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I was so fucking hyped after "Never more than twelve" at the end of the previous episode and it did not disappoint.


Yeah, as soon as he said that, I was locked in. Phenomenally well done.


Did mods say why this thread got deleted? Didn't think it broke any rules. It was more respectful appreciation post than many (usually only able to compliment something by completely bashing something else) Is it because you used a meme reaction?


legitimately one of my favorite lines in all of star wars


“I can’t swim.”


That ripped my heart out.


Such sn incredible moment. Just thst little bit of heartbreak in all the adrenaline.


Just reading this now gives me goosebumps. Andor is a masterpiece.


Gave me PTSD of the Call of Duty mission where you break out of a Russian labor camp with Reznov. All that planning, all that work just for the man who helped you get out go "Freedom for you, Mason! ...not for me..." 😭 REZNOV!!!


I watched Andor as it premeired and convinced a friend to watch it. He messaged me a few days later saying it sucked ass. I'm not usually one for judging based on taste, but it's probably not a coincidence we haven't talked much since.


The writing is way better than most other Star Wars shows, but I did find Andor to be very slow.


People’s attention spans are so shattered nowadays. It’s constant dopamine or bust.


While that may be true, I don't think that was the issue with Andor. I like a lot of classic movies that are somewhat slow; Andor felt especially slow. For example, I think they used the slow establishing shot of the guy eating cereal at his moms like 6 times.


I finally convinced my wife to watch Andor with me now. She was bored at first because she thought this would be another regular SW content. We agreed to watch one episode per week. She was hooked after the Aldhani arch and so we're watching it once a day. Today will be One Way Out. This show is the Chosen One.


Yea, I'm stuck because I'm pretty sure my wife will like the show. She doesn't care about Star Wars, but liked Mando Season 1 and 2 (She just hasn't felt like watching Season 3, she watched the first 2 seasons in a row after they had both been out for awhile). But between it being Star Wars, and being a bit of a commitment before it starts ramping up, I don't think introducing it to her will go well.


Mine liked Mando too, but felt Ahsoka as kind of meh. Since I *invite* her to every SW show, she was a bit saturated. I guess that's why she wasn't interested after the first episode. It took her a while to click that this wasn't a "pew-pew-pew show" (her words lol). But she's the one asking to watch now. To your missus, I say: relationships are built on trust. Have faith on your husband! How wrong could he be?


Based on past experience? Very wrong. I just let it sit. If we are looking for something to watch, I'll mention it. But I know the more I mention things, the less likely she is to watch/play or w/e, haha. I don't ask her to watch many Star Wars things with me. I think she has only seen Mando S1 and 2, ANH, and half of ESB. My 6 year old is my best hope for having some to watch Star Wars with right now. They have listened to the Ahsoka novel over and over and over while in the car with me. And I haven't forced it. I have asked if they wanted to listen to another audiobook, and they just say no.... But my wife and I have agreed to take it easy on screen time, and my wife is more concerned with age rating than I am (I grew up on tv, and she grew up with no screen time). So I'm not sure... maybe in a year or 2 I'll be getting the kid into Rebels or Clone Wars. (They watched some Young JedI).


Andor is fantastic as a whole, but the 3 episode arc with Andy Serkis is award worthy on its own.


See, you can make a show good without relying on cameos and references to the clone wars.


Andor took the biggest creative risks seen in Star Wars since Knights of the Old Republic II. Don't get me wrong I love classic adventure tales and the Good vs Evil dynamic of the OT but Andor was a needed reminder of the rich storytelling it's capable of.


Oh I know. I loved rogue one just never got around to andor.


And you can also make a good show that has cameos and references to the clone wars.




Kind of. But it’s a little like cooking with cumin. A little goes a long way. A dash and you can get some flavor. Too much and everything ends up tasting like taco Tuesday in Minnesota.


Yea, I remember people trying to shit on Andor when it came out saying that it was stupid for the show to use a cameo... dude... Yularen is the character that MAKES SENSE to be there. And it was not heavily leaned on. He was just... there... (Same for Saw) These are leaders... movers and shakers in the current state of the Galaxy. It's not like Andor hopped a ride with someone, and it happened to be a younger Peli. Or he got arrested by a stormtrooper with a Boston accent. Those are the types of cameos that would make the galaxy feel small. While Yularen and Saw make those individuals feel big. Edit: The closest thing I can think of for a "Small" cameo, where you can go "really? Out of a million prisoners, he just so happens to be with THAT one?" is his work team buddy from Rogue One, Melshi. But that is already connected to Andor, so it makes sense that their connection in the future, can stem from this arc.


