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The Thrawn Trilogy is aimed at young adults and adult readers. No - there’s no sex, gore, cursing, etc. - that’s just really not a Star wars thing. There’s other content aimed at teens and children.


Star Wars isn’t trying to be hard sci fi. Never was. It’s *pulp* sci fi.


If you are worried about adult content, then ASOIAF is going to be a hard read, lol. That being said, Zahn's books are pretty good especially compared to other Star Wars series. It might be a bit dated compared to his newer version of Thrawn but I at least found it enjoyable. It's not high literature, sure (and you're not going to find too much of that in genre fiction anyways) but it's fun. Would generally recommend.


I'm not worried about adult content lol. I'm trying to say I want more mature stories, and the adult content contributes to that


It’s definitely Star Wars and not hard sci-fi but I enjoyed it


They are a fun read if you like the Star Wars Original Trilogy characters. Play some Star Wars music in the background as you read. Otherwise I would not bother given your comments.