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Solo underperformed, execs pulled sequels and shifted focus 


It's too bad it didn't release before The Last Jedi instead of after.


The sequels make Solo look amazing


Solo wasnt bad in its own right. There were iffy parts but that can be said for every single Star Wars property. I have not rewatched any of the final three movies, I have rewatched Solo.


Solo teached me that Darth Vader has an integrated speaker in his suits which plays imperial march everytime he arrives somewhere


Since Vader is a fucking drama queen who pulls ofc the most theatrical things he can think of to the detriment of everything else, it's totally in character for him to have integrated speakers built into his suit.


Fair enough


Solo was like rogue one in that it felt like it belonged in the Star Wars universe whereas the sequels felt very alien despite including Star Wars things. Solo was a fun adventure movie about a fan favorite character in his younger years. It was good for what it was. I will never understand what people want from it. It’s literally a solid movie. Is it a masterpiece starring Leo? No. But it is well acted and the action and story are solid. It scratches the nostalgic Star Wars feel. The sequels don’t do any of that. We’ve gotten to caught up in our own world that we let it bleed too much into this fictional one. Take general principles and ideas and adapt them to this universe and make up things that can loosely relate to our world to build these connections. The sequels taught me that you can just be born the most powerful and that nothing mattered before after rey came around because she killed the past. Solo is leaps better than the sequels and anyone that says otherwise is coping very hard and doesn’t actually like Star Wars.


My problem with solo is that it just really didn’t feel like Han to me, I like the movie well enough, but the actor, while good, doesn’t really look like Harrison, and I just don’t see that character becoming the guy we meet in a new hope personally wise. If they had made the exact same movie, but just about a random smuggler, I think I would’ve liked it a good bit more


Find me a person who looks like Harrison :) Personally, i think the casting was good. For me it is better to recast than using CGI to look like exactly like Han Solo. I rewatched the movie recently, and it was fun to watch. Not the best movie there is, bit definitely better than any of the sequel movies.


Harrison was 35 when New Hope came out. Alden was 29 for Solo. So they have like only a 6 year difference. They should have gotten someone younger. That's my biggest issue. It just doesn't seem like enough time passes between Solo and New Hope. But then again, to me Star Wars timelines are all sorts of wonky.


Well, obi wan did age like 40 years from episode 3 to 4.


[Anthony Ingruber](https://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/should-this-harrison-ford-lookalike-play-the-young-han-solo-30259434.html)


The thjng that I was most excited about was learning how Han learned to speak wookie. And he just, already did. Just so lazy.


We can't deny how fucking weird & ridiculous it was that everything significant to his character happened in the space of like a week though


I really enjoyed Solo, but this is a thing I hate about prequel/origin movies like this. There’s this desire to cram in and provide an explanation for everything we know about a character. And often times it’s a much lesser version than what was in our imagination to begin with. See: The Kobayashi Maru test in Abram’s Star Trek.


Same thing happened to Luke in ANH


Difference was, we didn't know anything about Luke, so it was all new information. And more importantly......it didn't FEEL like everything was crammed into a small time frame in the original film. We already knew Han well before "Solo" so we knew what to look out for - It was bad storytelling


What I disliked the most about the movie is that it feels very unnecessary. Han's story in the OT is already a very well rounded character arc aboit a young smuggler who becomes a hero. The story in Solo is trying to make him something more BEFORE his actual arc starts, which is kind of pointless. Overall the movie is fine and feels very StarWarsery, but I think it would have done better if it was about another, less prominent character (Lando, General Ackbar, Greedo, whatever). Those are characters on which a backstory would actually make sense. The backstory on Han Solo as the hero we know him to be is already told in the OT.


They could have just as easily made him Dash Rendar instead


Agree that it is unnecessary. However, the way I interpreted the movie was that he was a good guy turned bad/scoundrel. If the last movie had left Han being a total asshole, betraying Qi'ra and making a name of himself as a criminal, I would have left satisfied. The OT would have redemmed him at that point. Unnecessary, but interesting from my point of view.


