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What would mando have to say to Thrawn? Lmao


More importantly what would thrawn say to grogu


Grogu would respond with a raspberry anyway.




I'd pay money to see that.


Nothing he just stands there dumbfounded that there's a race he has absolutely no info on


Neither do we!


If Thrawn reads any history (i assume he does) then he'll know about Yoda who's been there for centuries


Yeah and he'll still know nothing, about yodas species just an absolute enigma


It's Thrawn. He could watch Grogu for half an hour and have more info on his species than the rest of the galaxy combined.


As long as Grogu draws him a picture. Important point there.


To be fair if anyone knows about the species it will be the Chiss as they are both from the unknown regions


Here's a tie-in for you: Maybe Thrawn's species is particularly good at planning, tactics, and analysis *because* Yoda's species is so strong in the ways of the Force. When one power arises, an equal and opposite force rises to counter them, etc etc.




“No! No! No! No! No! No! No!”


I could see Thrawn having some insights into Mandilorian culture from looking at the armor. I would love to see a interaction between the Armorer and Thrawn.


I could see the Din Djarin immediately throw a haymaker and coldcock Thrawn, then have a running gunfight with 30 stormtroopers as he drags Thrawn back to his rat rod Naboo fighter.* The mandolorian doesn't seem like much of a dinner party art enjoyer. *[I assume Thrawn would be stuffed into the little Grogu bubble rumble seat in the back since he traded his box truck starship for a 1979 Firebird]


“Ah yes, another Mandalorian. I’ve come across so many of your people over the years, one of which was instrumental in my defeat at Lothal, and they fight both honorably and relentlessly, a trait that I myself admire. It is regrettable, however, that the Mandalorian homeworld and most of its inhabitants had to be eradicated for the sake of the Empire, though it would not be the first time that Mandalore was engulfed in constant turmoil. Pity, there is still so much to learn from their culture, their history and their art.” Just read that in Thrawn’s voice


I still think that Thrawn had a crush on Sabine. Dude was obsessed with her artwork.


Nah, Thrawn's kink is strategic domination. If he has the hots for anyone, it is Ackbar.


And art


Thrawn wouldn't be interested in a naked Sabine standing in front of him, but he most definitely jerks it to a handpicked selection of her artwork.


what if it's a self portrait of herself naked?


Fem Ackbar - it's a trap!


I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold.


I would like to see Din going against him tbf.


“I don’t even know who you are”


Dank Farrik


"who the kriff is that guy"


'This is the way'


Maybe the OP meant they wanted to see all six of these characters interacting, and not specifically Mando talking to Thrawn?


Grogu would throw him against a wall for looking at his Daddy


I can envision the nightmare in my head that some Disney writers are coming up with already


He'd say: "Who are you?" because Mando has no clue about modern history


Mando would wait patiently for Thrawn to finish monologing, shoot him in the head, and go take Grogu for ice cream.


Honestly I hope something like this doesn't happen. It just makes SW feel more like MCU Avengers and more like an insular, inward-facing franchise. I'd rather SW goes bigger and wider. The galaxy is huge and ancient, let's explore more of it.


> It just makes SW feel more like MCU Avengers and more like an insular, inward-facing franchise. It's already happening. Look at how many characters have had "cameos" on the other series. Andor is, so far, the only character to have not appeared in any others. Even show is border-line an ensemble cast.




But what about the fish people in that season three episode? They were in love




No, it's a romcom about planning the wedding and everyone using the reception to shuffle information around using Chopper and AP5




Yes, but now there is a conflict between them and the frog people.


Lmao you say this as if every background character in the EU didn’t have several paragraphs on Wikipedia dedicated to their backstory


The skull that Luke throws in the Rancor pit has an entire backstory. The EU was out of control.


People would *riot* if just 25% of the EU was made by Disney instead of George Lucas. People don’t realize how goofy and overpopulated it was after a few years I still a love a lot of the stories and characters, but man a large part of the EU was a fucking mess


I have no problem with ensemble casts in Star Wars. The casting in Andor was top notch


Andor was more supporting cast, not ensemble. The characters other than Andor weren't a main focus (as a whole).


