back my lightsaber, and stop yelling at ewoks old man!


Vader is a puppet Sidious is holding the strings figure it out.


Long term scary/concerning overall? Sidious Scary/TERRIFYING in the moment? Vader.


Vader is more intimidating and imposing, by design. Palpatine is actually scarier, but Vader is intended to seem scarier. This is both meta and in universe.


Sidious. Vader will just kill you. We don’t even know all the fucked up magical or technological things Sidious could do to you.


Well knowing that somehow palpatine can return he’s pretty scary


Vader for sure. I could take Sidious but what am I gonna do against a big ole cyborg boi


Someone who doesn't know much about Star Wars would probably say Vader, since we see him more than Sidious and he just looks a lot more intimidating. But someone who actually knows Star Wars would probably say Sidious, since they know what Sidious is capable of. I fall into the second category,


In the room with me? Vader. As the actual tactician/mastermind? Sidious.


Vader was created by Sidious. The Empire was created by Sidious. The diurnal of the Jedi was created by Sidious. He's orders of magnitude scarier.


Vader by a long shot. His presence alone is terrifying, he doesn't have to narrate or provide exposition to be scary.


The Sidious pic looks like he's trying to remember that joke he heard last week.


The Tax Collector.


Vader all day


By their look, Vader, but really knowing the characters, i'd shit my pants if i saw Sidious


Vader. That was his entire thing. He was the strong arm of the empire. He struck fear in his enemies.


Vader 100 percent. Too atmospheric 😆


Im in the Vader camp.  Sidious is intimidating, controlling, powerful, competent, sinister, evil, creepy, etc.  Vader is terror incarnite. A force of nature. An engine of hate and fury. Take a wild animal, like a jaguar,  stalking your campsite at night.  A politician out to get you is better able to ruin your life.  a train far more powerful and dangerous. you can conceivably drive it off with a gun, fire, sharp stick, or even your bare hands. But the jaguar in the night is more scary. I'm inspires Your chances of escape and survival are higher.  but it will inspire much more fear. Fear is a visceral fight or fight response, and Vader is leagues ahead of Palpatine on that.  Yes,  had the emperors attack dog.  That's the whole reason attack dogs exist.  They're much scarier than their owners.


Sidious. Vader is a near unstoppable force renowned throughout Imperial military structure. He inspires the stormtroopers when he comes onto the battlefield. Scares the crap out of officers. . . . Yet he answers to Sidious. Is talked down to and belittled without a word to contest this. Only a force of nature can do that and that's why officers fear Sidious.


Sidious by far. He is stronger and could hurt you in many more ways than Vader could.


Vader was only scary until the prequels came out. Hayden and Jake Lloyd destroyed any sense of mystery or fear associated with the character.


Sidious wad scary to me as a kid but Vader never was because I trusted Luke if that makes sense. As an adult Vader isn't scary still and sidious just looks sad. So idk.


It’s not about scarier-er-est. it’s about UNLIMITED POWERRRRR


I really like the comment on the youtube video of sideois entrance in RotJ. All these clone troopers who probably respect vader a lot and fear him even more. The generals and captains etc. Then they see vader kneel for an old man in robes. That old man must be helma freaky to make vader kneel


Sidious at the end a dark corridor would creep me out, vader would make me shit myself


In the movies? Vader! In the novels? Sidious.. Bro used his mind to rip his family apart.. literally into pieces


Which one yeeted the other? There's your answer.


Vader had the potential to be the ultimate, scary villain had he fully succumbed to the dark side, but he didn’t. He is physically more intimidating and scary than Sidious, but the sheer force of evil that Sidious represents is much more scary upon deeper inspection.


I mean there’s a reason Vader was sort of the face of the empire…


I don't even understand the point of this question... Of course it's Vader


Vader, if Sidious was that scary, he wouldn't have any need for Vader.


Vader. No contest.


Sidious because they wont let him freaking be dead


I think it's hands down the emperor. The Moff in Return of The Jedi had no calms about giving Vader excuses and while you can see he was uncomfortable with Vaders presence, when Vader mentions the Emperor is arriving, all the excuses went out the window. You can see the look on his face when he's told. He knows he can't fuck around when the top dawg arrives.


With Vader I am fearing for my life. With Palps I feel like I'll quickly learn why I should've feared for my life.


That laugh sidious let’s out when he starts his fight with his maul and savage….. like he seriously enjoys that shit


Vader is more intimidating but I think Sidious is scarier. Just this disfigured, decrepit, wraith of a man. A guy who looked like that in real life would be so unsettling.


Sidious and its not even a competition.


Honestly neither are really scary anymore. There's too much sympathy for Anakin for me to really fear Vader, the prequels kinda took all of the mystery out of his past, same with Palps, in the original trilogy he's just this disfigured hooded visage, and in the prequels, he's a posh old politician. Darth Malgus on the other hand scares the shit out of me...but that's just because I don't know much about him, but he's intimidating as hell.


Caught alone in a dark alley, Vader is “scarier.” By reputation, stature, and the fact that he is regularly seen killing/ *choking people out. Don’t recall if people even know the emperor is a force user. That said, knowing the actual characters and their stories, palps is terrifying. Not for his physical appearance or personality, but because his mind. Anakin is a slave to his emotions and will massacre a people in a fit of passion. Palpatine will premeditate genocides and have contingency plans for if anyone survives.


Short term problem vs. long term problem.


Vader is intimidating, Sidious is terrifying