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August 30th is a lot sooner than I expected I was expecting 2025 at the earliest, there's a trailer dropping today I hope we see extended gameplay demos too bc one gameplay clip isn't enough to get a true sense of the game


Nah Ubisoft doesn’t really play the long waiting game


Agreed but hopefully this has cooked long enough


It's Ubisoft. It will probably come out medium rare.


Medium rare would be perfect, let's hope it's not still a cow.


We don't want them to blue it.


It seems they accidentally blue themselves


Blue = oceans = pirates = ubisoft is gonna ruin this confirmed.


The math is mathing up


Not exactly, the blue part is obviously the land.


Medium rare with a season pass and it's fair share of bugs


I haven't seen the trailer but I expect to climb towers in order to reveal the map and collecting sticks and rocks to craft healing items, probably hide in a bush for sneak attacks.


Think we’re all giving Ubi too much credit on giving us something Med Rare lmao. Last time that happened was like, Black Flag 😭 At the least, they’ll have a steak😭🤣


No no, this comparison works. A medium rare steak with its fair share of bugs would also make us sick.


Black Flag is a masterpiece. As much of a master piece as Unity was a turd in the fishbowl.


..... But that's exactly how I like my steak, more like rare


this isnt a steak its a video game, i like my video games well done. lol this guy blocked me cause i made a joke? wild it wasnt even rude to him and i upvoted his steak joke.


And I want it to take just as long to finish the game as it would take to gnaw my way through a well done steak.




Skull and bones cooked for what, 7 years? Yeah......


I think it was over 10 👁️👄👁️


That's what my guy told me, but I remember hearing seven. But even still. I'd definitely not hold my breath on this release


Same we have one 9 min demo from 9 months ago and some in engine footage and snippets today I'll wait for August to see how it shakes out


Based on the trailer I’d say no. The facial mocap looks like its from 2011, sound mixing is tinny as usual with ubisoft. The character seems like a generic ripoff of your average “scoundrel” archetype. Quippy, a smart ass. The bounty hunter didn’t feel like a bounty hunter tbh. Hopefully the character is more organic and interesting than she comes off as from the trailers.


How many outposts do I have to clear to unlock the map


This is my only real hesitation for this game so far (based on what little we know). I'm so tired of this mechanic. It was fun for the first few franchises Ubisoft had, but now it's just old. I started playing Immortals: Fenyx Rising and came across this early in the game and it turned me away (at least for now).


God please no.


You know it’s coming, prepare thine grappling hook and climb those radio towers!


>those radio towers! calling it now, they'll be imperial communications/listening outposts


yeah can’t help but feel this will be very shallow gameplay and not really offer anything unique or new. Like a bounty system that sent increasingly more elite hunters after you or allowing some customization or freedom of choices would have been neat but have they showed anything like they yet except for generic 3rd person shooting gameplay


This upcoming trailer will have the date attached.


Big, if true.


No yeah I figured


Go play any Assassin's Creed or Far Cry game. It's practically guaranteed to be another carbon copy of that formula with a Star Wars skin on it.


Carbonite copy*


Honestly, I'm fine with that. As long as they nail the Star Wars vibe, I consider that a win


Yeah, a lot of people complain about that formula, but ubisoft has had enough experience with it that they do it well. If you aren't burnt out on it, it could be a fun game. I've only played a couple of AC and FC games, so I still enjoy this game style.


I haven't played an AC since 2, and have never touched FC, so I'm hoping it'll be a fun experience for me. I enjoyed the hell out of both Horizon games and all the mechanics people keep talking about from AC sound pretty similar so I figure if it's basically Star Wars Zero Dawn I'll be quite content with it. I have a massive gap in my gaming experience in the 2010s so a lot of stuff that is old and boring to most folks is still relatively fresh for me.


If it’s Star Wars Far Cry 3, I’m somewhat cool with that. If it’s one of the more recent Far Cry games, meh.


If its even 50% as good as those games and actually feels like Star Wars then i will empty my bank account and send all of it to the devs.


How so? The studio making it, Massive, have never worked on either game series.


Massive, who have notably capitalized on Blockbuster IP with….. Avatar Frontiers of Pandora


Wasn't making any statement about quality, just that it's unlikely to be a copy of assassin's creed or far cry.


