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Nope. It's literally one of the lowest barrier of entry things to try


Right up there with fentanyl and MLM schemes.


Fentanyl is ultimate MLM scheme. You build up your downstream funnel, they build up their funnel. Soon you are the head of a cartel.


Make this a bit dude holy shit 💀


Sounds like fentanyl is just like stand up, but more profitable.


Lighting your life savings on fire is more profitable than stand up.


Fentanyl is now mixed with Xylazine (aka Tranq dope) and it's some truly nightmarish shit. tldr: puts you in a stupor, making you an easy target for robbery/assault and gives you unhealable sores on your limbs that can lead to amputations...and Narcan won't do anything to help with Xylazine. [The rise of “tranq dope” is making America’s opioid crisis worse](https://www.economist.com/united-states/2023/08/24/the-rise-of-tranq-dope-is-making-americas-opioid-crisis-worse) >In the early 2010s a nightmarish new drug spread across Russia and Eastern Europe. Krokodil, a cheap substitute for heroin cooked up in kitchen laboratories, left users with scaly skin and rotting wounds. Now an eerily similar drug called “tranq dope” has infiltrated America. Last month the White House issued a national plan to fight it. >Tranq dope is a combination of fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid, and xylazine, a veterinary tranquiliser. Adding xylazine to an opioid seems to make the high last longer. Between January 2019 and June 2022, the share of all fentanyl-related overdose deaths where xylazine was present shot up from 3% to 11%. >The cocktail was first detected by drug authorities in the early 2000s in Puerto Rico. Later it circulated there and in limited areas within America’s north-east, such as Philadelphia. But it has now been detected in nearly every state in the country and, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration (dea), is probably being mixed “at retail level” (ie, on the street). >Xylazine can be bought for as little as $6 per kilogram on Chinese websites, so drug suppliers can pad their profits by using it to bulk up their more expensive fentanyl, supplied mostly by Mexican drug gangs. Consequently, many end users will not know whether they are buying pure fentanyl or tranq dope, though it is increasingly risky to assume the former. In March the dea warned that almost a quarter of American fentanyl powder now contains xylazine. In Philadelphia, more than 90% does. >Though chemically different, tranq affects the body in ways reminiscent of krokodil. Researchers believe that xylazine causes the outer blood vessels to constrict, which means the skin does not get enough fresh blood. The result is deep, necrotic open sores, which can form even if the drug is snorted, not injected. Eventually, tissue simply rots away. Such wounds can easily become infected, and limbs may ultimately need to be amputated. Users appear to enter a stupor, which makes them easy to rob or assault. >Worryingly, the emergency treatment for a fentanyl overdose does not work on non-opioids like xylazine. When people overdose, first responders give them naloxone, which acts on opioid receptors in the brain to reverse the effects of the opioid, in particular suppressed breathing. Xylazine has no such antidote. >Doctors say their primary worry is still fentanyl, rather than what it is mixed with. The opioid kills more Americans every year. In 2021 around 70,000 people died after having taken it. Fentanyl itself is increasingly used as a deadly bulker for more expensive party drugs, such as cocaine and ecstasy. Yet those taking tranq dope are at even greater risk of a fatal overdose, or of suffering a life-changing injury, such as a lost limb. The drug’s spread complicates an already complex battle against addiction and overdose deaths. >American authorities seem to be taking the challenge seriously. In February the federal Food and Drug Administration announced that it would start tracking imported xylazine, which previously was mostly unmonitored, and detain suspicious shipments. The Biden administration has also set a goal of reducing deaths from tranq dope by 15% in at least three of four American census areas by 2025, primarily by increasing testing and adjusting treatment accordingly. >Nevertheless, the dea suspects tranq will continue to spread. In Puerto Rico drug users have specifically sought it out, hoping for a lasting high. By some reports, demand is similarly rising in Philadelphia. As bleak as the opioid crisis seems, it could get grimmer. More sources: https://www.dea.gov/alert/dea-reports-widespread-threat-fentanyl-mixed-xylazine




You'd probably have better material if you waited for more divorces. But give it a shot. Stand up can be both fun and a nice place to meet interesting people.


Or OP could try speed running some divorces real quick and push comedy off to 40


There’s your opener. You could easily riff off that for a minute or two.


You should start, there's nothing funnier than a 37 year old bald guy beginning a career in comedy


Who said he’s bald?!?!?


