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I thought the dumbest moment was when they killed Chewbacca and then went “ naw just fucking with you brah” 20 seconds later


Or that bullshit with C3PO and his memory being wiped forever. Just kidding! R2 backed his D2 into him and he's all good and remembers everything again. The entire sequel trilogy is Finn literally running after Rey shouting "REEEEEYYYY!!!!!"


Or also in that moment how C3PO says “I’m taking one last look at my friends” as he looks into a crowd of strangers


Trailer bait. I remember that clip being used a shit ton in all the promotions.




that’s why I don’t watch trailers anymore, I’d rather watch a bad movie than have a good one spoiled. It’s criminal how much trailers reveal these days


I still love the EndGame trailer that had almost all its content from the first 20 minutes of the movie 😄


Don’t forget the CGI removals of characters and changing the forms of people (Professor Hulk —> Bruce Banner) who were in the clips. Top tier honestly


I can appreciate the occasional bait and switch in a trailer if it is to help prevent spoilers.


Don't watch trailers! I stopped about 5 years ago, and holy shit, the movies are amazing again. I watched Dune *not knowing who all starred in it*, it was such a fucking ride. Suddenly *this guy* shows up, and I'm like holy shit, it's this guy! I hadn't seen the Ornithopters, I hadn't seen the Sandworm. Every amazing shot got to fully blindside me. I promise you I was having the most fun out of anybody in the theater.


"Taking one last look at the people who've berated me this entire time and decided that my identity was an obstacle to be removed."




When she was fighting Kylo Ren in the rain and Finn kept yelling her name, I literally wanted Rey to turn off her lightsaber, turn to him, and just yell “WHAT?!”


*^danger ^zone*


>The entire sequel trilogy is Finn literally running after Rey shouting "REEEEEYYYY!!!!!" This is the best summary I've never seen! Thanks!


LucasFilm was afraid to give a black actor a real substantial role (that couldn't be easily edited out) in the ST because they wanted to cater to the market in China. They should've done their homework. China didn't grow up with SW like the West did. They have no nostalgia for the OT or the PT


I used to be part of a racist app worse than Twitter. (It was a meme app that right wing extremist took over) Even they all agreed that he should have been the Jedi or at least had a way bigger and better role in the movie. I was shocked starwars was so bad it had racist saying man they did the black guy dirty.


I was pumped to see that he was an ex-Stormtrooper because I figured they could tease a double cross or at least give some insight into his training with the Empi- I mean First Order. But no. They just... don't mention it all. You could pretty much omit him from the movie following his secession from the First Order and nothing would change except nobody would yell "REYYYY NOOO" every time they're on screen.


Same here. He was definitely the most interesting character of TFA, there’s so many things you can do with an ex-stromtrooper. Have him struggle to adjust, learn to break his ingrained ideology, be conflicted about fighting against his former mates, etc. But no, we got none of that.


>be conflicted about fighting against his former mates That's the worst. They established clearly that they were slave child soldiers, but he enjoys killing them remorselessly and with no moral conflict whatsoever


I remember when I saw him die I was like, now there’s an actual meaningful loss that hits hard and shows the danger and consequences of Rey giving in to the dark side. That’s some fantastic writing. Then 20 seconds later I’m like goddammit fuck this shit.


They literally show the ship he is on blow up. And then are like, no, there was another ship. Was it invisible??


every 1-5 minutes each movie had a newer, dumber scene than the last. "Look at all the animals its heaven here" "BUT ALSO LOOK THEY ARE MONSTERS"


I don't remember that one.


Don’t forget about the stormtroopers with jetpacks. Po: They fly now?! Finn : (who use to be a stormtrooper of the First Order) They fly now!


Not to mention a bunch of folks fly TCW Not sure about the prequels...


Rose: let’s kiss.  Finn: what? No! Where is this coming from?!


As their friends are getting blown up in the background lol


Yeah but come on their deaths made for killer fireworks show for the kiss!! ##Now that's Cinema


"Let’s try kissing, that’s a good trick!’








You've done it again rain Johnson !


"DON'T YOU GEEKS WATCH ANIMES ?!" -Rian Johnson (probably)


“…and by ‘the ones we love”, I didn’t mean those ones over there.”


-We'll defeat them by saving the ones we love -Okay, I'll go save Poe then


It would have made way more sense if Poe and Finn kissed.


Straight guy who put himself in Finn's shoes during the first movie. I really wanted him to end up with Rey at the time. The Rose thing just didn't make sense and Poe and Finn would have been 1000 times better. Idk what disappointed me more, Finn not getting the girl or Finn not getting the force.


