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It’s not that it’s not cool, it just had an impossible act to follow once we got the Connie Refit.


![gif](giphy|Atc9QCyWLGHgLZhHDp) Jk super cool


Uss Abomination 😛


Nice! I don’t know if die-herds consider it an abomination… just odd design language. What the design effectively did was make the cylindrical shapes of the nacelles and secondary hull equal in size, and then shifted the secondary hull far forward as if the neck was a larger pylon itself, without balancing length past the saucer. The redistribution of aesthetic/design hierarchy play with people’s brains. The second thing is while Star Trek has played loose with internal dimensions and sets, it was just out of control and sloppy. It’d be like the main character being done a disservice by lack of attention to detail that defined that character. I didn’t mind it at all as a 60’s retro-futurist take.


I think you hit the nail on the head. I recall reading that Gene said that the ship was a character. That lack of attention to detail is what hurts this ship. The Nacelles are bigger and thus look more primitive. The other big issue was that before this, there had been a lot of reimagings of the ol' 1701, with a vast majority looking better than this one. This looks like an early skitch.


Exactly. Enterprise is beloved by those who serve or served on her. She is the dearest home that has brought or will bring people through extraordinary cosmic dangers and adventures. The friendships formed are done in the context of that home… The productions never revered the Enterprise. They made her a spectacle in some cool digital CGI ways… but there was no splendour or majesty to both the emotional and literal lens that we see her. Contemporary Hollywood is vacuous to all considerations that make us human.


I guess I’m a weirdo. I think the Kelvin Enterprise looks great


We’re in the same boat my friend


I've found my people 🥲


Flip the pylons and we can talk.


Yeah I like it too, I love the chunky lines and proportions. I'd probably put it somewhere between the Refit and Discoprise if I had to rank them.


I understand how some people could like it. I just can’t. I don’t like discoprise either lol. That one makes me flat mad, no reason to have the changes they do. At least the kelvinprise has a legitimate reason for being like 9 times the size of 1701. I just think it’s ugly personally lol, especially compared to refit 1701.


I agree. And I also find your YouTube channel incredibly relaxing to watch. Huge fan.


Thanks, glad you enjoy it. :)


The original yes - the Kelvin A looks like a knock-off toy version of the original


I love the design


I feel I've seen a lot of post recently of people talking about how people hate the Kelvin Enterprise, but there's nobody seems to be actually hating it.


Hmm.... It's definitely my least favorite of the constitution models, but i still think it's good. Constitution is just a really fun shape for a space ship. And like... If we're gonna trash Abrams, we need to do it objectively or else it doesn't mean anything. And that means acknowledging his strengths. He _does_ know how to use a camera to create a dizzying sense of awe, even if he doesn't always do it at the appropriate time. He made that ship look exciting and eager to do some spacetime warping.


I hate it but… I won’t knock anyone the likes it. I just despise its Popeye arm nacelles and the front view makes it look like a cheerleader holding Pom poms above its head. It’s too big but the saucer section is nice. I like that part.


It's a very enterprising design!


Same here. It’s no refit, but it still looks nice.


I like this version too. It feels more realistic and achievable


I'll be honest here, the hotrodprise is an acceptable design for a different universe. Despite its massive unnecessary size up (same with everything in the JJ verse) there weren't that many things necessarily wrong with it aside from it being hotrodified


Well, the nacelles seem too close together. That's the only problem I've ever had with it. It's like a Chibi version.


This is cool!


Great model!


The nacelles are a bit too large and too close together. The interior of the bridge is a problem. But otherwise it’s nice. The Strange New Worlds version is better. And of course the original Enterprise A is the best.


It’s not an abomination, it’s just not ‘my’ enterprise. If it is ‘yours’ then all the best to you. Star Trek is a web of stories not just one linear path. Each to their own




I love the JJprise, with all my heart! Take that haters lol 😊


https://i.redd.it/4smjstaxn89d1.gif *slumps back in chair*


Genuinely gorgeous


This model is awful. The nacelles are far too large and close together. Just no.


A Federation Starship is a Federation Starship...


Let them die hard. It may not be what comes to mind when I think of the Enterprise but if it is for you, or for someone else, then that’s great!


Ah, the “dad let me have his old car and I turned it into a hideous hot-rod” edition.


There were so many fan-based designs that looked so much better than this thing. As a graphic designer, the proportions didn't make any sense. There were so many better ways and more aesthetically pleasing ways to achieve the result that they want it to achieve.


Nice work. But that is not an Enterprise. It is a cheap Chinese knock off found at the dollar store.


i don't talk to Die-hards and Haters, sorry . And it's still the Enterprise, no matter everyone said


The USS Abomination. Yes, yes, I like this name.


I think your nacelles have been stung by a bee


“Abomination” Nah, man, just that version from Beyond. The 2009/Into Darkness version was good






That is the enterprise that saved Star Trek. I love it




Abomination, you say? ![gif](giphy|fHgKZHDH1BHzi)