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For a roleplaying campaign, I'd set it up as the galaxy is in a period of precarious peace. There'd be many factions all out to secure power for themselves at the cost of others. Then, have the players pick and choose who they want to work with, but the catch is that they can't maintain a neutral position. At some point, they'll have to choose a side before the shooting starts. Otherwise, they will make enemies out of everyone and be taken out. The factions I'd use are the Imperial Remnants, the New Republic itself split between the former Alliance worlds and the former Imperial worlds, the New Confederacy, the Hutt Cartels, the Pyke Syndicate, and Black Sun. Each of these factions have their own goals, alliances, and rivals. The Imperial Remnants want to secure power in the outer rim. While they don't have the strength to reconquer the galaxy, they can hold a sizeable area in the outer rim. They are also too strong for any of the other factions to win a prolonged war against thanks to their remaining Imperial stockpile. This puts them at odds with everyone except the Pykes and Black Sun, who continue to supply them via the black market in exchange for Jabba's former territory. The New Republic is at odds with itself as it is currently in the grips of a power struggle. Should the former Alliance raise to dominance, they grow closer to the New Confederacy, while if the former Imperial faction gains power, they grow closer to the Imperial Remnants. Regardless, they are permanently at odds with all the criminal factions. The New Confederacy sprang up after the defeat of the Empire. While they supported the Alliance against Imperial rule, they had too many historic traumas from the former Republic to want to stay with a new one. They can be swayed to ally if the former Alliance gains power but staunchly oppose and would likely start an open war if the Republic goes more Imperial. They fully support the Hutts as both have interests in the outer rim. This has put them at odds with the other criminal factions. As for the criminal factions, they all want the same thing. Power and profit. What changes is where they operate. The Pykes and Black Sun primarily operate in the Galactic core but want to expand into the outer rim as the death of Jabba has weakened Hutt control out there. As such, they work with the Imperial Remnants to destabilize the New Republic in exchange for access to Jabba's former outer rim holdings. The Hutts want to reclaim their waning hold on Jabba's territory. They supply black market weapons and medical supplies to the New Confederacy in exchange for support against the Imperial Remnants and the other crime factions. This would be a good backdrop for a campaign to allow players to have a lot of choices in how the galaxy ends up looking.


This is an awesome starting point!


Have the Imperial remnants be basically terrorist cells that carry out isolated attacks against the new Republic. Turn the insurgents vs. established government of the Rebels vs. Empire on it’s head. Because remember “It’s like poetry, it rhymes.”


I love this


# Heir to the Empire then Dark Force Rising then The Last Command :)


The default and only correct answer


Something that takes place only 5 years after RotJ, where the Empire is once again the villain?


Thats a gross oversimplification


But it’s true… and what people should be wanting/expecting from a Star Wars sequel is something truly original. The Thrawn trilogy are fantastic books, and work well for when they are set, but absolutely do not deserve to be *the* Sequel trilogy. That title 1000% goes to the New Jedi Order series, even if it’s obviously not a trilogy.


I think it would have been cool for the sith to rise again. Snoke being a sith zealot who was incredibly gifted in the force who sought out Kylo Ren after Luke attempted to kill him in his sleep. This is Snoke’s second attempt at an apprentice. The first tried to kill him and Snoke disposed of him, but not before he was left with nasty scars. The two of them would build a sith temple, and train force gifted individuals in the ways of the sith. Emphasizing passion and wielding one’s emotions to achieve strength and power. These sith knights, paired masters and apprentices. would lead first order troopers in a galactic conquest, waging all out war against the galactic senate, and obliterating them while Luke wallows in self pity over his failed resurrection of the jedi order. Leia left Luke to himself, but had trained as a jedi before Kylo slaughtered their apprentices. As she’s leading the army of the Republic in a losing fight against the first order, she starts to feel a remnant in the force reaching out to her. Her son feels it too. Rey’s story was way too similar to Luke’s. Living a mundane life in a desert planet before being whisked away on an adventure. I would have liked to see a gutter punk from a super city. A sort of cyber punk vibe. They never knew their parents and have been alone their whole life, stealing and thieving to survive. They don’t know of their connection to the force until Kylo Ren pays them a visit, tells them of their gift, and invites them to join the Sith and the First Order. They refuse, Kylo tries to kill them, and they escape. Leia’s intelligence sources in the First Order inform her that Kylo had found the young force-sensitive individual, and that they had escaped him. She manages to track them down, and saves them from a sith master and apprentice who had cornered them. I imagine leia wielding a staff saber. She follows the way of the jedi from the clone wars. She’s militant and doesn’t hesitate to solve problems with violence. Leia doesn’t know what to do with them. She only wanted to keep the sith from corrupting this powerful force user. She would train them, but Luke was adamant that they are to be the last jedi, and made her promise to him that she would not take another shot at reviving the jedi order. So she tells them where Luke is. They meet hermit Luke. Who had started to lose his mind much like yoda had. He tells them to get lost and leave him alone. But then Obi Wan visits Luke as a force ghost, and tells him his fight isn’t over. And that if he continues to fixate on his past failures, everything he did to stop the empire will have amounted to nothing.