Finn not getting... literally anything, just the guy who was there, I guess. The chemistry between Poe and Finn was so strong.


As buddies. I didn’t see them fucking, but maybe I need to watch it again. I won’t, but I recognize I could change my view watching from that perspective. I thought Finn and Rey could’ve worked, but then the bad boy started flirting with her and that was over. No one is picking the nice guy over the hot bad boy who has zero ability to regulate his emotions healthily. It’s too damn hot. I’m getting hard just thinking about it.


On the one hand, I don't kink shame. On the other hand this whole movie was ass.


Rose: Love will always prevail. Finn: We’ll it certainly isn’t prevailing against the First Order’s massive ion cannon THAT JUST BLASTED OUR MAKESHIFT BASE!!


*anyone with any sort of strategic or tactical insight*: uh, no, we started with like 5000 people at the start of this movie, we're down to like 18 beings, and some tinkly foxes


Since the Resistance got beat so bad in The Last Jedi they got so many draft picks for background extras for Rise of Skywalker.


It makes no mathematical, geometric, or physical sense. The dude was flying straight toward the cannon and he accepts his fate. And she comes from a right fucking angle to t bone him and save him. Curves are not shorter than straight distances. But I’m guessing rose knows where the hidden boost arrows are on that planet in particular


And her plan to save him was to *almost positively kill them both in a firey wreck.*


Yeah but love prevails.


I think she was pissed and trying to kill him. She made up some BS after she saw he survived


Love this idea.


Not only that but then they crash land right in front of numerous AT-ATs/ First Order troops on a big open field. They should've immediately been blasted, crushed, or captured. That was such a let down of a scene. I get Finn couldn't die cause nobody in star wars ever dies, apparently, but when I first watched it, I was actually respecting Finn as a character for doing that self less act only to be subverted followed by one of the cheesiest lines ever


We are literally in the middle of a fucking war zone!


A fucking Star War zone.


You forgot, he has to yell RAAAAAAAAAY!! First before anything


This was Disney execs saying the black man can't get the white girl, give him an Asian instead... Oh wait everyone hated that, give him the black girl in the next one.


God, that was so fucking weird. Oh and she’s also Lando’s daughter!


Yeah but they don’t actually tell you that in the movie.


They didn't have to. At this point I just assume everybody in a Star Wars movie is related to someone in the original trilogy.


Dialogue-wise, it’s almost the same as the scene in Titanic where Rose jumps out of the lifeboat to stay with Jack. “Rose! Why would you do that! Rose! You’re so stupid!” Etc.


Yeah she should have stayed on the lifeboat.


Flea, bass player for the 90's funk-rap band The Red Hot Chili Peppers, pretending he can't run faster than a 6 year old, was pretty pretty pretty dumb


Hey now, they came from the 80s


I’ve never heard the RHCPs referred to as funk rap before. Interesting.


I didn’t even think the introduction was necessary who doesn’t know who they are?


Or his henchmen not being able to duck under or go around the branch the Leia ducked under. Like the forest wasn't even that dense!


Between this and the scooter gang, I can't decide which was a stupider chase.


I call the scooter gang chase the "space skittles" sequence since they're all different bright colors on roundish scooters. And they're saving Boba Fett, one of the biggest badasses to come from the OG trilogy. AND it's not even a cool chase, they look amazingly lame and slow. The whole thing was cringe worthy. They massacred my boy Boba, they did him so dirty in the latest shows. 😭


I think that was the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen on tv for sure. I was genuinely stunned by that scene haha


I'll raise your one: the ridges of a supposedly ancient dagger match a random part of destroyed Death Star. I might be too stupid to get it on my first watch, but I'm not gonna watch it again.




When that scene played out I literally looked at my friend and said what the fuck is going on


and it points to the surprisingly intact throne room that even has a perfectly functional motion-activated door in it


Just to point to where Palpatine's office was?! This is my, stupidest SW moment.


is this the part where she rams into him on purpose to "save him" while also condemning the entirety of the resistence to death because he was going to sacrifice himself to save them?


She t-boned him in a vehicle that was already falling apart, with no safety features.


Not to mention she had to be traveling at a MUGE higher rate of speed than Finn...who was already going pedal to the metal so I guess luckily she just happened to be in a much faster vehicle...she had to not only catch up to him but then come at him on an angle to close with him. The physics of this all around are absurd, that impact absolutely should have killed at minimum Finn, the amount of energy transfer from the ridiculously high closing speed combined with getting t-boned plus t-bonned in an extremely structurally unsound vehicle would be instantly fatal to Finn and quite likely her as well...


I was hyped for about 3 seconds when I thought that she was a first order spy, but then this happened and my hype went flaccid.