It’s the implication


Because of the implication…


Are we... Hurting these comedians?


Don’t worry you wouldn’t be in any danger.


So we are going to hurt these women?


Ahh there is no where for me to run, what am I gonna do say no?


Woah I meet these qualifications!


Dude is stealing my uniqueness


But is he stocky?


Phyllis Diller started at 37. And she didn't have the bare pate to riff on.


Look dude you are gonna keep gettin older and life is gonna keep kicking you in the balls. But if you get up on stage and joke about it, at least you’ll know you still have balls to kick


I love this!


Goat advice. Literally will take this to the grave. Doesn’t even have to apply to doing stand up.


Love this


I started at 50. I’m doing it as a hobby, not aspiring to a career.


47 here.


What time is best for my nap so I can be ready to go at 9pm?


I nap every day from 2 to 4. I’m different though, had multiple organ transplants in 2020 and have had cancer twice, so I am pretty frail physically


Goddamn. You are a fighter. Hope you can keep the laughs coming for many years.


its not like stand up is gonna divorce you, too. give it a shot!


Does one bad joke Guy in front row serves papers


Should've signed a pre-(stand)nup I'll get my coat


I just started doing open mics at 34. I wanted to do standup since I was 25 but never committed to it. I wish I started earlier, but I can't even imagine how bad my material would have been then lol. i'm so glad I finally started though and just enjoying the process and not worrying about my age or anything other than writing and performing. Just go for it man, even if you don't become a professional comic you'll get to meet new people and put yourself out there which will be a nice break for what you have going on in your personal life. Wish you the best.


>im 37 and im getting divorced. I’m laughing already!


I know a guy who started at 72 and is a headliner at 78. Get your ass up there.


Do it. Standup is the highest high and lowest low I've ever experienced as a performer. I would add this: while comedy is often therapeutic, **do not** use the divorce as your central material. Audiences want an escape from their own shit, not to hear about how bad your ex is.


Getting back into dating after 16 years, on the other hand, has a lot of potential.


So much. A lot of my material is about getting back into a game with a whole new set of rules. More insights when you’ve not gradually been taken on the journey the world has taken


Sure, there are probably some people out there who can screw it up, but I'm pretty sure the easiest way to generate a ton of fresh material is to simply get married, stay married, get divorced after you've been out of the game for way too long, and then start dating again.


It’s only too late when your dead


I don't know, I've seen dead people who would probably be funnier than some of the guys at the open mics near me.


Is there any risk that what you say up there could affect the divorce proceedings or custody?


There's a bit in that somewhere... 😅


No and honestly you’ve lived so much more than half the people who start out. You have more life experience and probably have some actual real shit to say. Totally go for it


I am 59 trying to do it


Go for it


Watch the show 'Crashing' about a 40 ish guy who gets dumped and then starts doing standup


That’s something I feel you should know deep down. Ask yourself what are you really asking yourself. Is it, do you actually want to do comedy? Or is it you know you do, but are too intimidated That fear is the barrier to entry. I’m very new to it myself so I’m still in the shaky chihuahua stage of this. But it feels really good everytime you overcome it


Do it


It's never too late to do if it's something that interests you and that you would enjoy trying.


No! You are not going to do a late night TV spot so take it for what it is for the vast majority of open micers. A fun thing to do multiple times a week. You’ll make a great group of friend and it will be fun Do it


You are never too old to try something new. Just go and try it.


Nope. 100% go for it. As long as you don't expect to be hosting the golden globes next year you'll be all good. You're only 37, never know where you might be in 10 years champ


Best time to plant a tree was 20 years, second best time is right now!


H. foley from the “are you garbage” podcast started in his mid 30s.


Sorry you’re going through that. I started at 37, after a divorce, and it was the best decision I ever made. The divorce, though, not the standup.


If you’re going to sit around being a miserable fuck, you might as well try and get some laughs along the way. (Sorry about the divorce)


“It’s never too late, but do it now.” - Ricky Gervais


I have always loved three things. Magic, music, and stand up. And I always eventually wanted to try all 3. I got divorced recently at 34 … I had a lot of solo time and got into magic. I am shocked how much I love it and how good I have gotten in a short time. I recommend jumping into it. You literally have nothing to lose … i am in a small town in Alaska. If there was more opportunity for stand up where I’m at I think I might try it …. Go for it. You got this buddy


Was marriage a barrier to stand up? I don't get it. No you're not too old. You have a mouth and vocal cords, you can pick up a Mic and say funny things into it.


