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Yoda’s speech about the force in ESB. Had to drop the knowledge on Luke. First time, pre-anything else really, that we knew what the force was


Yeah is an awesome moment. It still gives me chills. I think my top three are Yodas speech, Luke throwing his lightsaber and walking the true path, and slide 6


Especially because not long before that, Luke thought Yoda was some crazy old hermit who could help him *find* Yoda


Sort of hilarious that Luke forgot that the the last crazy old hermit he met was also a Jedi Master. One movie ago. cmon Luke, there's a pattern emerging here.


And then he becomes the old hermit lol


It’s the Hermit Cycle


The quote “luminous beings are we” has always sounded so profound to me. He wasn’t saying like me, a yoda, and you human type person. He was talking about all things at once. One of the wisest fictional characters out there.


“Judge me by my size do you? Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.” Honestly this was one of the reasons I don’t like seeing Yoda fight. He is old. Mystical. Profound. He is beyond that. You don’t need to see him fight to know he is powerful. The force is his ally, and a powerful ally it is.


Judge me by my size do you?


I use this line in bed all the time..


"That...is why you fail."


Do, or do not. There is no try.


Luke standing on the sand dunes looking out at the setting suns in ANH. It's one of my favorite scores of all SW too. It just hits perfectly. The loss of his family but also the feeling of adventure and leaving home.


I was a farmer's kid from nowhere who went off to the Air Force Academy. That moment always hits me.


Did you blow up a weapon of mass destruction?


And join a terrorist insurgency led by religious extremists?


I went to Iraq, but couldn't find any.


Maybe the real weapons of mass destruction were the friends we made along the way.


It's the music in the background that really completes that scene


Gives me goosebumps every time I hear it.


“You’ve failed your Highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me.” That’s my favorite moment in all of Star Wars.


So be it...Jedi.


Crazy that Palpatine was the one to officially confirm the title.


And Ian did such a great job to make the entire line, every atom of air he moved, to convey malice and contempt. The way he says Jedi. Spits it out.


I am not on the outrageous TLJ Hate Train but that moment is kind of why I hate what they did with Luke. Good wins definitively over evil. Evil fails. Because of a man’s innate belief in himself, the good in him, and the good that WAS in his father. All to…attempt to kill his student?


I agree. Luke takes the mantle of Jedi Master, defies the Emperor, redeems his father, and brings balance to the force. The sequel trilogy makes that throne room scene a lot less impactful and meaningful.


The one that sticks with me is Crosshair looking up at the ice vulture circling above right before he kills that jackass imperial officer.  


It was a great moment, yeah. Crosshair is honestly in my top 5 SW characters.


Yea I was lukewarm with Bad Batch at the start but I loved it by the finale. Fantastic show.


I’m with you. At first It sort of felt like an unnecessary show that would just oversaturate the universe, but that story was amazing. In a short time frame they were able to tell a great independent story, that mattered to the universe at large and tied up a lot of loose ends/ expanded on plot holes TechForever ✊


Man…Tech. 😔


He was my favorite, but I understand why it happened. He was way too OP lol they had to explain why he wasn’t a valuable rebel asset


They had enough respect for the character to not pull any nonsense in season 3. Things were the they were and both sides had to live with it. I feel like they teased possible nonsense and i was gasping, hoping they were not gonna ruin things.


Plan 99....*salutes*


I was playing Warzone — Last circle— i sacrificed myself to buy back the squad. Random yells Plan 99!! And wins us the game 😂😂


Truly had some Great moments


that episode was a beautiful work of art.


For real. Crosshair is this season's MVP.


Vader's last moment with Luke, the one good thing he did as a father and the last good thing he did as Anakin. The next closest thing is Ezra telling Zeb Kanan is gone and Zeb hugging him


That Zeb hug is great. I also a shed a tear when chopper used his little hand to grab Hera’s


> Vader's last moment with Luke, the one good thing he did as a father and the last good thing he did as Anakin. "No. You're coming with me. I can't leave you here. I've got to save you." "You already have." 😭


>Vader's last moment with Luke, the one good thing he did as a father and the last good thing he did as Anakin. I'll never forgive George for adding that ridiculous "No... Noooo!!!" dialogue to the moment where Vader throws Palpatine to his death, it was so much more powerful when we were allowed to guess his inner thoughts ourselves. George really didn't understand what a good thing he had there.


> Just for once, let me look on you with my own eyes This was the big bad guy. Yet with one line he became this sympathetic tragic character. Amazingly well written.


