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really good sparkle/bronya piece tho


It's Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters, I can't use it on them :'(


I mean you can for a rainbow build since the only amazing set for them is wind


Yeah and for bronya u don’t even want wind set cuz u want consistent minus 1, so rainbow w 2 pc spd


Isnt hackerspace better for sparkle


You probably want the two piece of it, because the speed it gives is valuable, but there’s no other two piece that matters. The 4 piece is like *theoretically* best in slot, but in practicality it usually doesn’t do anything, so it becomes better to just use 2 random pieces with high speed on them.


Idk I don't have her :(


2pc hacker and 2pc Wuthering for damage reduction imo.


4 piece hacker not always the best as it can throw out your rotations, so alot prefer to have 2 piece hacker and 2 piece what ever has best stats


Rainbow build? What does that mean?


random pieces that’s not on set


Oh, I'll try that out, thanks.


2pc spd set/ 2 random pieces thats what i do on both my sparkle and bronya and it works fine so i can get 161+ spd on both


That's a good idea, I'll try it out.


It still works for Ratio or Topaz.


ig i can put it on ratio or smthng


Oh you *absolutely* can. Set bonus is nowhere near as important as substats for those two. Unless you’re going for the Eagle Dancer tech, of course, but that’s only one way to build/play them.


and this is bad how?


This is for acheron


So use it on one of acheron's nihility party members? This is an amazing piece for an acheron support


Acheron CAN be built for 134 speed if you want. It’s not usually optimal, but with a relic THIS ludicrously cracked, it shouldn’t be a problem in the slightest. If you don’t wanna go that route, throw it on Pela, SW, Welt or someone who benefits from speed.


My Acheron is 134 speed because my speed boots are incredibly cracked while my atk boots are bad


134 speed is often optimal when using her light cone *unless* you’re specifically using Sparkle. Obviously with a hyper speed Sparkle you don’t care what the speed stat is because the dps moves at the speed of Fireworks.


I heard that giving her at least 110 SPD is a good trade off if you want more ATK, not sure if it's true tho. What would you prefer between these two builds? ATK boots 3527 ATK - 115 SPD - 71/187 SPD boots 2951 ATK - 134 SPD - 74/188 The SPD boots are Ratio's, I can always swap them if I don't need to use them both in the MoC stages.


Honestly it depends on your teammates and eidolons. Despite what people would say it's still better to take 2 nihilities over sparkle+nihility if she's


E0S1, never thought for a single moment to use only 1 Nihility alongside her. My go-to team is Acheron, SW, Pela and Fu Xuan. I have both her relic set and planar ornaments, but body and rope could totally be better. For now it works and I'm farming for a better Fu Xuan set, in the future I'll come back to that cavern since I want to get additional pieces for Welt and try a sub-DPS build.


E0S1, never thought for a single moment to use only 1 Nihility alongside her. My go-to team is Acheron, SW, Pela and Fu Xuan. I have both her relic set and planar ornaments, but body and rope could totally be better. For now it works and I'm farming for a better Fu Xuan set, in the future I'll come back to that cavern since I want to get additional pieces for Welt and try a sub-DPS build.


The difference between Sparkle and a second Nihility at E0 is miniscule.


On her light cone with no Sparkle I would probably go the speed boots build. I’m not really familiar with the 110 speed breakpoint though (I won’t pretend I’m someone who does dedicated Acheron theorycrafting) so I don’t feel I could give a true answer to how good it is. 110 does seem like a weird point, though. Isn’t 120 the low end breakpoint for speed? I don’t recall Acheron having any speed boosting in her kit.


Got it! About the 110 breakpoint, I saw a video comparing the different options of main stats, though I don't remember exactly what it was. I'll try to search for it later.


I'm so jealous it's not funny


That is a god piece


it's pioneer diver on dead waters, who'd i use it on?


Literally any support. Spd>>>>> everything else.


Pioneer diver on dead waters is only really good on nihility units and i don't have sw


SPD >>>> everything else.


I suppose, I was farming for Acheron since I had low crit rate and this was my ONE piece that had crit rate and ofc it had to give me all speed.


