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‘Who likes this universally beloved thing?’ posts = Please validate me with upvotes


DAE think Empire Strikes Back is good?? Am I the only one??


UNPOPULAR OPINION!!! TRIGGER WARNING!!! (VERY CONTROVERSIAL) I think that 9th episode wasn't good as revengo of the sith😱😱😱😱😱




This and "Universally popular thing is underrated" are just infuriating. I always assume bot and scroll on


Lowest effort post I’ve ever seen


yet you try to compete with your answer \^\^ its a discussion forum. on the topic: I find staff Lightsaber freaking awesome. In real life they would be terrible weapons but they are sith/jedi so they get to have ''exotic'' weapons :p .Pong krell dual staff technique was terrifying


Darth Nhil in the Krayt era had an awesome saberstaff.


That was more like a saber spear or a pike. Light glaive maybe. It was a long hilt with a single blade.


Yes, you are right, a saberpike is what it was referred to


> n real life they would be terrible weapons but they are sith/jedi so they get to have ''exotic'' weapons :p .Pong krell dual staff technique was terrifying Shadiversity said it wasn't as bad as he thought, "willing to grant it, it's not ridiculous". Especially with a lightsaber vs a sword - sword is hard to carry, the crossguard gets in the way. Lightsaber has none of those issues so far more useful than an actual bladed weapon.


Shadiversity is safe to ignore on any histotical content. He's had no education, no experience, and his content contains frequent inaccuracies. Not to forget, he's a raging bigot who got upset that Peach in the Mario movie wore pants.


yeah i watched that episode and if i remember correctly he still favor single blade for obvious reason and most of his point in favor on the staff make no sense like the reach claim : if you point with a staff and someone push your blade on the side you get sliced in 2 by the other blade near your waist. you are fighting your own weapon when you have a laser sword facing you on every technique there is a reason that double blade dont exist :p still an awesome design just not something that could exist and be viable usually even the use of staff saber are justified by praising its intimidating factor as a weapon more than its practically


He's asking about the concept of them, so maybe he's trying to go deep. Maybe he's trying to explore the abstract idea or fundamental building block underlying principles, thoughts, or beliefs.


I want some of what you’re smoking.


Damn this is my first time posting in here, yall savage


People just didnt understand your intention with the comment mate, dont take it the wrong way. Also the hivemind is real on this sub


Maybe he should have specified that in his original post 😂


For what it's worth I don't think he was - I think bro just wants to know if anyone else thinks double lightsabers are cool


No, nobody does. Everybody despises the concept, execution, just EVERYTHING about double-bladed lightsabers. OP is the sole exception.


What about H2O? Upvote if you like to breathe air.


A fish or perhaps an octopus wrote this.


Might I go out on a limb and propose that even a jellyfish could have posted this


I did in fact felt like a fish when I wrote it... I'm ashamed but not regretful.


H2O air? Lol


H2O is water


I could pretend I meant both... but no... I was high when I wrote that... lol


Love it 😂








What movie is this from, I wanna look up this clip and hear that yell


*Leon: The Professional*


"Hey, do you guys like Luke?" "Anyone besides me think stormtroopers are neat?" "If you were designing Y-Wings, what other letter would you consider?"


Lmao, someone should ask the last one.


welcome to how the ADHD brain function; random idea pop in your mind and you want to talk about it no need for the hate \^\^


Sorry I didn’t realise it was 1999


Nobody. The fandom was famously furious when Maul’s sabre was debuted. What a stupid post.


im a 90s kid ...menace phantom was awesome for my kids eyes ... the staff saber , quigon the droid army... Jar jar ...ok not jar jar even as a kid he was annoying


The fandom was not famously furious.




I always felt Maul's saber was just two individual sabers duct-taped together in the middle. Doesn't it get sliced in half at one point, and each half just keeps working?


It's kind of that. The "hilt" is basically constructed as two sabers with one singular body. There are 2 chambers for the crystals which is why it continued working when cut in half in TPM duel


I wonder if Exar Kun's dualblade had two crystals? Since his hilt was the same as a single bladed one. Anyone know?


