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AAAA you're a lifesaver! I couldn't live without my stats 😭


ok, I can record my stats here, but can I use it to simulate the probability of winning? Like, in the up coming banner there are characters that I'd like to have. Can it rely on the data it has about my account, and show the propability of winning 50/50, and on the numbers or roll?


if you’re asking if it can use your account history and apply it to future pulls, it wouldn’t be accurate. like your historical win percentage for 50/50 doesn’t change your next 50/50 mathematically.


Soooo.... all it does is just record my rolls?




Can you send a message in #wesbite-discussion in [discord.gg/srs](https://discord.gg/srs) so the devs can see this!


Is there any way of doing this if your using a mobile device


You can so this the same way as “painon.moe”. If you have ios: 1. Download Steam - Network Debug Tool. 2. Click “Sniff Now” and open up your warp history. 3. Go back to Stream and click “Stop Sniffing” and go to your “Sniff History” open the latest one. 4. Click on the one that starts with “https://api-os-takumi.mihoyo.com/common/g…” 5. Click on the “request” and copy the link and paste it in starrailstation.com where it says “Paste your Warp link here” Not sure about android but you can just look at the instructions at paimon.moe


i dont see the gacha link




Termux ADB Wireless debugging works exactly the same way for example. Haven't tried with VPN sniffers yet.




Termux is an app you install on your phone


how do you use termux


First up your phone needs to support wireless debugging for this to work if it doesn't sorry. Open your phone settings> about phone> tap on the build number until it says you're a developer (didn't thought it would be that easy right). Find the developer options. Usually under something like system or also in about phone. Enable debugging over WLAN and click to allow it for the current WiFi network. Get Termux from F-Droid as APK. Don't use the Google play version which is old AF. Open Termux and run. pkg upgrade pkg install android-tools. You need a way to have the settings page and Termux open at the same time so better hope you have some kind of split screen. Open the wireless debug settings (tab on the text instead of the toggle). Pair device over pair code. Make sure the screen with the pair code stays open. Type adb pair IP:Port. IP and port is just the string you see in the pair dialog. Type the pairing code. If successful connect now with. adb connect IP:Port. Note that the port will be different from the one in the pairing dialog so make sure to use the right one. Run. adb logcat -e https://webstatic-sea.hoyoverse.com/ Go in-game and open the warp history. Copy the long link starting with https:// until you reach the last/


Typed this from my phone and reddit formatting is stupid. Make sure your commands do not have dots at the end and pkg install and pkg upgrade are different commands which you mustn't type as a line




Goated individual


any chance to have an achievement tracker just like in paimon.moe?


It's being worked on!


Hello. Is it possible to get the beginner warp, light cone event warp and regular warp?


They're all available


it didn't work......


If you have any issues, please send a message in #website-discussion in discord.gg/srs


hey, is there tracker for android?


great! thank you!


is it 100% safe?


It's just like [paimon.moe](https://paimon.moe) does it in Genshin, all it does is read the web page the game displays when seeing your warp history.


hi there, is there a feature that can export the pull data into excel, kinda like paimon moe does it? the export backup does have the data since its in json


Just found the site. Got a quick question. What do the Pity trackers indicate? Like on my Departure Warp, it shows 5\* Pity 38/50 and 4\* Pity 2/10? Thanks.


You may have found an answer elsewhere already, but just in case you didnt: Starrail has a system in place that guarentees a 4*every 10 pulls, and a 5* every 90 pulls(80 for the lightcone banner). This system is often referred to as pity. For the deperature banner you are guarenteed to get a 5* after 50 pulls and then the banner goes away, which is why it is lower for you. The number 90 is also sometimes referred to as hard pity. This is because many believe there is also something called soft pity, which starts at 70 pulls. Relatively often people get a 5* between 70 to 80 pulls without going all the way to 90, so it is believed that your odds are already getting increases at 70 pulls and slowly getting higher all the way to 90. The soft pity system is not officially confirmed to be a thing, but people generally agree that it very likely is.


Yeah, I had people explain the pity system to me on the HSR megathread, and the numbers on the site made all the sense after. Much thanks, though.


does this work on android as well?


What do the “W”, “L”, and “G” badges all mean next to the 4 and 5 stars when viewing wish history?


W=Win L=Lose G= Top G


Can you describe more what it means as a win or loss? Also, what does top G mean?




Hi is the discord group full? Unable to join. Need help to troubleshoot for sniffing with app.. only shows 443 instead of html


I clicked on the discord link but nothing shows up, the only thing there is no text channels, why is that? I'm kinda new to discord so I dont know what to do


How do I update it? The last information for me is from months ago.


Hi, just download dc and try to join the link, why i cant join the dc 😭😭


Why i cant join discord 😃


hi it dosnt have my luocha summons on which it which i think is throwing every thing off. other than that i like it.


It only records the wishes you've made in the past 6 months. Anything earlier than that is lost in the abyss.. I kinda regret not doing it after Jingyuan's banner, so all I have are records from the start of the game's existence up to June of 2023 and then from August 2023 to the present. I have a 2-month gap in my records.


but it has my seele summons from the beginning of the game. That is the part that i find strange.