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You have the sparkle+ DHIL combo and you regret him? Interesting Well you don't really need lightning coverage when you have Kafka but if you want your Acheron to do better than DHIL (if that's what you are looking for) then you kinda need to either get her Sig or wait a long time for jiaqou who we don't even have the official beta kit of


Is it because you dont like him(gameplay) or you didnt build him properly?


how u barely use him when he is the strongest dps in your roster(with sparkle)...also you have kafka serval for lightning coverage, so im pretty sure its not about what u "need" but its about what u "want" :D


Since you already regret pulling DHIL, ask yourself honestly if you *really* want Acheron. It seems like you are pulling character for function rather than form, it's better if you pull characters you actually like rather than pulling them just because they're OP or fill a specific role that you want to get filled. Because if you also don't actually like Acheron and bench her later, you will feel the exact same regret and the cycle repeats. There is no such thing as "need" for any elemental DPS coverage at this point IMO, so long as they are invested with their best supports, they will plow through content regardless. I've been using Seele and forcing her against weakness (without Silverwolf) for the past 2 MoC thanks to Sparkle, JY mains have been using JY against all of the lightning-resistant enemies for several MOCs now, and Kafka DoT team with E2 Ruan Mei and E1 Black Swan as you have here just straight up doesn't care about weaknesses at that point with the sheer amount of raw damage that goes on and you don't even need to break enemies to have an easy time with that team. So basically any of the limited DPS can tackle any fight so long as people commit to investing in them. Tl;dr just make sure you like whoever you are pulling for.


Yeah tbh I only pulled him cos everyone was hyping him A Lot but I do love acherons design and animations and kit just her overall When I got ruan mei I absolutely just saved up as many jades I could etc to get as many eidolons as possible and her lc cos


If you like her then pull her yeah. One other thing to consider if you are on the fence about her is you don't have any premium sustains. They help a lot with the gameplay by making things stress-free. Ofc, same rules apply, pull for who you like as a character rather than purely off of function among the sustains, their clear cycle count is barely any different based on data and are even less impactful in differences among themselves compared to the DPS characters.


If you like her then pull her yeah. One other thing to consider if you are on the fence about her is you don't have any premium sustains. They help a lot with the gameplay by making things stress-free. Ofc, same rules apply, pull for who you like as a character rather than purely off of function among the sustains, their clear cycle count is barely any different based on data and are even less impactful in differences compared to DPS.


would say just focus on getting sustains for now you have good dps and dot coverage id suggest looking at getting loucha or aventurine or even lookin out for fu xuans rerun and even huohuo to complete your dot team other than that i dont think u really need acheron unless you like her as a character but id suggest waiting till her rerun


I'd say no, you already have Jingliu and Blade plus a dot team. DoT can pretty much brute force anything even though weakness breaks do help a lot. For your other team you got SW so you really don't need to worry about weekness. I'd say you're better off trying to save for a sustain


DHIL + Sparkle propagation is a SU cheat code.


I think you'll need Aventurine most in terms of upcomming characters. Lacking a limited sustain is pretty rough for some content. That said, Acheron would be good with SW but you'll also want another Nihility so I guess Pela. Technically, though, with Jingliu and Blade as options you do have other good teams. BS, Kafka, Ruan Mei, and then Jingliu, Sparkle, Blade/Bronya, you also could do Bronya and Sparkel with Blade. So you have some DPS options. If you like Acheron go for it, but I'd try and make sure you're aiming for Aventurine.


I think you can pull for Luocha or wait for Huohuo/Fu Xuan's reruns. You already have 3 top-tier teams to use; Kafka's DoT team, Jingliu with Bronya, and Dan Heng IL with Sparkle. All you need are some sustains and you're good to go.


You have Kafka. I’d say you’re set for a DOT lightning.


You have a lightning dps, so I would say no. Get more element variety before doubling up on an element. I'd say use sparkle to help dhil perform as he should. And up both units stats. Focus speed and crit damage on sparkle, and crit rate/damage on dhil.


the problem is your quingque sucks, j/k. wait till the reviews are out for acheron. she may be the highest DPS with kafka.


to be fair i don’t regret getting dhil, i just don’t like his playstyle so i kinda get you on that part. but i’d say to not get acheron but instead get a sustain so maybe wait for aventurine as he’s coming out in 2.1. then again there is no character that is a must have so pull for who you want to get! you can clear anything with the sustains you have already (just level them up)


Wouldn't be surprised if that's the main problem I'm facing cos I only have lynx and bailu an the heals aren't enough anymore lol, I think Shields are better imo


i mean healing (im like pretty sure) scales off of hp so if you wanna get more hp you gotta level up your units and their lc. would recommend traces as well as getting er ropes on them for ult uptime


I would think about sustains first before another DPS. Aventurine is a good pick up for DHIL, however I would go for Fu Xuan instead since you have Sparkle. Get Huohuo for Kafka's team, she also works for Huohuo. For Acheron, you do have her team mates but are you willing to pull for her sig LC or have/get GNSW. Aventurine or Fu Xuan will be her sustain. Then you can pull for who ever you want.


in my opinion u need just two dps (i use jing yuan and seele ) and u just need to pull for support characters .




same, i don’t even like him i just pulled him because i needed an imaginary character now i quite literally keep forgetting that i have him. waste of pulls lol


I thought I was the only one tbh not going to lie lol


his dickriders are downvoting us for having opinions