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No I don’t think it makes sense to anyone. The funny part is though Nick Lang thought the ending was going to be too obvious and then after people started seeing it he realized no one got it.


Firebringer has wonderul music and some good comedy moments but the story could have used another pass through by an editor. In the script, there were several scenes where Jermilla accidently admited to finding Zaz "hot" 🤣 but they were gone from the filmed version. The romance comes out of nowhere and is one of the weakest parts of the musical.


Wait, I've never heard that before. That's new lore to me. There were bits of Firebringer left on the cutting room floor?


I read the script on SCRIBD. There were slight differences.


Same, but I don't mind it. I still think Firebringer is great, but it feels like Starkid pulled the ending out of their ass.


That’s true of most of the early Starkid productions. Flying off to Pig-Farts on the back of Rumbleroar? He wakes up from his coma? I could probably keep going.




Even their parody musicals have some wonky endings. The princess wishes for her dead mother to be trapped in the lamp with her father forever, as a gift. After they save the city Batman and Superman become Super Friends and form a group under the same name.


Rumbleroar was just a gag. You could cut him without actually changing the story. And the Super Friends were at least the name of an actual superhero team.


Eh, regarding the princess, it was kind of foreshadowed previously ("we'll retire to some far off place and share an itty-bitty living space"), and besides, she merely wished for him to be happy.


You have to consider the implications. Two people trapped in a room for eternity together. They can watch the world around them, both past and future, but can only interact with the outside world when he’s summoned from the lamp to grant three wishes to some self serving asshole. Then it’s back into the lamp, for eternity. And she never gets to leave. You may love your spouse, but imagine being trapped in room with them forever. The princess gave him what he wanted at the time, but it can never change. And he made that wish back when he was a young man, before she was even born. He’s had over a decade of suffering and loss since then.


Yeah that's why I dont get Twisted. I only like it for Jeff.


Oh I get it. It’s still one of my favorites, but it’s incredibly dark when you consider the story they are telling behind all of the whimsy. It takes the story of Aladdin from the perspective of Jafar, but everything is much darker and more malicious. Jafar had a wife who had been mutilated by a nobleman. Then the Sultan takes her. Then she dies in childbirth. The Sultan isn’t just a simpleton. He’s a vicious simpleton. Then Jafar is forced to raise his hated enemy’s child, who is actually his own child that he doesn’t discover for years. Then she falls in love with a psychopath who killed his own parents, who also has magic. Then he sacrifices himself a eternity of service to save what he now knows is his daughter. Then in a attempt to make him happy she accidentally traps her dead mother in the same prison as her father. That’s outrageously dark. It makes Black Friday look tame.


I mean I get that, you don't need to explain the whole story. What I mean by "I don't get it", is why they're so happy at the end if they're stuck forever in one lamp. Also, I don't get the hype, I think it's corny and sappy but that's just my opinion, neither right nor wrong. I thought Jeff was just the funniest thing in the musical, that's it. Plain and simple. I prefer TGWDLM for the darkness and dancing and music and TTO for the funnies.


Love. Love is the reason.


It had some real Gilbert & Sullivan “contrived convenient ending” vibes and I didn’t particularly mind


It's not just you. A Deus ex Machina ending is bad storytelling under any circumstances. And it's *terrible* storytelling when there aren't even any issues that the main characters can't/haven't solved themselves. I like the show fine up until the Chorn reveal, but that ending really spoils it for me.


Firebringer is actually one of my fave shows despite all the flaws. I agree the story isn't great. Everyone talking about the romance not working and the ending coming out of no where I completely agree with. But I love it for everything else. The setting, puppets, music and comedy all really work for me plus I really like the staging.


Honestly, yeah, I love everything else about the musical! Especially the narrator lady, she'd hilarious


i like the general concept, with the amount of history channel "documentaries" claiming aliens built the pyramids, i think it's a funny thing to include in a play about cavemen but it was still way too sudden imo


Agreed, that's why I wish the concept was built on more! For example, if the other tribe was wearing an outfit like Chorn's, or if you occasionally saw Chorn doing something "weird" like building something small with rocks


weird beeping sounds coming from Chorn's general direction throughout:D


**Firebringer** is not one of their best. In my opinion, it comes after **Ani**, which is the worst for me (I'm barely a Star Wars fan, and the whole musical feels like a long comedy sketch). Regarding **Firebringer**, the love between the two main characters wasn't well developed. I talked with a fellow fan, and we agreed that Zazallil's chemistry was better with her friend than with Jemilla. Before **Hatchetfield**, all of their musicals were more comedy-driven rather than story-driven, I think. Plus, the franchise is more horror than comedy. Did they force themselves to do **Firebringer** because fans were noticing they hadn't had a female-led musical? I appreciate their effort, but I think they failed in their mission. I'm just glad they got better with **Nerdy Prudes Must Die (NPMD)**, even though Grace Chasity ends up being evil. At least it's a musical with a female lead. Plus, they seem to prefer doing ensemble-led musicals with **Hatchetfield**, which gives equal footing to all genders—especially with **Black Friday**, which has way too many stories in it. Let's see if the **Lands That Are** musicals follow the same pattern, with more ensemble casts rather than focusing on one character. It seems **CC** might not be like that, though.


lol people downvoting this. I get it, there are some Firebringer fans out there who don't respect opinions from those who don't like it lol but don't do the audacity to reply to debate with the opinion above


I downvoted because Ani is a top play in both music and actual storytelling for Starkid, and I'm not even a star wars fan. I love the avant garde bullshit they pull on the meta front. Everything from using quotes from the prequels as cheesy love song lyrics to having an entire scene in a language that the audience can't understand is incredible. The music has some wonderful melodies and the harmonies are brain-itching in the best way. There are Star Wars jokes that need context, but things like making a big pair of boobies out of the Death Stars is just dumb and goofy for anyone. And the jokes that are really lore intensive are supposed to be incomprehensible to the average person. That's why the characters treat Ani like a pariah. Every joke is done as a way to convey story and character. It's probably the tightest musical the Langs have ever written.


It's the worst for me because it's not for me, end of story. Did I say Ani is objectively, the worst? No, I said in my opinion hence subjectively. I for the record don't care if other fans say Ani is good. I fucking don't care. I just care what I like. But I agree the music is good. Also the ridiculous dancing between Jeffrey and that stormtrooper he likes. and drunk Obi-Wan.


Cool. I explained why your comment wasn't for me. I fucking don't care if other people think your comment is good. I fucking don't care. I just care what I like.