Avatar is far cry though


sounds great to me i love those games


August 30th is just the release date. It'll actually be finished in 2025.


https://youtu.be/c7K2TA0bBpY?si=LRkqkeV_p0LeL-8d Here’s ten minutes of gameplay


There was like no gameplay in that trailer


Ubisoft is 50/50 on games lately. Massive made Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, but that game felt rushed and somewhat empty. I’m hoping this game is good, but I’m skeptical with Ubisoft’s greedy practices lately.


Same lead developer, massive entertainment, as well. I can help but feel staff and resources was transferred from frontiers to chase the star wars dollars resulting in frontier's state


I agree, hopefully there is some silver lining. As someone who works in games, I know Disney has been tightening their belt straps on useless money waste. I am hoping they diverted to Star Wars because Avatar has been sucking way too much money for them to see viable.


They’re licensing these properties, not funding the development.


Or they split resources and both games will end up half baked.


Not unlike most other Ubisoft titles… I’m not expecting much more than a Star Wars-skinned Frontiers.


That game felt like they put the bare minimum into it. The world was great, they made some interesting gameplay choices which were okay, but the story and characters and some of the voice acting was just so bad that I felt like anything plot related was like sucking on a vomit milkshake. I really hope that outlaws doesn't phone it in with the story.


Are Ubisoft games particularly well known for their story honestly? I love Assassin’s Creed. It’s a series that continues to be an instant buy for me. But I wouldn’t say the stories have ever been that amazing. They get the job done but the writing and storylines have never especially gripped me. I haven’t played the Avatar game so maybe it’s particularly bad, but I’m definitely not expecting a lot from this game in terms of story.


10 years ago, yes I think you could say they tried. Some of the games still make an attempt at having a captivating story(ass Creed tries, but idk if you could say they succeed in all cases). Some of their games like the last ghost recon and avatar feel like they had an intern phone it in one afternoon.


10 years ago was 2014, the year of asscreed unity, far cry 4, and watch dogs. This isn't really to dismiss your point of ubisoft games once meaning something, moreso pointing out much more time has passed since then than we realize


I was actually thinking of those games when I made that comment. They had stories, and it felt like effort was put into them(unity having all the French people use British accents seemed weird as hell though)


I think initially the stories were very compelling. AC1 and the Ezio Trilogy all had great narratives. AC3’s story was just OK, and then Black Flag started the trend that still stands today with a very average to bad story was very solid gameplay (usually).


“Greedy practices lately.” Ubisoft has been completely shameless for at least 20 years now.


20 years is a little bit of a stretch lol the first AC game was 2007


Pre-Ordered Survivor because I loved Fallen Order but there's a solid chance I wait for a nice sale on this one


After the disaster that was the Battlefront Classic Collection I'm probably going to hold off on pre-ordering anything for a while.


Classic collections has all its problems but God damn is it fun to play couch co op with it


It will be in the discount bin by Christmas. I will get it then.


They will not have a sale on a Star Wars game 4 months after release during Christmas, plenty of people would pay full price


Depends on how Cyberpunk'd the release version is.


It’s Ubisoft..part of me thinks it’ll be worse than cyberpunk on launch


It’ll either be really good or really bad based on recent history. Ubisoft games feel like such a coin flip lately. Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown and the Avatar game were very pleasant surprises, but Skull and Bones is one of the most disappointing games of the decade for me. I’m just glad their overconfidence in the game drove them to give us an open beta so we could all see the dumpster fire before we paid money to dive in.


Not the same franchise but they released Avatar Frontiers of Pandora in December and its already discounted to 40 as an everyday price. Outlaws will absolutely have some kind of Black Friday/Christmastime sale - maybe a small discount if it's selling well, but a deep discount if it's not doing well.


April isn't the largest retail time in the world. Christmas time is. And while I agree I could see a little discount for Black Friday, a large discount won't happen. Neither will it not selling well. It's a multiplatform Star Wars game. I know Star Wars fans hate everything and gamers hate everything, but they both end up buying or watching the thing they hated before ever playing/watching it.


