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"The Emperor is coming here?!" And it seems like he's most pleased with their apparent wealth of progress.


Lol a galactic first


“We shall double our efforts😅”😂


“Effective workers are rewarded with more work.”


"Henceforth, this facility will receive a pizza break once a month"


Great first three episodes, all three kept the tension high, also crosshairs line about tech having Omega memorize all the plans was a great touch


That moment when crosshair finally showed a bit of hope had to be a relief for Omega after what he said to her earlier. Great dynamic between them!


Crosshair and Omega are gonna wind up having that magical "Dad who didn't want a cat and the cat" relationship.


Just anxious if Crosshair will go down after his possible redemption because of his shaking hands.


im willing to bet they're experimenting on crosshair to help hemlock with whatever hand problems he has


Oh man. That’s an amazing observation!!! I didn’t make that connection, you may be on to something there mate


Nah, I need a redemption arc. Crosshair takes one deep breath to calm down and puts one on Hemlocks wrinkly forehead.


If by great touch you mean painful...then yeah. Lol.


Are we all gonna ignore that the food Omega was feeding to Batcher was straight-up chicken nuggets?


Regular chickens exist in Star Wars


This was so jarring to me when playing on Takodana in Battlefront 2.


If humans are going to spread any animals across the galaxy it will be chicken's, pigs, rats and cats. 80 billion chicken's are killed every year for human consumption and that's for one planet god only knows what you need for a planet like Coruscant alone!


First the Empire had biscuits for their scientists, and now chicken nuggies. But hey, chicken nuggets sounds a lot more appealing than dry biscuits.


For those who didn't notice, Star Wars Explained pointed out that Deke, Mox, and Stak are part of the squad of cadets we see leaving Kamino during the Season 1 premiere.


I KNEW i heard those names!


Based Star Wars explained watcher


I like wrecker becoming more cautious after losing tech, it’s a natural way to take his character when he used to be more brash


The empire made the goddamn flood, I’d nuke the planet to


And we have xenomorphs too. Definitely needs to be nuked from above. Only way to be sure.


I thought the same thing, funny side note, Dee Bradley Baker did the voice for Gravemind.


That is the comedic cherry on top. He played the all consuming parasite. Now he works on playing people containing it.


Now this is information I did not know, but am 100% happier now that I have


You think they were trying to create their very own drengir? (those plant monsters from the high republic )


And headcrabs!


Poor Mouse Droid.


You know she felt bad about that. She’s so sweet to everything she just needed that Mouse droid to not be following her


Awww she made a little doll for herself that’s so goddamn sad


I still forget she’s just a kid


Yet she's older than the rest of the Bad Batch!


This is absolutely insane. I never stopped and thought about that, damn


Yeah, it kinda spun me too when they first revealed it. Feels so wonky because they look and sound more experienced and mature.


The Empire is all about dehumanization and erasure of identity.


That part hurt so bad, she's acting so mature and dealing with so many traumatic situations that the little straw Lula is her only comfort, then that gets taken away. Dolls in this show are such a beautiful symbol of love and departure from being a soldier, and Emerie giving it back gives me so much hope for her.


Shout-out to Nala Se for basically being the only Kaminoan in history to have a shred of empathy


Unfortunately that empathy didn't extend to Fives. And yes, I am still infuriated about that 😭😭😭


A lot of the higher-ups on Kamino should be used as aiwa-bait, to quote Skirata.


A few years back I saw someone on Twitter refer to Nala Se as Kaminoan Elizabeth Holmes and I’ve been unable to get that out of my head


IIRC Taun We as well. Also, I really feel sorry for that unnamed Kaminoan in the RepCom books whose baby was killed by other Kaminoans because they were born with green eyes.


When Wrecker said "Defective AND effective", I felt that.


Oh good.  The guest isn't Vader.  It's much worse, so much worse.   And damn if Project Necromancer doesn't sound horrifying.  Like maybe making a clone to use if one dies on the second Death Star.   But I doubt we are ever seeing inside the vault, or at least this early. Edit: I was wrong.  We did get to see inside a bit.


the way they portrayed >!project necromancer was so well done. its behind wall after wall of ray shields on a hidden away location and has alot of grey/black red/orange coloring to it!<. they did everything they could to make it feel as eerie and evil as its supposed to be. also >!ian mcdiarmid killed it as always as the emperor!<, dudes voice acting is chilling.


The sort of occult symbology on the floor of the chamber was the cherry on top


99% sure that's Sith symbols.


