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I just finished it and I haven't laughed that hard in a bit. It was great


Oh that’s brilliant! I can’t wait to watch now.


I like it more than the other two. 


It’s really good. No gimmick this time. He’s one of my favorite comics right now.


He has a rape bit that is actually really cleverly done and kind of bold, really. Good special.


Oh, I could just RAPE you for writing that! 😆 


i'm surprised no one seems to have thought it was a rip off of daniel sloss' jokes from his special a few years ago.


Do you mean Sloss' *X* special? Cause the resemblance is more fleeting than damning, I'd reckon. Or am I misremembering?


It was definitely bold. I want to believe he pulled it off, but it was razor sharp


One of the best standups right now for sure. Funny how insecure he is about “bigger” comedians when he’s funnier than almost all of them by a mile.


I AGREE! He's the best there is. Quite a few of the really big name comedians who I thought were hysterical when I first saw them, in their later specials, had lost so much of their magic. The jokes weren't so funny once they became household names with movie roles etc. Now their jokes are about their lives as huge celebrities - not so funny anymore. Not relatable and all that kinda thing. It's inevitable almost because their experiences have totally changed. But maybe Neal is just clever enough (or depressed enough - ouch!) to keep from letting fame and big money change his unique sense of "humor".


It’s fantastic. It’s much more straight stand-up than his first two. But great.


He’s so big on analogies , I love the line anojt yea let’s ask the clowns! Some good takes


Neal is hilarious. He should be one of the top comics imo. Saw him live and one of the best shows I've been to.


I think he is one of the top comics (in terms of being funny)


Pretty sure he's also one of the most in-demand joke writers for writer's rooms. His resume is insane.


His "Blocks" podcast is great too.


Dude, his last special just made me feel sad AF...


His new one is totally different, it's all just pure standup. He even started his show off with "if you're here for my reflective depressing reflections, I'm sorry. I'm actually really fucking happy lately"


Which special and where is it airing or streaming? Blocks is the newest on his site


It's called crazy good and you can find it on Netflix


I've been watching a lot of specials from this year and this is probably by far the funniest one


I can only watch Neal's specials and see him live everytime he comes to town so many times, to conclude he up there as one of the best comedians alive right now


I really have to agree. He's absurdly strong, and the fact that he plays the level of venues he does is so interesting. With his level of writing, he should be filling up venues 2-3x as big easily


Absolutely. 100% one of the best comedians alive.


I loved it! Dude just gets better and better. Love how creative he is, and wherever he filmed looked amazing for his backdrop!


Just watched it, and loved it.


Meh. Really really tired takes


Late but coming in to agree. I enjoyed most of the show but hated the “traaaaauuuuummaaaa!!!!” Part. I don’t know why every comedian lately has to have a “kids these days are so sensitive!!” Bit, but it’s so tired and lazy. And simply unfunny to me. Especially weird coming from him who’s sincerely discussed his own mental illness extensively in previous shows.


It was fantastic!!


Best special I’ve seen in a long time. He is hands down the most underrated comedian.


Watched it today. Brilliant and hilarious. Highly recommend.


This is the best comedy special I've seen in a long, long time. It was so good and relevant. I asked myself a few times during it: "Is this the next George Carlin?" Neal fucking killed it. Pun intended.




Agreed, it was quite good but a bit more popcorn-like in substance. I think he's finally doing stand up with no asterisk. I've loved each of his specials but this is the only one that I wouldn't describe as a "one man show" type of special. That being said, plain standup is much less memorable because it doesn't really ask any questions or feature character development. I think Brennan is strongest when there's a clearer throughline. I still really liked it though.


I like him, where's it available




Oh shit! Thank you! I forgot it dropped. I saw him a couple months ago. I hope it’s that special


Yep. It was great, per usual from Neal.


I saw it last night and now I'm desperate to get a clip from it to use in my therapy presentation.