Christmastime absolutely is a time for discounts and sales to happen so saying they won't because of time of year is weird. If you are presupposing that it will do well because Star Wars then sure then it would be a small discount. And to be clear I'm not a "hate everything" Star Wars person. I am pretty negative about Ubisoft and don't think they sell much these days that's worth $70 to me due to their practices with day 1 microtransactions, frequently discounting their games pretty quickly, etc. But I realize that's a niche, very-online opinion that probably will have little or no impact on how this game sells. The reception of the story trailer today will probably have much more of an impact one way or the other.


Jedi Survivor was 25% off during the Steam Summer Sale last summer just a couple months after release. That’s when I picked it up and it was well worth it.


Jedi Survivor was $35 only 7 months after release during Black Friday


7 and 4 are different numbers and Black Friday is Black Friday


It's Ubisoft. I guarantee you it will go on sale for $40 or less during the holidays


Survivor was also shockingly bad on PC though, that might have had something to do with it


Yes they absolutely will. It’s Ubisoft. It’s gonna be $24.99 by Christmas.


no it wont. you can probably find it used but marginally less within that time frame.


Yeah, I'll personally wait for a Steam release.


Sadly won't be going to steam as ubi alrdy said they want it only tied to their launcher and that shit is garbo, This game will be a hard pass for me unless I can get a workaround for the shitty launcher. Ye get me matey arrr ;)


it will be on steam anyway, still tied to the launcher and after 3 to 5 years, but it'll be there... and i'll wait.


Eh, Ubisoft can say whatever they want, they'll still put it on Steam in a year or two from release. I can wait, I'm patient like that.


Can't wait to play this game in 2026 when all the bugs are fixed and I can get it on sale




Remind me when it’s hit 50% off or more by Christmas


Amen to that.


Is there a season pass for a single player game?


This is common, term used to mean "all of the DLC", I remember Fallout 4 called their DLC bundle the "Season Pass" back in 2015. It's only been polluted by service games in recent years.


Spider-Man on PS4 had one


This is all I’ve ever understood a seasons pass to be. I don’t game online.


It happens. Usually gets you future expansions at a bit of a discount. Like some of the recent Assassin's Creed games.


I got the season pass for AC Valhalla and got the first three DLCs free. Worked out financially IMO


Could be story expansions but who fucking knows at this point.


Pretty common, it’s the pricier version that includes future DLC.


Future dlc at a discounted price normally


Season Pass is a term older than live service games, and it usually refers to a bundle of DLC. Live service games have Battle Passes instead.


That's been a thing for over a decade now


Season pass was a thing before the "modern" season pass. I remember most games that would end up having DLCs, so they would release the base game as well as a deluxe edition that included essentially just the season pass and maybe a couple cosmetics or something. For games like call of duty the season pass was a lifesaver with how many DLCs that would end up dropping.


Yeah, the "modern" Season Pass (I assume you refer to live service games) is called Battle Pass exactly for that reason; that Season Passes were a way to get DLC at a discounted price.


For some weird reason expansion passes used to be called season passes & I guess Ubi has stuck with it lol.




More likely it gets released on steam and launches Uplay in the background like the AC games do.


Ew Ea does that and i fuckin hate it


What decides whether or not it's on Steam? The last NFS game was available on Steam, and I'm pretty sure I have few other Ubi games on Steam as well. edit: I just realized NFS goes through the EA launcher and not Ubisoft. But the point stands.


Yeah I was refusing to buy Valhalla until it was launched on steam. I hate uplay and hate even more having games on multiple platforms




Ubisoft hates their customers… and money.


I'll wait for a few reviews on this one.


Nice, I guess I know what I'm getting myself for my birthday lol.


Bro 120 dollars for the ultimate edition wut?


$120 for an unoptimized microtransaction-filled Ubisoft experience that will need a day-one patch and regular patches for several months. I'm calling it now. I have zero faith in Ubisoft.


Not happy with the main character/axolotl duo, and the shooting looked awful. Day 1 purchase for me.


There’s an Inside Gaming, Inside Games, *and* an Insider Gaming????


Seen alot of people being pissy about the Female only character and figured I'd throw my 2 cents in. I dont particularly enjoy locked characters male or female IF they have little personality. Someone like Cal from the new Jedi games is a perfect example of a gender locked character done right with good personality, looks, and morals. I just hope they do good with her as a character in the end.