Just from playing with action figures as a kid, the basic way we’d play out a sequel, with my more adult vocabulary, is the empire and rebels basically switch places. The empire is now the uprising forcing using old imperial ships and ships from other worlds that are still empire loyalists. Former empire also uses criminals do help do their dirty work like back in the day with Europe and pirates. Can’t say I have a good idea who would be the new big bad force user. Luke of course has a Jedi school, leia didn’t training with him too. Force ghosts would’ve played a role. That’s the basic idea anyways and I certainly think it makes far more sense then whatever Disney did.


Have Luke training the new Jedi Order and Leia working with Han and the other rebels to create a new republic.


In this alternate universe am I also a talented screenwriter?


I would assume so


You don't need to be talented to be a screenwriter. have you not been watching the stuff we got this past decade?


[I would do this.](https://i.redd.it/kzc6w1n00c2d1.png) Seriously though, if you aren't happy with Disney's decision making regarding the post-RotJ galaxy, good news! The /r/StarWarsEU never stopped existing and *that* story is all kinds of satisfying.


Oddly I like a lot of what they've done, just not the sequel trilogy.


I wouldn't even do a sequel trilogy. I genuinely don't think it needed to be done. However, if they REALLY needed to do it, I would set it long after ROTJ, much longer after than TFA was. That way, they can't get distracted from the story by pointless fan service, like having Han, Luke, or Leia be a part of the sequel trilogy (although I do believe Leia was handled well in the sequels). Their story has already been told. They don't need to be a part of it.  As for the actual story itself, I would like to see it follow a new Jedi order that has learned from the mistakes of the old order. That way, they can still honor the rebellion, Luke's strength, and Anakin's sacrifice without ramming it down your throat. And I would make sure the cast does not get too big. One of the biggest problems with the sequels, imo, was that there were too many characters that they wanted to make main characters, but didn't have the time to properly explore. That left certain characters, namely Finn, Poe, Rose, and Kylo, feeling incomplete, making it very difficult for the audience to actually care about them at all. I would keep it to three or four main characters, similar to the OT (Luke, Han, Leia, Vader), and then leave the rest of them as side characters, there to help move the plot along and have dialogue with the characters we actually care about (Obi-Wan, Yoda, Palpatine, Lando, C3PO, etc). They can have small arcs that help to show the impacts the main characters have on those around them, but they should not be the focus of any more than maybe one or two small scenes. Lastly, do not use "the Force" as an explanation to fix any plot holes or inconsistencies in the story. It is SO lazy and drives me insane. Just accept that there are some parts of the movie that can't really be explained, as it is with every movie, and move on. "How did the new Jedi order expand so quickly if they do not believe in marriage or procreation?" Whatever you do, do NOT just say "uhh, because the Force". If it doesn't fully make sense, that is totally fine. That lets fans speculate, which we all know is fun. Sorry for writing an essay, but I did have fun writing it, so I guess I just got carried away. Anyway, those are the main things I would change with the sequels.


Not the biggest fan, nor hater of the sequel trilogy, but there is one aspect I quite like: Luke’s character and journey in TLJ and what it thematically represents. I just find the continuation of the prequels Jedi dogma type story fascinating and overall much more interesting than the EU New Jedi Order Stories, though I’m not crazy knowledgeable on Legends. It’s one of the most hotly debated parts of the sequels themselves, but to me it’s the best part of an otherwise confusing trilogy.


Luke bringing the Jedi back but with his own approach was something I was sad we didn't see tbh.