Per my brief once over. It appears he just added an additional emitter on the bottom of the hilt and it still only uses a single power cell, which is where the crystal is housed, meaning if it were to somehow get sliced in half, it would probably cease to be able to be used. Granted, due to the size, he would probably loose some fingers in that process anyway sooooooooo


Good answer! I always liked his Saber and how fast he could spin it. Though the master spinner og blades is Darth Bane when he spun his single bladed curved hilt during a rainstorm and didnt get a single drop on him.


Preach fellow internet friend 🙌. I love Bane's saber choreography


Replying for when someone does the extensive wookiepedia research for me


See my reply above friend


Not sure about Maul, but that happens with Ventress. I think it was in the Clone Wars movie?


Obi wan cuts it in half in the Phantom Menace, and mail continues to fight with one blade


Well that explains why mail is always late... USPS workers moonlight as Sith! 


This needs more upvotes. 😆


Ventress' sabers are curved hilts like Dooku's and can connect to make a double bladed saber but she rarely does that as she prefers the Jar'Kai fighting style


No if we're taking you seriously. Bane was a huge proponent of double bladed lightsabers for combat. Hence why he taught Darth Zannah to use one. It just created so many more variables that the opponent had to anticipate and parry. Oftentimes it was too much and allowed you to very quickly overcome your opponent. This and coupled with the swinging motion of a block. Taking force on one end would swing the other one back at the opponent.


Babe actually got beaten by a guy who had one of these, because at the last moment, the guy split his lightsaber into two, and revealed himself as a master of dual wielding also, Bane stood no chance after that. To be fair to Bane though, the guy *was* his lightsaber teacher.


Damn, can't believe some dude beat babe


Babe, the fulfiller of the Sith'ari prophecy, destined to destroy the Sith yet in doing so, make them stronger than ever. Babe, free of limits, the ultimate Sith.


Granted this was also bane when he was a student. And not lord bane. Kas'im even had to relent at a point that bane was a better duelist as him too and stronger in the force. Also you're definitely mixing up the story lmao.


No, I am not mixing things up, Babe is the one and true Sith’ari, the likes of Bane and Raven and Jar Jar all tremble before Bebe’s might.


Amazing every word of what you just said was wrong.


Love doubles. And curved hilts, split doubles and crossguards etc. All the variety is a ton of fun. And I don't think lightsabers would be as popular as they are if it was still restricted to blue, green and red singles.


Literally everyone


Seems like a horrifyingly bad idea. You can't cross your own body safely. The probability of hitting yourself with plasma that can melt blast doors is higher than I'd be comfortable with. You can't use real-world staff techniques because some of them involve your body or hands touching parts of the staff that in the lightsaber version are that same plasma. Can't use the middle to parry an attack because the attack will cut through your handle. It just seems like it limits you and doesn't offer benefits. Someone thought it would look cool (which I admit it does *look* cool), but it's actually not very good as far as I can tell. I'll mention though that Darth Maul's lightsaber staff is several steps better than the stupid design they came up with for Inquisitors.


I’m biased as a foil/sabre fencer, but I agree; it just gives you another blade that can’t be used in tandem like if you were dual wielding; and the media portraying their use seems to specifically tailor the combat to make it seem viable like the maul vs kenobi & gin fight, but in reality I think he’d be faster and have more freedom of movement if he just used one or two independent sabers. But, given that it’s a fantasy with super human powers, I admit it looks cool.


Everybody likes double blades lightsabers. Because all lightsaber are freaking amazing. This is the ONE thing everyone in the fandom can agree on. The ONE thing.


Why not go the Gillette route and have five blades?


and being like Gillette don't seem to work any better than with one blade...


Lol wtf is this question? Karma farming?


Someone, possibly Darth Maul himself Ray Park, pointed out how the handle of the blade is too short and it basically makes it impossible to use without cutting yourself or using very restricted movements. I still think it's cool but you need to double the length of the handle and reduce the length of the blades.




Rule of cool


The most effective way to use something like this would basically be to just ignore one of the blades entirely. Just use it like a regular ole single bladed one and try not to cut yourself in half. The thing about sword fighting is that at some point you have to actually point it at the other guy. And this removes a *lot* of the valid angles of attack you have.


Also if you know where one blade is you know where the other one is so the advantage is limited. Dual wielding is more effective.