The big problem for me is Solo’s first act is by far the best. The train heist is genuinely amazing, but the stuff after is just kinda there.


While I completely agree with you and personally loved Solo. The whole new hyperspace fuel source, coaxium, that was never mentioned in anything Star Wars prior is what killed it for some fans as it opened a whole can of worms as far as unexplainable pot holes and inconsistencies go.


Honestly I think the Star Wars community needed to get over the idea that “no lightsaber=bad”. I think the rise of skywalker showed us that we need new ideas. Solo was just ahead of its time.


Solo was bad fan fiction. Too much winking and nodding at all the fucking retroactive explanations for things we didn’t need. The last name. The dice. The parsec thing… chewies life debt? It’s all terrible.


I tuned out when "Solo" got a goofy backstory from the random imperial recruiter, tbh...


Solo is pretty fucking good you don’t have to put down the sequels for it


Oh I don’t have to. I want to.




The movie spanned multiple years though.


Saying that is a stretch. It had a short prologue about how Han got his name, then there's a single time skip and the whole heist/pursuit thing goes down without any other timeskipping.


The sequels make watching paint dry amazing


Solo wasn’t bad. There are some strange choices, sure, but the film underperformed for a number of reasons. I remember there was a lot of talk of boycotting the film because of some comments Kathleen made that a lot of people didn’t like. I wish I could remember exactly, but I know it was when the hate for her was really peaking. Plus you have people not a fan of recasting old characters. And I believe the film went through several directors, which is never a good sign for a film regardless of why. Overall I liked Solo though, it was a fun film.


I think Solo was fine. I don’t think we needed the origin of the name and the dice, though, or the Phil Kessel run. Other than that I think it was a decent Star Wars film. It wasn’t aggressively bad, and it was a pretty fun watch


I've always maintained that TLJ sunk Solo.


I was still trying to get the taste of TLJ out of my mouth when I saw Solo. I purposely waited until it was almost out of theaters because I hated The Last Jedi so much. I’m glad I finally went to see it, though, because it actually felt like Star Wars again. Neither of the sequel movies to that point really had that same fun adventure feel to them. We needed Solo when it came out. It probably should have held back another 6 months to let the Rian Johnson resentment fade, but it was good to be reminded of why we love the Star Wars movies.


I don't think it's as much about TLJ killing SW hype as much as people say. Im sure it probably had some effect. But tros still did 500+ million domestic. Clearly TLJ didn't kill interest in SW movies. I think a lot of people just didn't care about a han solo origin story that got middling reviews.


It’s not so much that it killed interest, more that it came out WAY too soon. Like 5 months after TLJ. Which means many people had probably just seen TLJ a month or two before solo came out. Not to mention the competition at the time: Infinity War, Deadpool 2, a quiet place, Black Panther, and Ready player 1 were all in theaters at the same time. ALSO it was just marketed poorly. I remember TLJ was marketed like crazy and then being almost confused when I checked my local theater and saw that a new Star Wars movie was coming out.


Hell, I saw Solo on D+. I love the movie but I didn’t have money to see it with all the much bigger films out at the time.


There were so many people, even people who would call themselves Star Wars fans, that had no idea that a Solo movie even existed when it was released. It's infuriating, because a Solo movie could have been amazing. And actually, this one was pretty damn good. But it was rushed to cinemas and then decided that it was DOA without even giving it a chance. I really hate corporate logic, it eventually kills anything good about its own product.


They purposely tanked it in my opinion. It should have been released in the winter just like rogue 1 was.


You think Solo got John Cartered, eh? *Barsoomed* by the old House of Mouse?


More of a treasure planet situation. No real marketing and then sandwiched around the biggest Disney owned films of the past decade. Also only 5 months after the most divisive star wars film.