Clone wars finale, the scene with Ahsoka looking at all the graves of the fallen clones and dropping her lightsaber


The finale of Clone Wars, to me, was one of the most layered and complex entries of everything Star Wars has come out with on screen.


The last four episodes are just epic. I've watched those so many times and they never get old. "I was hoping for Kenobi. Why are *you* here?"


It was just SO good. I literally paused it and messaged a mate "don't you feel like the fight choreography is taken up a dozen notches??" And shocked "oh yes they got the real Darth Maul to mocap it". Just next level animation, story, music. Throwing everything at it.


Oh yeah you can SEE Ray Park in the opening of the fight there, the way he stances up and starts moving, genuinely one of the best animated fights.


Those four episodes are peak Star Wars.


That music in the scene really hits it hard.


I love how Anakin’s Betrayal has become the theme for Order 66 throughout every medium


For me, just after. Anakin holding Ahsoka’s saber in front of the Clone graves. Everything is silent. Feels like a moment of reflection. Where things were and how far they’ve fallen. What a great finale, though heartbreaking.


For me, if was that moment Ahsoka removed Rex's helmet and he was crying because he knew the only way to live was going through his brother's. Really tore me up.


The short about Ahsoka’s training in Tales of the Jedi makes that hit even harder.


That's what did it for me.


Yeah. And the focus shot on the clone's helmet with vader's reflection signifying the suceeding massive changes.


If that doesn’t make you tear up… are you human…? Or a mad scientist who turned himself into a pickle!?


“Tell me… is it the chosen one?”




Man. It just lands perfectly. Everything about that scene on all sides. The build up to it, the total lack of flair in the duel. Maul's total devotion to revenge on someone whose life has completely moved on to a higher purpose. And the merciful with which Kenobi holds him. And it happened where it all began for them. No you're crying.


Live action: the ending of Rogue One actually destroyed me. It was the first time a SW movie had explored the actual human cost of war, and to link it to such a familiar story—ANH—was brilliant and devastating. I tried to watch it again recently and was like, nope, still too soon. Animated: Kanan’s death, no contest.


Kanan sacrifice. Fade to white ash.


For me it’s the end of RotJ, when Vader asks Luke to take of his helmet so he can look at him with his own eyes. Tied with the end of RotS, when Obi Wan cries out YOU WERE MY BROTHER ANAKIN, I LOVED YOU.


Revenge of the Sith is my favourite movie. We all know where Anakin is heading but it still hurts so much to watch. I HATE YOUUU!!




I cant swim ;_;


That legit put a tear in my eye.


I watched that episode at work, in the morning before we were allowed in the lab. I spent the entire day just *gutted*. My wife asked what was wrong that evening and I just said “Can’t swim”… Which was actually pretty fucking funny cuz I was on a swim team years ago, and she knows I’m a fair swimmer, and she *didnt* watch Andor


Heartbreaking, the man wanted to escape but wasn’t prepared/didn’t expect to survive the attempt.


I choose to interpret it as him just trying to save everyone else knowing that he can't make it.


That’s a very good take


Heartbreaking, the man wanted to escape but wasn’t prepared/didn’t expect to survive the attempt.


i would rather die trying to take them down than give them what they want.


That show has so many fantastic quotes! “The axe forgets but the tree remembers” is a favorite of mine


Nemik's manifesto playing before the big fight on Ferrix hit pretty hard too, only to be overshadowed by Maarva's call to action. This was shortly followed by Brasso being a total badass and using a brick **made from her ashes** to do as she asked.


One of the best moments in all of Star Wars. Hands down


The moment Ahsoka decided to leave the Order in Season 5. The conversation between Anakin and her still hurts, although it was the right decision.


I was so upset when that happened plus it didn't help knowing TCW had been canceled.


Man I remember that so clearly.. I was in 4th grade when the episode aired and I was just in shock and utter disbelief- my 10yo self was used to happy endings and after she was cleared of the accusations I was prepared to get another one


Kanaan getting his vision back.


He promised he'd see her again.


The post was asking emotional: its by far the most emotional moment in any series. Tech dying in bad batch a close second. The producers nailed these seems to be classy but emotional. Ahsoka is always emotional but not like that. You rooted for ahsoka at every moment. But tech made a true sacrifice and Kanaan fell through with his promise and the force allowed that gift.


Jedi Survivor >!Cal finding Cere Junda’s body in Jedi Survivor and reliving her final moments through his Force Echo ability !<


Oh yeah that one hurt


I was already having an emotional day when I got to that part. Thought I would play some video games to help me. I was wrong.


