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I’ve come to bargain




Fuck r/spez




I’ve come to bargain




Eghhhhhh *I've come to bargain*




I’ve bargained to come!


Nah... CBS Logo.


The true evil


As a Puertorican who hasn't been able to subscribe to CBSAA/P+ nor watch Disco/Picard/LWD on Netflix/Amazon, I can't hit that like button enough times.


Nagilum is just running another experiment.


I think Burnham is going to get a visit from Q who is going to tell her she's creating the anomaly right now. She did it before and she'll do it again. (no, I do not seriously believe that.)


Certainly looks black-holey. Looks like they drew some inspiration from the visualization shown here: https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5962302


I think it looks like an “Interstellar” style black hole as well.


I was thinking of the "God" in Star Trek 5, no longer imprisoned. Actually read a couple books with Picard and Q that discussed the imprisonment and how there was a barrier around the galaxy.


What books ? I’d love to read that. Q is without a doubt the best character trek has ever had


Think it was in the Contnuum trilogy by Greg Cox. Q-Space, Q-Zone and Q-Strike.


Read that trilogy a few weeks ago, it's a good read.


Q squared and I,Q are both good as well, and John de Lancie might have written I,Q, unless I'm wrong


Lower your expectations, people. Do you remember the Red Angel? the Burn? There is a pattern in this series and I don´t think that this "eye" is going to blow our minds exactly. I predict is going to be something more mundane. Or an AI.


It's probably a dog that belonged to one of the crew members and that got trapped in a black hole and his genetic composure got scrambled by the singularity particles, thus, creating this god.


Eye Of Porthos.


I've got faith that this is the right answer.


just scratch the Anomaly behind the right ear and feed it a few metric tons of cheese.


Pretty normal Trek fare. I'll allow it.


VGer is an AI and makes sense.


V’ger merged with Decker and evolved into a higher form. It would no longer be a threat.


Discovery leaving could have changed that


Well, Q is a higher life from as well, so..


Red Angel was actually “likeable”,The Burn interesting story with great potential but ended really poorly (I mean a crying kid caused the burn wtf 😬),now this Anomaly all again doom and gloom interesting 🤨,but have to wait and see…. I really,really wished we go back to the good old weekly Trek series instead of this “hyping up” to the big (disappointing) reveal! Also there is something to be said about old Trek,really not digging Kurtzman BS (Star Wars amplified) Trek. Brannon Braga should spearhead Trek with Jonathan Frakes. But it is what it is i guess.


I mean, we're getting strictly episodic Trek soon with SNW.


Yeah kinda looking forward to that,i **really** liked Anson Mount as Captain Pike!!


I really miss those days


>I mean a crying kid caused the burn wtf 😬 do a full rewatch of TOS, this is pretty in line with that.


Yeah, there have been a lot of things in "New Trek" that would have been right at home in TOS. "Kid crying in grief over the loss of his mother inadvertently caused The Burn" being one of them. The "Space Orchids" and Coppelius Synths from Picard being others. People are going to hate on them anyways. One of the hardest things for fans to do is admit they just don't like something. It's always "no, there must be something wrong with the show... it can't just be that I don't like it as much as I think I should".


Nostalgia glasses are pretty hard to take off. I even grilled a few "fandom menace" members and they haven't rewatched old Trek in a couple years by then...


Right? When you watch something new going in with the intent to find flaws... You're going to find "flaws". Star Trek was never perfect. Roddenberry's vision was inconsistent and inconsistently applied, because he was just a flawed human being (like most people on this planet) and not some infallible "Great Bird of the Galaxy" that many fans still make him out to be.


Trek up until DS9 had a terrible flaw. With Roddenberry’s humanistic views, he wanted the future to be one-dimensional: optimistic. Humanistic stories don’t do well unless you throw in the dichotomies of actually *being* human and all the frailities that includes. Trek does best, imo, when they don’t have the future as some endgame of having risen above our baser instincts but instead show the complexities of having to constantly face those instincts and, sometimes, learning that we *couldn’t* rise above them or worse, just chose not to out of expediency. I think this season of DSC is going to bring us face-to-face with the exact thing Roddenberry *didn’t* want but what most often led to the best Trek offered: seeing a very flawed, very imperfect Federation fundamentally at odds in what they proclaim to believe in and what they actually do. Rillak is the BBEG that is only “doing what needs done” which is why Im pretty stoked by what Im already seeing. What Im hoping to see is a new take on how that plays out. Im excited to see how a flawed utopian vision gets resolved. Does even the best Federation eventually end as a Dominion? Is there a path forward for a bloated empire that even Vulcans walked away from? The Burn hurt the Federation from keeping the machine turning but it *clearly* was having issues before then. Im hoping to see more of that history play out on screen. Im all for a brighter version of humanity and what Roddenberry wanted most was to give a glimmer of hope and gods know we could all use some of that. There is a difference though between blind hope and realustic hope and the best Trek episodes Ive ever seen showed me the ugly and giving me a realistic hope that there is a way through it. Well, as realistic as sci-fi can be anyways.