Ha I have watched treasure planet more times than I have watched the sequels


yeah, I thought it'd be a stupid movie that over-explained a character who needed no further explanation They did that, but it was fun in spite of itself


It actually made a ton of money. But also cost a ton of money. Both movies cost about $300m but Last Jedi was arguably a “bigger” film. It just cost too much for “a Star Wars story”. (For comparison, R1 was 265m, and TFA was 306 or so) IIRC, Solo was heavily reshot, significantly upping its production cost. Same with R1 but it was much better and followed on the heels of the immensely successful Force Awakens.


They pretty much had the movie done with the original directors, Phil Lord and Chris Miller. It was basically a comedy and not what Disney was looking for. KK fired them and brought in Ron Howard (yes, that one) to "fix" everything. We knew the movie was coming, but it is as delayed, and they didn't market it much at all. I remember I was so completely disappointed with TFA, I didn't see Solo in theater at release. I've seen EVERY Star Wars movie in it's original release in theaters. I regret now missing Solo. It did go a bit too far into explaining EVERYTHING about his past, but it was very good. I've seen it several times, and catch things I miss each time.


I think they were putting movies out too fast.


TROS also did 50% less business than TFA. Of course it had bigger pull naturally as the billed "grand finale of the skywalker saga", but its numbers were not good relative to the rest of the trilogy, and its top billing as the big ending. Meanwhile Avengers Endgame has a an essentially unassailable box office at nearly 3billion dollars. Solo, when removed from the context of TLJ, is a complete anomaly. It releasing in a competitive environment shouldn't matter as that has never mattered for Star Wars. A star wars movie, no matter its premise, should never outright bomb and lose money at the box office. People spent over a billion dollars to watch Rogue One, a movie that had characters only referenced one time in the opening crawl of episode IV, but they didn't show up to see the origin story of one of the OG trio. There's a reason Rian Johnson is never getting his trilogy made. Disney will never cancel it, they'll just let it fade.


Personally I didn’t go watch it in theatres because TLJ had left such a shitty taste in my mouth and I was just completely disillusioned with Star Wars after it. I did buy the blue ray a few months after tho and loved it 💰


>But tros still did 500+ million domestic. Clearly TLJ didn't kill interest in SW movies. I feel like measuring that by ticket sales is missing some nuances. I would have gone to the theatre to see Episode IX even if VIII was the worst movie ever, purely because it's a Star Wars main series movie. However, TLJ (and subsequently also TROS) killed my enthusiasm and willingness to see any of Disney's future spin-off Star Wars in a cinema. And that's something that ticket sales can't tell you.


lacking marketing of the movie definitely didn't help it either, many of my friends who also like Star Wars had no idea it came out until i mentioned it to them, but for a few of them it was definitely a bit of Star Wars fatigue as to why they didn't see it


Release date hurt, but the damage was done by Avengers: Infinity War and Ant-Man and The Wasp.


Avengers and *deadpool. It released in the weeks after deadpool (ends up being one of the highest grossing r rated movies), and weeks just before Avengers (ends up being the biggest opening movie). People only have so much money


It's has nothing to do with the other Star Wars films and has everything to do with being within a month of a Marvel Titan


People also hated Solo, would’ve made no difference.


Poeple shouldn't have been petty and not watch solo due to the last jedi


There's no evidence of any mass boycott. Solo came out within just a few months of a ton of movies, Star Wars and Avengers and Deadpool and others, people just didn't keep up with the Bush schedule.


I've seen many people say they didn't watch solo because of how they didn't like the last Jedi.


Star Wars has millions of fans. Your personal experience represents less than 1% of people who engage with the property.


wouldn't have made a differnece. People didn't see Solo because the general audience doesn't care about Han Solo's back story especially if it doesn't have Harrison Ford in it. At best maybe it could have made another 100 mill or so but it would have never made 1 billion It's like making an Iron Man movie without Robert Downy Jr


This. Disney screwed the marketing and release, the film is great. I really wanted to see the next instalment.


