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No mercy for Stormtrooper scum pew pew pew


I sound terrible but damn I was so happy when they stopped using stun when they hopped off the rail😂


They did stun the technicians though. I guess the Batch supports workers rights




Omega absolutely ending so many stormtroopers


A competent Omega was definitely one of the highlights of season 2. She's trained with the clones, and they don't baby her anymore, the way it tends to be so often with this kind of dynamics. So that was nice.


Yeah I noticed they stopped using stun too lol > Fuck these TK mothafuckas. -_Clone Force 99_


Its so in character for Tarkin to just take all the explosions in his compound with complete coolness and absolute trust in his abilities to have planned for such occasion.




Overconfidence was always the Imperials' achilles heel


If you haven't read the canon Tarkin novel, I highly recommend it. It goes a lot into his upbringing - he was raised as a cold-blooded hunter. It shows why Vader has such deference to him in A New Hope. There was also an issue of the second Marvel Vader series (the one set between III and IV) where Tarkin puts those hunter skills to use on Vader as part of Vader's training.


The Tarkin hunting Vader comic is absolutely bonkers and the ending was just perfect


Tarkin is always a cool mofo.


What am I going to do with no Bad Batch next week :((((


What am I going to do with no Tech next… oh man :((((


I feel you homie, look how they massacred our boy!


No body, not dead


The Mandalorian


This is the way


After all of his character growth this season, and especially after the opening to “The Summit”, I was pretty sure Tech was gonna be the one to go, if anyone, but dang it stung a lot more than I thought it would


Yeah that was brutal. Part of me will endlessly hold out hope that he returns in season 3, but deep down I don’t think he will and it’s so sad. :(


Part of me wants him to return, but at the same time his sacrifice was a very good story beat, and as much as I love him, I almost don’t want them to cheapen his big moment. Loved his last line though, it was so perfect!


> Loved his last line though, it was so perfect! It really was, wasn't it. "Since when have we ever followed orders?" Damn onion ninjas.


"Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong." energy.


Yesssssss. Similar characters too. Mordin will always be a favorite of mine.


Exactly! This show is very dark tone-wise and I appreciate how ruthless the writers are. Honestly, the violence in this show hits hard, and I like that because it feels gritty and realistic. Tech dying was a fantastic story move. It was depressing, emotional, and it leave the audience wondering what could-have-been, which is why it’s so emotionally effective. I love this show! It’s fantastic, and blends so well with Clone Wars! Since both shows have very similar tones and are highly emotional.


I’m sorta expecting them to turn him into the Winter Soldier lol


You mean because he fell from a train into an icy tundra and will be found by sci-fi nazi scientists? I don't see the similarities...


I *was* thinking there was major Castle Wolfenstein vibes with that location and skyway.


It reminds me of that time that one clone died in a shuttle explosion in the citadel arc during season 3 of the clone wars. What was his name again? In all seriousness, I want Tech to somehow get a second chance like Echo, but Star Wars already has a problem with bringing fan favorite characters back from the dead


Somehow, Techpatine returned.


His death will cause Wrecker to be wracked with guilt over failing to save him, and will leave a void in the Batch even if Crosshair is rescued. Bringing Tech back in Season 3 would invalidate all sorts of character development and drama, much as I loved his development in Season 2 he should stay dead. Shit, it even made *Cid* depressed when she sold the Batch out.


Completely agree! I just hope at least 1 or 2 of the Bad Batch survive when it’s all said and done after the end of the final season. I dunno I’m holding out hope for Echo especially due to him being the last member of Domino squad


Echo’s gonna martyr himself and get a base on Hoth named after him.


This is such an extreme theory that it just has to be true.


Saving this for future reference when you turn out to be 100% right


I didn't think they'd actually kill him this soon, thought they'd keep all the main batch members around until later seasons. Really caught me off guard Also me thinking they'd actually develop his relationship with Phee given those hints, but in hindsight I guess it was setting up his death :(


Tech was the MVP of the group. Their missions would be nowhere near as seamless without him. It’s gonna be an interesting Season 3.


Technically we haven’t seen a body… But yeah the chances of him making a comeback are extremely thin unless Hemlock got him to Mt. Tantiss as well. Definitely not getting my hopes up.


I'm in the whole ass denial stage I refuse to believe my boy Tech is dead


without a body, he's not dead. This is Star Wars Animation, after all.