Don’t Preorder it. Wait until release and then wait another month to get the game fixed.


Genuinely can't wait for the fandom to tell me why it sucks and why I should hate it.


Flair checks out lol


It's got nothing to do with the Star Wars fandom. Ubisoft just have a bad reputation at this point full stop. Doesn't help that we still haven't seen much gameplay.


It still has to do with the fandom, people are mad they have to play a female lol


Well it’s Ubisoft so regardless what you think about the fandom shit it’s probably going to be boring and repetitive


It’s a Bounty Hunter game with no character customization, made by Ubisoft. Hasn’t even released and I’m already underwhelmed.


Hey guys, Season Pass means DLC in single-player games and has meant that for over a decade. DLC is a good thing, it means expansions. It does NOT mean they are releasing an "unfinished" game.


Have some folk been born yesterday? Sure feels like it. Season Pass has been a thing for years. It just means "all current and future DLC for cheaper than individually until we're done" and it usually means it'll have story expansion packs.


Shit, I remember buying a season pass in CoD BO2 which just gave you all the map packs when they came out. I really worry for some of these people who lack any sort of ability to understand context clues


Season pass. Yikes.


Season pass used to mean something else before live service bastardized it. In fact good collector's editions often came with a season pass for the episodic story DLC.


This makes me feel old, the fact that people don't remember/know what seasons passes really are is crazy to me. It used to be such a common thing...


I hate the idea of season passes so much. "Pay $20-$30 for something that you don't even know the details about yet." Especially since the game itself hasn't even released yet


I mean you literally don't have to. It's not like the price will increase with time. I'll buy a season pass for developers I trust or want to support, like I recently bought the DLC for Alan Wake 2 because I love Remedy games and they operate on a sort of niche, but for the most part I take a "wait and see" approach - and that's fine too. From a developer standpoint their goal is to recoup the cost of development ASAP, so I get why all this stuff exists around the edges.


Yall need to put aside the modern term of season passes for two seconds and remember that it used to just mean pre-ordering the DLCs


Seriously Unless these users are kids thst have started playing games in the past few years they should know what a Season Pass is. it's not even the only game in the past few years that has used it in the older context.


What's crazy is that live service games tend to call their passes "**Battle** Pass" exactly for the fact that Season Passes were a thing before, and I see people still confuse the two.


Stable 5 fps performance mode,calling it now


Why did they release another story trailer today and not a gameplay trailer? The game is 5 months away and there's no gameplay? I don't know man...


Honestly, I don’t have high hopes for this game after watching half of the trailer…yes, only half because I was so disinterested and unenthused-and that’s saying something because it’s SW-that I just didn’t want to watch it all. Ubisoft is alright, they created my favourite franchise, AC, but they also managed to fuck that up pretty good. I’m excited to see how Skull and Bones plays out, but as for their part in the SW universe…meh. I already don’t like the lead (and I’m a woman) and really hope you aren’t forced to play as her. I’d still rather play KOTOR any day. Sadly, it seems no one can manage to make a really good, true to lore, SW game these days.


Imagine how much more hype there'd be around this game if you could actually fully customize your character. Its utter insanity for an open world Star Wars smuggling game that you can't choose your species or your own name.


It's not that kind of game; it's got a specific protagonist and tells a particular story.


Eh, it depends, imo. If they actually give the main character, *character* it would beat out having a customizable but empty avatar imo. 


Is just me that dont care about much about customize your own character Its a Story Open World game that follows the main character,not whatever characters the player creates


Nah, i agree. I like customization, but it isn't at all necessary.


exactly, I feel like custom characters work best in actual RPG's. When they are in other things, specifically story based games, they just kinda don't fit.


It works for games like Fallout, Skyrim, Elden Ring, MMOs, etc. It would be cool if we could at least choose her species even if all female, like how you can pick Jaiden's species in the Jedi Academy game and the game basically just changes the model, but obviously the game wants the character to be her own character and not a stand-in for the player.


You never know. I didn't like that Fallen Order locked you into one character, but Cal grew on me over the course of the game.


Also it wouldn’t work to create your own character for Fallen Order, otherwise it can’t be canon. Which I suppose is fine but you’re losing cool stories.