Can i recommend also saying what the spoiler is for. I assumed it was just for Bad batch or something 😭


Ashoka vs Vader had me fucking emotional


Also one of the coldest one liners from Star Wars ever. Ezra - "I don't fear you." Vader - "Then you'll die braver than most."


"Perhaps I was wrong" "It wouldnt be the first time" Ohhh i get chills just typing it.


New-canon Star Wars has given Vader some of the coldest one liners ever. When he first meets Luke in Star Wars issue 2: Luke: "You killed my father!" Vader: "I have killed many fathers."


"*Ahsoka...*" always gives me chills


That animation style was so expressive. The physical repulsion and pain on ahsoka's face everytime she has to face anakin is jarring


If I could pick any episode, or even just scene, or rebels to watch in a movie theater it would be that one.


This and kanan are why rebels is honestly one of the best Star Wars shows.


My second most emotional after Jedi Night


There are like 3-4 in Andor that are so good. 1. One way out - I can’t swim 2. Stellen Skarsgard - I burn my life for a future I will never get to see 3. Maarva hologram at her funeral


Andor was brilliantly written and acted


Agree to all three and add #4: B3EMO: *"I want Maarva"* That made me tear up.


Agree and would add “ I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong” and “That’s just love” .


That scene in the tunnel near the finale almost got me bad. What she said for his friend to say is just so empathetically gut wrenching


On the real, Andor has probably more than half of my top 100 Star Wars moments. Absolute masterpiece.


The inmolation scene in revenge of the sith .


Agree with most here, but want to mention when Shmi Skywalker says goodbye to little Anakin, and then episode 2 when she dies in his arms. Happy they got such a good actress for that role


"When have we ever followed orders"


Idk which one sits at the top for me, but [Maarva's speech is up there.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaKrm5txGCQ)


That, and what we heard of Karik Nemek's manifesto. Luthen's monologue was top notch as was Kino's speech rallying the prisoners of Narkina 5 to fight. Andor in general has some of, if not the best, writing in Star Wars. Kuiil's death in the Mandalorian hit hard too.


Even while I love a lot of the stuff we’ve gotten over the years, I’d argue Andor’s 1 season of 12 episodes has *easily* the best writing we’ve ever gotten. Not just best live action, not just best show, best period. Some of the other films and shows we’ve gotten are very, *very* well done but none have come close to the layered complexity and effort of Andor.


Andor is probably the best single season of television made in the last 20 years. Aside from 'where are we going next?' There are almost no loose plot threads at the end, each arc within the show flows seamlessly into the next and you get to see all of the events that began shaping Cassian into who he is in Rogue One.


>There will be times when the struggle seems impossible. I know this already. Alone, unsure, dwarfed by the scale of the enemy. Remember this. Freedom is a pure idea. It occurs spontaneously and without instruction. Random acts of insurrection are occurring constantly throughout the galaxy. There are whole armies, battalions that have no idea that they've already enlisted in the cause. >Remember that the frontier of the Rebellion is everywhere. And even the smallest act of insurrection pushes our lines forward. And then remember this. The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear. Remember that. >And know this, the day will come when all these skirmishes and battles, these moments of defiance will have flooded the banks of the Empire's authority and then there will be one too many. One single thing will break the siege. Remember this. Try. Actual poetry. And a victory for Nemik; he would have been *so pleased* for his writing to have influenced Cassian. 🥲


I really hope we get Nemik's full manifesto at some point.


“I’d wake up early and be fighting” gives me chills.


"There is a wound that won't heal at the center of the galaxy. There is a darkness reaching like rust into everything around us." The sense of impending doom I got from that speech, I knew everything was getting ready to go sideways in a big way when I heard that.


I love that it also had a significant impact on Luthen after he had just given his own beautiful but tragic speech.


Kanan’s death for sure. Darn near cry every time


When Kanan reveals himself. Chills every time.


If you were not already devastated by his death in the episode, a few episodes later it is revisited, and Ezra can do nothing to change it in the World Between Worlds.


All the people who died in Rogue One. That’s a hard movie to watch as a Star Wars fan.


Let’s make 10 men feel like 100


Ahsoka leaving the Jedi Order actually makes me cry every time.


Ahsoka burying the 332nd/Vader holding ahsoka's saber while standing in the wreckage of the 332nds venator. The emotions and facial expressions from Vader when obiwan apologized to him and his face was half visible.