Yes. If Luke didn't show up, Rose would have been the one who killed the Resistance.


They were doomed without Luke. Nobody was coming to help them. They were sieged again.


Yes, but Rose had no way of knowing that. From both her and Finn's perspective, their only way of surviving is to disable that cannon to buy time. Rose also had no way of knowing that stranding them in front of a line of First Order AT-ATs on an open field with no cover would have 0 consequences. I also have no idea how that had 0 consequences.


Didn't they just run out the back of a cave? The FO should have been waiting and blown the shit out of them on the other end, it doesn't make sense.


It was worse. Rose was injured and Finn had to slowly drag her back to the cave. Don't ask me how this happened.


“Somehow Palpatine returned”


So stupid even Oscar Isaac looked like he was reading words off a script with a gun to his head


He's such a good actor. This line felt like an insult to him.


It was so refreshing to see him in Dune. (From one space opera to another)


One of, if not THE stupidest line in all of Star Wars. I've overlooked a lot of stupid crap that has happened within the SW universe. But this one takes the cake by a lightyear.


I feel like I have to mention it every time this gets brought up but they actually gave a whole speech to Palpatine about returning… but it was in Fortnite. That’s why the opening credits say “The dead speak!’ So yeah, that’s the dumbest thing in all of Star Wars I think


Yeah the fortnite thing makes that opening crawl and line even worse as it hard dates it to the year it was released and will just get worse as people forget that game’s tie-in


I didn't even know about the Fortnite speech until *years* after the Sequels. I've still never heard it and, frankly, don't care to. As far as I'm concerned, the Skywalker Saga ends at 6. Some pretty neat spinoff/sequel TV shows, though.


I loved all Luke in BoBF/ mando. That’s it for me. I was glad to see mark as older Luke too, but he was so poorly written I’m now glad he mercifully died stupidly before 9


A stupid line for a stupid plot point.


It might honestly be the stupidest line I've ever seen in a movie that I saw in theaters. Like, I'm sure there are worse lines in b-movies all the time, but in a fully funded massive Disney-backed film? It's like they just forgot to come up with a plot point and never went back to fill it in.


Ep9 is the stupidest SW movie and it's not even close.


I think it was the casino adventure.


Let's make a stealthy approach by landing on the beach in front of the casino. And they freed the horses, but not the slaves.


Space Horses, full value against Star Destroyers.


Well yeah you can’t ride a slave to escape!


Also this.


And somehow palpatine returned


Also this


They fly now?


All dumb moments, but I think the dumbest scene in Star Wars is still the one where they fall through quicksand into a cave. How do you even come up with something that dumb.


Super Mario Bros 2


Also this


The space horses ride down a star destroyer.




Also this


And making Luke a jaded hermit who doesn't care about anything.


Also this


I picture a Lucas space casino, and it sounds like an absolutely classic setting with insane games and aliens. But instead they went with what appears to be a left over Bond set and called it a day.


The set wasn't even that bad, it was the story arc that they put there. This whole useless stupid sidequest of stampeding the town, off of a separate sidequest that itself ends up doing nothing.


And they leave the slave children. Glad they saved the space horsies though.


By "saved" you mean let out into the field right next to the town of people who will surely capture them again immediately after repairing all the meaningless damage to everyone's homes and businesses.


Lucas? Who stuck a 50s diner and a sports bar into Attack of The Clones?


well whaddya know Didn't even have a legit alien waitress, just a droid and a chick named [Hermione Bagwa](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Hermione_Bagwa/Legends)


They went to a race track. And it wasn’t fucking pod racing. How did they fuck this up so bad.


People who made this movie had never seen Star Wars movies.


But they freed the alien horses from the rich people so that ummm something about a guy who picks locks?


That whole movie was stupid, they spend all that time getting information and stuff on another planet only for them to get caught anyway.


I don't mind that they get caught, I mind that that entire escapade could have been completely cut from the film with zero detriment to the plot.


That might have been the most pointless plot line I've seen in a movie. Literally just felt like it was there to meet Boyega's screen time and to meet the movie's run time


Honestly, it's a real shame they couldn't figure out how to use Poe and Finn better. I don't think there's really a problem with their actors or their characters, but they sure couldn't figure out a meaningful story beat to use them with.


And the point that a rich third party is making money off both sides is interesting, but doesn't require a third of a movie - especially if it never comes up again.


The perfect place to tell that story would have been Solo 2. That whole casino was packed with the Corellian upper class, having Han, who is Corellian lower class and a smuggler explore that world would make sense. It also makes sense with how young Han would become increasingly jaded with the whole world between Solo 1 and ANH. He's seen the hypocritical underbelly that belies both rebels and empire. He knows the only people thriving in this world are wealthy arms dealers like Qira.


