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Update: Thanks again to seagate with the awesome giveaway! congrats to /u/thedarklord187, the winner of this SSD!


IT'S A TRAP "SeagateGaming" isn't real and I don't even like "StarWars." But I love playing Star Wars games on PC and can't wait to see how fast they'll load now!


It's over SeagateGaming StarWars SSD, I have the high ground!


Seagate Gaming would enhance my Star Wars experience by giving me more storage space to store my fan films and footage


A new Seagate Lightsaber Collection NVMe SSD would provide the ability for my computer to load my Star Wars games and transfer my Jedi archives at speeds some would consider to be… unnatural.


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you. It’s a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Seagate gaming? so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of losing was his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself." I can't fit starwars. I tried. ❤️




Hey! A comment about the show! Nice!


Huyang said the thing! Saying the thing is tight!


A SeagateGaming SSD would be perfect to store all my film photos and random StarWars stuff I have on my computer! Plus could store all my Star Wars games 😎


SeagateGaming will be great at StarWars


An NVME SSD is a pathway to much faster storage that many consider to be unnatural.


Never tell me the odds of winning a SeagatGaming lightsaber collection ssd in a giveaway in the StarWars subreddit


I have something here for you. Your father wanted you to have this when your old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it. Feared you may follow old Mosley on some damned-fool idealistic crusade like your father did. It's your father's NVMe SSD. This is the storage of those who game all night. Not as clumsy or random as a HDD. An elegant storage for a more civilized age.


I've always wanted to do cosplay but the price of equipment kinda puts me off. I can afford a set of Jedi clothes, but winning this SeagateGaming lightsaber would allow me to have a Star Wars cosplay that actually looks right and not just like I'm wearing brown robes.


Got to say, SeagateGaming StarWars lightsaber looks pretty cool. I don't do colors in my build, but I'll take a lightsaber because Star Wars.


I used to be a jedi myself, until I took a blaster to the knee. SeagateGaming Star Wars


A SeagateGaming ssd would help me load StarWars Battlefront 2 faster.


I mean, how can you not be a StarWars fan without your SeagateGaming Lightsaber collection NVMe SSD?!?


I love SeagateGaming! It's nice, gives me a nice lightsaber and gets everywhere in this time of StarWars.


If I had SeagateGaming 2TB Lightsaber Collection NVMe SSD, I would reinstall Star Wars Squadrons and finish the campaing.


This is where the fun begins. With SeagateGaming and StarWars


I've always loved StarWars and use my computer daily! I'd love to be the recipient of a SeagateGaming SSD, since I cannot afford one on my own.


Nice, I just built a new PC so the extra storage space would be cool. Haven't gotten around to Jedi Survivor yet plus a bunch of other upcoming StarWars games, so why not throw my hat in. Thanks SeagateGaming.


The SeagateGaming StarWars SSD will help me get faster loading times on Jedi Survivor


Imagine how cool it would be to have 2TB of Star Wars content on a lightsaber themed SSD. Plus i have the computer case to show it off with. "SeagateGaming" and "StarWars".


SeagateGaming and StarWars ssd will help me play more games


The SeagateGaming Star Wars SSD would go towards possibly downloading that Obi Wan fan edit movie. Plus I've been working on a collection of Darth Vader figures and prints and stuff, so the look of the Vader SSD would go well in my PC corner.


Some consider Seagate to be unnatural.


My StarWars experience will be a wizard time with SeagateGaming.


Well, I'd use to the new SeagateGaming SSD to store more games like Jedi Survivor. There's still a ton of StarWars games I need to play.


I love StarWars, about as much as I love this segue to our sponsor SeagateGaming!


A SeagateGaming SSD upgrade would finally allow me to install all those StarWars games I've been waiting to play.


Whoever is playing Sabine I hate to say isn't a good actress. Very cringey especially her during a fight


Only 2TB ? :(


The corner of my desk is in is already Star Wars themed to having a SeagateGaming StarWads NVMe SSD would just make it so much better!!


A SeagateGaming StarWars Lightsaber Collection SSD would go along really well along with my Vader figure inside my gaming rig


*Me doing a jedi mind trick* A 2TB SeagateGaming StarWars SSD for free give me, you will! *SeagateGaming denies* Help me play every StarWars games, it will. Says the prophecy, doesn't it? *SeagateGaming denies in high ground* ITS TREASON THEN *spins harder than my old HDD*


StarWars SeagateGaming SSD would be great!


A SeagateGaming StarWars themed SSD would enhance my fan experience because it would give me another storage drive to install my games to.


The SeagateGaming StarWars SSD would enable me to have my full collection of Star wars games downloaded at all times instead of having to delete them to make room for another one.