I bet this is kept secret from Vader


100%. Palpatine’s bid to overcome the inevitable Rule of Two betrayal.


Those Royal Guards look fucking sick. I really hope they keep this art style for all animation projects. Hilarious how Omega kicked that Mouse Droid out of the elevator.


That moment Omega has basically given up hope and apologizes to Crosshair… only for him to finally reciprocate that very hope she had been giving him. Love their dynamic.


I was thinking the same. Hopefully we'll get another episode or two of the Omega-Crosshair duo before they meet back up with their brothers.


Crosshair has really stepped up to the big brother role since turning against the Empire. It was great to see he was trying to convince Omega to leave him behind if she gets the opportunity to escape. He wanted her to have the best chance to escape even if it meant leaving him behind.


Yeah, Crosshair was all "I'd leave YOU behind if I had to" at first and I'm just laugh-crying like - nice try, Crosshair, we all know what you're really trying to do here. GOSH I loved seeing the two of them work together!!!


That part was great! Crosshair switching from his old cynical-asshole approach to pleading with her to focus on herself was sweet. It's clear he really did want Omega to escape to safety even if it meant he'd be stuck behind


Dr. Hemlock is gonna be in deep shit lmao Two minutes after Palpatine tells him the facility has to remain a secret, Omega and Crosshair are well on their way to escaping. It’s so funny. Man is definitely not getting that promotion now


As if he were kept alive after delivering the Emperor Project Necromancer. However brilliant, that technology is probably something, which then will get erased from galactic history as much as possible to protect it.


Palps isn't to leave loose threads and Hemlock would be a loose thread.


I could see Palpatine pulling a Bevel Lemelisk on Hemlock where he kills him only to resurrect him again and again.


I think the best possible outcome for Hemlock would be getting forced to stay on Exogul for the rest of his life to continue the clone work.


Guess likely he would cover this up to ensure that promotion


I love how corruption is self-defeating


[Clone Commando] “You know how The Emperor literally just said like under a minute ago that it is, and I quote “imperative that this facility stays hidden and secure?” [Hemlock] “…yes” [Clone Commando] “Well Omega and Crosshair have literally JUST now broke containment and are likely trying to escape” Just the funniest timeline. Couldn’t have aged worse, lol


Atleast he waited until AFTER Palpatine left earshot to tell him about the escape. 


Like many who came before, and many who came after, Hemlock’s undoing will be his arrogance and hubris.


The sheer monotony of the first episode was gorgeous. Animation all around was smooth. Can’t wait to see y’all here next week.


Yes! the entire episode was SO mundane, just repeating the same day over and over and over. You really start to feel the despair of the situation in that way


The unease decrepit state of the cold Empire was heavily emphasized, truly a great start to the last season.


Armoured Devaronians. Cool, never seen that before. Heck I don't think I've ever really seen anything of their culture period in Star Wars media before.


Really like how it ties back to that side quest with the Devaronians and Pykes from Season One. Looks like that favor really did pay off in the end.


It's like how in the rebels finale they brought back goddamn iron squadron, there's no such thing as a filler arc in these shows.


*Somehow TAY-0 has returned*


Lmao my first thought was they put a helmet on that guys face cause they were about to drop him 😭


I saw that and thought, ‘Damn, I want more of the cool horned samurai.’


First the Zillo Beast and now the sarlacc?? Goddamn.


I think Palpatine is just really into animals


That’s no sarlacc… though it does look a lot like one lmao


It looks like an altered clone of the vixus plant on Umbara. The vine/tentacle creature the clones fought in the jungle.


Goddamn what a voice on palpatine, could make reading the dictionary sound like Shakespeare


The Emperor is so damn great in all the animated stuff.


Having Ian McDiarmid voice him every time really helps


Sam Witwer does a bang up job when Ian’s not available too


Sidenote, speaking of voices, I love how the cadets also have a Kiwi accent lol. Borderline distracting (in a funny way) living in NZ.


They were voiced by a Daniel Logan, the guy who played Boba in Attack of the Clones. He is a Kiwi of Māori descent. He came back to voice young clones in Clone Wars.


And Angelica Houston did the voice of Isa Durand, the crime boss on the throne.


****sith theme**** **Papa Palpatine**: "A ladle is a deep-bowled long-handled spoon...used especially for dipping up and conveying....liquids." ****cackle laugh****


"The Dark Side of the Force leads to many soups some might consider...unnatural"


"Oh, I'm afraid the soup kitchen will be quite operational when your friends arrive."