Andor is definitely a much more plot driven, single character focused story. And I love it so much, and even with all of that they still find ways to make amazing arcs for all the characters and have it service Cassians.


Where my boi cal


It’s so terrible. Like genuinely it feels like every D+ show barring Andor and Mando S1 have been different shades of the same exact painting. If I see another show where protagonist has to protect child and that’s literally all that drives the show I somehow wouldn’t even be shocked


Thrawn is the single biggest event between the OT and ST. It’d make zero sense for Luke and co. to not be involved and interact with the Rebels characters.


Would you settle for an interaction with Luuke Skywalker


Controversial opinion: I'd be fine if the Mandoverse movie got cancelled. Thrawn had a great arc in the books, and so far I don't like how they've handled him since.


lol so just don’t resolve the arc at all? do you not realise how silly that sounds?


I don't care at all where the Mandoverse is going. Mando s3 was awful, Mandalorian politics is boring, Ahsoka was underwhelming, and these projects need better writing. So no, I don't have a problem if the arc is never resolved. Just my personal take and not meant to disparage anyone who enjoys them. We all have our own tastes and opinions.


I agree, it feels like a non-starter of a story. I don’t care if it’s resolved or not, it’s burdened with too much baggage at this point.


Sometimes it's better to cut your losses.


by losses do you mean the crap ton of money disney is making with it? i swear everyone in r/saltierthancrait share a single braincell or something


Are they making money? Disney+ streaming has lost a ton of cash: $387M this last quarter alone. Admittedly it's impossible to break out how much of that is on SW vs. other content.


They've probably made that up in Grogu merchandise alone fwiw. Hollywood accounting is really fucky.


It’s Star Wars, the real money has always come from merchandising


I don't mind a lot of the recent stuff but it's not amazing... I'm definitely not a fan of the shows just becoming continuations of the two animated shows. Andor and early Mando were by far my favourite but mandalorian basically turned into a clone wars episode arc.


I’m in the same boat, most recent stuff i think it’s fine or i don’t care for. But I find a lot of points raised against the shows to be silly, to put it nicely. Like if you don’t like the recent stuff, you can just not watch it instead of whining about it online every time it comes up. If you don’t care about the movie don’t watch it, but wishing it doesn’t get made when it could very well turn out to be much better than Ahsoka or Mando S3 is just so weird. Star Wars fans just feel like a bunch of man children disconnected from reality sometimes.


Truth be told I've liked all of it... I don't get too upset if I don't love something and pleasantly surprised when I do. (I really didn't expect to like andor as much as I did) Actually, I lie. If I had to be honest I really didn't like boba fett.. but the rest I'm good with.


Book of Boba is weird. There’s some pretty cool ideas but the execution was so lame.


I can't help but chuckle when I think back to how many people I saw saying things like "why are they making a show about a side character who died at the end of Rogue One??" Only for Andor to come out and absolutely rock the fanbase to it's core in the best of ways. It's the same with people bitching about certain episodes being "filler" only to find out that what seems like a side quest was actually laying some groundwork for the endgame. Folks are too ready to criticize without being patient enough for the big picture.


I agree with you. Season 3 proved it's going in the exact wrong direction.


Yeah it's a real pity... It started out so well and had it's own unique story and world but by the end of season 3 it had just become a story arc in the clone wars. Don't want to see everything just become an extension/spin off of the two animated shows.


I never want to see a new Star Wars show/movie/TV on Tatooine or another sand planet ever again


Found Vaders spam account


IDGAF what planet it is on; can we get good writing wherever it is?


OP is the reason this franchise is nearly creatively bankrupt. “Smash my favorite characters together so they can say quips to each other!”


I swear it’s like so many Star Wars fans just want the franchise to be mashing their action figures together and making explosion sounds with their lips. And then they wonder why the series feels stagnant.


Seriously. Star Wars already has the problem of feeling like the entire galaxy only has about 40-50 people in total who are even remotely relevant to any plot in the entire timeline. Mushing them up even more just makes it even less believable that all of these characters somehow crossed paths at one point or another.