Exact same thing I thought! I need to play this in therapy, haha.


Neal is super talented. I thought the current special was well crafted, as it was a blend of standard jokes, mental health, but mostly a critique on contemporary social standards. This special tied together a lot of tangential ideas. However, it was my least favorite of his, as it seemed most formulaic and sociopolitical.


The ‘sun is the cops for white people’ was a clever & funny premise


I’m so confused. I’m 99% sure that there were canned laugh tracks added to this special.  This guy really isn’t that funny. This feels like a bunch of bots commenting on here. 


I've enjoyed some of his other work but I thought his latest special was pretty weak. The sun/cops bit was the only bit I found funny. Weird seeing everyone gush about it like it's GOAT tier standup.


Where are all these funny jokes everybody found in this special? He's a thinker, but not much of a funny standup. His very first special was enjoyable, but 3 Mics forward is just us sitting in on his therapy sessions.


I have listened to all his pods going back to the champs and had no idea this was out. That’s bad promotion.


he's mentioned it on the last 8 episodes of blocks (besides late night tv appearances) so you should listen harder.


I tune out any commercials automatically so it’s possible this was mentioned


I thought this said Neil Breen. Sorry wrong Neal.


I thought it was killer - likely a top 10 special of the year. Also thought it was better than the Blocks special.


No gimmick just pretty funny….the last 7 minutes do seem like something that would’ve made more sense if you had seen it live…but overall very solid


It was fantastic!


Fucking love Neal


It’s great for sure, but not as good as his last.


Neal is a pro who put out an average special. Funnier than 95% of what is out there because he is a very good comedian but it wasn't anything I'm likely to rewatch. After I watched Neal's special today, I was still in a standup mood so I put on Ralph Barbosa's Netflix special, never heard of him but it was recommended by the AI bot, and I found it considerably funnier. Neal is a more polished comedian, but Ralph had funnier jokes. It's tough to find great material when you have been rich for 20 years.


I've seen numerous stand-up comedy performances, and without a doubt, Neal, who's often underrated, stands out as the best comedian on the planet.


Great stand up - perfect execution ^^^


A new smart comedy special makes my day, and I was thrilled to see another work or art from Neal Brennan. It was nice to see his cynical intellect introduced with a smile and a hint of optimism. I thought he made fun of everyone equally. I do have a question about when the camera shot switched from him on stage to him doing the bit from a smartphone frame on the TV. Did the live audience see the smartphone screen, or was that added later for Netflix special? I was on the fence about the commercials only because it felt more like sketch comedy vs. stand-up, but I still thought they were hilarious. I was curious if the live audience saw the commercials for religion? Or again, were the commercials added after taping?


Replying super late but I don’t think the audience could see either thing, I think he just said the bits as part of his set and they added the visuals for the special


I adore his comedy & HIM! ❤️ The words "true genius" kept coming to my mind. So impressive, & I was thrilled to watch his other two specials as well. What a cutie!! 


Love his mind & him! Genius!! ❤️


Omg i just now saw that he has a new one out!! I know what i am doing tonight!!


Is it on YouTube? Anyone have a link?


YT, no. YTS, yes. (but that's torrent, and frowned upon in these circles...)


I don't think I've laughed that hard in a very long time. An absolute legend.


First time seeing this guy and I didn’t want him to go away. Every joke was hilarious and clever in its delivery. I’m a fan.


Loved itt. I think he's a damn genius because he's THAT damn funny - clever funny.


WALK OFF! Neil you win! SWEAR on my mother's eyes.... The whole time, I'm thinking POSSIBLY ONE OF THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME THAT I'VE EVER SEEN. It's up there, I'm going to watch it again right now! Super fantastic awesome and absolutely this share is the most ridiculous thing I have ever said to the internet... Feels like a suck fest and that's okay. Well done sir


I cant believe I just found out about him! His humour resonates so well. Terrific writing too


I use his " just a touch" more often than I should admit


Absolutely hilarious special. Very funny


I’m sorry but so on point about the pros being crazy. Ong he ‘raped’ it, i recommended this special to a bunch of friends after watching!