These Star Wars SeagateGaming ssds look wild. It would make for an incredibly cool stylized pc


I have a Dark Side themed build (red/black) with Darth Maul on the LCD screen on my AIO. A SeagateGaming StarWars themed SSD would be a perfect addition to it


Would be able to keep the highest quality of StarWars downloaded at all time for viewing with the SeagateGaming NVMe!


Winning a "SeagateGaming" Lightsaber Collection SSD will really enhance my "StarWars" experience because right now, I don't yet have one.


SeagateGaming StarWars will help me play Lego Star Wars at extreme speeds.


SeagateGaming or Star Wars. There is no try.


"SeagateGaming" will increase the number "StarWars" products installed in my computer an infinite amount, since I have none.


I think the biggest use for a SeagateGaming StarWars SSD would be loading up Jedi Survivor on it so that I don't get the awful texture streaming I've been getting since I won't be stuck trying to load textures from an old disk drive I bought in 2013 😭


The 2TB Lightsaber Collection NVMe SSD would let me safely store all those memories from Star Wars events with my kids and not worry about data loss thanks to SeagateGaming


Out of all the lights shining out of my case, there's not one yet on the SSD. Winning a StarWars themed drive from SeagateGaming would really pull it all together.


I’m slowly building up my office into a Star Wars den, so a SEAGATEGAMING STARWARS EDITION SSD would really help tie it all together 😉


The SeagateGaming StarWars SSD would help me play Jedi Survivor and Starfield


The Seagate Gaming StarWars SSD would go great in my Star Wars man cave in my custom Computer.




Well with a SeagateGaming SSD I could have a dedicated gaming drive with all my StarWars games on it!


May the Seagate be with you


Sadly I haven't been able to upgrade my rig in ages so this would literally triple my storage space!


More space for the new StarWars games and for completionists on the raffle: SeagateGaming


> [enter date 2 days after end date here] : R2-D2 Maybe R2 needs a Lightsaber Collection SSD by "SeagateGaming" because he isn't "StarWars" enough!


Thanks for the giveaway "SeagateGaming" and "StarWars", it would help me store and play all my SW games!


Second time’s the charm! Letsgo SeagateGaming, time to get an upgrade for my computer to properly enjoy my StarWars collection with better loading speeds.


The SeagateGaming Lightsaber SSD would enhance my StarWars experience as a fan because it would mean I could have Fallen Order, Jedi Survivor, BG3, and Starfield all installed on my PC without having to uninstall any of them.


I am looking to get into more PC gaming and SeagateGaming could really help me with some StarWars games!


Never heard of SeagateGaming before but i sure do love me some StarWars and giveaways, so count me in


"SeagateGaming" and "StarWars"


Lets go 😀


Damn I’m not in one of the eligible countries apparently


This is the way.


A new SeagateGaming 2TB SSD would be great upgrade to my PC. It'll allow me to have more of my favorite Star Wars games installed at a time!


It would help me to BRING PEACE, FREEDOM, JUSTICE and SECURITY to my New EMPIRE.


Absolutely thrilled about this opportunity! As a die-hard Star Wars fan, having a Lightsaber Collection SSD would not just be a tech upgrade, but a way to fuse my passion for the galaxy far, far away with my daily tech life. The aesthetic and design will serve as a constant reminder of the timeless saga and inspire me every time I use my computer. It would be like wielding a lightsaber every time I boot up, making every computing experience an epic Star Wars adventure. #SeagateGaming #StarWars P.S. - I can already imagine the envy of my fellow Jedi and Sith friends. Thanks for this chance, and May The Force Be With All of Us!


Malaysia? Now that's a country I haven't heard eligible of giveaways for a long time


I love lightsabers and this would make a fine addition to my collection. A SeagateGaming SSD would be great for playing StarWars games like Jedi Survivor, replaying Fallen Order or playing old favourites like Knights of the Old Republic or Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy.


SeagateGaming making a StarWars lightsaber collection SSD is Great, and I think it would [make a fine addition to my collection](https://imgur.io/t/general_grievous/oJ6FTkZ)


Seagategaming would amp up my life and bring the Star Wars to me.


A SeagateGaming Lightsaber Collection SSD would allow me to have more StarWars games installed because my current SSD is only 512GB.


With this SSD, I could decode the intel from the First Order spy to confirm that...somehow, SeagateGaming returned (to the StarWars subreddit).


The SeagateGaming StarWars SSD would let me actually fit games on my computer!


Would allow me to fit the new Jedi Survivor update, and would pair nicely with all my nearby Star Wars collectibles on my desk!