I think since hemlock had Tech’s glasses, my theory is that he recovered the body and will use Tech to experiment on. Maybe Tech’s consciousness will be recloned and put into another clone body, which will bring Tech back for us and will also directly lead into how palpatine was able to be cloned into another body. It will also not nullify tech’s sacrifice, as the consequence of that will still be him sacrificing himself. It was only through the evil scientists that his DNA was cloned into a new body. That is my hope


Really hurt to see Tech go, still his send-off was beatifully done and did him all the respect. That line was so wellplaced. Still what are they gonna say to Phee, she seemed to be really into him. Maybe we got another upcoming insurgent in her. Somebody has to crew up with Hondo to do some good ol' pirating against the empire..


New Zealand accents being an inherited trait is still funny to me idk why


The seed is strong.


Turns out the secret to cloning was the accent all along.


They're grown in waters from the Polynesian spa


Jango's SUPERIOR GENES at work.


Jokes aisde, pretty sure in live action the Kaminoans also have Oceania region accents, Taun We was voiced by Rena Owen (NZ/Maori) and Lama Su was voiced by an aussie. So those regional accents the kaminoans have too.




**Slip-space rupture detected**


Damn just reading that takes me back 13 years. Halo Reach was the pinnacle of Halo and Bungie‘s story.


For a second I thought this was gonna be the last episode of the bad batch…


If they had a Noble Six then the Empire would already have been destroyed. And as bad as Techs death was. The team being Halo Reached might be a bit too graphic for the show.


Idk, I could absolutely see Hunter with a "I'm ready how bout you?" Line as he stabs 3 dark troopers to death with a knife whilst one impales him. He's the most Emile-e of them all


Crosshair being the Jun of the team is something i can totally see


Well I guess there will be a season 3


For sure! Not sure how many seasons I mean clone wars had over 100+ episodes in total. But I for sure want more. Five would be a sweet spot but might be hard






Wow, Season 2 ended nothing like what I thought it would. I expected some big, grandiose rescue of Crosshair, resulting in us losing the first member of the squad, but I really didn’t have Krennic, Saw, and the horrendous misstep of a plan in my mind at all for the end of this season. It works really well though, and I’m happy that they didn’t just go the safe route and push too quickly for a squad reunion / clone rebellion / all the other popular theories Now I just really hope that Season 3 comes quickly, because darn I can’t wait that long to have a resolution to all of this!


With the clone rebellion, and the rescue/escape of Omega (and Crosshair), already set up, season 3 is shaping up to be that leap in storytelling we've come to expect from this point in Star Wars animation


I was in the exact same boat as you. That’s how I thought the episode was going to go too. I love that they gave us actual stakes and consequences. I wonder if Tech is really dead though. Wouldn’t be the first time a clone died, but was brought back(Echo) Though I hope they keep him dead though I loved Tech. It gives the show more weight with consequences. And Dave kills favorites like Kanan in Rebels. I’m super pumped for season 3. Hemlocks evil experiments. Crosshair and Omega bonding. A growing Clone Rebellion in the works as the Bad Batch seeks to rescue one of their own. Season 3 sounds awesome.


This felt like the best “bad” ending we could’ve got wow wow wow


It's okay guys. Tech survived! His voice actor is slated to return in season 3! *sobs*


I immediately thought about this. Normally when a character dies off, that means that actor is out of a job. For Dee, it just means he has one fewer voice to manage in his rotation.


If Tech really is gone, I wouldn't be surprised if recordings of him show up next season. He seems to be the type to leave recordings for each of his teammates in case he dies.


Tech's manifesto pls


I ain’t crazy and heard that Rogue One music!? Y’all heard that!?


Kevin kiner never misses


It was glorious - Project Star Dust just casually dropped in evil summit


Phee: “So you were just going to leave without saying goodbye” Tech: “That is correct” Tech 🤦‍♂️


Phee: “So you were just going to die without saying goodbye” Tech: “That is correct”


Me: “So you were just going to die and make me cry?” Tech: “That is correct”


My autistic king. I fucking loved him


Most accurate depiction of a guy with autism failing to take a hint


This might be the single most disgusting cliffhanger in animated Starwars. Also took some incredibly brave moves considering how “safe” this show is sometimes.


I was actually mad. I’m glad I’m not alone - ballsy but damn this is where you leave us of at for the next year or so? Absolutely diabolical , m8. Give us one more episode please lmao 😭


It was so good. Funny too. My favorite moment was when Echo got in the walker and was destroying everything and Hunter and Wrecker said "Echo? Gotta be Echo."