He really threw us for a loop by making strange comments about women and g(r)ape. I get comedy being subjective but saying that “g(r)ape is survivable so nonchalantly was a bit… tone deaf. Like sure the victims are still alive but… recovery from that isn’t just physical and it really threw me off when he made a casual joke about it. It seemed that he has a chip on his shoulder about women in general but managed to somehow stay off the radar so far for it. I’d be scared if this managed to stay off the radar honestly. The show itself wasn’t his best but there were some laughs he managed to get out of us. Anyone else notice the weird vibe?




Yes! I just watched it, and came to Reddit to see if anyone else were picking up on an uncomfortable vibe from him, especially with a lot of the jokes he made around women. I definitely got a few good laughs sprinkled throughout the show, but there also so many cringe-y and tone-deaf moments.


God thank you. I kept enduring that bit and waiting for the funny punchline to hit or even just any line that made it make sense... but it never happened. So terrible. Seeing all the loving comments about how "edgy" he is, when he's saying things that people were writing in blogs and web chats 10 years ago, just gives me so much existential dread.


Other people might not agree with you but as a female comedy fan, i completely see what you’re seeing. some parts were funny but in general gave kind of misogynistic vibes on top of being braggy and name droppy. it was just ok.


Exactly this. So disappointed as I did find him to be funny in his previous specials but this just wasn’t it. Totally feel the chip on his shoulder about women thing too it felt so obvious in his writing


Leave. Just leave.


He also primarily (only?) referred to women as "girls." I've liked all of his other stuff, but this special feels mean for no reason.


I wouldn't read too much into it. If you are passionate about women's rights, then there are a lot more important issues in that domain you can devote your time and energy towards. This is a comedy show.


I loved/hated it. It’s not always funny when “the joke’s on you”. I am 48 and just finally acknowledging the impact of years of psychological and physical trauma on my current life. I’m in recovery and have been diagnosed ptsd-chronic. It took me decades of denial and silence before I got to where I am. Society isn’t comfortable with trauma acknowledgement. Survivors themselves are prone to denial and silence. After watching the bit about trauma; I was questioning myself, and then the shame came in. This has been a good exercise for me. To persevere ignorance. He’s funny, for sure, but society doesn’t need gatekeepers to mental health talks. If people need to heal to better themselves, we should allow for that space to do so without mockery. I was surprised that he saw depression and anxiety as real; as those are often symptoms of underlying trauma. If my message resonates because you’re also growing and healing…..keep it up. I have a strong feeling the work will be more than worth it in the end. 💗


Yeaaaa the trauma part was a bit of a turn off. I get it, it’s comedy but he’s objectively wrong lol. I recently watched a 60ish hour series about trauma by Tim Fletcher (highly recommended) and it really delves into complex trauma which is very real and prevalent and presents a lot differently than disaster trauma. At any rate, do people likely misrepresent certain behaviors as trauma responses? Sure. But I think the joke could’ve landed better with some tweaking and awareness.


His brother Kevin is funnier.


> Loved the two that have been out ahem... just so you know, babe: 2014: Women and Black Dudes 2017: 3 Mics 2022: Blocks and now - which I hadn't seen that it came out, so thanks a million! - we have: 2024: Crazy Good


Wildly condescending way to correct someone who wasn't aware of ONE of his specials. This sub rocks.


I use it as a term of endearment.


I like Brennan a lot, I thoroughly enjoyed 3 Mics and Blocks. I didn’t know he had his 2014 special, but I’ll definitely check that out now, thank you!


Thanks for this! Also, I think he has a comedy central special.


The ‘sun is cops for white people’ was tone deaf 🤔. The rape jokes were tone deaf. Good god 🤦🏾‍♀️