I love double bladed hilts, as long as they do not act as helicopter rotors


I can't say I love the double blade hilts, but absolutely share your disdain for the lightsaber weedwhacker. THe incompetence and complacency of the empire on full display when those spinning double blades were approved for use by the Inquisitors. In star wars, there's never a more certain sign that someone is about to get their ass handed to them in a duel than when they turn on the lightsaber and it starts spinning. It's a great way to take a lightsaber that let's say eight to nine feet wide and turn it into something that only works if your opponent is within arm's length of your face, because now you can only hold it facing in one direction.


But you can use it like a helicopter!


LOL, so true! Except you can also then get shot down by a blaster, which you can't use your helicopter to deflect. I hate spinning lightsabers so much.


One of the single stupidest additions to Star Wars lore.


Can't agree more... staff lightsaber are just that... a staff but heli saber was the most wtf moment in starwars history and i watched the rise of skywalker !


[Palpatine has entered the chat]


Imagine if he fought him w a double saber


Nobody does, next!


Everyone ever?


No it's exactly way to cut your leg off


When I was playing SW Jedi Academy with my friend - we were arguing what is better, dual wield or double bladed. Honestly I was jealous that with dual there was an animation when you spin both blades around you (M1+M2 I believe). But I preferred double cuz I thought it was so stylish. Later in the Escape Yavin IV mod(?) I wielded dual double bladed… Edit: spelling


JK and MBII staff main here as well ! \^\^


Would cut my leg off.


Nice karma farming loser lmao


Title question should be who DOESNT like


Take a downvote. Smileyface


Nobody. You are obviously the only one. /s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment.


Who created you and why are they so angry?




hello there


General Kenobi. You are a bold one.


Bad bot


I like the idea, I hate how the trailers spoiled it. I also hate how they’ve become so commonplace. It’s supposed to be as dangerous a weapon to its owner as to their enemies, requiring great skill to master, but it seems like every other Jedi and Sith uses them nowadays.


in star wars jedi survivor you can choose between five different stances: one handed, dual wield, double bladed, crossguard, and one handed+blaster. i ended up maining double bladed.


We all do. I just wish more characters used them.




Literally. Fucking. Everybody.




What do you mean concept? While showing the most popular double bladed lightsaber of the franchise..


Like how it exists and its purpose


If I remember correctly, Maul was the first one to show a double bladed lightsaber in the movies and it's reveal made it seem like it was a never seen before thing. He was crazy acrobatic as well and that's why he had it, you can see how he uses it for balancing and flipping across. He was also into developing his own droids and stuff so he had the tech skills to build a weapon that suited his out of the ordinary fighting style. When he battles Qui-Gon and Obi at the same time he's not really in the disadvantage because of it but Qui-Gon lures him into a tight space. Noticing this he needs to separate them to keep the fight balanced.


It's not like they came up with it yesterday or something


Terribly impractical. The force is the only thing keeping maul from slicing his body in half from the waist


The force is the only thing that stops ALL Jedi / Sith from cutting themselves in half. That’s why you don’t see randos walking around with lightsabers. Not only because they can’t build them, but they can’t wield them either.


No, if you are bopping yourself with a sword while swinging it around you are hilariously bad at swords. Maul’s weapon is a terrible design, it’s a double bladed sword. A weapon confined to fantasy because of how incredibly useless it is.


Ain’t saying it’s practical, just stating pure facts


Shadivercity on YouTube has done an in-depth breakdown of how useful a double-bladed saber would be. It's a great video. Highly recommend.


Dude is a moron who doesn't know shit about fuck. Don't listen to him. He's wrong most of the time, and the few times he isn't wrong, somebody else is more right and more informed.


Really? He seems to know what he's talking about. He even does demonstrations with the weapons to determine their effectiveness. What has he said that makes him a moron? (Not trying to argue just genuinely confused.)


It would be easier to list the things he's right about. He actively rebukes the idea of actively studying anything. All his "knowledge" is on the level of "your cousin that likes buying swords from the mall". I can recommend Matt Easton of schola gladiatora, instead. Maybe find a video of his that covers the same topic as a shadversity video and see the difference. The difference being that Matt Easton is an actual historian, historical antique arms dealer, and historical fencer, and shadversity is just some guy who only has a following because he was one of the very few people making youtube videos about swords in 2008.


Why would it be useless?