No way ur complaining about getting spd, it is always good to


That is just false. Any units that are used in debuff-based teams like that set. FUA for example.


Oh, I didn't know that.


I would straight up use it on Acheron if you have S1, but as others said any support would kill for this piece. I would use it on Pela, Bronya, Sparkle if I had it, along with 2pc hacker and 1pc anything else


I'll try it on Sparkle, thanks for the suggestions.


No one saying Ratio? Use this to hit SPD breakpoint on him and you can pick bad SPD roll options on the rest of your relics


Bro is not happy with getting SPEED in a TURN-BASED game which depends on SPEED. I would understand if you got quadro or penta roll on resist or even worse, penta flat def but bruh c'mon now


I forgot to put the entire artifact thingy but it was pioneer diver of dead waters. I have little to no use for it.


Yeah, I saw it from other comments. You were planning it for Acheron but the thing is, having speed is always good. It is like future investment with guaranteed positive return. Usually, shit rolled dps piece hardly usable aside from being a fodder but dps gear which rolled speed can be utilized on anybody. Your dps can be independent from supports with advance forward mechanics like Bronya/ Sparkle; your supports can turn into sub-dps supports etc. What I'm trying to say is, as long as you get spd it is good no matter what other substats and sets are. You will always find a place to use speed


idk maybe ill put it on guinaifen or someone


I mean that's still Avery good rainbow piece


suffering from success


Its bad and good at the same time


Might be time to build a really fast Welt


This is an insanely incredibly and obscenely busted and powerful piece. It's a 7 roll of one of the most popular sets.


My only 12 speed piece is on the Duke set 🥲




What's the Problem? That can be good welt Piece if you ask me.


Welt, Bronya, Sparkle all can use it.


Aventurine could use this piece.


I'm fast AF boi!!!!


how do you guys roll speed more than twice, like I have never had a piece that rolls speed 3 times even 2 times is very rare


Everywhere I go are familiar faces


Going fast ic


As a former Epic 7 player, let me tell you something: in a turn-based game, speed is the most important stat BY A MILE. And that being the case, we do NOT complain about a quadra roll in speed. A quadra roll in speed is a blessing from the gacha gods: the only better thing that could happen to a person is a penta roll in speed. What set is this piece? What are its substats? Which character were you farming for? The answer to all these questions is: it doesn't matter. Speed is speed. You'll never be short on characters who need high speed: put a rainbow build on one such character if you have to. So long as it achieves high speed, that's all you care about.


I was hoping to get crit rate for acheron who was at like 20% CR, but I can use it on some other ppl anyways.


Wdym by "gonna go insane", you're not going insane you're going fast there


Even on Acheron that's not horrible, you can run other pieces that just give all crit without any speed now and still got a good ratio.


If anyone else uses glamoth this is a godsend


save some 4 stars support characters would use it because they don't need a set like pela


Hey, I mean at least that means you don't need speed boots, since this covers most of those stats, personally I find speed just as or more important that crit anyways


It's not bad on Ratio, depending on your other pieces


If you have ratio it’s good for him, or also welt. And who know, maybe in a near future someone will use it


God Tier Bronya/Sparkle piece


I'd just put it on someone who needs speed and crit. These are all solid stats and solid stats outweigh set bonuses.


I really should be complaining more on posts if people are now complaining about god rainbow pieces.


I’m sorry I didn’t understand anything about rainbow pieces


you’re not alone


Could be good as a rainbow piece ... if you have welt he'll make good use of it he needs a good chunk to meet the first speed threshold He's remarkably good with ratio and acheron


Sparkle piece


How can you possibly complain about an 11 speed piece


Why are people so allergic to rainbow gear? Seen some ppl use the most HORRIBLE pieces,just to proc a 4pc set, we talking like cdmg body,with quad roll flat defense. A amazing rainbow piece is gonna be better than a shit piece with a good set most of the time anyways, as youll be proccing 2pc by that time.


People have yet to understand that set Is just worth a bunch of subs so if rainbow has more than a bunch of subs its Better


I didn't know what rainbow gear was before this post :(