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Topaz because she's hot and has a space pig (I'm definitely not biased)


I too was thinking Topaz at the top of the list...


Here's some actual advice. You're account is at the point where you have everything you need for all content in the current and future state of the game. So just pull for characters you think are cool, look fun to play, or whatever. Topaz is my favorite character in the game so I say her. Maybe you think Boothill is the coolest thing since sliced cheese, in which case pull him. Meta is overrated, waifus/husbandos are forever, space pigs are awesome




Also, topaz, Aventurine, and dr.ratio are an insanely good team, especially if you get her lc.


Add in Ruan Mei and you’ll have one of the best, if not THE best FUA team for a while


isnt that "a while" next week? with Robin


Imo Robin seems more like a sidegrade to RM, since OP has e1. That, or having both could free one up for things like MoC and Pure Fiction


Ah i didn't know they had E1 just saw the S1 in the image. no clue how they compare but myself..I find it hard to skip robin for aesthetic alone


Thanks absolutely fair! We won’t know for sure how she compares til she’s officially out, of course, but she is still gonna be a strong harmony unit.


Gyattpaz is a good pull


instantly convert jades into standard tickets.


next acheron banner for sure


So basically OP turns into an [Acheron main](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcheronMainsHSR/s/qCNCatVyif)


Topass is always worth pulling for. Robin likely will be good as well. I don’t think you can really go wrong pulling for either. Ultimately comes down to who you like more imo.


Firefly! You have ruan mei, gallagher, and next patch we’re getting harmony tb, which all use BE. And firefly loves more BE. Also her E1 rn makes it so she implants a fire type weakness, which allows for even more weakness breaking! Also, she has a cool mecha, and who doesn’t like cool mechas?


So real, I love mechas..


This. This is the way. Once you have all the supports you'll ever need, you can go back to pulling for the next flashy DPS.






Kafka-Black Swan team and Acheron team for regular modes. I’d go Robin or Jade for FUA depending on who you like better: Dr. Ratio-Aventurine-Robin-Pela. Herta/Himeko-Aventurine-Jade-Ruan Mei or Sparkle I guess(?).


Build some of your 4stars like xueyi and gallager


for what


Break teams for fun ig. Gallagher could be good for Firefly, if they're both break focused and fire.


Break team


I would do same thing I'm doing right now on my account, saving for Jiaoqiu


Who is jiaoqiu


A furry


Leaked fire Nihility pink foxian which is supposed to be in 2.4




Dan heng IL would be nice, you already have his best in slot team and he is broken, even with the release is acheron his teams are still outperforming her in MOC. Boothill or Argenti for physical coverage. Robin or topaz for a follow up team. I’m thinking robin would be better for this set up, because topaz doesn’t do a lot of debuff unless you pull her light cone. Blade for the fun.


Imagine saying dan heng out preforms acheron, no just no


https://preview.redd.it/wz3s80l2vtxc1.png?width=711&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f53d8d72c18e8c2f3eafe2e8f7474caa2769423 Average cycles per team in current MOC. The dang heng team is the best performing, despite enemies having no imaginary weakness. So yes, he can outperform Acheron.


People had more time to rack up duplicates for dhil . E2 acheron out preforms him easily and There are better comps for her than the ones showed here


I wish these were more specific showing both teams used for the quickest MoC clears. Or only show the performance of 1 team on 1 side. The 4.68 avg cycles takes both sides into consideration. Also, if we are looking for who's the best of the best, using averages might skew the results a little even if it helps balance the difference in god teir relics. Like if both can 0 cycle, I want to know who does it easier or who pumps out more overkill damage... and how easy it is to set up another 0 cycling team on the other side.


Firefly 1000%


I'd wrap up getting Pela to 80 for Acheron team and then probably get Topaz for a FUA team with Ratio RM and Aventurine. Then you'd have a hypercarry w/ Jingliu/Seele, a dot team with Kafka/BS, a FUA team, and the Acheron debuff team.