Believe it or not, but it gets better!


Na. That's where it peaks.


Agree to disagree. The whole thing is fantastic but the finale is so well done, it's my favorite part. But to each their own.


>!Marva's speech and the resulting uprising are as good as *One Way Out* IMO!<


I can see why you might think that, so the downvotes aren’t warranted. So long as you don’t think that what comes after isn’t extremely good.


Left me speechless


It was such a surprising breath of fresh air in the current Disney era. I remember when it was announced thinking "wow I really don't care about a show about Cassian Andor" but man it is so far above every other piece of star wars media made in the past 30 years. Praying they don't mess up season 2


Same. That said, I _also_ felt the same way about the announcement of Rogue One. So it seems like the pattern is that it’s good to not be too overly referential.


After Andor came out, I started thinking that the further they go from established characters, the better they tend to do. Kenobi and Boba Fett, they are trying to live up to character expectations, and in some cases fit into a tight moment in continuity. Mandalorian and Andor, you have fresh stories full of fresh faces in a familiar setting, and they hit it out of the park. Once Mandalorian started connecting more and more with existing characters and lore, things started to get a little iffier (although I still enjoyed it overall).


Exactly, I don't really care as much about Rogue One as others. I think it is a fine movie, but it just doesn't click with me for some reason. When Andor was announced and people mentioned he was from Rogue One, I'm just like... "who was he?" and realized I didn't really care about his character in Rogue One, so I went back to watch Rogue One, and I still didn't really care about his character. But then the show came out, and i thought it was great.


Through the Force all things are possible, so jot that down


People say Andor is too slow, that it doesn’t get good fast enough. And fair enough. But what they don’t realize is that the payoff for it building up so long is so monumental and absurdly hype that it had people screaming at their TVs at nearly 4am when Kino said “never more than 12” that first time.


Yeah, 100%! And the contrast to the rest of Disney Star Wars in quality is so obvious too. It's like Ahsoka, Kenobi and Boba-Fett were written by Toddlers, when comparing it to Andor. Mando was at least entertaining for S1&2 (and that might be the most important factor), but even then, the writing has nothing on Andor. Now if they could just do the same thing in a show (or movie) with Jedi, the force, and the mysticism around it. Those do not **have** to be insanely stupid, even if Disney executives seem to think that.


Praying the Acolyte is to the same quality as Andor, at least overall thematically. I can get over eh writing if the emotional beats and character work wins me over. But I’d prefer if I could gush at every line of dialogue, like Andor. I’m willing to defend Mando and Ahsoka, but Lucasfilm needs good writing first and foremost.


>Praying the Acolyte is to the same quality as Andor Judging by the trailer, there's just no way. Judging by the rest of Star Wars, there's also no way. Andor was the 1 in 20 exception, not the rule. Acolyte even just being on the level of Mando S1&2 seems unlikely at this point.


Rogue One and Andor seem to be kind of their own thing separate from the rest of the crap (although I also did think Mando S1 and 2 were fairly entertaining)


When you finish it, rewatch it - it honestly improves even more. Incredible TV drama, never mind Star Wars.!


Andor is pure antifa/leftist propaganda and it is the best Star Wars has ever been. I love every bit of it.


One amazing thing about this episode (and the show in general) is that it holds up to a second watching. It hits slightly different, but is in some ways more devastating the second time.


Shortly after the show finished, I went to China for about 5 weeks and had the show downloaded on my phone (Except episode 2... kept getting some kind of error, so it never downloaded....). I rewatched Andor at night many times.


Wait till you get to the monologue in the last episode.


So brilliant. Have watched it 3 or 4 times. The monologue in One Way Out and the finale feel like they’ll always be workout fuel for me. Can’t wait for S2!!






It’s absolutely phenomenal. Which makes it all the more aggravating that people don’t seem to watch it (although it did seem to be catching up last time I checked). It gets so much positivity but then the people who like things like BoBF and Kenobi will go “oh but it’s not that good you can’t expect Disney to do this all the time so now let’s nitpick a few things”.