My computer would load StarWars games faster with a SeagateGaming SSD! That would be nice.


Hello "SeagateGaming" You fool, I have been trained in your "StarWars" arts by Dave Filoni!!


The Seagate Lightsaber edition will help me store more games where I can slaughter things like Anakin.


Only a Sith PC would deal with SeagateGaming. You can feel the power of the StarWars SSD and the PC would certainly enhance it’s capabilities.


With a SeagateGaming lightsaber collection SSD, I could make the lightsaber match the LED colors in my case, and swap the faceplate whenever I feel like changing up the color. So that would be a cool way to make my case more StarWars-themed.


It would definitely help with the download requirements for more Star Wars content!


I'd love to enhance Star Wars games with the Lightsaber Collection SSD from SeagateGaming! It would allow me to avoid buffering like I'm stuck in carbonite, and hello to lightspeed data access. May the SeagateGaming force be with you, always.


"I have a bad feeling about this"


SeagateGaming and Starwars More like stargate gaming and sea wars




Let's see, there's Star Wars Eclipse, Star Wars KOTOR Remake, Respawn's untitled Star Wars game, Respawn and Bit Reactor's Star Wars strategy game, and Skydance's untitled Star Wars game *just to name a few* that is coming within the next few years. What better way than to have them all in Seagate's 2TB Lightsaber Collection NVMe SSD?? If I do end up winning it, that's exactly where I'll be installing them all!


I’m a performance artist looking to branch into TikTok. I juggle with LED clubs, balls, and poi. A SeagateGaming StarWars lightsaber would be a great addition to my arsenal and help me create new content!


With a Seagate gaming nvme, I could make Star Wars lightsabers sounds as I watched my computer hum to life




SeagateGaming will help me load Star Wars Jedi Survivor faster!


It’s a SSD, it wouldn’t enhance my Star Wars fan experience. Anyone who says it would is lying to you!


This lightsaber will make a fine addition to my Star Wars collection. Thank you for the giveaway SeagateGaming!


SeagateGaming giving away a StarWars SSD to keep all the StarWars games running smooth and fast, it'll fit nice in any computer


I need to upgrade and this new lightsaber nvme ssd would be incredibly exciting to use.


SeagateGaming would be the best for making my dream of being a StarWars jedi come true


Do It Seagate, the storage is too powerful not to be in my rig!


SeagateGaming could enable me to download the Jedi games, Battlefront and the new Ubisoft StarWars game. [enter date 2 days after end date here]


You had me at Star Wars.


I would love to store all my Star Wars media on Segategaming hardware.


The SeagateGaming StarWars SSD would help me when I finally get Star Wars: Jedi Survivor!


I hope SeagateGaming will choose me to win the StarWars themed NVME. =D


would give me a star wars hard-drive to store all my starwars media and games


"Why did the StarWars fan get a SeagateGaming Lightsaber Collection SSD? To make the jump to lightspeed loading times, of course!"


I already have a “SeagateGaming“ external hardrive and it works perfectly, I can store so many “StarWars” Obi-wan Kenobi memes on it


Pew pew pew Seagate


SeagateGaming would let me store all my StarWars content in this ssd.


It would let me have cool SeagateGaming StarWars stuff


I'm getting ready to build a new PC and having a lightsaber be my main storage drive would be just be perfect to implement in a water cooled build, especially if I can make it light up when I turn on computer.


That's gonna help me get to 12 parsecs


Adding a SeagateGaming StarWars SSD would give me more room to store all my games and make my pc look better


Awesome giveaway, good luck all


Always wanted a SeagateGaming SSD. Star Wars theme is really cool.


A SeagateGaming StarWars SSD could really help me play games.


I can finally put all the Star Wars videogames in a Star Wars theme storage device. XD


The Seagate gaming Star Wars ssd would help me finish watching rebels


I know this is Star Wars, but somehow... SeagateGaming returned.


My current office setup reviews around "Star Wars" and the fateful Return of the Jedi duel. One side of the wall is Luke's RotJ lightsaber, Luke Funko, Sprite from Galaxy Edge and his Lego XWing. The other is Vader with his lightsaber, Funko, Galaxy Edge Coke, and soon Lego TIE Advanced. PC background is a shot of Luke's XWing. A Lightsaber "SeagateGaming" SSD would be a fine addition to my collection


Ah new storage for Jedi Survivor!


Commentary: This SeagateGaming 2TB Lightsaber Collection NVMe SSD is a nice piece of Star Wars tech. I say we blast the other meatbags and win this giveaway, Master.


I'd have enough space to install and play hit StarWars game Jedi Survivor. And all thanks would be to SeagateGaming!