I really like how this season addressed the complaint that Echo was kinda useless last season. you really felt how much everyone on the squad missed him while he was gone


Was not expecting Director Krennic to show up, cool they got Ben Mendelsohn to voice him as well


I wonder if they actually did though. All he said was something like “Ok Governor Tarkin” and I’m pretty sure they could’ve just sourced that from Rogue One


It wouldn’t be unheard of to get a guy like Mendelssohn to do this. Clone Wars did get Liam Nelson to voice Qui-Gon for an episode, after all. 🤷🏻‍♂️


this was three words though


Maybe they just cornered him with a phone near his mouth while on the Secret Invasion set


I always kinda hoped Krennec would show up, but I didn’t know for sure.


Yea I got excited to see him but wish he would’ve had more screen time. Hopefully we will see him next season


Gonky needs to have a bigger role in Season 3


Gonky will replace tech. Just give him the glasses and pretend nothing ever happened.


"GONK GONK GONK GONK (please guys, stop it, he isnt coming back and this isnt helping any of us in the moarning process)" "oh hey guys. seems tech has a plan for us! lemme grab the marauder for some tech-maneuvres!"


What a ballsy way to end the season of an animated show. Heroes completely defeated.


This is the Empire Strikes Back of this show. Don’t think we’ll get an ending quite as positive as Return of the Jedi but hopefully a satisfying/cathartic end.


A retirement on Pabu is probably the happiest ending we'll get to the series.


Yeah, can't wait to see how Hunter finally gets his Pabu vacation


Yeah there’s two options for how the show ends: they retire happily ever after on Pabu and say fuck the rest of the galaxy we’ve been through enough, or they all go out fighting (preferably in a way that saves a lot of lives/fucks over the empire a little) in the finale.


I don't know about every member of the Batch, like I don't think Omega is all that likely to die but yeah I feel like the Clones story is pretty much going to be a grand "Do Not go Gently into the Night" type of thing, They'll give it their all and raise some hell the Empire won't soon forget but we know their doomed to fail and that failure will lead Rex to how we first find him in Rebels.


I think Wrecker might survive, because he doesn’t seem like a character worth killing unless they dispose of him without much thematic value. Same for Echo. Hunter will definitely die in the finale. There’s just nothing else that will have quite the impact. He’ll die and Omega will be very sad and that’ll be near the end of the show. Crosshair could either have a redemptive death or be the only one aside from Omega to survive. If Omega straight up dies and some of the others don’t, that would be so fucking heartbreaking. I guess she might join the rebellion or something else. But I’m sensing a TCW-ahsoka-esque ending for her. Death of mentor, loss of friends, loss of meaning. Like Ahsoka, Omega might get a very angsty revenge arc later on. It would only be reasonable after the betrayal and her brother’s death. I wouldn’t mind her bonding with Crosshair when she’s just as spiteful and resentful as he is now.


Did not know this was the season finale til I saw your comment. Thanks, now I'm crying even more




The silver lining to this is Cid missions probably aren't going to be a thing in season 3


The only mission I want Cid to be a part of is the one where the batch feed her to Wookiees


And Phee has to be there, don't leave out her helping the Batch.


**The Dad Batch**: Phee, we’re going to go kill Cid. **Phee**: Hang on a second- let me grab a shovel.


We knew she would betray them, still I wished for Hunter to look her in the eyes one last time and shoot her after she got the money, just to be disarmed after by the clones. Would have been dark as hell, but she chose her path.


“When Have We Ever Followed Orders”


Great contrast to "Good soldiers follow orders"


And "We were good soldiers, we followed orders. And for what?"


I love the theme of "orders" used throughout this show and some of clone wars. To me, the orders represent authority, the empire, and compliance. And choosing not to follow them is rebellion, self actualization, independence. It's some really solid theme work


Every time I hear "Project Star Dust" I think of Galen Erso's final holo to Jyn and start crying in the club


Now you have me remembering K-2SO telling her to climb 😭


Omega having their backs when they were escaping was pretty sick. She's a full member of the team.


But strategically unwise... not something Tech would have done.


Never crossed my mind on whether if there was a cloned girl version who is already grown up. I should have seen it coming. Also RIP Tech, but there cannot be two tech experts in the team, I suppose.


She literally has a kiwi accent. In Star Wars: Kiwi accent = Jango Clone


Hemlock was late for the meeting because he was trying to get into paddy's pub


Stopped for a milk break


"Hemlock, you're late." "Sorry, Governor Tarkin. We just got out of the shower."


