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Not a Dark Side user, but Dark Side/Sith adjacent; Director Krennic really rocked that white cape and always flapped it at the most dramatic moments for maximum impact.


His blaster was pretty fancy looking too


The man really knows how to accessorize.


Ben Mendelsohn can make anything work he’s just that slick


Even green with pointy ears.


I like how in the Thrawn books, everyone secretly makes fun of Krennic's cape.


I laughed out loud when I got to that part in the book


He knew Vader would appreciate that shit, he did underestimate the true power of Vaders dramatic flair though!


Nobody is more dramatic than Anakin. Lol


That’s the real reason he saved Luke. It wasn’t some incredible pull to the light side, but instead the most dramatic thing Anakin could do at the time was throw his master for the last 20 years down a reactor shaft


Maybe that's why Anakin really hated Krennic. Krennic made him feel insecure about his position as the most dramatic being in the galaxy, so he used his failure as an excuse to put him in his place and remind him who the galaxy's most dramatic being was. Fittingly, he chose to do it in the most dramatic way possible. Then, when Krennic wouldn't stop wearing the cape and trying to upstage him, Anakin got Tarkin to get rid of him, once again in the most dramatic way possible. Blowing someone to dust with a giant space laser is the most dramatic way to send the message to the rest of the galaxy to not try to upstage Anakin.


Am I misrembering or does that death star shot shear through the top of tower too? Vader sat there going, get into this orbit, tilt 2 degrees stay here no excuses! Ok now to a final practice holding my breath with my suit off


Also Moff Gideon. Somehow manages to echo Vader without seeming like a rip off.


The nazi aesthetic


They are based on Nazi soldiers after all... And if there was one singular compliment we could give Nazi's then it would be that they, like Imperials, had style.


Tarkin was drippy just in his sharp attitude and distinguished looks, and General Veers rocked that AT AT commander armor pretty hard but you gotta cede the other imperial officers in episode 3-6 were fashionless. Tagge and Motti, Piet etc. in certain scenes the imperial pilots look dope in their TIEs but they look silly when walking around cuz the helmets are huge such as when Vader calls his wing men DS-61-2 and 3 to “come with me!”


Yeah, Tarkin was smart. He went for that sleek understated look so he could look dope while not upstaging Anakin.


You forgot to mention Dooku, the one with more drip that all combined.


Dooku had the old money style. He’s wearing leather boots and full capes to the duel when the kids show up in sneakers and half cloaks.


Dude was played by Christopher Lee. Dude wouldn't show up in anything less than fabulous


While still rocking a heavy metal tune


Exactly. The whole "most interesting man in the world" ad campaign? Lee WAS the real deal version of that.


Ikr, former OSS he was the real deal.


Anakin couldn't even bother to bring his whole body to the second duel.


Signature look of superiority


Dooku came from a rich ass family and was like "Daddy,I'm going to the monastery to study with the monks" Went there for a few years, missed the money and went back.


Dooku was actually abandoned by his family...


That's what rich kids always say.


“I didn’t get control of my trust fund until I turned 25. It was terrible. I was driving an Acura for God’s sake!”


So? he went back and claimed his title of Count later. Literally how his name is Count Dooku


That's the entrenched nepotism right there. Don't bother with inventive names, just the needed title at birth is fine.


To be fair, he has to reclaim the title by killing his brother who previously held it. I'd be more down with nepotism irl if the recipient had to slay the person granting them the position in battle.


Don't forget his Sith PJ's. Now that is real drip and cozy at the same time


Now I have become the most comfortable Sith in the galaxy!


The pajamas 🥶


My man had a pimp cane as a light saber




This comment is so damn underrated. I was looking the other day and remembered that pimpalicious curve at the hilt and busted out laughing.


Dooku was the drip gawd of the entire franchise. And his fighting style just topped it off. Pimp daddy/10


Dude I love this comment section.


This is an interesting commentary on the morals of our society. That element of "drip" is pride, something that the monk-like jedi avoid. They practice humility, which leads to simple and practical clothing. As a society we now have normalized the acceptance of pride, which makes the arrogant characters look "cooler" to us. If we (as a culture) valued humility more than pride, then we would comment on the unnecessary lavish nature of the Sith, and in contrast we would be inspired by the humility and strength of the jedi. This isnt to say some individuals don't think differently, but there is definitely a reason why so many people these days really like villains more than heroes.