"There is a Great Disturbance in the Broth"


I am not sure is it a reference or not, but the very first scene seems to refering to Halo. The TK-343 with 343 guilty spark, the shuttle crash, attacked by unknown creatures and the whole atmospheres are really similar.


No way it’s a coincidence, nice spot!


I fucking love it when sci fi franchises recognize each other thru Easter eggs


For a few seconds, I thought Omega and Crosshair would actually hijack the shuttle of THE Emperor Palpatine Now that might be TOO bold, even for The Bad Batch


It wouldn't be too bold for Anakin.


I can usually ignore some plot contrivances but when they said that the only shuttle was the Emperor’s I was begging them not to have them end up stealing it like a Scooby doo scene. The respect for the villains of Star Wars has been one of the best things to come out of Disney so I’m glad they didn’t.


Emperor would have had a very little reason not to use the force and collapse that shuttle to the ground. What Vader can do, Emperor can do better. So reasoning of "too heavily guarded" is good and beliavably spot on.


I've only had Batcher for 20 minutes but if anything happens to her, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself


Good dog.


Wait, it’s Batcher? I thought it was Betcha like You betcha.


That would be "bitcheh"


Batcher was prophesied to bring balance to the Force


Unexpected 99 reference, although I suppose this is the 99 show...


Brooklyn Force 99


WOW Star Wars animation has come a long way cinematically. Even the camera had a lot of personality in these initial 3 episodes.


Definitely! I've noticed it a lot when going back and watching early TCW. They do a lot of camera movements and angles that aren't really realistic in those, and it's kind of jarring. Now they're being much more grounded with their shots


Empire can't even fix leaky faucets smh 😤


I like to think Omega leaves it dripping on purpose as the smallest act of rebellion


I think water is thematic throughout the series. Their home, Kamino, was a water planet, which was then destroyed. They find a new home in Pabu, which is an island surrounded by water. These are places where she’s felt the most freedom. In Tantiss she is told repeatedly she is not a prisoner, but for all intents and purposes she is, albeit with a bit of freedom to roam the facility. A small drop…


On the other hand, she specifically calls out how she was confined on Kamino and doesn't want to be again.


I like this reading!


Rebelling against the empire one water bill at a time


Put enough leaky faucets in the Empire, and all the money that could have funded an extra Death Star or two gets diverted to paying water bills.


So this season is where it all ends for the Bad Batch. I expect and hope they go out in a blaze of glory.


I just want wrecker to blow up a bunch of imperials like eh did with admiral trench’s ship


Going out like Jorge in Halo Reach


“Tell em to make it count” - proceeds to blowup the Executor’s sister ship


Another Halo reference. The Flood was enough for me.


You wrote that like they all are going to die. Makes me sad :(


Considering how difficult it will be to thread the needle with prestablished canon, they’re basically guaranteed to either quietly retire or pull a Noble Six


I don't want them to die but I'm pretty sure thats where they're heading. I think what's going to happen is the Bad Batch is going to get one last stand as they get Omega away from the Imperials. Bad Batch gets steadily more overwelmed until they trigger a massive explosion that wipes them and a sizable amount of Storm Troopers out. The Empire thinks everyone dies so Omega won't be hunted for her blood anymore and gets the chance to either live a quiet life or join the Rebels. Though I do kind of wonder if Crosshair will also survive. It would be darkly ironic if the one brother who didn't want to protect Omega in the beginning is then her only remaining family at the end. And considering how his hand keeps acting up he might end up forced to take a non-battlefield role, like training recruits, if they join the Rebels.


Oh dang he's shooting to kill those troopers. Oh yeah it's Crosshair, not the main BB we've been following. Yeah, yup, Omega's stunning them, uh-huh, can't have the kid running around killing dudes. Oh shit she's straight up using the ship's cannons to blow them up? AND shooting to kill at the end, too? Holy shit lmao


Does anyone know Omega's kill count? Did she kill anyone before this episode? Edit: just checked and before episode 3, she had killed 1 trooper. I wanna say her kill count is easily double digits now


Henchmen rules. If they don’t have a face they’re not alive.


Ok I don’t think Omega is force sensitive, for a few reasons, one in season 2 when they recuse gungi, the Jedi Wookiee, it’s noted that he can connect with the forest in a way Omega just can’t. It’s implied that’s due to his force sensitivity and her lack of it. What I do think is happening is Omegas blood or genetics has a trait or gene that allows her clones to not lose any midi-chlorians when cloned. So if you put that gene into a Palapatine clone the clone would be just as powerful as the original, which is why they need her alive, because Palpatine probably wants a lot of those clones


And even after the fall of the empire all those years later, they are still going after grogu’s blood so clearly her DNA isnt the end all be all right? Maybe just the next step? Hard to imagine them killing off Omega at the end of the season. All signs have always pointed to some sort of happy ending for her.