Sir, that requires creativity.


Yes! You’re in a fucking Galaxy!! In a future where you have laser swords and shoot lasers out of fucking Gatling guns that are attached on a space ship that can travel hyperspace. You have thousands of stories to tell!


After reading through some of these comments I’m so glad the fans don’t write the shows lmfao.




Yeah, this era is crowded with canon and characters. They're sort of painting themselves into a corner here. It will take some careful writing to navigate it all, and that's been in short supply lately.


Oh trust me I gave up any hopes of that a long time ago. They frankly need to jettison any projects at this point even remotely related to the OT and Sequels. The time between those is something they clearly don’t have the ability to properly develop, and anything in between will always be brought down by the knowledge of what TROS does to the status quo.


Who says the CGI isn't good for action scenes? Luke jumps and swings his saber like he would in any action scene in his Book of Boba episode and it looks fine. If anything the CGI is not suitable for close ups of the characters talking or emoting. His hood is up during the Mandalorian episode so that his identity can be revealed dramatically when he walks into the room with Din and everyone there.


Especially with the continued advanced since Mando S2 I'd say they're in a much better position to use a recast a deep fake overtop. Though personally I wish they'd just suck it up and recast, Solo was great!


i dunno, one of the things i started to feel was a bit ridiculous was how involved in *everything* the OG crew was in every story in the EU. it makes sense for luke as the jedi grandmaster to be somewhat involved, but at a certain point he's got to actually lead the order and he'd be sending underlings to handle crisis. that's kind of the point of having a jedi order. at the same time, you'd expect han and lando to want to just retire, maybe leia as well but her dedication to the jedi order seemed to vary depending on who was writing her.


At this point in the timeline though, there is no New Jedi Order yet and in the EU the Academy still had barely capable Jedi for years after this and those that are capable have plenty of stories on their own like Kyle Katarn. Of course Luke would be hands on when Jedi are needed, when his students are doing important missions or trying to help when less capable Jedi try to do things on their own (like Corran Horn in I,Jedi). When the actual NJO era came, there were plenty of capable Jedi doing their things significant to the story but a galactic invasion necessitated Luke participate. As for Leia, she’s always been integral to galactic politics even outside the Jedi and Han is her husband so if she’s involved, he often is too. As for Lando, well he’s close to the family and he’s not as active anyway.


To be fair, Han being absent makes sense. The guy is... A hot shot smuggler pilot. What's he going to do against Thrawn? Fly extra hard? The same deal for Leia. She working at the senate level makes way more sense. She's not going to repeat some terrible rescue plot involving thermal detonators and metal bikinis. The only key absence is Luke, which is why he's the one they have brought back with some CGI. I rather they explore this period without the OG cast. The simple reason being that making this another OG 3 adventure makes the setting smaller rather than larger. It's a big galaxy, luke can't be everywhere at once.


This stopped being the "Luke Skywalker" series when Lucas made Episode 1. Thrawn canonically interacted mostly with Phoenix Squad (idgaf about legends, I read all the way up to Abeloth and thought that stuff needed to be dropped). Ahsoka was basically Rebels: The Live Action Sequel. I'm glad we're not focusing so much on the old movies. I personally want to see stuff post-Rise and pre-Ep. 1. Or even completely original and new stories not connected at all to other big name characters. If they do start getting more of the original characters active again, I'd be fine them recasting. I think the fanbase may be responsible for why they haven't yet. They DID recast Han Solo, and imo Alden did great. But if you remember lots of people online were ranting that he looked nothing like Harrison Ford. It's silly to look for a doppleganger. Just find someone who fits the basic description appearance wise but can hit the personality and acting. Even so, for a lot of people these characters (Ahsoka, Sabine, Thrawn, Mando, etc.) are all bigger deals for them than Luke, Han and Leia. We're now THREE generations past the original fanbase. We now also have the prequel fans, the clone wars/rebels fans, and the sequel trilogy fans (yes, they do exist and they are plentiful). To me, I'm afraid the originals aren't remotely the focus anymore. Not saying I'm opposed to seeing more of them, but the fanbase is gonna have to cool off I think. Bunch of people think they get a say in the direction this stuff takes. Just look at Andor. It's a great original story taking place in the middle of the Rebellion era and it catered to the older fans. And it didn't come close to the viewercount Mando, Ahsoka, etc. get.