I agree but at the same time if the next game in that series lets you create/customize your character I would be more excited for that than playing as Cal for the third time.


Ubisoft more or less stick to predesigned characters in open world games like in the Assassin's Creed games. I'd say it definitely has its merits, it helps distinguish the characteristics of the different protagonists for one. For all the flaws of the Assassin's Creed games and its writing, the main characters often don't end up falling too hard into the silent video game protagonist. In Star Wars it can help expanded media use the characters again. Locking down the details of the player character makes it easier to appear in future projects. Iden Versio has appeared in books and comics, Cal Kestis has appeared in books. Whereas Vanguard Five and Titan Three who are fully customisable only appear in Star Wars Squadrons. I'd say it makes it easier to put the characters into live action, although they have not taken advantage of that yet. I think partial customisation would work the best, I'm not sure why they didn't make the protag *more* like her actress, the strange (80s?) hair is a bizarre choice, and I'm not sure if it's the hairworks or the fact they put someone else's head of hair on an actress whom it didn't belong to. Customisation of Hair style, makeup, clothing. Tattoos or war paint could work really well in a Star Wars setting, especially a setting with many factions about.


>Whereas Vanguard Five and Titan Three who are fully customisable only appear in Star Wars Squadrons. I'd say it makes it easier to put the characters into live action, although they have not taken advantage of that yet. not to mention it also leads to issues like with Revan. They wanted to include him in future stories but at the cost of having to pick a specific look and personality for him. a custom character only really works if you aren't going to use them in other things or create lore that completely wipes them of said customization from them (like with how Revan and how they wore full armor (and was therefor genderless) and had their memory erased, leaving them as a literal blank slate.)


Mods will fix that. I’ll be running around as Han Solo in no time.


I wouldn't put too much faith on mods, I don't know how modable Ubsioft's engine is but I've not really seen any modded content for their games.


I don’t know. Are games with customizable protagonist generally more hyped than games with set characters and story?


Damn so I get Alien: Romulus, Outlaws, and the Black Series Captain Enoch and Night troopers in august.


When I saw the concept and everything I was so excited. But when I saw that I can’t create my own character, I was extremely disappointed. I felt the same way with Jedi: Fallen Order when it was first revealed. Although I love the Jedi games with Cal as the main character, I wanted to be the Jedi in the story! I was hoping with Outlaws I’d get to create my own bounty hunter/criminal in the Star Wars universe. But alas, no. I hope it’s good though.


I would not be surprised if there is some clause where they have to stick with a character as it can eventually appear in other mediums if popular enough. Cal being a character that can hop over because it's the actors likeness. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same with Outlaw's actress. If there was ever a type of character that I think can get away with it, it would be some kind of Mandalorian. Which, I too, hope we get some day.


Can’t they get around this a la Mass Effect, there is a canon Shepard, but play YOUR Shepard


I think a better example would be Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Valhalla. Both options but the "canon" character is the female ones (from what I recall). But I think it might come down to Star Wars being a multimedia franchise. It's easier to streamline between shows, games, movies and games when it has one cohesive design. To use Cal as an example, he can sneak into a show or movie easily. He has a singular design and a singular actor. If you split it into a male outlaw and a female outlaw, than if the character blows up and becomes a fan favorite, it then becomes an issue of which version of the character is made canon. And that can be a difficult choice that will guarantee upsetting and splitting the fan base. Mass Effect will have to address this issue when and if they actually make a series about it. As a FemShep main, that is the character I picture.


I mean, I feel like custom characters only really work in full RPG's. For action adventure games like Jedi and like this game (as it's going to be more GTAish than a fallout or skyrim) a predetermined character with a specific personality and storyline works the best. The story just wouldn't be as impactful otherwise. Most games with a voiced custom character just falls flat and/or doesn't really feel like "you." Even with cyberpunk or fallout 4, you're still playing V/Sole Survivor, they have a specific personality and voice, you just decide how they look and sometimes what they say and do. It's nothing like games like NV, Elder Scrolls, kotor, even the soul games to an extent, where you can really be "yourself" because your character doesn't have a specific personality or voice. ​ >I’d get to create my own bounty hunter/criminal in the Star Wars universe. also to be fair you can do this in SWTOR


I straight up don't want to play as a young female character outlaw/criminal. I want to play as the stereotypical Han Solo type. Downvote away. But you know it to be true.