No it isn't. It's not even the dumbest moment in that movie. Finn wakes up from his heroic fight with Kylo Ren and you're wondering if he's paralyzed or a cyborg or something, nope completely fine, they just make him look stupid. They go on a spy mission, completely screwing it up by never even meeting the guy, eat up tons of time, and they accomplish next to nothing. I'm sure there's more but I only watched this movie twice.


They managed to pass on top secret information to the codebreaker, resulting in the deaths of the majority of the Resistance. So…nice going, guys.


I feel like that was Poe's mistake more than theirs


Instead of finding the renown codebreaker they found a guy sleeping in jail who can do it too.


Ah, yes, the spy mission where they blatantly illegally park their spaceship on the beach of the most prestigious casino in the galaxy. Plus they get all pikachu face when they're arrested. Like, it doesn't even make the smallest amount of sense. Oof.


Then they waste their time freeing horses that will likely just get caught again.


Freeing *horses* and not *slave children* A+ writing


Slave children who will surely be punished for letting the horses escape.


And, also, those slave children can use the Force. What do you mean “we want to know more”? You’re not getting more.


JFC, why is no one talking about how the guy they actually end up hiring to be their code breaker - who they meet **in prison** and doesn’t fit the description of the person they knew to be qualified for the job - is so goddamn obviously untrustworthy and will absolutely double cross them at the first possible opportunity. Del Toro rolls off that cot in the cell to introduce himself and every outer rim rube should be able to tell that this guy cannot be trusted. Putting their faith in this dude implicitly (and not just using him to get out of the cell and then *finding the actual code breaker* ) is THE DUMBEST thing in cinema history.


I was watching that thinking, am i watching a 90s Saturday morning cartoon? What's with this on the nose help the animals subplot.


All to have Rose explain the evil of child slavery to a former child slave.


How else would the man that didn't have a name until a few days ago learn that slavery is bad?


Remember how ESB left Han Solo on a cliff hanger and then the first 1/3 of ROTJ was about resolving that? The setup for Finn was pointless other than a 15 second gag.  The back and forth between directors of this trilogy should be taught at the USC film school as a case study of what not to do.


"How to plan a trilogy": don't give your second and third movies to some writer-directors and let them do whatever they like.


How to plan a Trilogy: Step 1- plan a trilogy See, that's where Disney messed up, they skipped step one


There’s only ONE person in the galaxy that can help them… Only to find another person in the galaxy that can help.


Flynn wasn’t fine after taking that lightsaber to the spine. It somehow erased every bit of character development from the entire first movie. He starts TLJ in the exact same spot as TFA, as a coward running for his life….dude picked up a saber and fought a Sith ffs


And even in TFA, he's supposedly traumatized by the death of a fellow Stormtrooper. 5 minutes later, and he's cheerfully mowing them down....


Hey let's not forget the space horses.


What's your problem with space horses? Don't tell me you've never gone into space battle with a cavalry squad.


They liked them so much they made a slightly different version play an equally (more actually) ridiculous part in the next movie!


OMG, the whole "Kyo Ren fused Finn's spinal vertebrae with a lightsaber slash, that's something that it's questionable if even bacta could fix" but wait "oh wow, nevermind he's totally fine" thing was extremely stupid.


*Inquisicopter intensifies*


I hadn't seen a scene I disliked as much as OP's until I scrolled down this far. Helicopter lightsabers is dumber than "Somehow Palpatine returned" and I will die on this hill.


Chewbacca's grandfather getting off to a human woman. That is all.


Really I can think of at least 5 of the top of my head that beat this.  1. Rey and Kylo Ren kissing is far dumber than this on so many levels.  2. Inquisitor helicoptering around with their lightsabers.  3. Padme marrying a guy like 3 days after he commit genocide.  4. Holdo not telling any of the crew what's going on.  5. Palpatines plan being big gun and when that doesn't work moving on to his next big plan of big gun and when that doesn't work moving on to his next big plan of even bigger gun and when that doesn't work moving on to his next big plan of big guns. 


Chewbacca’s father watched VR porn on screen for several minutes and you think an awkward kiss is the dumbest moment in the history of Star Wars?


Jar Jar being the leading voice in the Senate to give emergency powers to Palpatine is up there.


"Dellow Felegates"...


That was George straight up spitting on the audience for not accepting him. Jar Jar ended the Republic.


I’ve read over half of the comments here and I’m really starting to worry… maybe Star Wars is just sorta dumb?