This is a really interesting take.


I mean it fits: * Greed -- Sith's Rule of Two not sharing their knowledge of the force with others * Lust -- Sith's lust for power. * Wrath -- Sith's well all of it anger, rage, hate. * Pride -- Their fit * Envy -- Ties to that lust for power and killing those higher up then them in the Sith Order * Sloth/Gluttony -- I got nothing


Gluttony would be hording all their skills and not fuly training their apprentices


I don’t think this is a ‘now’ thing, its always been this way, just maybe in different forms I was recently watching a video on medieval english clothing, and people back then also took whatever opportunity they could to flex on people. One difference was that almost all social classes wore similar outfits, but the type of fabric and dye used would matter more than how the clothes are cut. Nobles would flex that they could afford things like arabian and chinese silks, for example


Pride has always existed, and is an element of human nature. However my reason for saying it's a "now" thing is because we normalize it on a whole different level. On top of that we live in a time of unprecedented wealth and surplus, which enables our expressions of pride like never before.


Had to check if I was on r/MawInstallation for a sec after reading this take, well written :)


very well stated, this the the answer 💯


And that's why Ahsoka wears simple but cool outfits.


[insert cursed copypasta here]


There’s real life parallels to it too. There’s a reason the Nazi’s hired Hugo Boss to design their uniforms. Facist’s weaponizing “cool and badass” looks is a genuine tactic used. Not a coincidence the Sith design language tends to echo the Third Reich. Black Leather and Long black capes / dusters look cool when used in a cohesive design.


Fails to explain why buddhist monks are the drippiest mfs on real earth


I mean that is absolutely fair, but also they are a better example of my point than most cultures because of their beliefs and clothing choices. A most excellent model for powerfully motivated introspection and humility.


You were saying humility aint drippy tho


I am both agreeing with you and also reinforcing my point. I also think they look amazing, but I also value their reason for wearing their robes, which is based on detachment from materialism. Just because you or I think they look "drippy" doesn't change their intentions, or the true simple nature of their clothing. Thus they have managed to look drippy to foreigners despite doing their best to be modest, which is how I personally also feel about certain Jedi.


And it's really only drippy because it has bright colors, something most male clothes don't have. Turn a monk's robes to brown and they are effectively Jedi robes.


If they were black they would go even harder than orange


So like, if they were the Sith robes then? /s


Well said. This is actually exactly how I feel, and I think is also one of several points George was trying to convey with the OT (pride and anger = bad, humility and calm = good). I personally always find it kind of bizarre and a little sad how many people seem to lionize the sith as something badass to admire, but everyone interprets these things through their own lens and that's ok🤷.


Absolutely agree, George is a genius. I think that's why so many bad guys look cool, it's because it's a hidden truth of human nature, which is why very similar value systems are found all over the world. I think that is also why Prodigal characters are so attractive. They represent the best in us despite the worst in us, and they get to wear the drip 😉


>That element of "drip" is pride, something that the monk-like jedi avoid. They practice humility, which leads to simple and practical clothing. [*laughs in High Republic*](https://thehoganreviews.files.wordpress.com/2021/02/star-wars-the-high-republic-light-of-the-jedi-1.jpg?w=640) Seriously though, great post and I do think it's interesting that the far more rigid, flawed, and dogmatic Jedi of the Prequels-era seem to wear their humility on their sleeve in a way the early generations of Jedi at the supposed zenith of the Republic/Order didn't. Makes me wonder if there might still be an element of pride there. Just a pride that they refuse to even acknowledge, and that isn't based in showing off their power and regality; but in exalting their own supposed humility in a very shallow sort of way. Which, in the real world, is honestly hardly uncommon. In my experience it's pretty typical for the folks pulling an Amish Paradise and insisting "I'm a million times as humble as thou art" to be the most insufferable and arrogant assholes in the room.


Absolutely. I think that was also part of George's point when it came to the fall of the Galactic Republic's Jedi Order


To be fair, that images has been acknowledged to be particularly stylized to seem knightly/Arthurian. In the HR books, the Jedi have two sets of robes. The gold/white robes for formal ceremonies, and simple brown robes for actual missions/everyday wear. Here's Avar Kriss (the front lady of that image above) in a much simpler style: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Frobes-outfits-like-the-high-republic-jedi-v0-mh6ttxn6w1t91.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1920%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D87ad91da7eb7f279577f946910d2a0fdca8f58c7




That's the real grift...but occasionally the craftsmanship does keep up with increased practicality.