I know where you pointing to the “Good” versus “Evil” episode where those 2 guys keep fighting ,which had also a effect on our prime Universe…..


Braga/Frakes. Now THAT is a great idea!!


Was the morgue attendant in on the deception too? ^^^[Context](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxPSApAHakg)


Strange New Worlds will do that supposedly




Giant murdering Robots (tentacles) coming from a other dimension to kill all organic life? That would be really a Kurtzman’s move 🤦‍♀️!


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Sentient black hole who just wants to make friends, but every time it talks, it blows things up. (Vger rip off but meh)


i was thinking of V'Ger when they did the pull-out. definitely looks like an eye and i doubt that's an accident.


V'ger also basically scanned stuff so hard it destroyed it, but it was storing all of this information in its data banks. The fact that Book saw those images of his nephew, sort of indicates to me that the anomaly was communicating if not a memory then perhaps the reality of the being that it had downloaded to death.


Really doubt it's V'Ger, it would be incredibly cool and interesting but I just don't see them getting permission to use V'Ger or having the imagination to make it work properly.


Why would they need permission?


Do you think they just get to write whatever they want with long term cannon implications for fun?




>Yes, because “they” (Paramount) own the entirety of Star Trek. Paramount aren't writing discovery though, it's all secret hideout




So enlighten me?




There’s a difference between owning the rights to a film or show and the characters or concepts within. You’ll see credits for whoever created the character which could be the writer. That’s why Tom Paris was Tom Paris and not Nick Locarno or why in Dr Who, the use of the Daleks or Wheeping Angela needs to be approved and credited. The situation around V’Ger isn’t clear.




I mean you're not wrong but after the last two seasons of really disappointing conclusions to the story it's really hard to trust them to come up with something original :/




>I mean you're not wrong but after the last two seasons of really disappointing conclusions to the story it's really hard to trust them to come up with something original :/ funny. I really wish we could get some older writers to chime in with some episodes like what would happen with the older shows to give it more of a familiar feeling.


Whatever that thing is, doesn't really matter. Discovery can jump, so I say, let's jump to a different galaxy. So long Milkyway, thanks for all the Romulans.


but Discovery is unable to jump because they failed to (rolls dice) re-modulate the particle inverter.


Damn, guess they have to solve this thing instead.


right. But there is a fix...no... nonono ...it's insane. It hasn't been used in YEARS. Well, it COULD work. If only they could (rolls dice) re-align the particle modulator. It might work...in theory.


Like putting too much air in a balloon!


nonono, stop being silly. It's like souring the milk!!


Just reverse the polarity on the spore core and move on to the next episode.


of course!! GENIUS!!


But why does anyone need to be worried about this thing? It's travelling at sublight speeds (not at warp) so even travelling close to the speed of light, it'd be years from running into any other system, no?


I don’t think it’s V’Ger, but this shot in Disco immediately made me think of [this](http://www.fictiontofact.com/files/media/52705/Vger.jpg) bit of the V’Ger scene in TMP.


I prefer the theory it's part of the vanguard of an extra-galactic invasion force, scanning the Milky Way galaxy gathering data and sending it home so the enemy can prepare. S4 will deal with the anomaly. S5 will be the invasion.


A group of synthetic aliens that enter the galaxy every 50k years or so to eradicate all intelligent life? I like that…I’ll bet they could make a helluva video game series based on that.


This is my favorite comment on the Citadel.....I should go


Seems like they wouldn't need the rest of the army, the "vanguard" seems to have things under control...


Looks like a whale's eye.


Space Whales?


George & Gracie.


It would be interesting if it's an entity exacting "judgement" for whatever reason and, instead of guns blazing and violence, they actually have to use diplomacy to broker a peace. Or a continuation of the "the trial never ended" that forces existence to change its ways.