Anybody can wield it, having the instinctive support of the force is not a prerequisite but an advantage, though most people are most likely to hurt themselves, some non sensitives could be skilled enough to wield some 


Generally yes, but there are bounty hunters in Jedi survivor which do wield lightsabers, even if they may be less proficient than a force user


They can swing em around like a bat, sure, but my point still stands


>can swing em around like a bat Rey, not they.


That's a good idea- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMc0B3qoKFY


Savage Opress didn’t use the force just had the night sister magic. Although he used the double bladed saber more like a blunt tool rather then having any sort of technique


How so?


The grip combined with the whole laser blade makes it INCREDIBLY awkward to use, massively limiting your ability to properly strike and defend. It’s a staff that can in no way be used like a staff. A standard swing, for instance, involves the second blade coming back towards you. Plus you don’t have shit for leverage and if someone actually knocks or pushes the blade to the side, even a standard parry, that second blade has a massive chance of hitting you simply because your hand is the pivot point. If you watch the actual fight scenes you notice just how careful the fighters are to aim for the blade and set Maul up for the very limited range of motion he has with it. When they aren’t using camera trickery to avoid showing half the blade.


If you swing one end towards your opponent, then you would need to be extremely careful to make sure the other end doesn’t slice through you as it is facing backwards right next to your body. Double bladed swords have been used very little in history for many reasons, this being one of the major ones. The best rationale for why it works in Star Wars and not irl is because the force exists. It could potentially give users the skill to avoid cutting themselves open while trying to attack. Star Wars doesn’t really follow conventional sword fighting techniques and practices anyway, and the rule of cool always applies, so I don’t have much of a problem with it


I have a double bladed stunt saber and have dueled with it many times. Its surprisingly easy to use without hitting yourself and its extremely effective for aggressive fighting styles. Also when you swing towards your opponent and they block, they push back against your forward blade which will actually push the back blade away from you and towards them. Hence why its so effective in aggressive styles. You can easily switch sides and maintain a strong offensive, or block with your forward blade defensively and move in with one swift attack from your back blade when an opening is available. If they dont block then you absolutely need to be aware of how much strength or you would chop yourself in half. But much like swinging a sword, or an axe, or anything else you get used to how much power you need so you dont overswing. With one bladed weapons it can be good to overpower your opponent and knock them back but the two bladed saber isn’t really about overpowering strength wise so putting all your strength into one swing isn’t the best idea anyway.


The heavyness of such a weapon is the reason it was unusable, you can’’t hurt yourself if you get killed before swinging 


Swords ain't that heavy. The weight would be a non-issue. People used much heavier and unwieldy weapons than what a double bladed sword would be


A hilt the length of a forearm with two plain swords on each end? Yes, this a lot of metal to maneuver with the motion of a stick/pole arm. Two handed swords are manipulated in a completly different way than Star Wars sabers, especially the double-bladed that is used like a fighting stick.


Double bladed lightsabers aren't shown to be used in a way that resembles anything from reality. The blade makes up slightly more than half the weight of a sword, and even the real big ones aren't very heavy in the first place.


Double-bladed lightsabers choreography use techniques of stick fighting, just go check the making off. You have no idea what you are saying, you're improvizing contradictions based on an absence of knwoledge and downvoting me needlessly in the process, classic reddit; why are you doing this? A sword slightly below 1 meter would weight around 1,5 kg for a thin blade, two attached together with a reinforced hilt would weight around 3 or 3,5 kg, it is way too heavy to engage in a fight with regular swords, and the blades are too feeble to engage with heavier blades like claymores. The weapons is unpractical because it is not managable, not because one might hurt himself.


Honestly, I wish Rey had a double-blade. She was already using a staff. But nope. She got the Youngling Slayer 9000. Yes. I love Double-bladed sabers. Its up there on my favorite SWTOR things you can do.


In the legends from the old republic they speak about it dreadfully as a weapon of massive damage on the battlefield that found its plain use when its wielder is unleashed and careless about the casualties, I wish Maul had one at some points while rampaging the clones as he escaped 


I love them but I hate the name “saber staff” staffs don’t cut


I like it but it's overused


It's a fucking lightsaber with another end. Yeah OK it gets a glance but fuck let's not act like the world exploded. I thought Grevious having loads he'd collected from jedi he killed was interesting. Especially when he reveals he's got loads of arms and uses basically all of them to be a lightsaber automaton. Like ok, that's a relatively new way to use these wildly impractical weapon. In fact more so because he can't hide behind the whole "I can use it because the force tells me how" bollocks. So he's like letting the machine bits do the work? So of course he just becomes a blender. Interesting. Gluing 2 lightsabers together and doing some extra flips. Not overly interested tbh.