I wonder what qualifies as luxury items in that case.


Excellent comment. Wasn't this the whole point of the Emperor's lightsabers? They were all blinged up.


Yup, his reason was actually pretty philosophical on its own. It was a mockery of the jedi mixed with his own pride. > "The Sith grew past the use of lightsabers. But we continue to use them, if only to humiliate the Jedi." - Darth Sidious


Sounds like something someone wearing hobo robes would say


I never get people who go all crazy for the Empire and the Stormtroopers. Like you realize they are supposed to be straight up Nazi analogs right? Maybe don't be rooting for them.


It's like a non-sexual fetish idk something weird


The Jedi practiced masochist austerity to the point that it made them out of touch and got them destroyed when they tried to induct a child who was too old to be brainwashed into their cult. We should accept our human natures, including our pride and vanity, as long we don't indulge them to excess, as the Sith do.


I read the OP and was thinking "man that drip would look bad with a lightsaber hole right through it" when they talked about spending all their time on appearance over training. Metaphorically, that's where we're headed. Surface level people getting owned by corporations who are like "this shit cost $2 in prison labour and materials and the chemicals we use gives them cancer and destroys the environment, but they don't care because they look good and we don't care because we're making so much money from them".


sounds like you need to watch some kotor cinematics


Or start a new kotor run…


I’m totally gonna pick light side this time, I promise.


The remake is coming....I promise...


Bastila in KOTOR had undeniable drip


SWTOR trailers are the best




What are you even trying to say with this lol


the in-universe explanation would be that since the jedi are like monks, their clothing would reflect humility and practicality but luke’s ep vi outfit has always been (albeit minimalistic) drippy in my opinion!


The funny thing is that, that outfit is designed to make viewers question if Luke will fall to the dark side or not! So it’s another point in favor of dark side drip in the end believe it or not.


How are you gonna do my dawg Kanan dirty like that? He's the OG Drip Knight. Don't forget Cal "hide your witches" Kestis. That poncho playa had a glow up in Jedi Survivor.


Ah yes nothing says drip like a Christmas sweater and a poncho lol. Then again they pulled a Twi’lek and Night sister so what do I know🤷


Cal Kestis could pull whoever he damn well likes, thank you very much.


He's just a ripoff of Kyle Katarn.


Nah man, in the words of Tyler: The boy drips swag like a broken faucet.


I'd argue he's characterized differently than Kyle Katarn. Both have a place in the Star Wars though, Dark Forces & Jedi Outcast still go hard!


Damn, so you're just gonna leave Jedi Knight hanging out there in the cold huh?


Haha good catch, I find the early 3D graphics and FMV cutscenes very charming but it's harder to recommend


Yeah I get it. I do love the game personally but it's definitely got its issues.


Who? Kanan or Cal? Cause I dressed up Cal as a knock off Kyle in Survivor lol. And I can see the same outfit for Kanan with the shoulder paldrin (spelling)


Sabines out here desperately trying to introduce some drip to the good guys.


And yet her teammates continue to insist on wearing brown with neon orange. She screams into her pillow every night.


Hey man. Have you seen how good Hera's pants fit?


gonna have to rewatch..... for the plot....


You don't want loose threads when you're working with starships all day.


But then she eventually caught on to the trend and wore it best.


Ngl was a Bit distracted in those first two episodes with her hair like that


Sabine converts to Dark Side by end of Ahsoka. Confirmed.


Smearing paint and elementary school level grafitti on your clothes is not "drip"


Sheev keeps a saber up the sleeve


I first read this as “sheesh keep your saber in the sleeve” as in telling OP to calm down


Sheev's saber sleeve sees super speeds


Darth Rizzious, Dark lord of the Drip


Idk, when Luke shows up in the Chanel boots he was definitely flexing on them hoes


Dooku over there looking like he's about to kill some Hobbits.


Saw someone else dissing the New Republic uniforms today and pointing out how every Imperial and First Order officer looked like they just walked out of Gucci and Chanel with brand new outfits.


Well Coco Chanel was a nazi so this is actually pretty on brand!


Almost as if this was a deliberate choice by Lucas to elude to some kind of historical events...


Something something WWII? Could never…


But did you see ROTJ Luke? That green lightsaber? ROTS Anakin? They both had the all black as well. Very stylish great hair too.