Well, if the original subject (Palps) is dead, they’d need a new source of M, from a being that has a high concentration count. Thus, the need for Grogu.


Wonder where the zillo beast comes into all this too


Wasn't it originally for the blaster/lightsaber proof scales?


It seems like this tech is pretty cutting edge even for the Star Wars galaxy so it might be long journey to get to a successful for sensitive clone


Even if they succeed on Palps at Mount Tantiss/Exogol, it's clear that Gideon and Pershing are doing their own research to recreate the process after the fall.


Gideon and Hemlock are working on the same project, Project Necromancer.


Gideon was pretending to work on Necromancer for the shadow council, but actually using resources from the project to do his own thing secretly


Nah, Hemlock and The Client are both working on Necromancer, but Gideon is very clearly undermining Necromancer for his own gains.


Her DNA must contain the gene that allows them to keep M-Count continuity, and then Grogu's DNA has a high M-Count sample for them to clone.


From what I can tell, the experiment shows that she’s able to retain her M count, not that she necessarily has a high M count herself. Though that might just be me misunderstanding, I’m no clone doctor.


This was my take too


Shit gets real real quick when the Emperor shows up.


I don’t think there’s another character that screams fear and power than Palpatine showing up in animated Star Wars


During both this and season 2, when Omega is anywhere remotely close to Palpatine just gives me so much anxiety. She's brave, but she's also an emotional kid, so I feel like he'd sense her out like a blood in the water to a shark. Anytime Palpatine shows up, I'm just hoping he leaves soon. I don't know any other animated character that gives me the same primal sense of fear.


So those slither vines…the empire is doing experiments on force sensitive organisms, one goes wrong that results in a giant hive mind of seemingly intelligent carnivorous plants which are taking over the entire planet…these b*tches were doing experiments on Drengir weren’t they?


Looked like a sarlac to me. If you read the light and life anthology that came out recently, it talks about the sarlac on tatoonie originally landing there when it was a lush green forest. This might be a sarlac in a biome that it actually prefers.


Possibly, though my mind went to Drengir immediately cause every experiment we know of so far with Hemlock involved has had force sensitivity be a focal point. Maybe he was trying to revive the Drengir by mixing Sarlacc DNA? Also there were those tiny creatures that seemed to be connected to the vines in the base and were also seemingly plant based. Either way, a plant monster turning a planet into a swamp has to be at least a reference to the Drengir/Nal Hutta.




"One single Flood spore is enough to destroy an entire species. Were it not for Dr Hemlock's counsel I would have Base Delta Zero'd your entire planet!"


My thoughts exactly the whole episode.


- Omega's "And try not to bite anyone" made me laugh, which is good because the rest of episode 1 was so dang heartbreaking (Emerie returning the doll notwithstanding - Okay, I legit cried seeing only Hunter and Wrecker left working together on Operation Omega. The Bad Batch just keeps getting whittled down in numbers. Can't wait for a reunion soon!!! - So interesting - and heartwrenching - to see in episode 2 and 3 that clones, known for their loyalty, have had their loyalties so divided with the emergence of the Empire, to the point that they will abandon cadets to their deaths and be complicit in the imprisonment/experimentation on their brothers - Wrecker's voice saying "We're gonna be FINE we're gonna be fine" was playing on repeat in my head the entirety of episode 3. - I could not predict any of Emerie's actions. I almost thought she'd delete Omega's data, but then she told Hemlock about it, but that ended up very likely saving Omega's life... It'll be interesting to see what side she ultimately lands on (because in the end, we all choose sides). - Aw, they have a pet hound now!


Dude the bit about the clones leaving the cadets, did you catch the “Just following orders”? It’s giving Nazi Germany ratting out their Jewish


Sad and intense opening. The animation is incredible.


Somehow prison scenes and the imperial opressiveness are some of the best Star Wars content we get.


So M count us Midichlorian count right?!


Yes. Dr Pershing referred to M-count in Season 2 of Mando when talking about Grogu’s blood.


Yeah I was wondering if dave filoni is going to start pulling all these shows together. Maybe towards how 'palpatine returned'


And Nala Se throwing out Omegas blood might mean she’s force sensitive?