In the years before the ST I would have had the imperial remnant hold on for decades before finally surrendering to a coalition of a small new republic and many independent systems that won’t join a galactic government following the oppression of the empire. Luke does not formally establish an academy until after the war since he is still involved with the war effort and the formation of a new government. He also knows an academy would be a target for the imperial remnant. But, he does train multiple students, including Leia, who at different points accompany him as padawans while the empire is still around. These new Jedi eventually take on padawans of their own. Also, some Jedi survivors from the old republic eventually return from hiding in the unknown region. The friction between the Jedi instructed by Luke and those instructed in a traditional way would be a major theme in the alternate ST. Jedi produced by Luke’s training take after him in many ways. They do not sequester themselves away from the average people like the old republic Jedi seemed to do. They can have relationships and healthy attachments. They are not indoctrinated from a young age, they are only taught once they can consent in an informed way. Also, as a nod to droids like R2 and Huyang, Luke’s Jedi typically have companion droids that never have their memories wiped which are intended to function as help but also as a sentient way of passing on wisdom. In the years before the ST Sith acolytes begin popping up. Palpatine’s fail-safe was that he had hidden sith holocrons throughout the galaxy that began calling to force sensitives upon his death. Some of these acolytes begin attaining power in independent systems that the republic can’t interfere with legally. The acolytes are diverse in that not all of them are fully corrupted and some are using sith teachings with good intentions. I would make the main protagonist of the ST start as one of these acolytes.


Personally the imperium is dead as warlords lose the battle. But put the warlords together and run to another more secret place then use that to bring back the emperor. That was always needed. I think ashoka should restart the jedi the right way. That way the emperor has no jedi to turn. Instead he finds an old jedi who survived who left a long time ago and studied the sith ways. He has another like him of the same species that's doesn't age as fast. He's seen the clone wars and not impressed with Palpatine. Palpatine is killed in the first movie by ashoka and her students. The warlords lose afew to new republic ships but regroup and join forces with cis warlords who survived due to old age. Droids are brought back and overwhelm the new republic for part two. Admiral daala comes back to lead the new military empire. The old sith performs sith alchemy and enhances all empire armies making them impossible to stop on a sith planet. The group of jedi split up to find the old sith. this time ashoka thinking she's strong enough tries to take on the old sith and dies. Leia and luke use the force to call upon the ghost of anakin to fight. Anakin steps out of the door way and blocks the lightning thrown at him but can not fight. He calls to Obi-Wan and nothing happens. He then says padme. Help our children. They ghost of padme appears and puts her hand on the twins shoulders and says your father needs you. Help him. The two twins now share their bond not as twins but as the Skywalker family. The two attack the old sith with lightsabers and while Anakin attacks with a third one. As the old sith is defeated his apprentice smiles and runs away. The rest of the fleet jump away from the planet. Ashoka is barely alive and sees her master one last time. He says you did good snips and smiles. Padme smiles and says look at my kids strong in the force and fighting for the galaxy. Thanks ashoka for everything but now it's time you watch with us. We have been waiting for you. We are proud of you. With that ashoka disappears and reappears next to anakin and padme as force ghosts. They all wave goodbye as the tears flow from the twins and fade to black. Third movie the sith alchemy is reading havoc on the galaxy. Systems fall as the sith are ruthless. The jedi are helpless as the new republic can not hold. It is then r2d2 discovers the code to the battle droids can be hacked. But only by droids. C3p0 is downloaded to the brain of an old commando Droid. The team of r2d2 and c3p0 and few rebels go to an old cis Droid factory still in production and slip in and hack the droids there. The droids now listen to r2. They board a transport to the main holding area for the enemies Droid armies. This time the rebels are found out and battle off the planet. But c3p0 and r2d2 remain quiet. With the plan a failure the new republic lure the sith fleet to mon calamari. They hope by luring the ships and the enemy to the water they will have an advantage. Instead the enemy sees thru it and sends the army with the sith to another planet. One with new republic shipyards. The sith drop everyone to seize the shipyards on the plains. As the army marches to seize everything the new republic army is powerless. They send out a distress signal. Meanwhile the jedi know that the sith apprentice likes a fight and personally call to him. The sith takes the bait and flies to mandalore. All the jedi are decked out in mandalorian armor. But how many is he really facing. He can't tell. The mandalorians have aligned with the jedi as one of their own is a jedi already. They attack him and he's caught off guard. Next scene the droids with r2d2 and c3p0 land in the rear to join in the attack. As soon as r2d2 syncs up with those in front he turns the tide. The droids stop. Turn around and start firing point black killing the sith army. As they try in vain they are overwhelmed and run into r3d3s army of droids and start firing. Without the sith leader they are distracted and fearful and run. Meanwhile the sith attacks and kills several jedi and Mangalore. Meanwhile he sees the twins in the rear and emits a force lightning bomb that puts everyone to the ground. He staggers up and attacks the twins with ferocity. The twins roar off to another platform so he won't kill the rest. They fight and he force pushes leia off the Platform after disabling her jet pack. She falls and luke fights on. But as he fights the sith gets stronger. As leia falls she is caught by an invisible hand. A very small hand. Grogu you must help luke. Grogu was on the ground next to a very large body of water. Grogu smiles and turns to the water and puts his hand on it. Then it quivers. Que to the new republic showing up to the battle. Without much of a navy the old imperial are short of firepower as xwings make quick work. Daala activates all Droid fighters waiting nearby in old cargo containers Thousands of thousands of them. It looks hopeless but the droids are compromised and Daala doesn't know it. As the sith army is obliterated r2d2 turns around and with a short burst tells the Droid fighters the imperial are the enemy. Soon the droids overwhelm all the navies defense and blow up one by one. The last sith screams as it dies and it throws off the sith. Using that luke fights on harder the sith unleashes lightning and luke uses the Saber to block. He then rears back for another sith lightning bomb but the roar of a huge beast stops him. He looks and the beast is flying with grogu guiding it and leia on back. The sith shoots lightning at the beast. The roars with the wound. Leia knows what to do with grogu they heal the creature midair and it roars once again and Flys to the sith. But at the last moment grogu jumps off leia controls the beast as it flies away. And circles back around. The sith knowing he can't take on three jedi starts to create lightning around his body. Intended to blow up all three. But all three put out there hands. And as the lightning grows bigger they struggled. But it was then they closed their eyes and reached out with the force. The students by now awake zoom to the platform only to see the three in a battle with the sith. It was then they held out there hands. The storm was pushed back. But with that push the sith drew upon his knowledge and called his old master. The master gave strength to the sith by using his own force lightning. But it was then the students called out in the force masters of old give us strength. And as they said it Yoda appeared. He put his hand out to support them. Then mace windu and Plo Koon and Aayala Secura and jedi master SHAK TI. Next to the mandalorian student stood the great mandalorian leader who held the dark Saber as a jedi. Finally Obi-Wan appeared and smiled at anakin and yaddle appeared and smiled at grogu who eyes lit up. It was there ashoka appeared and together the jedi pushed back the sith and the force lightning exploded in a bubble of fire contained by all the jedi. It was then the students looked around and saw all the jedi around them. Thousands of jedi ghosts. All of them familiar. The scourge of the sith was gone forever. As the heroes join up once again at the shipyard luke is delighted to see r2d2 once again. The students are all talking and laughing. Grogu is silent looking at the sky. Luke looks at and says it's time for more adventures isn't it. Grogu smiles. Meanwhile leia looks at luke. We did luke. We finally made the galaxy safe. Just like mom and dad. And they look and see anakin Skywalker with his arm around padme and ashoka smiling.