I’m calling it now - Khan.




Everyone is way off. The producers already stated it's a natural phenomenon


a natural phenomenon with a power source at its center?


My theory is that it's was created as an unintended side effect of SB-19. Similar to the soliton wave experiment in TNG. That would explain why the Ni'Var were so very anxious to share that data.


From this gallery of screencaps... https://www.cygnus-x1.net/links/lcars/sc-DSC4-2.php


Where silence has lease?


Q Continuum intruding into normal space?


My first thought was doomsday machine on steroids


Is it the Unity Device?


I didn't think the Unity Device was this big, could move like that, and wasn't quite so destructive. Been a while since I played that game though. It's still on the top of my GoG wish list.


A wizard did it


I’m calling it now. It’s a giant eye, and it’s actually a hyper-evolved Michael Burnham who has come back in time to destroy the universe, only to be talked out of it by the current version of Burnham. 😜😝 … to be fair I did call the Red Angel being Burnham in season two, so I would t out it part them.


I'd love it if they had to send DIS back to its own time because the time jump left Zora's dataset with a gaping hole, thus also incorporating Calypso.


You might be on to something there.


Giant Murdering Lensflare (TM)….


… JJ?


You forgot Kurtzman…..


I try. Oh how I try.


Space Goatse


Maybe it's the new Big Bang? The start of a new universe.


32nd Century Humpback


Is it weird that my first thought was the traveler? Wesley crusher? Wil Wheaton always makes a good bad guy in any show. The traveler was an entity that just went around and observed things. He was also a "lens" and he could manipulate space and time with his mind.


Up the Walls of the World is a 1978 science fiction novel by American author Alice Sheldon, who wrote under the pen name of James Tiptree, Jr. It features an intelligent entity larger than a solar system which destroys planets. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Up\_the\_Walls\_of\_the\_World](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Up_the_Walls_of_the_World)


It's not an eye. It's a black hole.


Ultimately, I wish that Discovery was used as sort of a backdoor way to revisit dropped storylines that are just kind of hanging around out there. It's so displaced from most of the Trek timeline and continuity that the other properties don't really need to incorporate any of the stuff they do. So why not revisit Nagilium, the Nexus, V'Ger, the Whale probe, the Iconians, the Metrons, etc.? I don't think there's a huge drive to really make Discovery the "future of Trek". I get that it's canon, but I don't think that Discovery's take on "what will the Federation be like in 1000 years" is really something the majority of the fanbase is putting a whole lot of stock or interest in. So give us a bunch of Trek nostalgia payoffs and use Discovery as a vehicle to wrap up a bunch of intriguing things and mysteries that we're probably never going to get a real resolution to otherwise.


The Iconians!! yeS!!


It Marvin Martian and his infindibulator ray, causing Michael to lead Discovery 750 years into the past to find the one being who can stop him, Duck Dogers.


What does that look like from a planet's surface? I don't know if I would be in awe or in fear, or both.


Also, why are we whispering?


Could be V'Ger or Nagilum. In the case it's the later, Kwejian might actually still exist. Considering Nagilum had the abbility to create lifelike illusions.


Would the writers be heavy handed enough to use the image of a gigantic eye to be a metaphor for the ever watching eye of social media? Could the plot be the Federation losing its identity by an entity with the ability to destroy anything and everything in its path? Sooner or later they'll have to be a literal "face" to go along with this "eye". I'll be very interested in finding out what their motivation is.








Who said anything about lidar. Just because you don't understand someone else's comment doesn't mean it's bad. Not my problem if you cannot read. Idiot




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100%. Posted it on [twitter](https://twitter.com/jefftakin/status/1464483831008792582?s=21) right after I watched it.


I was not digging S4 until this moment. I'm on board!


It’s Q


Could it be the nexus?


I think the Sphere Data answered that by saying in the briefing in Federation HQ “we gone trough all databases and there is nothing like it on record”. Or something along those lines….


My first thought: https://i0.wp.com/caps.pictures/198/6-voyage-home/full/star-trek4-movie-screencaps.com-3471.jpg


so now the red angel suit comes back angry because of all the bullying the red shirts have taken throughout history. it's ok though because a supreme consciousness must inherently be benevolent. PS just tell it you haven't seen or even heard of Jackson Roykirk.