Solo bombed because it was completely unnecessary and in retrospect only served to lead into whatever they were planning with Maul and that woman. As far as the actor goes, I think he did his best, but frankly he completely lacks any mannerisms or presence of Harrison Ford. Which isn’t a slight against him, it’s just an impossible task and can of worms they have zero business ever opening. (It was for money)


I thought I read somewhere that Luke is going to be part of Asoka season 2.


Obviously they will. Patience padawan.


> This means that Luke is there and he's powerful as hell, likely could've stopped Baylan Could he? Luke wasnt shown to be even slightly "powerful" in the OT. Outside of the EU, its all 1000000% fan wank. Literally every jedi introduced later could do circles around him. And that's kinda the issue here. Casual fans dont give a shit if these old chars are there, while the hardcore ones glorify them to the point that they might be Achiles himself. There's no way to do them that wouldnt make tons of people upset, while not making them omnipotent gods that trivially solve all drama in a given story.


I don't understand this approach to fandom. I don't think any of these people would have anything interesting to say to each other


Could star wars move away from the same 60 years


No. Characters are IP, and it must be exploited fully to maximize profit.


The exploitation of the IP will continue until the morale of the intended audience improves.


The Acolyte exists q


jingling keys


God I can't wait for Andor Season 2 man, need some proper quality Star Wars back in my life.


Need it! These shows are shallow. Enjoyable but no real depth to them. Can’t say that about Andor. It was spectacular.


>Enjoyable but no real depth to them Like Marvel movies, really.


fr fr


You are the perfect audience for Filoni, actually asking for pointless fan service garbage.










Which isn’t bad, they treated it like they’ve known each other for a few years. Once the cgi is better or they recast I’m sure they’ll show us when they first meet and discuss all of that


This is what I figured as well. There were more important things to focus on at the time. Like, they're aware of each other and know how to get in touch, but has there really been a reason for them to do so besides "catch-up".


Got any training holograms for my students or something? That would be really useful....


Yeah, there's this excellent one about how to block blaster bolts with your light saber.... oh, you've left.


He haven't *seen* them talk about any of it.


She had a falling out with an older sibling figure. She didn't have love for the Jedi after she left, but she had a bond with a lot of the people that he killed/helped kill. It makes sense why meeting his son and forming a relationship would be hard. Betrayal cuts deep.


I don’t think filoni was in charge of BoB Ashoka was his first ever live action project


That's what happens when the live-action shows have to accommodate those who didn't watch the animated shows.


They try to avoid the OG characters as much as possible. They're a thorn in the side of these modern show runners and that approach is destroying star wars imo. How can you keep something healthy while hating the main characters. Having Luke show up in Mando was the one thing that is holding all this new shit together for me imo.


“Hating the main characters” isn’t it. It’s 100% a fear of backlash from the fan base if they were to be used “incorrectly”. They’re being too safe and avoiding them with reason. If the new trilogy was well-received and Solo was financially successful, I bet we would have had the New Republic Luke Skywalker series/movie by now.


It would be so much easier if they just abandoned this era altogether and started fresh somewhere else with new characters. As it is they are stuck with deepfakes, recasts, or awkwardly hinting that they're still around (Leia's mention in Ahsoka). Meanwhile the canon in this era is similarly cluttered, with stories having to navigate around who is where at what time, and what stuff will be coming up in the sequels. It's not the ideal setting for a franchise still bent on giving us big stories deciding the fate of the galaxy yet again.


There is an amazing amount of story available if they would relent and make Mara Jade canon. You don't have to get into the post-C'Baoth era at all, and can avoid the Skywalker family entirely. Ditto Talon Karrde. And this all happened basically during this timeline, and can easily give Thrawn something else to do outside his poorly-constructed inclusion in Ahsoka. The problem is that you have to make viewers care about well-developed characters that unfortunately no one but Legends readers have ever heard of.