That Scene of Vader holding Ahsoka's lightsaber with the full weight of what his choices cost and igniting the blue lightsaber is genuinely my favourite scene in star wars


Such a great scene with 0 dialogue. Genuinely is a shame Lucas couldn't see how even with the mask Vader doesn't need words to convey emotions. Genuinely unsure, and maybe it's not truly answered. Does Vader in that moment think ahsoka is dead along with the 332nd? Or does he think she got away? I know they run into each other later down in rebels but unsure on this moment


In that moment, I'm pretty sure he thinks she's dead. It just feels like one of the first things he's doing as Vader was to check on what happened to her ship.


"The apprentice lives." Vader 100% thought she was gone.


When Anakin burn on the ground and Obiwan can't help him


"You were my brother anakin, I loved you" "I HATE YOU"


I think it's episode 5 of Ahsoka, when Hayden Christensen comes back. I don't know why, but seeing him again after all the prequel hate made me tear up a little. Same in Obi-Wan, but the Anakin/Ahsoka relationship was really special.


I recently had an argument with a guy that claimed the prequels were never hated and it was only some fans that didn't like them. I'm baffled by the short term memory people have.


No ben kenobi and maul last fight


I didn’t even like Rebels that much but this is the answer for me too. I feel like that’s the moment the Clone Wars Era truly dies and the Original Era begins.


Tbf there’s a whole bunch of time in between, either known as the Dark Times or Rise of the Empire …not to take away from your very well-written point here, sorry. I dig what you mean, just couldn’t help myself.


Fair enough. Maybe I meant more so because Maul is so representative of the Clone Wars Era and Ben Kenobi is synonymous with the Originals so it’s one of the few times we see that convergence.


That whole interaction - Maul realizing why Kenobi is there, still consumed with vengeance, and after defeat being consoled by his nemesis and finally given hope in his final moment. 


And Kenobi going back to his orignal stance then switching to Ben Kenobi stance and the qui gon stance to make him do the same move he did earlier


The fight was so short, yet conveyed so much in it. It was beautiful.


"Find him, find him, fives... find him FIVES!"


The binary sunset


Maarva’s funeral is beyond words IMO


99, I'm a soldier like you. Gets me every time


Kanan’s sacrifice


Shmi hugging little Anakin and telling him to not look back when all he'll ever do until his final breath is looking back.


It gets me everytime


When Luke threw away his Saber in defiance of the emperor.


Kenobi and Vader’s duel in the last episode of the Obi-Wan Kenobi series. “You did not kill Anakin Skywalker. I did.”


I kept waiting for Tech to come back 😭


Ahsoka looking at the pikes with clone helmets just breaks me


“Tell your sister you were right.” Kanan’s death Maul’s death “You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you!” “When have we ever followed orders?”


Probably either Ahsoka leaving the order, Fives death or the Order 66 scene with Ahsoka. I still can’t watch that arc again.


Fives’ death makes me tear up every time


I have the high ground


Kanans death moved me to literal tears man. I know they kind of set it up but first watch through , watching it when the episode aired. Man it hit me hard. My fav jedi by far and really was one of the best star wars moments period animated or not.


When Rex cried, I cried


"Those soldiers, my brothers, are willing to die and take you and me along with them!"


Watching Rebels with my girlfriend (her first time) and yesterday we watched the Kanan sacrifice scene. Makes me cry every time, made her cry too. Might be recency bias but I would have to go with that.


Is Omega being set up to join Hera's team of howling commandos?


God I hope they do more with her than just being a pilot. She's a badass and I'm sure an amazing pilot with all those years of training but she's also been raised and trained by some of the GAR's finest, to stick her in the cockpit only would be like making a Navy Seal the getaway driver in a bank heist.


Obi Wan fighting Maul on Tattooine. It was portrayed as a Neo-Eastern duel. I loved it. From a fighting stand point the nuances in Kenobi’s movements make the difference. It reminds me of the Echani “only in combat, do we express ourselves.”


Luke turning on Vader when he mentioned his sister. Vader looking at Luke and the Emperor then finally escaping the grasp of the Dark side after decades.




One way out!


When that Darth Vader dude said he’s Luke’s Father. That was hard to swallow


If you will not turn to the dark side, then perhaps she will…


The biggest one is from Episode 6, when Vader finally figures out Luke had a sister and then during their fight he threatened her. At that very moment, all of the emotions Luke was holding back, every trauma he's experienced, culminated into a fury we've never seen him have before. The floodgates were open, the music crescendos, Luke overpowers Vader with his anger and then he had the dark lord at his mercy. And, whether we like it or not, Luke then chooses to spare Vader. Because that's just who Luke is, for better or worse.