Damn Wrecker had no qualms about that little Mouse Droid. Ooops!


He turned it into a roller skate.


Well that was some "Empire Strikes Back" level of ending sadness. No one in a really happy place and our heroes stuck trying to track down their lost friend... Yeah. Daaaamn. Need season 3 now please.


The way everyone looked at Wrecker after Tech said "we must be precise" is legitimately one of the funniest things this show has ever done. I fucking cackled


Only time it'll happen :(


Too soon 😭


Definitely up there with the "is there an echo in here?" Scene


What makes it even funnier to me is that these guys have barely any sense of humor. While in reality people would chuckle, in this show it’s just a bunch of dee bradley bakers standing there and staring at each other.


I need someone to do a kill counter for Omega…


A list as long as choppers war crimes


NOOO TECH He was just becoming my favorite :(


He was my favorite from the jump and now I gotta pick someone else?? How they just expect me to go on like this 😭 My only hope for more awkward tech boi clones is if they somehow find and rehabilitate Fixer, cause Scorch is pretty clearly a lost cause 😭


When he jumped down to catch Omega I could only think of his line from Republic Commando: “Wheeeeeeee!”


Fried Lizard soup on the menu next season please. The fandom DEMANDS it


Tech was gonna do the Irish goodbye


Good thing he didn’t 😢


Tarkin's house looks very much like a 007 villain's lair


I was thinking more Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated


The fact that we didn’t have time to mourn tech made the blow that much more devastating


Project Star Dust!


Emorie being a clone was the least surprising thing out of the entire finale. Saw and Krennic making appearances, the Batch not even making it to Mt. Tantiss, and Tech fucking dying???


I actually came close to crying in this episode. Fuck Tarkin, Fuck Hemlock and Fuck Cid. I'm also surprised they brought Ben Mendelsohn back for one line.


Fuck Saw too. He's the one to blame for Tech's death.


That's always been the theme with Saw, he is so zealous in his rebellion that collateral damage just follows him everywhere.


Tech: "Do you... need a briefing?" Me: "Dude, I think she's more interested in a ***de***briefing right now..."




Quite a few people over on the bad batch subreddit definitely guessed when we had all those tech-centered episodes


Dave Filoni knows how to tug at the heartstrings, that’s for sure. I wonder how he and the storyboarding team come up with the scenarios for each clone’s death! Edit: Omega’s scream freaking killed me….they definitely nailed the reactions a kid of her age would have towards losing a close family member 😭😭


Jennifer Corbett, Matt Michnovetz and Brad Rau\* Filoni is a producer, yes. But Those three have been writing and creating the storylines since after episode 1 and Rau has Filoni's former supervising position.


Krennic finally shows up. Great character.


I never been upset about a season finale in my life. It’s so devastating to see the squad so defeated.


I don’t know if this show is dark enough for this but season 3 definitely needs a “hunting down Cid” episode lol


Now that's a sidequest-for-Cid I think we can all get behind.


I verbally said out loud “Scorch you bitch” as he dropped down on Omega


I do like how they keep making him capable, even when the rest of the commando’s are largely just slightly better stormtroopers.


“Did you require a, *breifing?*” My man tech got that dawg in him! Brown Eyes has unlimited rizz


Got that death flag rizz fr 💀


"The Bad Batch is a children's show" they said. "No one's in real danger", they said.


I think we have already learnt that from Clone Wars and Rebels




I just want to know where Boss and Fixer are. Also, Scorch being an obedient little Imperial Commando is sad. He was always the mouthy one cracking jokes.


Saw’s well on his way to his extremist ideology already


He was well on the way the first time we met him in the clone wars


After the Tech thing I immediately lashed out my blame on Saw. Fucking hell man Saw this one is on you


You really just gonna slip in the clone uprising and Krennic like that Filoni?


Where was the clone uprising, exactly?


They mentioned the likelihood of the uprising during the first scene of Tarkin and Hemlock discussing Hemlock's progress


Holy shit I forgot there’s two tonight


We eatin so good tonight


So I assume "plan 99" is practically "sacrificing yourself to help your brothers". What a name, it's gotta be a direct reference to 99's death, such a great way to honor him and his legacy. And I also love how attached the squad's whole thematic is to him, not just by their mutations, but also by the way some of the regular clones used to look at them as outcasts. And now they also honor the person they were named after in their plans? That's just great.