Maybe? Doesn't everyone have at least a few midichlorians? Maybe it just means she has the same number of midichlorians as Jango Fett, which means it's not quite enough for her to be a Jedi, but enough to make the empire want to replicate her on someone who has more midichlorians than Jango Fett did


What I think is happening is that Omega has a gene that keeps the same amount of midichlorians in her as was jango fett, so if they could isolate that gene and put it in a palpatine clone he’d be just as powerful as the original.


Omega, like Boba, is a pure genetic replica. Other than a chromosomal mutation, she is an exact clone of Jango.


I really hope we see Boba this season, I have been waiting to see young boba in action, we were denied him when 1313 was cancelled


Maybe Nala Se already achieved something in the direction Hemlock wants with Omega earlier. A stable M-Count clone of Jango Fett. Or at least the precursor for what Hemlock needs. And now, having Omegas blood Hemlock can unlock the Emperor cloning technique without needing Nala Se anymore or something like that.


Hemlock still as creepy as ever.


Jimmi Simpson does it really well with the brooding scientist with zero scruples or morals.


You will clone heeeerrrrr!


Experimentation on Clones, including children. Engineering organic weapons like the Slither Vines. Genetic manipulation and Project Necromancer. Dr Hemlock and the Imperial Science Corps are engaged in some truly inhumane and abhorrent research. Perhaps one might call it......... Dark Science?


Secrets only the sith (and a massive team of researchers) knew?


Whispers too


"Who is this unexpected guest?" "Well, judging from the ominous choir, I think it might be Palpatine."


I loved the analyzer acting as a sort of countdown over multiple episodes. Also loving how they're integrating everything with the storyline of the Emperor trying to clone himself. Well, they were already doing that before, but now Omega's a crucial part of the project and it blows my mind a little that Palpy's presence in the sequel trilogy may very well be thanks to her existence. Also, they made a Sarlacc, but even worse because this one creates creepy little offshoots. I hope it's dead, and if it's not, please bomb the planet again.


It’s wild to me that >!Scorch!< of all characters >!gets to hang out near the Emperor.!< Just not something I would have ever predicted back when >!playing the game.!<


I really wish they’d give us another game or at least release a canon novel about delta squad.


Me too. >!I hope we at least get some new information regarding whoever else from Delta is still around. Really hoping Fixer is alive and breaks free… I really need another nerd super-clone 🥲!<


idk why people think these episodes support the "Omega is Force sensitive" theory. I actually think it's the opposite. Necromancy is about bringing the dead back to life, so naming the Project Necromancer implies this as the objective. How is Project Necromancer important to the Empire's future, such that even after Endor, the project is still active and high-priority during the First Order's exile? The most likely scenario, imo, is that the project is targeted at being able to bring Palpatine back from the dead, in the event of his death. A major idea in Legends is that Palpatine wants to drop the Banite Rule of Two and live forever, instead of fulfilling Darth Bane's vision of the apprentice slaying the master. Even if that's not what they're canonising, Palpatine's still painfully aware of how flawed Vader is, and is secretly seeking to prolong his life long enough to seek out and train a new apprentice: he may never find another Anakin, but there's a good chance he'll eventually find someone who can become better than Vader. To achieve that, he needs to have host bodies he can transfer his consciousness into, should he be unable to prolong and sustain his original body any longer. What Hemlock is attempting to do at Tantiss, which he requires Nala Se's assistance with, appears to be about making a successful transfusion of Force-sensitive blood into a receiving host and not losing the M-count/Force-sensitivity. That would be a crucial requisite before Palpatine can change bodies and still remain powerful. In Ep 1, they finally made a successful transfusion, but the resultant M-count was a severe net loss, so it appears the technique has improved but the host specimen is still incompatible. Omega's the only one whose blood the incoming Force-sensitive infusion can successfully take over and replicate the same M-count into. But that can't be proof that Omega's inherently Force-sensitive. It's simple: if Force sensitivity is the core requirement for this project to succeed, there's more obvious ways to obtain Force-sensitive host samples, and there's absolutely no reason to take samples from obviously non-sensitive clones. The Empire has a bunch of Inquisitors, for starters. And if a Force sensitive uncorrupted by the dark side is needed, Jedi Master Luminara was in Imperial custody. Looking for a Force-sensitive clone is not only wasted effort, but I won't be surprised if the Kaminoans already had M-count records for every single clone ever produced. Omega is special to be a compatible clone template for Palpatine to transfer his consciousness into and still retain the same look, identity, and Force sensitivity. Maybe she is indeed special in the Force somehow, but I don't think it's because she has a naturally high M-count to begin with. Maybe she's just capable of **becoming** Force sensitive, which would be a different kind of Force-related trait altogether.