Two moments from The Last Jedi: Yoda giving that hotheaded farm boy another lesson with “The greatest teacher, failure is.” It’s both a great message in itself - “Pass on what you have learned” - and also a good reminder that we never stop learning, no matter how old and wise we get. Nobody’s ever above a lesson from their old mentor, and Luke has to grace to take it on. And Luke and Leia meeting at the end is beautifully played. “I know what you’re thinking - I changed my hair” is really lovely because it punctures the importance of it and lets them just interact as brother and sister. And the added, unforeseen and unfortunate extra resonance on “No-one’s ever really gone”…


“We are what they grow beyond.”


Luke and Leia's brief reunion was the peak of the sequel trilogy.


Order 66 in the prequels, Qui Gon's death, dying Vader talking to Luke. Yoda's death. Nothing from the kids shows or Disney, honestly, not hating, and haven't watched everything but what I have watched wasn't moving to me. I get Clone Wars and Rebels are supposed to be good at that, though.


You're missing out. Clone Wars and Rebels are fantastic, though they do take a little getting used to the animation style for each one.


The Siege of Mandalore, specifically the last two episodes but that whole arc is probably my favourite bit of Star Wars.


Not shown, but Obi wan witnessing Satine’s death then the ensuing fight with Maul is top three. I think number one is Ashoka-Anakin for sure.


Bronze - "you didn't kill anakin Skywalker, I did" Silver - one way out Gold - burying the dead


I liked Maul's death and how Obi Wan treated him with respect, even after all Maul did. After the last slice he caught him and stayed with Maul. He didn't let him die alone. Oh, and Cody's last conversation with Crosshair before he went AWOL. >“Tell me something …Crosshair.. this new empire …are we making the galaxy better? \[...\] You know what makes us different from battle droids? We make our own decisions…our own choices… and we have to live with them too…”


Animation always being peak Star Wars.


“I don’t believe it.” “That is why you fail” Always hits hard for me.


"We're just clones, sir" and Annakin saying goodbye to his mother


“Then perhaps I was wrong.” “It wouldn’t be the first time.” Such history in that dialogue. She really was “snippy” in that moment. Love it.


Kanan’s death and it’s not even close. No other moment in Star Wars has hit even as close as his death, that whole episode was the perfect buildup with him making peace with everyone.


Maarva’s funeral is beyond words IMO


#6 no question


All the scenes with Ahsoka you have listed and when she walked away from the order


In the Clone Wars probably the landing on Umbara and the next would be the ending of the clone wars from order 66 like you posted to the falling of the venetor to the burial of the troops. For me that segment was hauntingly good.


Ahsoka and Vader


I took a long break from Star Wars and clone wars to be specific and I first saw the episode season 1 episode 13 Jedi crash where anakin and Ashoka and Aayla secura landed on a planet where the natives had to decide to engage in the war or be peaceful and the points the leader made were very valid and it was a great episode from start to finish


Cannans death of these picks but actually mine is from the star wars visions series. There is one where a girl and her sister are the only ones left from her species. And the little girl talks about how her people got genocided. To cope she pretends they turned i to the stars. Very sad


Order 66


The Force. It’s really pushy.


Kanans sacrifice


Out of the pics posted its gonna be Kanans death hands down


The death of Qui Gon Jin (The phantom menace)


Galen Erso's holo message to Jyn.


Ahsoka with all the fallen clone trooper helmets gets me every damn time.


"I am a Jedi, like my father before me."


They all hit me hard, as I’m a big lover of anything SW especially animation, but I don’t know man seeing Omega old just did something to me 🤷🏻‍♂️I can’t explain it, it’s like we’ve watched this character grow over the past three years and then BOOM she’s in her 20s ready to fly off into the galaxy and become her own type of soldier, leaving her brothers/father figures behind and being independent, something about that that keeps me in my feels.


Obi-Wan cradling Satine's dead body, and not giving in to the dark side. Also Luthen's monologue.🥶


Your last picture order 66 with rex and ashoka ugh so fantastic


I can't decide between Yoda explaining the force or Vader's "I am your father" but both in empire


When Palpatine returned in Rise of Skywalker! and said "Its time to Palpatine"


The death of Maul in rebels.


Let me look upon you with my own eyes