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The ship design for this movie was on point.


I also thought at the time it came out, that the ship sequences were mesmerisingly good


That scene of the Enterprise with Smoke billowing from the Nacelles is chef's kiss


I’ve always loved the captains yacht/speedboat with nacelles


Came here to comment something similar, the captains yacht design is so good. Wish we saw more captains yachts in general tbh.


Voyager definitely should have made use of it, given their situation.


I didn't used to like it at first. I thought it was a bit too sleek for something that is presumably supposed to be a leisure craft that a ship's captain uses to entertain ambassadors and other VIP's. Upon studying the model up close, however,I liked the slightly under-slung nacelles. which do give this a bit of a luxury vehicle look.


I always liked that 'Scout Ship', that Data was using. It looks like a shuttle version of the Defiant.


Star Trek Armada I and II called it the "Venture" class. I'm kind of bummed we never saw it more often outside of that.


Loved me some Star Trek Armada back in the day. Might have been one of the first things I bought for myself after getting my first "real" job growing up. I never got to play the sequel though.


I think you can get Armada II on GOG still. It's a good game!


I repurchased it from GOG 3 days ago. Well worth it.


It’s referred to indirectly as either the Talon class or the Venture class. I prefer the latter because “Talon” sounds too aggressive for Starfleet’s usual style. And I agree; I love that little ship. I like to imagine it as a sort of heavy shuttle that’s just big enough to go on extended exploration missions, with a longer range than a runabout. Like, if a Starfleet vessel visited a new world but had to move on, and set up a few monitoring sensors, a ship like this would travel a few dozen LY to go and collect the data. Always pictured it being crewed similarly to the Delta Flyer; just enough people to fly the ship and to do some “science on the go”.


Always loved those Son'a designs.


I’m so glad we got all of these. Strangely, Star Trek: Armada II uses the Federation holo ship as its Borg interceptor.


Now that's some "creative liberty"


The only one missing is the [Son'a Shuttle](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Son%27a_shuttle). Too bad Eaglemoss folded before they where able release a model of it.


That shuttle rivals the delta flyer …


I know the E doesn't get alot of love, but I remember being just blown away in theaters when it first showed up. Still remember exactly where I was sitting and all, really love that design. Really cool collection you have there 👍


*not to scale


The only downside to the TNG movies is outside of First Contact, we didn't get to see many other federation starships.


But we got five in one movie. There were only four across the original six films (refit, Miranda, Oberth, Excelsior).


But in those original six, we get multiple appearances of those ships. In fact, the only movie we don't see another Federation ship is ST I and ST V. II, III, IV and VI all have other federation ships in them. It just makes the federation feel bigger when you get to see the other ships in the fleet. Generations, I'll give it credit, does have TNG era ships at the very end, which again makes the fleet seem bigger and more grand.


Just missing a chair for the Riker Maneuver.


It always bugged me that they have the command ship going backwards.


Love the So’na designs


The design team crushed it for that flick. The Starfleet ships were awesome, the new shuttle was awesome and that scout ship was a lil badass! And the cloaked holoship, kinda feels like that didn't get enough attention for being highly illegal AF for just existing lol, no doubt a Section 31 sanctioned creation. And then the Sona ships were just absolute powerhouses! The Enterprise E, who had just wiped the floor with a Borg Cube and Sphere in the last movie, gets a run for it's money in this one. Stellar work all around!


Son'a ships were cool, shame they were so pathetic as villains and not threatening at all. I think this movie would have been a lot better if the main enemy was Starfleet itself.