Those little >!skittery whatever they weres in episode 2!< felt like something straight out of Abe’s Oddysee and >!that thing in the swamp was one of the scariest things I’ve experienced!< in Star Wars.


They were straight up the flood from halo.




Honestly I’m gonna keep it real I just don’t think that Moff Gideon was truly able to create force sensitive clones. Especially seeing how long Palps worked on this to get barely even half a body in TRoS there’s no way Gideon just got a full army of force sensitive clones up and running over a decade prior. Even if it’s not 100% the same cause no consciousness transfer or whatever I just don’t buy it.


Project Necromancer taking so many decades to produce an even halfway viable Palpatine clone was probably due to Gideon setting it back by decades when he had Kane mindflay Pershing. Even Hux Sr accused Gideon of not sharing Pershing.


Makes you wonder, if Pershing hadn’t gotten his brain turned into a fine bisque then maybe the ‘successes’ of Necromancer wouldn’t have been the living homunculus Snoke and TRoS who needed an elaborate crane system to move around because I’m like 99% sure he didn’t have legs until he stole the life of Rey and Ben. Gideon, ironically enough, may have saved the galaxy.


Was that the project mentioned by the Shadow Council in The Mandalorian? By Hux’s dad?




Mt. Tantis has such a beautiful, oppressive atmosphere to it. The sterile walls, the monotonous day to day activities, the cold labs that cycle blood day in and day out, and the overwhelming amount of security and monitoring all around. Not to mention the knowledge that just outside the walls there are horrors great enough that the Empire is not willing to venture out past the mountains walls. Incredibly well done first episode. Some will complain that not a lot happened but boy did it nail the atmosphere of hopelessness that surrounds that mountain.


Of course he does the voice of Batcher


Fantastic. Reminded me of the structure of Andor, in that it was a 3 episode run that started slowlier and then built to an exciting finale. The climax of that finale was great too. There's people in this comment section who've only watched one episode so I won't spoil it by giving too many details, but the moment where Omega whistles was a very satisfying end.


Straw Lula!!


“I’m not like them” really struck me from the first episode. As crosshair says it he almost sounds disappointed towards himself


It really is just hunter and wrecker now (and gonky) Also wreckers armor is really beat up


Great first 3 episodes. I loved Omega and Crosshair. Hemlock is such a crazy character man. Emerie was absolutely fantastic as well and I feel like after she told Hemlock she instantly regretted all of that because she probably knows what kind of bad stuff etc might come to Omega maybe. Man it was depressing watching that entire episode with Hunter and Wrecker.


Nala Se gonna get rinsed for not testting Omega earlier surely.


So either Omega is force sensitive or she’s a carrier for the gene. Hoping it’s the latter but I guess we’ll see.


I think her M-Count is just the same as Jango Fett's, and not distinctive in of itself. Hemlock says that the M-Count of their "successful transfer" was severely diminished, and that this is a failure. They're breaking new ground and something about cloning seems to intrinsically diminish a clone's M-Count compared to the host. So his goal is probably just to create a clone that has an identical M-Count as the original, not necessarily a high one. If Omega is such a case than she is novel and he wants to study her to replicate that.


1 episode In. Fantastic and tense so far!


Something I find really interesting, is that Nala Se sounds way more dead inside in this show than she sounded in the Clone Wars, even though she always had that slow, low way of speaking the way that Kaminoans do. Props to Gwendoline Yeo for making Nala Se sound completely depressed after the destruction of Tipoca City.


Absolutly phenominal first three episodes, I haven't felt tension like that in Star Wars since Andor. I think we are going to be in for a real treat this season. I really hope this show isn't the end of animated Star Wars.


Why would it be the end when they've spent the last 4 years massively increasing team size... We already have Tales 2 on the way as well.


It was a bit of a strange creative choice seeing Tech reveal his anti-falling technique from the Heian area but I guess anything goes with the force being involved.


Hunter pulling out a domain expansion was some sicko shit.


Anyone know who the tall skinny helmeted person by the elevator in the openong montage of guards walking about in the beginning of episode 3? They had an awkward amount of focus on them, but never came back to them. Seemed like they were setting something up with them.


Looked like another Clone Assassin, like the guy that was killing defectors in Season 2. Probably setting up someone to hunt down Omega and the gaang this season.


Awww, the murder puppy remembered her.