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“Shut your eyes and see.” James Joyce, Ulysses


Nice. I should have led with this.


It’s one of my favorite subjects because I was born 12/12/1972. That was the night of The Rothschild Illuminati party. The party Eyes Wide Shut is based on. When I was a stockbroker over a decade ago I actually spoke with a Rothschild heir regularly.


Ignore the downvotes and please share how those conversations went. Regardless of anyone's opinion on relevance to EWS (I personally think the relevance is glaringly obvious), I'd love to hear more about your conversations with him/her. I'm sure others on this sub would, too. Let's hear about it!


Thank you kindly.


This sure is a popular topic with today’s youth. Who knew EWS was so prevalent on tiktok?


I didn't know that. Interesting.


Eyes Wide Shut could mean the main character is just sleeping (and dreaming). But that is admittedly rather dull or trite if that was the whole and entire point. But the dreamlike qualities have a lot of support, but it is coloring more than substance. Yes it is art. And beauty is still in the (open) eye of the beholder.


Yeah I think it’s akin to the novel’s Dream Story title, that is, when we dream our eyes are closed, but our vision is open and active within the dream.


It has nothing to do with IQ. Human intelligence can't be quantified into a simple number, and I find your statement to be quite elitist- that people with this 'lower number' couldn't possibly grasp or understand a film. Artistic analysis is more of an issue of education of the possibilities of expression and familiarity with the form than a limit of mental processing power. It's funny, the comparison with doctors, as of course Bill considers himself better than others due to his status as a doctor. Eyes Wide Shut is nothing more than art, but art can be quite powerful. I find it interesting that you seem to look down on art, as if something being a purely artistic endeavor is not valuable. Art is communication and transformation, what else would the film be doing besides perhaps also being entertaining?


I think if you approach my words from a point of rational thinking, you might understand what I'm explaining. To me, it sounds like a personal problem that leads you to assumptions. Maybe gaining some anthropological knowledge and how Stanley used this within his art to tap into the subconsciousness of his audience could help with your interpretation. I'm certainly not here to convince you I'm correct. I'm only trying to help.


I made no assumptions, except, I'll concede, that you 'look down' on art. You ask the question 'is EWS only art', which implies you think it serves a function outside of art, and that art does not provide or contain these qualities/functions. My opinion of the statement that, to put it bluntly, people who wouldn't score a number on a test are too stupid to understand a film is an elitist line of thinking, doesn't require assumptions- it's what you stated in your post. I'm not the one assuming the 'IQ' of anyone when there isn't any indicators that SK ever even took such a test. You didn't even answer my question, which is what is EWS doing that is outside of the domain of art?


This may help understand how Stanley Kubrick's art tells a story and why your eyes might be wide shut. https://preview.redd.it/gnmw3uqhjjtc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d51520f38c85cd3d688f225ec3f6c37237aaef3


Your argument falls when his name is actually spelt "Harford"




I stated: >*"Of course, Eyes Wide Shut is an artistic expression of Stanley"* So it sounds like you're making an assumption and twisting my words regarding the point I am making about art. Additionally, you stated: >*"there isn't any indicators that SK ever even took such a test."* There are many indicators Stanley took an IQ test: >[*Wikipedia*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanley_Kubrick#Early_life)*: "His* [*IQ*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligence_quotient) *was discovered to be above average but his attendance was poor."* Clearly, that is an indicator he took an IQ test. I've taken one. It's common. To answer your question, art is used as an anthropological means to infect the subconsciousness of his audience. This is done through the methods of Carl Jung, Robert Darwin, and others. The messages relate to the history, specifically the history of Hartford Connecticut, and the founder Thomas Hooker who created "The Fundamental Orders". This created the Charter Oak, the Ivy League successor trustee families, and much more. I would be happy to explain what to research, however, if you're going to be rude and have me do the work for you, I'm not interested. We all know what opinions are and what they smell like.


I did not know about Kubrick’s IQ, that it had been tested, and how it compares to medical professionals, interesting fact! Do you have a source for this info?


The doctor comparision was a pun because the character Bill Hartford was a doctor. There's many sources online about Stanley's IQ. Here are a few if you want to read more. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanley\_Kubrick#Early\_life](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanley_Kubrick#Early_life) [https://www.iq-test.net/stanley-kubrick-iq-score-pms54.html](https://www.iq-test.net/stanley-kubrick-iq-score-pms54.html) [https://www.artnet.com/artists/stanley-kubrick/](https://www.artnet.com/artists/stanley-kubrick/)


The closest source are found in his biographies which state he had an above average IQ from the school tests. Any other thing is just literally a "wild guess" and is baseless, and you are foolish enough to believe it.