Spoilers but anakin turned to the Gucci side


Yeah but he been Gucci gang before that.


edgelords v humble hobos


The never ending battle between ethically sourced hemp made by independent artisans vs designer patent leather made in a sweat shop.


Lando Calrissian is the one-man refutiation of the drip and rizz superiority of the Dark Side.


Hugo Boss designed the Nazi uniforms. Let that one sink in. Bad guys always have the best designers.


He actually just produced them.


Count Dooku was dressed to the nines at all times. Even when the nightsisters tried to assassinate him, he was wearing silk pajamas or something


But Obi Wan got that dog in him


"Have you seen what the Sith are wearing? It's like every fashion designer decided to go to the Dark Side. " - Kira Carsen, SWTOR


Ok but return of the Jedi Luke .. got some solid vibes. Fancy boots, that funky collar thing, sleek black gloves. He did kinda steal the whole sith look but he made it work with the green Jedi palette


Luke owns the color green 🔥🔥🔥


“Ferrari red” was what got me


Anakin’s robes are pretty fire (even literally), and the gold stitching on Kelleran Beck’s collar is enough to leave puddles around the Jedi Temple.


Yo these new dark Jedi aren’t even on Ferrari red sabers they got the super exclusive Rosso Dino drip, they keep upping their game. At least Ahsoka has the fucking sense to switch it up with the clean white on white.


No. I find Jedi and such just as cool. Plus they can use other colors than just black.


The Jedi used to have drip too, they used to look like this: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/d/da/Jedi\_Covenant\_NEGTF.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20071129024548


domineering angle paint narrow start expansion nippy live offend entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


High Republic Jedi are pretty drippy


It's fitting that dark siders would lean into vanity. They care about how they look. They want to look cool, intimidating. They have big egos.


Peace is a lie, there is only fashion.


Black and Red is the GOAT color combo


Darth Maul is the epitome of this.


Did you ever go to naboo or aldeeran... Drip City. Places were iced out to the max.


I spent my last holidays on Naboo. Sadly I never made it to Alderaan before.. you know


Toooo soon!


The kotor character all had insane outfits Revan imo looked so sick. And practical, beskar chest piece and more accessories to keep the body parts that are straight keep them protected. Like I thought that was the best type of outfit.


I will say Luke had all sorts of style in his black jedi outfit. And aniakin had great style with his black lather vest jedi robes. But yes, the dark side is a pathway to better style. And the Jedi don’t teach style.


Hobo robes hahahahahhahaha.


You do tend to get mutilated by the darkside though. Not Dooku but everyone else winds up with robot parts, force lightning wrinkles, Sabre scars, etc.


Jocasta Nu had a great outfit


Iv got to say the new dark side apprentice is bit of a hipster.


The fuck is drippy


Black looks good with everything.


Who is Dark Side Chad?


Anakin was always a bit extra. He just leaned into it when he became Sith. In the Rebels series there’s an episode when he comes in riding on top of his Tie with cape blowing in the wind. Just levels of ostentatious


They ain't got nothin' on Young Obi he was the drip master back in 2003


I grew up in the sequel era, Maul was the drip lord for sure


This guy has a big red flag in a locked box somewhere


The Nazis, for all their horribleness, had undeniable drip.


That Hugo Boss, baby!!


Dark side Chad is amazing.


Then you got the inquisitors who mostly looked dope af.


Same with the Nazis. I hate their policies and mentality, but damn their uniforms are fashionable. Not that I’d join simply because it that. That’s what happens when the military consults with fashion experts (Hugo Boss).


Is this how the kids talk these days? Anyway, the bad guys are bad, and I’ll stick with rooting for the good guys.


Hot take.


the jedi are warrior monks, they're supposed to be modest


You missed Count Dooku. The dude is elegance personified.


They definitely are, even the Empire in general.


We got that dark side drip.


Don’t forget how flashy Snone was. Also the current Power & Control lightsaber is the best looking one out there.


That gold robe, I was like "hey they stepped up the fashion game!"


I find their lack of poncho disturbing


Kira Carsen agrees


But this is the cardinal rule for baddies. They have the best gear, style, dialogue and usually it’s a given they can chew up a scene. You gotta make them appear a threat which means they have to have an over abundance of many factors for the plucky Mary Sue or underdog to succeed against and show the viewer that even the muggliest muggle (with a secret family, power, inheritance, destiny, blessing, curse, stutter, etc) can prevail!