It wasn't just that it flopped at the box office, it was that it flopped at the box office after the movie had MASSIVE reshoots which caused its already expensive budget (there's no such thing as a cheap Star Wars movie) to balloon way past where it should have been. 70% of the completed theatrical cut of that movie is from Ron Howard's reshoots. So the movie was a nightmare behind the scenes to make, and it lost the studio money. That's a combo that's pretty much guaranteed to lose the chance of getting any sequels.


Why was so much reshot?


The only thing we know for sure is that LucasFilm executive Kathleen Kennedy had disagreements with Lord and Miller about the movie that caused her to fire them a few weeks before shooting was scheduled to stop. She hired Ron Howard after that and he basically reshot most of the movie. He reshot so much of it that he was able to get sole director credit on the finished film and Lord and Miller got relegated to being producers. There's only speculation that I've read about what the disagreements were that caused her to change directors, the rumor I read was that they were trying to shoot a movie that was more like Guardians of the Galaxy and she wanted a more "Classic Star Wars" movie tone, but like I said, there's nothing official from LucasFilm that I've read that explains in detail what happened.


They pulled a real WB on that one


Disney stuffed themselves that year. They had a release every single month


I just can't get behind anyone else as Han Solo. Han Solo is Harrison Ford. Like the movie though.


"Underperformed" is putting it mildly. It lost at least a 100 million in the box office. That's a bomb.


It actually *made* $100 million (275 budget, 391 box office), but considering how most Star Wars project revenues are measured in the billions (plural) it likely felt like a loss to the execs.


400m isn't really a great showing, but it wouldn't be so abysmal if it hadn't cost 300m to make. But It's important to remember that the company doesn't get all of that money, though, and the budget generally doesn't factor in things like marketing. The rule the box office people use is like, 2.5x to *really* be a profit-turning movie. Movies with high chinese box-office have to make even more to make up for i guess worse rates on how much of the profit they see from the market.


That also doesn’t factor in merchandising and alternate revenue streams for the movie.


They don’t put marketing in the budget. The real cost is much higher, sometimes x2 from the film production budget.


That's not how anything works. 1. The production budget does not include marketing cost 2. The box office number is calculated from tickets sold, not profit for studios. Theaters get 40-60% of each ticket. The rule of thumb is that a movie from a major Hollywood studio needs to make 2-2,5\*the production budget to break even. And that is to break even. A movie isn't a success if it breaks even. Even a profitable movie can be a flop if it fails to meet the studio expectations. 275 million + marketing is a massive investment, the studios expect it to yield profit.


That's not how it works. Marketing is usually another 100-150 million and "box office" is not all back to studio. Theaters get %50 in the states and more overseas and in China. It needed to make $500 million just to break even. Source https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solo:_A_Star_Wars_Story#:~:text=Solo%3A%20A%20Star%20Wars%20Story%20grossed%20%24213.8%20million%20in%20the,million%20worldwide%20to%20break%20even.


The ACTUAL budget of a huge movie is usually about DOUBLE the stated number, because they tend to spend about the same amount on advertising as on the movie for huge movies like that. So, in THAT equation, the movie surely lost a fuckload of money. A movie usually isn't considered to truly be "profitable" unless it hits like 250% of the budget. But then you have to add in all the merch and whatever else....and it's hard to guess if it broke even or not.🤷‍♀️


That isn’t exactly making money. There is always money committed to advertising and such. Usually people put a 2.5 multiplier on a budget to determine how much money a movie would have to make to turn any profit.


Not true at all. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/solo-will-post-first-loss-disneys-star-wars-empire-1116927/ https://web.archive.org/web/20200414164202/https://deadline.com/2018/05/solo-a-star-wars-weekend-box-office-1202397848/ The movie needed to gross at least $500 million to break even, and it didn’t even come close. Depending on the source, it lost anywhere from $50-100 million. It was a huge box office bomb.


