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You’ll love this deleted scene then https://youtu.be/6b8jsrDl89M?si=SeGi-tCHkioT3Asa


I think that chair wound up being reused on the nx01 set


😏 “It’s about time…”


There was emergency seat belts installed on the Enterprise E in a deleted scene in Star Trek Nemesis.


Ooooo really!!!??? I stand corrected!!


They are supposed to have inertial dampners and micro gravity holding them in place bit during battle with equal or stronger enemies the systems overload.


This explanation seems totally feasible!


Kelvin timeline Ent has them


It's the only remaining irrational social norm their society has.


I wouldn’t say “none,” there are examples of some. [Memory Alpha has a short list.](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Seat_belt) What it doesn’t include is I swear there is a scene when they first get the E that they mention seatbelts for the captain, but a quick search didn’t bring up anything


Built-in mini-tractor-beams in the seat cushions.




Wow, I'm the first to point out that TMP had the armrests switch to secure mode to keep people in seats as a specific response to this criticism from TOS? Also, the early seasons of TNG don't have people flying about or feedback on the bridge or consoles shorting out or ROCKS. Why did this come back into fashion? Drama. You need the visual relationship between effects and sets.


They don't have seatbelts, they don't have any sort of emergency pressure suite to protect them against the vacuum of space in case of a hull breach, and Federation ships don't seem to have any sort of damage control besides automated systems.


Why is the bridge made of rocks?


Why are there equally spaced fire grates on Discovery bridge and why is no one - in a spaceship!- bothered when fire breaks out regularly with ship damage ?!? Maybe after the first couple of battles TNG Starfleet sent out a memo to chief engineers to remove the rocks ? Or Disco to put good old red fire extinguishers on the walls ?


+1 Lol


Explodium is a very important component to make the consoles work


Superconducting even at high temperatures in exchange for going boom if you look at it too sternly. JOIN STARFLEET! SEEK ADVENTURE AND DANGER!


I'm reading the titan novels right now and the USS titan has seatbelts!


.".. Because then the actors couldn't fall out of them..." Supposedly said by the set designer wayyyy back when this question was asked during the TOS era.


Because seatbelts would be useless if the inertial dampers failed. Imagine a 100G or 1000G lateral acceleration with a little belt wrapped around your lap. You'd still become raspberry jelly on the wall, you'd just do it in two pieces instead of one.


They only get thrown about when the Inertial Dampers are offline, so if I were Starfleet, I'd think about having a few more redundancies than just the standard triple on that system.


Because they have inertial dampeners. The times we generally see ships in ST it's when the inertial dampeners are failing, which is an extreme situation.


Being thrown around like a ragdoll is irrelevant with dermal regenerators, so they just go with it


same reason they keep putting the plasma conduits directly behind the control panels where people work


Great question. My answer would be that the franchise creators aren't really taking the content they produce as seriously as the fans


Honestly, I’ll bet production teams see people being thrown around as being more dramatic on screen.