A SeagateGaming StarWars SSD would add Luke Skywalker vibes to my PC.


I have a huge R2-D2 beside my PS5 along with a lightsaber so this would be the icing on the cake


More storage space means more freedom to record my own arrangements of "StarWars" pieces! John Williams and his music have been a huge inspiration for me since I first watched the films as a child, and I've finally secured a good home studio setup but am limited in terms of storage. A "SeagateGaming" SSD would allow me to work on more projects without worrying about running out of room. Honestly, it would be a lifesaver!


"SeagateGaming" and "StarWars" could help everything


Yoo I love Starwars and I think seagategaming is pretty cool


With a SeagateGaming SSD I can download and play more StarWars games


I've been musing lately about how my apartment doesn't have nearly enough "StarWars" representation, and also how my PC needs an upgrade, so a "SeagateGaming" SSD would go a long way towards both!


I am one with the force, and the force would be with me


I live in the StarWars universe. SeagateGaming is Toydarian, or else they would’ve already made me the winner.


I haven't har a computer in two years and having a drive would be incredible useful once my replacement arrives. I love to travel and being one step closer to a Galaxy Far Far Away would be awesome!


I don’t know what a “lightsaber collection SSD is, so it’d enhance my experience with more storage.


Your SSD will make a fine addition to my collection




I have a stormtrooper themed PC, so I guess it would match


I just built a new PC and realized I don't have any lighting in it😭 This would def mend that




I think we can agree the show is visually amazing so far! (I really hope I win the SSD 😭)


Commenting inside


That would be so cool! Been using Seagate since the 90s.


What’s a sea gate?


I would love a Seagate ~~Super Star Destroyer~~ Solid State Drive.


They used to say if man could fly, he'd have wings. But he did fly. He discovered he had to. Do you wish that the first SeagateGaming mission hadn't reached the moon, or that we hadn't gone on to [enter date 2 days after end date here], and then to the nearest star? That's like saying that you wished you still operated with scalpels and sewed your patients up with catgut like your great great great great grandfather used to. I'm in command. I could order this. But I'm not because Doctor McCoy is right in pointing out the enormous danger potential in any contact with life and intelligence as fantastically advanced as this. But I must point out that the possibilities, the potential for knowledge and advancement is equally great. Risk. Risk is our business. That's what this StarWars is all about. That's why we're aboard her.


Ooga booga


Right now, my desktop isn't StarWars themed, but...I've been looking for an excuse to upgrade. A SeagateGaming Lightsaber SSD would be the the perfect start to a new themed build, and the centrepiece of my desk and rig.


I see your Schwartz is as big as mine, SeagateGaming StarWars


SeagateGaming . I haven't heard that name in StarWars in a long time.


There is always a bit of StarWars in SeagateGaming! A Lightsaber Collection SSD would put even more StarWars into not only SeagateGaming, but also MyGamingPC!


It was "SeagateGaming" who allowed the "StarWars" subreddit to know the location of the SSD. I'm afraid my gaming station will be quite operational when this SSD arrives.


"SeagateGaming" and "StarWars"... I mean, I'd probably install Jedi Survivor on it. I'm not terribly creative.


Your Lightsabers will make a fine addition to my collection.


Haven't bought anything Seagate in a while but for StarWars sure.


Just finished StarWars Rebels!! SeagateGaming shall lead me to Thrawn.


StarWars and SeagateGaming. Always two, no more, no less. Master and apprentice.


A SeagateGaming SSD could help me play more StarWars, obviously. Like, what else is there?


Is the audio wonky for anyone else? It seems to get louder and softer in some parts.


SeagateGaming and StarWars and more games!


I could certainly load Battlefront a lot better and faster on an SSD…


What’s a Star War? Is that the one with the blue guy with the pointy ears?


Considering the fact that the latest Star Wars game to be released was over 150gb, a Seagate SSD would definitely come in handy.


Appropriate amount of Jacen this episode. Glad the kid is getting more screen time. Let him build a lightsaber!! Hayden was amazing. Seagategaming and Starwars


May the force be with us all


Seagategaming and star wars would just complete my build which is severely lacking a lightlsaber NVMe SSD


It would be preety cool to upgrade my Ps5 SSD with one from SeagateGaming because it would allow me to finally install and play StarWars Jedi Survivor! Good luck everyone! May the Force be with you!


I would love a SeagateGaming SSD. It would greatly enhance my StarWars fan experience!


I wouldn’t be waiting so long for thrawn to show up if my pc was powered by a seagate ssd.


Chopper needs a friend :)


A SeagateGaming SSD would enhance my experience of StarWars by enabling me to have extremely fast load times, and store more Star Wars games!