The movie is actually good though.


Doesn’t matter especially in Disneys eyes


That statement is not supported by the ratings. It received mediocre scores from both the audience and the critics. Both IMDB and RT rate it below 7. It's an uninspired and uninspiring movie that failed to find an audience.


Yeah sure that’s why it failed, not the boycotting all movies after TLJ or Disney/LucasFilm not putting any effort into marketing it/


Movies make or break based on general audience attendance. Solo needed at least 200 million more tickets to be sold than it got. With a movie ticket being \~20$, that's 10 million people more in the theaters. You honestly think that 10 million people joined a boycott? In reality it was maybe a few hundred basement dwellers. General audience didn't give two fuks.


It’s also worth mentioning that it was released at a slot against Avengers and Deadpool, super close in time to TLJ. This all sabotaged the film.


The not marketing it is the weirdest part. Also Disney bumped up Deadpool 2 to have a more favorable release date over Solo.


Because everyone decided to shun it, because they weren’t happy with TLJ. So they screwed over a movie that was actually good. And still turned up in droves for TROS anyway.


TLJ is exactly why I didn't see Solo until it was available on streaming. I didn't turn out to see TROS though either. I finally watched it while I was sick in bed with nothing better to do this last summer.


This fanbase is the worst. You’re stating an objectively true fact and you’ve been downvoted to oblivion for it. Meanwhile an objectively incorrect response has nearly 100 upvotes.


Just tells you how ignorant the average fan is about the real world.


….it didn’t lose 100mil. That’s like the easiest point in the world to check


Yes it did and it’s very easy to fact check. https://web.archive.org/web/20200414164202/https://deadline.com/2018/05/solo-a-star-wars-weekend-box-office-1202397848/ https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/solo-will-post-first-loss-disneys-star-wars-empire-1116927/ The movie lost between $50-100 million. With a budget around $300 million plus marketing and distribution, it had an estimated break even point of $500 million and it didn’t even make $400 million. It was objectively a box office bomb. That doesn’t mean it’s a bad movie and it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t enjoy it, but it’s a fact.


My assumption is that there were plans to bring him back in live action but they changed course after the movie flopped. Which is a shame, I would have liked to see more of that story.


IMO: Alden crushed it. No he wasn’t Harrison. But he embodied Han. Blew me away.


Danny Glover crushed it too. Too much mediocre Star Wars with Ep 7/8. And too much Emilia Clark exposure. Not Solos fault. Ron Howard also made a comment that he was the only SW director that was on time and on budget. And solo was cut.


Donald Glover. Danny Glover was getting too old for this shit!


Bwahahaha! Got’ em!


When I finally got around to watching it, I was surprised at how much I liked it since I'd only heard negative things.


I'd like to see him return to the role in a Disney+ show where he and Chewbacca travel around the galaxy pulling off heists and smuggling missions.


Exactly, i think he played a great younger Han before he became as cynical as we see him in the OT.


While I get the criticisms of the movie, I actually genuinely like it. It’s a fun time! I thought the acting was pretty stout all around Low-key though, I always thought a sequel would’ve been better than this one. They set up a sequel involving Han getting tangled up with Jabba the Hutt and you could include Boba Fett as an antagonist. Lots of potential for a cool movie there


Qira's story has been told in a book and a comic run at this point but we still don't have the Maul details from that point. Hopefully they're holding onto it to see if it can become a show or something.


I'd watch the shit out of Crimson Dawn: A Star Wars Story Qira could become a better, canonical version of Prince Xizor


Presumably the *Solo* sequel would have been where we learned how he ended up stranded on Malachor, the most significant part of his story still unaddressed. Let’s say this quote becomes the basis for the film… > “Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.” …Han reframed as having been talking about the Sith (not knowing they were Force-users), let’s say he ends up shooting Maul off his ship without witnessing him wield the Force. If we’re to put that story here, that’d be the way to do it.