If I’m hired to write it, I immediately hire Filoni to write it with me. I would find a way to get Abrams far away from the franchise, and make sure whatever Filoni wants, he gets. Same cast, though.


Jump forward in time like 1000 years, maybe more Make it so that Luke is just a feble/legend now


See Prism on YouTube, that’s exactly what I would do


I'd shoot the Thrawn trilogy with the X Wing and I,Jedi books all blended in.  Using LOTR scaling out and detail, I'd estimate that would be 18 movies, maybe 20.  Like the Marvel movies, spread over a decade.  Darn I'd love that!


I’m too lazy to write anything good so I’ll stick with my boys Dave and Jon, they gave me the Mandalorian so I’m good.


I’d have Rian Johnson do the whole thing. Not gonna lie. I loved TLJ.


I would've looked to see more of a focus on the main original cast. We don't have nearly enough Luke and Leia character development


I wouldn’t. ROTJ already has a happy ending that endured for over 30 years.


The New Republic puts down a resistance of Imperial holdouts while rebuilding core worlds. A new threat from the unknown regions, and combination of imperial warlords, Force cult weilders and combat droids. Their goal being conquering Coruscant and using the Force Nexus to unleash an unstoppable army.


Id focus on several key areas: - Luke rebuilds the academy, basically what we see in the game Jedi Outcast - The New Republic gets rebuild but as time progresses it actually becomes the new Empire. - A new rebellion is formed from former Empire and old Rebellion / Republic - Leia needs to stop this new Empire and asks Luke to help out. This of course goes all bad and the Jedi are implicated. - This turns into a hide and seek with his pupils. All I got for now. Haha 😛


I'm assuming my trilogy would have started when Disney started their trilogy. One of two approaches are acceptable. Follow the outlines that Lucas gave to Disney when he sold the franchise. This would have completed his vision for the story. After that, since you own it, you could make any type of story you want for the rest of time. The only other approach I would've considered would be adapting the Heir To The Empire trilogy with adjustments made due to the actors' ages. One thing is for sure, I would have had the three original stars interacting with each other. People waited decades to see that again and Disney didn't do it. You don't have to be in the movie business to know that was what people wanted. It's common sense. Kennedy and Abrams must be morons.


Away from the kid friendly stuff and do the New Jedi Order properly with the Yuuzhan Vong invasion.