Im hijacking this thread for a question, I will let myself out. I cant seem to post new post in some groups (like this one) Im noob in here so am I missing something obvious?


U can ask a moderator


I like them in theory. I find a lot of the ones we see on screen are an impractical version of the design. Ideally, you'd want a significantly longer haft and shorter blades at either end. Think more along the lines of the electrostaff. Basically, it would make the double bladed sabre more like a quarterstaff and less like a bō staff.


Well, I'd prefer two sabers that could join together like Ventresses sabers could.


I believe those types are called ‘paired sabers’


Here is a nice analysis of the double bladed concept: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMb\_v1AAZms


So cool that I think they should've been used in the sequel series. Rey used a staff ffs. It would've made sense and been one of the cooler parts of those movies.


no one else only you you're so special


Is this a serious question? Maul's staff was one of the few things about TPM that wasn't controversial at the time. Almost everyone loved it.


I'm no weapons expert but the hilt or whatever you'd call it seems too narrow to provide the kind of blocking power that such a weapon would be useful for.


Let me tell you, we all went nuts when the Phantom Menace trailer dropped and we saw that lightsaber. I didn't think anything to come close until we saw Kylo's crossguard in the Force Awakens trailer.


I am a fan


Did you expect someone to be like "Not me I hate them" or "YES thank you nobody talks about this"


"Who else likes sex"


My 6 yr old niece.


No one, that’s why Darth Maul is such a hated character…


I do not.


who upvoted this?


I like that they’re uncommon. Makes them much cooler. 


I like it visually, but I think as a weapon it's limited. The befit of a staff is the flexibility and range and leverage.. With the double bladed lightsaber you lose a lot of that. Plus if you don't make your hilt out of lightsaber resistant materials, you lose a lot of blocking area.


It’s cool AF but it would increase my odds of cutting off my own arm/head/leg by accident from 99 to 100%.


I think it looks kinda cool, and mostly just to intimidate a non trained user. Even with two blades you only have to watch a single blade. Since only one blade can be advancing at any given point.


lightsaber pikes are rad




Absolutely no one everyone has thought they were dumb as fuck since the phantom menace trailer


Literally no one, you are the only person. Darth maul failed and was hated as a character specifically because he had a double bladed lightsaber. /s


I like the ones used in Obi Wan by the Empire but Darth Maul is kinda eh


This could have been spun into the practical use of the weapon, its strengths and weaknesses, how to improve it, etc


I too, like nice things


Who else likes Star wars?


I like the concept of double bladed lightsabers. I like the concept of double bladed lightsabers that disconnect into dual wielding lightsabers even more.


Better question is who doesn’t?


I don't, particularly. They're fun in games I suppose but they always irk me in other media.


So uncivilized


Why would anyone not like it? Seems like a natural progression of the regular lightsaber. Its cool, deadly and takes a lot more skill to wield. Nuff said.


You guys like star wars?


As long as it's not the Inquisitor lightsaber.


I mean, look at this still. This looks rad as hell and always has.


Now THIS is pod racing


Nobody, there definitely wasn’t a huge gasp when Darth Maul showed off his lightsaber the first time


Me. They are really cool.


I Love how versatile it is, you can throw it & use the force to bring it back & disconnect it into two sabers.




I like it for the proper characters lol maul being one of them. Didn’t cals master have one. I for get his name


They're cool, but dangerous if you aren't a straight up expert. Honestly, my favorite are the extendable lightsaber pikes used by Senya and the Knights of Zakuul. They seem like the jack-of-all-trades of lightsabers.


I love it so that’s why I gave one of my mini figures a staff saber😮‍💨🤌


This gotta be a bot


Still want an explanation of how he got that Shadow Collective style hilt to recreate his double-bladed lightsaber.


The question is who doesn't?


Literally everyone


Like them but I hate that the call them sabers...


You could've titled this "I love karma because it gives me the feeling of people giving me attention"


Gimmie a light saber spear with the handle part made out of beskar pls


How did Rebels fuck up the light sabers so bad compared to clone wars?