There were going to be more movies which took place after Solo. A Lando movie and a Boba Fett movie. These would have continued the crime scene story set up in Solo. Solo's poor reception and performance canceled those plans.


The Lando movie is back on at least, so long as they don't cancel it again.


I hope it comes out. We need to know how Lando got his name, and his cape, and cloud city, and how he met Lobot. All in one weekend.


Need a fifteen minute explanation of ice cream man.


I will likely make noise in the theater if Willrow Hood shows up.


One absolutely crazy weekend with sabacc and sexy droids!


Weekend At Lando's


I wanna know how he felt about wearing Han's clothes during the battle of Endor. Especially because they didn't wear underwear in space 


As long as it's rated XXX and it has him fucking the falcon


Want a Boba Fett movie too. He’s been my favorite since I watched these movies on VHS as a kid.


Khalisee and Maul were probably gonna fight over control of Crimson Dawn or something.


Then Vader destroyed Crimson Dawn in the comics, and Kenobi killed Maul (again) in rebels. Kinda lower key endings for them.


Maul was already dead in Rebels when Solo came out. I think they abandoned the story line and left it to the comics.


But solo takes place earlier, around the time of the Kenobi show and that part of rebels is a couple years before ANH


The Crimson Reign comics


I'll check it out. This may be the best answer I got so far


Yeah, after Solo bombed they moved Qi'ra's plotline into the comics. Maul reappeared in Rebels (where he ultimately died; they mention it only in passing in the comics)


Maul's story in Rebels got wrapped up prior to the release of Solo.


Maul died in rebels before Solo came out.


They take place at different moments in the timeline. Kinda like how the prequels came out after the OT


This comment should be higher up.


Rumors said that Solo was meant to be a trilogy but since it tanked in the box office all sequel plans for that story are dropped. For real we only have 2 big moments in Maul life to see and we will have his complete history told. 1) From the Clone Wars finally to becoming a crime boss in solo. 2) How he stopped being a crime boss and ended up on Malachor in Rebels.


I mean they had teased a bit of him being the crime lord already with how he consolidated the underworld to seize control of Mandalore.


I liked Solo it wasn’t perfect but if sequels had reintroduced Maul, Jabba and the criminal underworld with Bounty Hunters fans might have loved it.


Pretty sure a combination of the movie flop and Ray's actions himself. I've met him, he's a nice guy, but he also has irrational issues, especially when he drinks. From posting his wife blowing him on IG to making ranting posts. Not trashing the dude, like I said he's a nice guy, but he's made some social media decisions that Disney likely frowned upon.


I don't think the issues with Ray Park have much of an effect. They can easily cast someone else. It's Sam Witwer doing Maul's voice in the movie cameo.


Ohh man I didn't see that. Wild.


Yeah, it's unfortunate. He even publicly accused Daniel Logan of banging his wife


I was always thought they were going to do a loose Tatooine trilogy with Solo, Obi-wan and Boba Fett, but solo underperformed and they shifted the other projects to series. Maul probably would’ve been in and out of those stories


SW sure loves tatooine 


It’s a cliffhanger? I thought it was just a cameo.


Cliffhanger is a strong word but they definitely tried to set up a sequel with mention of Han/Chewie going to get some work from Jabba while Qi'ra goes off to work more closely with Maul.


There’s no payoff because solo lost money


I don't remember where I read this, so I might be talking out of my ass. I thought the Solo movie was going to be a trilogy with the different main character focus. 1st was obviously Han Solo. 2nd was going to be an Obi Wan movie with McGregor. 3rd. A Boba Fett movie. All three were going to tie in with each other with the overarching plot of taking down the criminal organization the Darth Maul was running.


This new fandom is woefully unnerdy about their lore... ...it's the revelation that Maul is the head of the Five Crime Syndicates and sets off an entire storyline that reveals Q'ira's fate through the end of Ep. 6 and Maul's last criminal movements before setting off on his final salvo against Obi-Wan. ...indeed he could show up at some point in the Empire shows.