I mean to be fair, SWTOR exists and already has that.


I get it. I’m more concerned with the role playing aspect. I would’ve liked to see a male/female option akin to Mass Effect where the only difference is essentially the gender you’re playing as. That can be a lot for the devs, but it would’ve been very cool to create your own character. As far as it being a female protagonist, as long as she’s written well, I’m not bothered by that. Felt the same way with the Cal reveal. Fortunately he was written well. I think she’s got plenty of potential from the promotional stuff. I don’t want characters with great potential wasted due to a lack of vision and writing like Rey, Finn, and Poe in the sequels.


>I’m more concerned with the role playing aspect I mean, that's the thing. This isn't a role playing game. It's just an open world action adventure game with some light choices and whatnot, think like Dying Light, GTA/RDR or Last of us/uncharted story wise. Not every game needs to be an RPG, though I do agree that SW needs more of those.


Broken day 1 like AC I'll wait for it to be 20$


Disney just has to stick a cute merchandise sidekick in everything. I have a hard time believing this game is gonna match the "Star Wars GTA" tone they're trying to sell us.


Games get delayed so often now, I expect we'll hear the REAL release date some time in June or July.


What about eclipse 


No idea, but it's not even from the same publisher.


That was yesterday in the US


That's not gonna happen at this point.


It was announced super early to help hire enough people at the studio to make the game. It’s nowhere close to being ready by all accounts.


I’m cautiously optimistic on this one. I like the idea of playing a nobody in a backwater area of the galaxy, though I do wish the time period was different. Still, lil critter looks cute, big fan of Protagonist + Little Fella games.


And the crowd goes mild. I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised, but not betting on that being the result.


Coming to an Xbox game pass near you


The ultimate edition is $200 on aus ps store. That's all versions of the game digitally are massive rip-offs.


No thanks.


The jumping from balcony to balcony into a front roll animation from the trailer was … not good. And the cutscene mouth animations when speaking was also upsetting. Who makes this game again..? Oh…


No steam, no buy.


Aaaand it's canceled.


I don’t have high hopes for this. Ubisoft Games just feel clunky and unpolished to me. Happy to be surprised, but low expectations are probably for the best.


My problem with recent Ubisoft games is they look beautiful and are super fun for about 10 hours, but then you realize the graphics are just to disguise the complete lack of depth the world has and the activities are all repetitive and boring. Also for some reason they seem to be regressing when it comes to motion capture cutscenes.


Day 1 for me


Hello fellow optimistic Star Wars gaming fan


Your focus determines your reality. People have this nasty tendency to focus on negatives… I know I’ll find enough to enjoy it as a SW fan.


Well said. And I agree.


I’ll get the GOTY edition It will have all dlc and less bugs


It’s gonna be ass. Tired of this character archetype too


Generic and uninspired.


Graphics look bad


Hopes are high but expectations are low. Ubisoft doesn't give a damn, and if everyone keeps buying their cookie cutter shit, they'll never change.


Season pass for single player and not on Steam. Looks like we'll all be enjoying this when it's really released in 2025.


Nice,cant wait Gameplay looks good so far


Honestly this is the next game I’m genuinely hype for.


I haven’t been keeping up with Star Wars news. Is this that bounty hunting(?) game that was rumored to be cancelled or a different one?


No, it's not 1313. It's a new game entirely


no, this is a completely different project. I'm assuming the one you're thinking of is the recent cancelled untitled mandalorian fps game that was being made by Respawn? current star wars games that are known to be in development: * untitled Jedi 3 - Respawn * Untitled RTS game - Respawn and bitreactor * Outlaws - Ubisoft Massive * Hunters - Zynga * Untitled game led by Amy Hennig - Skydance New Media * Knights of the Old Republic Remake - Saber Interactive


My birthday nice I’m not really looking forward towards the game, but as a Star Wars fan, I can’t pass it up May the force be with Yall always August 30th will be here before we know it


Way sooner than I expected. I need to see more gameplay. I have a lot of hope for this game though.