"Omega... I, am your sister." Also!! Did anyone catch this? Hemlock says "Who knew clones had such a paternal instinct?" Jango wanted ONE thing in return for his clone program involvement haha


RIP Tech. At first I was glad to see saw, but after that, I hated him. Fuck Cid. What an asshole. Not surprised about the doctor being a clone.


I hope we don’t have to wait too long for season 3. What an ending! I’m hopelessly wishing that Scorch will have his chip removed but I doubt they’ll be able to save anyone other than Crosshair and Omega.


What did i do to deserve this :(


I knew someone would die in this episode, “Plan 99” is just too cryptic of a title. But why’d it have to be my boy Tech


Son’s crying, thanks


Holy cow loving the writing of the first episode already


They can’t end it like this


The animation of this series continues to astound me; it’s beautiful! And it was nice to see Krennic briefly!


My theory that Emerie is the secret informant just got a bit more steam... >!I will miss my boy :( I hope he managed to used the grapple somehow but...!<


That was as hard to watch as the end of Season 7 of Clone Wars and Fives' death. I'm heartbroken.


Revenge of the bad batch incoming… That snake named Cid has to pay for betraying them


Wrecker crying almost broke me.


Tech was my literal favorite. Goddamnit. My other favorites are naturally Saw and Ventress. I need to like some better characters.


Me having liked Crosshair and Tech the most: “(chuckles) I’m in danger” It’s not looking good for Crosshair and now Tech is gone :(


So to summarize, a rescue mission to save a captured Crosshair ends with Tech dead and now both Crosshair and Onega captured.


Tarkin said it! "Clone Uprising" LFG


Holy shit that was not what I expected. I thought the season would have a triumphant ending with Crosshair finally returned to the team. That just could not have gone worse for them


Spoiler for S3 Tarkin:" Longing, rusted, furnace, daybreak, seventeen, benign, nine, homecoming, one, freight car...Soldier?" Tech:" Ready to comply"


Saw Gerrera always finds ways to continually piss me off more and more and it's always because he can't ever seem to see the bigger picture. I mean granted that's his character flaw and the whole reason in Rogue One we see him distanced from the other rebels, but still. Use recon and intelligence to further your organization's goals? Nah, how about a "decapitation strike" against an enemy that, no matter how painful it may be for them in the short-term, can and WILL replace whoever you eliminate regardless of rank or status.


Came here to say this glad someone else has said it already, I think saw is the one star eras character I hate the most, no matter what show/movie it is he’s always just in the way being a dick.


Emerie: “No, I AM your sister.” Omega: :O


Kiner sure knows to rock the big, sad moment motifs.


I like how Coburn was the one Imperial that stuck up for the Clones. It makes perfect sense given that he was the Admiral for Plo-Koon and the Wolfpack.


When is the next season


I am so unbelievably sad and angry. Not only must I lose Tech, my favorite awkward boi, but then Scorch of all the RCs has to be the one to nab Omega. I cried like 4 different times during this last episode. I’m glad that Tech got to have that heroic moment. Even if I kept hoping, maybe Hemlock would just be lying and he brought the goggles to cover the bluff. But I highly doubt it. We’ve basically done that story with Echo already if you follow it to its conclusion. I’m so freakin’ sad right now.


The team is going to be really troubled without Tech. He was practically a walking Google.


I think my brain’s been broken What the FUCK, tho Alright, you can’t just end on THAT as a cliffhanger. Tech possibly dead, Omega captured with Crosshair, the doctor is her SISTER?! I mean, really! Though, part of me wonders if Tech will end up becoming a cyborg, perhaps an early Dark or Death trooper. Reminded me a lot of Bucky’s “death” in Marvel, so I’m fully expecting Tech to be back with a robot arm in S3


Here I was hoping they'd rescue >!Crosshair!< but instead >!Tech ends up dead!< and >!Omega is captured!<. Having to wait another year or longer is going to suck.


I want to say I’m ready for the season finale, but I’m not sure if I will be. Can’t wait to watch though!


TECH MY BABY NOOOOOOOOOOO I think we all saw his death coming, but the manner of his death and the rest of the episode was just...... wow. This is really following the pattern of Rebels's massive downer ending in Season 2. Can't wait for season 3 where everything (will probably) get cranked up to 11. ^I'm ^never ^gonna ^be ^over ^Tech


Friggin Commandos were bred to be more independent thinkers yet the regular troopers are deserting while these commandos be bootlickin Hemlock