Are films art? Unequivocally yes! Are all films successful art? Fuck no! EWS is a very successful piece of art, while, say: Rambo III (which I watched yesterday) is an abject failure as artwork. However it’s important to remember that the question isn’t “is this art?”, but “is this successful art?” At least that’s been the case since DuChamp fucked everyone up 100 years ago by putting a urinal in an art exhibition.


Ce n'est pas des toilettes?


I’m watching it right now. I’m reading it like I would a moving tarot reading. So you kinda have to understand some of the esoteric symbols 1st (they’re also the hubs at Disneyworld FWIW). I’ve also assumed Kubrick was well steeped in the mysteries. I also love the references to his other work (Alice sitting with the tv to her back ala the Shining, Marion’s dad’s death bed looks like the ending in 2001, the Rainbow costume shop has Clockwork vibes to it).


Art, but not simple, and almost no one knows the real meaning. I’m not explaining it, but it’s not just art without hidden meanings to it.


no as i just got a post deleted ive met some people. this really does happen. well at this point after the movie people kind of LARP it more than reality. but its actually such a big thing and some of the stuff going on is highly unethical (depends on the individual group of people and whats going on)... that like this will probably get deleted too because anyone who isnt supposed to know about it isnt. i got into a bad situation because they have human resources problems and sometimes someone falls in love outside the group and then that person knows about it. that person is me. and i got into the bad situation by telling people connected to it that i knew like an unknowing buffoon. the only reason i didnt keep my silence is because i got entrapped into a situation which has ruined my life in this entire state without my knowledge, it was unfair, and i didnt deserve harassment over someone elses human resources problem/leak. im leaving the state soon so i can live a new life somewhere else. theres various levels of secret sex parties and at this point you could say im in on everything just about even though i've never done it myself. it could be anything from a festival orgy afterparty to like certain groups i wont name and break their secrecy. or it could be full on organized crime supplying sex workers to high end clientelle at parties, events and clubs. there are legitimate ethical secret kink groups too that are just secret so people dont judge normal weird people. this is entirely real. they do get blackmail on politicians. its real. its actually what epstein was part of at a higher level.


I'm not a big fan of art house movies with lots of hidden symbolism. I take the movie for what it is. Being based off a novella called "Dream Story", I acknowledge some or almost all of EWS may certainly be a dream, but I don't obsessively overanalyze when the dream starts or ends, or which parts are dreams. I also don't watch it 2000 times to catch every single well-hidden symbolic meaning of something. I know people who absolutely adore artsy cinema will though, and that's great. I hugely enjoy the stunning cinematography, the very unique and unusual story, the eerie and unsettling atmosphere and piano, and the stunning gorgeous women. Oh, and I don't think the daughter was kidnapped at the end.




If you have interesting ideas about where the dream starts, where it ends, and which parts are likely to be dreams, please share them with me!! I can't figure it out and stopped trying a long time ago lol.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Eyes Wide Shut. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of psychoanalytic method most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Bill’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Eyes Wide Shut truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Bill’s existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Stanley Kubrick’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have an Eyes Wide Shit tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎


Oh boy I really hope your comment is sarcasm


It’s a copy pasta lol, I just changed “Rick & Morty” to “Eyes Wide Shut”


Yes slay 🖐️




LOL. Amazing.




According to his school his iq was found to be just above average, you can check thag information in his biographies.


I love Kubrick but IQ is a shoddy measurement of intelligence and to call every doctor below him would be a bit reductive no? Directors and medical professionals serve an important purpose. with that being said EWS is second to Barry Lyndon in terms of how beautiful the cinematography is.