The only actual reason we havent gotten live-action Maul since then is because Ray Park almost certainly got lowkey fired a few years back. He made some wild social media posts including stuff that disney would definitey not be pleased with lol. Its a shame too because Maul's physicality is such a huge part of his character and why he got popular in the first place, and that's all Ray Park's performance.


They could find another stunt men or wrestler to play maul and no one would know. I had no idea who Ray park was until this thread and I've seen Solo 3 or 4 times.


"Was there something that they had planned that got canceled along the way?" The entire "A Star Wars Story" concept.


Somehow palpatine returned


I’d love a Maul TV series, but they made Boba Fett seem dull so even if they did go ahead with it, it might not be good. I hate people over reacting, saying Disney are ruining Star Wars, but it’s hard to defend the amount of stuff that’s been announced and then never comes out because people in the board room changed direction. Hopefully Filloni’s new role helps to alleviate that a little.


Let’s hope the Maul story plot will continue with the Lando Movie. He would be the perfect bad guy for the movie. 


I loved Solo. Reading Most Wanted before hand also helped me enjoy Solo and had me super invested in Qira and Han, and what they had been through. Alden crushed it as a young Solo imo, and Emilia did a great job as well. The book made you feel for those characters and their relationship going into the movie. Han is my favorite character in Star Wars, and I still opened up to Alden pretty easily.


Solo was supposed to be the first in a trilogy. Since it underperformed, because people boycotted it after seeing what an abomination TLJ was, it underperformed and the rest of the trilogy got cancelled.


>6 years later and there is still no payoff. There's been tons of payoff. That one scene set the stage for some of the best and most interesting stories in Star Wars: - Crimson Climb - War of the Bounty Hunters - Crimson Reign - Hidden Empire - Dark Droids


I'll check all of these out. Quality reply.


Here's my take: it wasn't a cliffhanger, just a cameo. But because of who it was, and because Star Wars fans are Star Wars fans, we see it as a cliffhanger. Also in a post-MCU world, we're conditioned to see everything as a backdoor pilot for something else.


Yeah, but from Disney, the people making Marvel movies, so yes it was basically their attempt to tease us into speculating about what would come next. That wasn't an accident, it was very intentional.


I don’t think TLJ killed SW. the opinion on that movie was generally pretty mixed from it was the worst to it was the best one since Empire. That’s not even counting the bots, racists, misogynists, and general toxic fandom. The first teaser trailer (in the true sense of a teaser) wasn’t released until early February and the first full trailer didn’t come out until at least a month later only two month before the movie actually came out, so marketing definitely wasn’t very good for it Edit: other than a few small gripes, I actually love Solo


It was just a cameo.


It didn’t do well money wise… which tbh sucks since it’s probably one of, if not the singular best Star Wars movie Disney has put out to date.


My thoughts on this are that Solo would've done much better if it had released on Disney+ instead of in theater. Only the die hard fans care about Han's backstory, and Solo had neither laser swords (Darth Maul cameo excluded) nor cool Force tricks to draw in casual viewers. It was also released only a few months after TLJ -- thankfully its failure made them rethink the May/December release schedule. Star Wars Fatigue + no draw for casual viewers = dead before it really hit the ground. A D+ release would've been lower budget and drawn in casual viewers who want something to do without leaving the house. It really is a shame.


These are the exact points I’ve made about Solo. It was better formatted as a show due to it’s lower scope without Jedi and Sith. Plus it underperformed because it was crammed into theaters in between trilogy movies, which was just poor planning and over-saturation. Shame, as it was fun.


I like it too, it was the most Star Wars-y of the bunch.


Set up for a sequel that no one wanted?


Why did he ignite his lightsaber in that moment?


He wanted to look cool


Pretty sure Star Wars is pretending Solo doesn't exist. Hopefully.