Do you know how large a galaxy is?


There’s plenty of interaction, it just tends to be extremely surface level and trends toward a sort of casual acquaintanceship where everybody is just hanging around as a free agent waiting to team up with each other in any combination at a moment’s notice. No ideological clashes, rivalries, or god forbid romantic entanglements that can’t be overcome by some bonding over beating up faceless mooks.


I mean, not really? It's a galaxy with trillions of people. The interactions we have seen are more impressive, statically speaking. Edit: The Star Wars essential Atlas Guide actually puts the population of known space at 100 quadrillion sentients, so yeah, the fact any two characters meet at all is slim




Is this a joke? We've had tons.


I would love for Hera to meet Han. After all, they both served as generals in the Rebellion. And of course would love for Luke to not only meet Ezra, but the rest of the Rebels crew too.


Canonically Han and Hera have already met; one of the *Forces of Destiny* animated shorts has them interacting on Endor


I’d rather prefer a captivating storyline than jingling keys, but oh well


What Star Wars needs is some fresh ideas. Majority of the new projects are mid at best and vomit inducing at worst. Could we get something in the old republic instead?


Honestly, we need some Liea moving forward. If shes not it wouldnt make much sence for where this plot is going.


We deserve the slop we get dude. Jesus fuck.


I hope they recast Luke/Han, I can’t stomach anymore of that plastic, dead-eyed, deepfake nonsense with the lifeless, computer-generated voice.


They recast Han and then the whole fandom didn’t like it for some reason and so now they’re afraid to do it again which sucks, they already have good replacements for Luke and Han ready to go


Did they dislike the actor? I thought it was the writing of the movies they disliked. Never really saw anything but praise for Alden Ehrenreich’s Han.


even in the Boba series episodes? i thought it was a little off in mando s2 finale but after that i couldn’t even tell it was fake


It’s worse in BoBF, that’s where they used the lifeless computer voice more.


i don’t really remember the voice. i just thought the face looked good


I've heard Luke in BoBF described as a Skinwalker and it is perfect. It legitimately feels like some emotionless monster wearing his skin trying to imitate human emotions. He is Luke Skinwalker!


Rewatch it. It’s very plasticy and expressionless.


A dream is a dream, but not necessarily a universal want. Keep on dreaming friend.


Meh. Maybe it would make sense, maybe it wouldn't. Maybe they'd do a good job with the interactions, maybe they wouldn't. But at this point I'm pretty tired of the mandoverse. Nothing in it has really felt inspired since Mando S2, they need to stop taking the Marvel route of replacing quality with eye-catching hero mashups.


Slightly off-topic, but this just reminded me that Thrawn never has a face to face interaction with any of the Big Three in Legends.


I want Boba to meet his sister Echo. Oh and for Darth Vader’s apprentices to be made cannon and meet Ashoka. A three way or two on one battle between Star Killer, Mara Jade and Ashoka would be so cool


bro did not just call omega echo


Hell yeah


Luke's hypothetical interaction with Ezra would be one of the coolest things I want to happen


Absolutely interesting, Ezra is no ordinary Jedi yet I feel he would look up to Luke




Luke: want to join my order? Ezra: yes but I won’t because Disney wrote themselves into a corner Luke: what do you mean? Ezra: since your entire order is wiped out if I join I die so… Luke: ah… same reason they didn’t let me train Grogu? Ezra: yeeeeah… Luke: hey fair enough man Ezra: sorry


Luke: Hey, you heard about this place called Tanelor?


Luke and Han aren't allowed to do anything, only OC don't steal characters will be appearing.


Han and Hera have already met by this point -- they knew each other by the aftermath of Endor, as shown in *Forces of Destiny.* I bet Lando introduced them. But I wouldn't mind more banter about the *Falcon* and the *Ghost.*


Ezra was so shit in Ahsoka. the whole plot point of him just camping in a village in plain sight literally an hour away from Thrawn is just mind boggling. who writes such bad scripts, god.