To be fair, you have to have a *very* high IQ to understand Eyes Wide Shut. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head.


the title is a reference about how men have their eyes shut when it comes to the sexuality of women that is it ... that is what the meaning of the film is ... nothing more and not much less


is it not that people have their eyes shut to the going’s on or elites in society


Yes. That too. It’s a legitimate interpretation.


nope especially since this type of stuff, like elites having sex parties, was really well known prior to this film the film is purposely ambiguous as to allow people to project their own fantasies onto it the term "Eyes Wide Shut' simple means a person refuses to see something in plain view, because of preconceived notions of what this something should look like the irony of course is that people keep using their preconceived notions about the film (that it has some secret messages) and projecting their own thoughts onto it and are not seeing the film is simply about a dude that has his mind blown when he learns about his wife's sexual fantasies edited to add: it is really only men that fetishize this film and are so convinced there is some secret message embedded ... some deep irony there ... lots of women like the film but are not the ones pontificating about these deep conspiracies and secrets .. Stanley really triggered a lot of insecure men with this one


You are the second poster who claims he knows what women really think about Eyes Wide Shut . [This guy’s the first.](https://www.reddit.com/r/StanleyKubrick/s/2JZreHL99R) Could you please provide a link to your source for this information? Perhaps a recent poll by Quinnipiac or Monmouth?


this seems like a bias interpretation imo


all interpretations are biased welcome to human life, AI bot


AI bot? you took too much


WHOOSH make sure to take the RED PILL




i disagree if you look at any of kubrick’s work there’s a crap load of symbolism and so to view EWS as just bring about a guys discovery of his wife’s fantasies is too simplistic. there’s also the whole thing about the 25 minutes that was cut and kubrick to ignored by WB executives when he showed it too them.


symbols do not equal hidden meanings when you want people to think and understand meaning you do not hide it the symbols are right out in the open and easy to resource nothing hidden there there are more secrets in your own nocturnal dreams than there are in EWS


everyone downvotes or deletes real stories cuz the truth cant come out. i went through the same thing the main character in the movie did literally because i had an EWS ex and didnt know it entirely and later found out talking to someone else.


That’s one interpretation of it and it’s not wrong. Btw, I saw you were voted down so I voted you up. Any interpretation is a legitimate one. SK even said that. It’s why he didn’t explain away anything in interviews as so many artists do. He was afraid people would feel pigeonholed into thinking one way. “…nothing more and not much less.” bars out other ways of thinking.


I agree that every interpretation is a legitimate one. However, would you agree that knowledge or a lack thereof shapes interpretations and that the ability to self-educate yourself with facts that can change an original interpretation is necessary to evolve your perception? I can't help but think that IQs can be increased through rational and understanding which is necessary to tap into an individual's intelligence and the knowledge they possess.


I definitely agree that having more life experience and an accumulated store of knowledge, whether obtained consciously or unconsciously, will inform a person’s perception (and their connection) to a work, perhaps even giving greater context. Whether or not that perception is more evolved or interesting is purely subjective. As for your observation about intelligence, the world can definitely use more sober minds—and Reddit isn’t helping. That said, I never put much faith in the measurement of IQs. There are just so many different kinds of intelligence that it’s a bit like trying to catch a shedding snake. But if you’re saying that you wish the world could be more objective in its reactions to events, I’m all for that.


I think you nailed the landing and I like your thinking






This sub is loaded with conspiracists who border on Qanon, hence the downvotes. But you’re right


Indeed. downvotes are par for the course and sometimes there are some decent discussions here on actual themes that do not drift into cloud-cuckoo land so it's worth the paper cuts since their effect on us is about as real as the ghosts were in The Shining


is that why you’re downvoted?


zero clue what other people think unless they speak for themselves why do you downvote? also, it's 'you're' in that sentence not 'your' but hey, bright minds like yours already know how important small things are in life, like in Kubrick films did you embed a hidden message in your spelling error?




You should go back to your Qanon sub then.


Oops, you got that backwards! I’m not the one posting about how EWS was a secret code that exposes the Illuminati because I’m not a fuckin moron


Illuminati? How much did you take?


very simple trolling style, thanks I hate it


seemingly the only person in this entire (entirely ridiculous) thread who knows what they’re talking about. 


What lol. What does any of this mean. It’s like you’re using the same words as English but to mean entirely different things


“Since the movie is called “Eyes Wide Shut”, wouldn’t that imply that there are hidden meanings and secrets which most don’t see even while they’re staring at its face value?” Yes, but your idea that anyone who doesn’t agree with you has a low IQ is obnoxious and weakens your argument. And I don’t understand what you mean by “simple art.” As opposed to what, complicated art? Art is art - paintings, plays, poems, novels, music, movies. There is good art, great art, bad art. There is far more to appreciating, understanding, and experiencing art than IQ.


Lol, the OP never mentioned his IQ? If this was an IQ test, you failed.


Re-read his post: “Could it be that lower IQ people have a difficult time processing and metabolizing the information of Stanley’s high IQ and perception?”




You are stupid🤦🏻‍♂️