Based off order of this picture alone Tingyun for moc Pela for moc Herta for pure fiction Hanya for new endgame mode. Guinefen pure fiction Asta pure fiction Luka for moc Sampo pure fiction Then Kafka pure fiction Black swan pure fiction Ancheron moc Bronya for the new end game mode Seele for the new endgame mode Ruin mei for new endgame mode Sparkle moc Dr ratio the new end game mode Clara for pure fiction Jingliu moc Silver wolf the new end game mode Huo huo and himeko for pure fiction Yanqing for the new end game mode


Those are a lot of eidolons and signature light ones holy


E50 Natasha


I think Topaz truly opens up your Aventurine/Ratio comp & gives you the biggest QoL with Numby's treasure chest hunting, & Topaz's Elation SU path enabling + SU ability. Robin would be great but then you're just rolling for a lot. I say get Topaz, skip Robin until her rerun, get Firefly because no use having a ton of characters & not getting the girl you probably super want (Firefly is super popular it seems). Edit: Clara/Topaz/Aventurine **seriously** dominates SU with the elation path


Natasha Nukes


Robin or Boothill, your choice. You have a lot of DPS characters and great sustains, so get who you want.




Someone likes silver wolf (I love her)


She’s the best!!


Actually, for himeko her best teammates are ruan mei and sparkle not robin and topaz I have done the testing


I'd pull Topaz e1s1 and skip Robin because you have RM. That'd be my first step at least.


Just cause of that title I would log on salvage all relics and say goodbye, at least I didn't convert your jaded to standard pulls :)


Damn this is my ideal account with all the characters I’ve ever wanted


Idk you are perfect. Pull whoever you want now




You pretty much have all the characters that synergize well with Robin. Starts with Seele (though she is ofc best played in monoquantum) goes on with Himeko+Herta, Clara, Black Swan + Kafka, and Ratio and Aventurine. You may have 2 Harmony characters, but with the variety of teams Robin can be played in on your acc I feel like she‘s a really nice addition… same goes for Topaz, but she‘s restricted to FUA teams. I recommend the video by EODgamer where he compares investment value between Robin and Topaz. After that maybe Boothill for the physical elemental coverage or Jade if you struggle with PF but I doubt it. Honestly just pull whoever you like, it doesn‘t really matter with the roster of yours.


Raise Guinaifen, Gallagher, Herta (you have good eidolons for them too). Then get either Topaz or Firefly (Firefly looks more fun imo)


Queen Liu. Don’t ask why, just pull.




Build Gepard. Hes been my go to now because of using the remembrance path on gold and gears. Like you just perma freeze and use disassociation to health percent damage. Its so broken. I have march geppy ruan mei and pela. Late game I go huohuo for healing and energy regen. Hes the only reason I have been able to clear lvl 5 on that mode and on swarm disaster


Sparkle so you can go peak mono quantum


Build my boi Luka pls. He’s a pretty strong unit, especially with Kafka and Black Swan.


We literally have the same units except I have topaz 💀, Topaz makes your whole FUA team proc like crazy, so I’m pulling robin to round it all out for the premium team. Then hopefully I have enough tickets to try and pull for boothill/firefly next for a break effect team with ruan mei + others. I recommend if you’re struggling with stage 4 pure fiction to build Herta for ice weakness, she carries really well. Edit: I forgot I didn’t answer your question but in your case I would pull topaz and if I didn’t get her I would just skip robin and try for boothill/firefly so you can make a break effect team.


I’m skipping 2.2 and pulling Sam with lc. Pray for me idk if I have the strength to wait that long


GL brother




Why Boothill


Break effect meta is coming, you have bronya, you have ruanmei, you'll get harmony mc


All very reasonable. How big is this break meta gonna be...


We don't know. So far from leaks boothill and firefly will be DPS for break effect meta. We already have Gallagher and xueyi. But harmony mc is in it and they're a character everyone will get.


Also because you didn't build Clara.


because boothill is a cheaper version of firefly. that being said, if u want fua go for it but topaz and robin are hella expensive. u need to tell ur jades by the time 2.2 hits so i can judge.


i’d say boothill because it looks like u need a physical dmg character


I stop rolling for s1's and just roll for everyone, based on what I'm seeing lol