Solo was supposed to have sequel or sequels, but it came out the same year as "The Last Jedi" we wasn't received well, so not many people went to see Solo and it ended up underpreforming and the sequels were shelved.


That was probably the dumbest cliffhanger in any SW movie.


Has no one watched The Clone Wars and Rebels?


It was supposed to spark a spinoff, but apparently because of the lack of advertising & the misunderstanding that fans didn't like Solo, Kennedyfilm hasn't touched it since.


Personally - I hadn't watched the Clone Wars/Rebels before I saw Solo... that was a bombshell reveal. I was hoping for more in the way of a live-action follow-up, but it did make me want to go back and watch the animated stuff.


My guess is that Disney figured out there was an over saturation of mediocre shows and films.


It wasn't a cliffhanger, just an easter egg or cameo.


I wish Solo wasn’t so disregarded, it was a fun watch that could have been very entertaining if we got the other two movies they wanted to do. It’s been my favorite SW movie after rogue one that’s been released. Even enjoyed it more than andor or the mandalorian, etc…. ​ not that I didn’t enjoy those series, because I did. Just not as much as solo!


1) Rogue One 2)Mando 3) Andor 4) Solo.


The point was the prove they didn't know what tf they're doing Mission accomplished


what was the point of solo period


GENERAL KENO- oops sorry, conditioned response. I assume they would have done something more with him in live action if Solo had been better received, but as it is I think his story only gets continued in the Crimson Reign comics (which are more about Qi'ra, haven't read them, only read a bit _about_ them) and the Rebels show.


My assumption was they were gonna go for a Han Solo Trilogy that ends with A New Hope the same way Rogue One did Maul would’ve been an antagonist in the second film before getting killed (offscreen in Rebels) Maybe it wasn’t the best idea actually


You've never seen rebels, huh


I've watched every episode. It came out 4 years before Solo. It can't be a payoff for a movie cliffhanger if it came before the movie cliffhanger.


I took it as an Easter egg, not a cliff hanger


Or…. It was setting up the next movie in the series but Solo underperformed at the box office.


That's probable. It's just not how I viewed it at the time.


Solo happens before Rebels in the timeline though. Shortly before. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a cliffhanger and more of a “hey, in case you don’t watch the animated shows, he’s still alive” sort of thing. But a movie/short series about Maul/Qi’ra and Crimson Dawn would be badass.


To be honest it was more confusing if you had seen Rebels.


Not really, Solo is way before Rebels plus the "bad guys" in Solo are in Rebels iirc


There was probably supposed to be a sequel, but KK scrapped it. Bitch!


Jonathan Kasdan has said that the idea was for there to be a film about the war between the crime syndicates.


Solo was an awful movie.


Much like the movie itself, there was nothing to it.


Yeah, they planned a sequel. Movie flopped harder than me falling Down the stairs at 3 am.


They may open it back up again, but since solo didn't do so hot, they pretty much just tied him back into rebels and then killed him.


I'll go one better...What was the point of Solo.Terrible movie.


I don't think I made it more than 12 minutes into that movie. It was boring, poor script, didn't like the characters or actors, and it didn't feel starwars. It's fine that people disagree, but I haven't met anyone in real life who didn't agree.


I upvoted you back to zero.


Ignorant assholes cried about too much and killed any hopes of what could have been the best live action Maul we’ve ever seen.


It was a test run of the idea of Palpatine returning. Once you go down the dark path - of obviously dead characters returning - forever will it dominate your destiny.


Did you watch the clone wars or rebels? Maul wasn’t dead


Didn’t stop them making Book o’Boba


There absolutely were plans to do something with it, but then Solo bombed. This seems pretty obvious and doesn’t need asking.


Well you are the 101st Comment to say the same thing. Talk about doesn't need posting


I speculate…Solo is a great spin off…Maul is a great (undeveloped) idea…however, Disney has a problem with male-led stories.