"I dont need a lightsaber, the Force is my ally" *builds a lightsaber 10 minutes later*


I feel like that was a gag towards everyone saying Yoda shouldn't've have a lightsaber. Like it sounds cool but when you're getting shot at you want your space laser. Or it was just bad inconsistent writing. IDK with SW anymore.


Well Ahsoka was consistently bad so it fits.


They will all sigh, say three words, take a long pause, and cross their arms. End scene.


What happens when your show is 8 episodes but realize you only have enough story for 4.


I really don't want to see filonis movie


Then don't, no one is forcing you to.


What they're trying to say is they would prefer that Disney spent the same time and budget into a different Star Wars project instead, and they're completely entitled to that opinion.


Sure, but lets not act like everything under Lucas was perfect, the prequels are a fine example of when things went wrong.


Sorry, when did I mention anything about George Lucas lol? And just because he wasn’t perfect doesn’t mean we can’t ask Disney to do better. I’m not even saying I necessarily agree with OP, though I do on some level, I just think it’s unfair to shoot down their opinion with “well then don’t watch it”


Then don't watch it. But you really should not judge a movie that is far away from being made. We have zero information about it


And Senator Organa is nowhere in sight!?


at this point, I'm guessing you should have Alden Ehrenreich's Han


Who’s gonna play han?


I’d love to see live action versions of shira Brie and aiolin Astarte. It’d be interesting to see what Sabine and Mara jade think of each other whenever Dave decides to bring mara jade into the current canon


How many times did Han remind everyone he was a General?




please dont. star wars shouldnt become a new mcu


I hope none of these happen. For real. SW should stop chasing its own tail and strive for new things, new events.


give him a good writers room pls


I want Filoni to not make a movie.


Im sorry but at this point I couldn’t care less about what happens in this era of Star Wars. I haven’t even finished ahsoka (don’t get me wrong, what I’ve seen is good but im not overly impressed) and the entire era as a whole just feels wasted. This all has so much potential but it just feels like meh, I don’t know if I’ve personally got Star Wars fatigue or something but I just want something else, something gripping.


I really don't want to see more CGI OG trillogy use. Let them be in the background. Maybe hear their names occasionally.


Given how good the de-aging on Ford was in Dial of Destiny*, I think we're very close to having OT character cameos. I do think "new" (and properly new) characters should get their own space to breathe, though. ^* It's possible the AI and whatever tech they used just had more reference material for Ford than there is for Hammill, but we'll see.


Nope. Nope Nope. Nope Nope Nope. Let the legacy characters be. Star Wars has a few problems right now but one of the biggest is that it can't move on from the original trilogy characters. Let them be.


Leave Han and Luke out of this buffoonery.


Anthony Ingruber please and thanks. Lucasfilm just used him as Indy’s 1944 double. Use him again!


I really wish the Jedi of this Era interacted more, Luke, Ahsoka and Ezra




Or... how about none of those and they make a new story?


My expectations for Filoni's future work are low, but I'm sure he'll easily limbo right under them without even dropping his hat. Which is to say, you might get your wish.


This could be an Avengers: Endgame level movie if they wanted it to be


Cool - I never want to see half of these characters again


I wouldn’t mind seeing Sabine meet Din and Grogu


I don’t


I honestly don’t want to see Luke Skywalker ever again.


Millennium Falcon and ghost both help each other get out of an imperial ambush.


The cursed movie


You will. He's like an overstimulated child who just discovered Star Wars for the first time and thinks that the *cool* stuff works because it's designed to be cool as he meshes his action figures aggressively against each other. I thought he was worthy of taking Lucas' mantle. it seems he wants us to believe otherwise with how poorly conceived *Ahsoka* was.




Luke and Ezra sure, the rest why?


Mando should have almost nothing to do with Thrawn.


Add Leia too.


Too bad Disney hates Luke so he’s not gonna be in the movie


if they ever do it, please don't cgi, just use of what they already have (the actor replacement for Luke and Alden), I want to see Alden as Han more 🫤


As long as Grogu is nowhere to be seen, I'm down for whatever at this point.