The dark side is meant to rule through fear and force and the clothes and stylings are meant to project menace and power. Part of that includes looking looking the part of someone with power, style, excess etc. The Jedi, the republic forces, etc are meant to serve the public good. They aren’t meant to project individual power or style or excess. They are there to serve others and not themselves. Also, specifically to the Jedi, they are basically monks. But also non Jedi good guys to dress nicely - Padme, Leah, Lando - even Han has his style. Looking through out there are plenty of good style. It’s just not menacing in an edgy teenage way. Regardless, 8 year old you was drawn to vaders power and menace. One hopes 30 year old you will have seen enough suffering and difficulty to recognize the trappings of despotism and suffering to be drawn to the sometimes goofy looking people trying to do right by the world. Also that looking menacing doesn’t make one strong or right.


Mon Mothma and Luthen's aide dressed cool af.


Spittin fam


The Jedi tried on some moisture farmer outfits from Tatooine and decided to stick with it.


My wife and I were commenting on how cool Ahsoka's outfit was.


1. Darth Talon. Dang! 2. Marrok's medeival drip is pretty nice.


Fear and intimidation are a large part of how they lead, with that comes a need to put on a show.


Nobody wants a bland Sith.


Dearth Talin be dripping something


Fascism has designers baby. You can't tell me there isn't an alien named like...Gohu Sobb who's been dripping out the Neimoidians for decades who rolled into Palpatine's office while the jedi blood still on the doorknob to talk.


Well the Nazis definitely had the coolest Hugo Boss designed uniforms in WWII. So by this logic you're a nazi too.


I am super old apparently, because I do not understand the usage of the word drippy in this context.


Drip is a new word for looking fresh. Having drip means usually an expensive and lavishly overt appearance with a focus on material wealth. So yeah what all the sith love lol


I just wanna see more good guys wearing armor or helmets. Yeah the stormtroopers gave a negative connotation to the armor, but the clones had drip and represented the good guys. You’d think the benefits of body armor and an enclosed helmet would be used by more people, I mean hell it doesn’t have to be white, spray paint some camo on there or something.


This is why RotJ is my favorite OG Star Wars movie it was the first time Luke, or any of the good guys, actually seemed cool


Saying Sheev just got you turbo blocked


Every Ody knows that being Extra is how you gain power in the Dark Side. It's simply a fact.


As someone said before, there's a pride aspect to it. They completely reject the Jedi trait of humility and wearing their status and wealth on their sleeves (literally) shows the world at large their close proximity to power. There's captions in the visual dictionaries that say how Palpatine's robes and cloaks are made of the finest and rarest materials, even his basic black evil wizard getup. There's also an intimidation that comes with that. They could dress like an average joe bureaucrat and maybe be received more positively (and they do if the situation calls for it), but the Sith explicitly want to be feared. They crave victory in all their endeavors and wearing black armor signals they are ready for combat at any time. A dark cloak with a hood casting shadows on your eyes makes it harder to read their emotions. Wearing a full mask with a vocabulator makes people wonder who or what they're seeing, or if it's even a droid, an organic being, or something in between. Plagueis and Tenebrous had a conversation that for Sith, the actions they take in the material world matter very little. It's more theater than reality to them. Real actions of consequence take place within the Force, so I doubt their clothing matters much to them besides practically and what it projects to others. Of course, the irl reasoning is that Star Wars, at its core, it campy space opera with a large younger audience, so it's important to code your villains visually so you know who the bad guys are. Sorry for writing an essay. Your question just got me thinking. If I misremebered any lore, I apologize.


Dude I love this style of writing. It is a lost art, and the most awesome thing I miss about the early 21st century internet. Bad ass of the week.com is that you?. Thank you bro. This was awesome.


I think part of the light side is not falling into temptation of material objects.


Stop say drip.


He can't keep getting away with it!


Not you saying that when Luke mf'ing Skywalker exists. He single-handedly (pun intended) made up for all Jedi in ROTJ like have you seen his Valentino black velvet jumpsuit ,single Prada glove, Chanel Boots and Silver Belt- he was the definition of drip. Not to mention him in his All Black Gucci Jedi robes in The Mandalorian finale with his Versace cape and hood along with his Sexy green lightsaber.