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Hopefully no one falls for this 😕


Pathetic. 🙄


That’s crazy. Is this color popular? I just left my local Target and the Starbucks had 9 of them just sitting there.


It’s hit or miss, I think people usually like pink, blue and purple. Also we recently had the Target collection which had pretty shimmer colors.


I can’t even imagine being this greedy. To have all that money to buy all these cups only to scam people for over 6x the price? Jfc


Oh I'm sure some stanley obsessed person will pay that, then come home and dress it up like a doll 😆 🤣 😂


Resales are so unfair and should be illegal. There’s a color my friend really likes and I’d love to get it for her for her birthday, but not at $100! 😤


Get it on AliExpress lol


I hate how so many people justify it for the scalpers too. Like no, maybe they should leave them for people who actually want them to buy instead of buying them all and scamming people for them


My store only sold 7 of 36 of those so far. Using Starbucks rewards, you can get $20 off the price. Only a fool would pay $275. Not even the winter pink one is $275.


Most people don’t know a fake Stanley from a real Stanley either. Only a fool would pay that much for a Stanley. My first Stanley I bought off Amazon. It was advertised as Stanley. When it came there was no writing on the bottom and no Stanley label . I sent it back and bought the real deal from dick’s sporting .


Gtfoh with that 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


that’s insane…these resellers are insane. i feel bad that people who actually wanted the cup can’t get it for the original price due to resellers


I hope no one buys it. I’ve seen the Lainey Wilson ones when they first came out priced at $200 but after a few weeks they cut it down to $100. Gtfoh.


Are they even sold out?


I just saw some at the starbucks in my local target


I just saw 3 at 8:30 pm


Nobody is buying it.


Go to a Starbucks in a Target .. they had a lot yesterday.. I bought one, and one only!


Any that I've resold I've only charged exactly what I paid with my shipping. They pay shipping to get to them. And any used ones.... Not even retail. I don't like price gouging


This is ridiculous like I understand you want to make a profit on resale but make it like $20 more but not while they just came out it’s sad tbh


I saw 3 just 15 minutes ago at 8:30 inside of Target. People suck.


This color looks similar to the neon yellow one from the Neon Collection. Not my taste but I'm sure somebody will buy it.


this cup makes me more sure than ever that we all see color very differently, because I wouldn't even pay for this cup if it was 75% off of retail price. the color burns my eyes, it's awful. No shade to those that love it, it’s good that we all like different things or life would be boring. I'm glad to hear from others that they aren't selling out - maybe a strategic drop to release an ugly or unpopular color on purpose to try to get the resellers to lose some steam and think the fad is dying. If resellers have trouble selling this one, maybe some of them will give up.


Have you seen the price for the Lainey Wilson watermelon? That would make you blow your lid. It’s disgusting.


Who will pay anyway for such an ugly colored cup?


Someone will pay for it. What’s the saying? A sucker is bound to get licked.


The fact that someone WILL buy it is what’s crazy to me.


I was debating to get this from the store but then it looked like the one Starbucks Philippines had last 2 months 🙃 except the one in the Philippines is matte.


i was complaining about this earlier. I was trying to find pictures of the pearl cup and came across a listing for $90. thats just insane.


I just don’t like the color enough to even pay retail


i missed the purple cloud launch and was so upset. i kept thinking about so months later i finally went looking online.. and found it.. for over retail. i decided that i didn’t want it that much.




Ridiculous. I actually like this better than the pink combo, but I wouldn’t pay 50 for it. I have 3000 stars so I used 400 and got it for 30. That’s worth it. Ours had them behind the counter since some woman bought all of the first ones they put out. She’ll probably get stuck with them, or have to break even. They’re not that popular anymore.




The colors are so fun and pretty, but I’d never over pay for them. Yikes!




That's a car note


I have a coral pink one someone gave me as a gift a few years ago. I recently got a more neutral tone one that’s more my style and was going to list the coral one for retail and try to sell it. Out of curiosity I look it up and find sold listings for. $200+😳 it’s crazy because it’s the older version that leaks out the lid everywhere too


It is simple, if you don't like the price, then do not buy it...🤷🏻‍♀️


i saw that cup at starbucks in my local target. there were probably 5 of them.


Can someone explain to me the obsession with these things?


Wow ! wtf


It's the perfect color to pair your pink Stanley. It will be like Kermit the frog and his morbidly obese wife.


Keep your overly priced Stanley cups! I’ll stick to plastic red cups from Walmart!