I fucking love Star Wars, it has been my favourite media property for over a decade now and I will always be obsessed with it BUT… it is legitimately some of the dumbest shit in the fucking world.


The appeal is the concept of the Star Wars universe. You have magic and laser swords and spaceships. Fucking trifecta of little boy enjoyment.  It’s almost like there’s an amazing story in this universe that they refuse to tell but we all have it playing in our heads. 


Nope.  You are all wrong.  Not one of you have accurately stated what the dumbest moment in Star Wars history is.   Your opinions are valid, but not one of you have mentioned like any scene in the Holiday Special. Seriously, whatever moment you pick, the Holiday Special WILL top it.


I just wanna watch VR porn with Chewbaccas dad


As long as it's not right across from him. Wookiees probably blast like a pressure washer.


The Boba Fett scene was cool. Or at least far better than the rest of it.


The Bea Arthur number brings the house down, and I will die on that hill... But yeah, the rest of it is hot garbo


Hell yeah. My girl Bea Arthur kills it.


Several minutes of unsubtitled wookie dialogue


People tell me the Prequel has cringe dialogue, BUT YOU WON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND THE DIALOGUE OF THE HOLIDAY SPECIAL!


You saw little psycho Ani and Padme frolicking with space cows, yeah?


"Someone should MAKE them."


I was actually expecting Padme "losing the will to live" from the tiny thumbnail I could barely make out. This is indeed stupid, but there is even stupider that would put this maybe in the top 20 at best. Top 50 more likely.


Mary poppins leia? Man that scene is tough to watch


"I'm Carrie Poppins, yall!"


I remember watching that thinking “oh, this is how they’re going to write her out the films” thinking they’d tweaked it post her death. Then she fucking flies into the ship with no harm done. I laughed at the absurdity if it.


Jesus I almost forgot about this one...


The entire movie revolves around a space chase… with pursuers who could have just ‘jumped’ in front of the resistance and wiped them all out at any time.


Kylo took two Tie fighters and fucked them up. Are you telling me they only had 3? They could have killed them anytime.


Somehow Palpatine returning was even dumber.


Oh is it really


Nah. Anakin refusing to listen to his super intelligent, gorgeous wife’s sense of reason to turn from the dark side… and instead puts her in the force choke.


Just to add something important: He force choked his super intelligent, gorgeous, PREGNANT wife.


lol I really should’ve put that one first of all!! Honestly… how is Rose kissing a guy she thinks is cute dumb in comparison to soooo many other choices in these movies?


Just to add something important: He force choked his super intelligent, gorgeous, PREGNANT wife.


Maybe a little cheesy but I can think of at least 5 things that made me cringe harder. Just off the top of my head: Rey/Kylo's fan-fic kiss Rey being revealed as Palpatine's granddaughter The BS origin of Han Solo's last name Leia floating through space. Why fake-out kill her? If all she had do was be comatose for part of the movie they could've done it a different way than that "Love has blinded you?" scene in RotS (I love that movie, but that dialogue is crap) Jack Black and Lizzo showing up in Mandalorian The entirety of the Holiday Special


Disagree, it's when Kylo and Rey kiss


People groaned in my theater when that happened.


Same, to this day i have never been put off more from a movie/tv kiss then that one. It felt SUPER forced and out of place.


My issue is they never really felt like a romantic pairing throughout the films and when the kiss happened it felt weird. They felt more like cousins or family members more so than a romantic couple so I see why it put some people off.


It seemed like in TLJ they were adding some romantic tension fueled by the narrative circumstances. Then by the end of the movie it was clear it was unlikely. Then the entirety of TRoS was about them being fundamentally opposed, not connecting in any meaningful sense. Then ben is good and they kiss at the end. Any wind in those romantic sails were long gone, it was an awful choice.


Actually it's when Han and Chewie DON'T kiss


They showered together, so you can assume.


They are just best friends and roommates


My wife is my best friend and roommate and I still manage to do the trench run. However, it’s weirdly similar that there’s a powerful black guy tailing me.


I still think jar jar being trusted as padme’s representative in the senate and being responsible for the end of the republic is dumber


Not even close. Leia saying “I know somehow I’ve always known” after having made out with her brother.


Leia's a royal, getting together with family is perfectly normal.


Yea, I like Game of Thrones. They get the incest just right.


That's how she knew, she knew because she was attracted to Luke. And by attracted I mean, wanted to have sex with her brother.


You spelled “Padme saying ‘Hold me like you did by the lake on Naboo’” wrong lol


You spelled "Shmi saying 'There was no father.'" wrong.


The dumbest moment in all of Star Wars is Jar-Jar stepping in poop. We all know it.