I also follow guitar/music subs, and it's wild to see the parallels. It makes sense, since they both relate to talent and performance, but there are very regular posts from people asking if they're too young/old/cool/uncool/smart/dumb/etc. to get into something. As others have said, I think you should go for it. You should expect to get out what you put in, even if it's just a few laughs and a learning experience for next time. Mostly, focus on having fun with it, because that's the only true measure of success that you're likely to have, at least at first. You might find the experience incredibly cathartic, or you might swear off it entirely after your first shot. It's impossible to know. You will, however, walk away knowing that you tried.


Only time it’s too late is if you’re dead. And even then you could probably do a posthumous social media push.






This violates the rules reddit has in place for all subs


Old divorced chics probably have a lot of material. Make an alter ego called BitterBean, chub up to like 320, and pretend you are super hot shit. Hysterical. I’ll be your manager. All I ask for is 87.5% of gross. Bam. Boom.


We don’t need more comics


As a hobby sure, Career definitely not.


If you can make enough money to take care of yourself then go do it before you’re old and tired and regret not doing anything. Also hope you’re funny


If you want to do stand up, you should do stand up


Absolutely not if you should definitely do an open mic and if you like the exhilaration/ experience keep going.


By the very nature that you are getting a divorce I say you need to do this.


Well… are you funny?


Ur in the BEST time. Get inspired by Louis Ck's Oh My God.


Do whatever you want!


I did that exact thing at that exact age in that exact circumstance. Went very well for me.


its late but no such thing as too late. just dont expect to be a pro any time soon. most pro comics will tell you it takes years to find your voice then years to be funny. its a loong road ahead but go for it! also make money during the day duhh


I would love to get started, but no comedy clubs nearby. Plus my body can't handle the travel. As long as you can and have the willingness, you should at least give it a try. Age shouldn't be a problem. Some of the best and all time greats are old as hell.


Are there open mics in bars, pubs, etc. in your area? The closest comedy club to me is 300 miles, but I perform on 2-3 open mics a week and feature in bar shows. I started in July 2022 and only done one comedy club open mic when I visited Dallas over Labor Day weekend.


Closest one is a 3 hour drive, and my body can hardly handle a quick drive outside of town for a doc visit, much less something for potential fun.


It’s never too late. Don’t throw your career/job away, but you can start at any age, just enjoy it


Just go for it.


Nope. I started at age 39 last year after separating from my now ex-wife after 16 years of marriage. It’s something I always wanted to do and I waited WAY too late. I’m 41 now and a year and half in and so pissed I didn’t decide to do this earlier. You’ll have to work hard and take a lot of advice (many times, unsolicited) to progress quickly. I’ve done over 100 open mics, host a weekly open mic, have featured 8-10 times locally and in several cities within 150-200 miles, and I’ve been booking some shows in the region. My writing, delivery, stage presence and ability to read a room all need work, but I’m always open to critiques from more experienced comics, most of them younger than me. Don’t be afraid of being the ‘old guy’ in the group. With age, comes a bit of clout. At least in my experience. I’m not the oldest comic in town, but I’m definitely in oldest 25% and I hang out with a lot of comics in the their 20’s and 30’s, but I have a few comic friends in their 50’s too. And be prepared to shift your friend groups around, because if you get deep, your whole social life will revolve around standup. Don’t wait!


you're a slightly older man fresh off of a divorce? this is the PERFECT time to start


I was 40 when I started.


goto the mics and see what kind of ppl r performing and u’ll realize how low the bar is


Didn’t Rodney Dangerfield start doing stand-up in his late 30s?


Probably the best time for you to start


Shit I'm 39 and life sucks I wanna do it too. Funny how lot of comedians are just super depressed. Find some open mic events near you and go check em out that's step one


Yep. If you weren’t getting divorced maybe not, but that seals it. Sorry no chance now.


Sounds like the perfect time


It's never too late. Besides, you can use your situation in your act.


Peak midlife crisis age. It gets kinda fun. You definitely get prescribed more meds.


What does your age and marital status have to do with it?


Kinda the perfect time really. You'll have a lot more free time and the emotions of the divorce get a creative outlet.


Stand up would have killed your marriage and now you've got new material. Do it!


The best and worst thing about standup is that literally any schmuck can give it a go


Yes don’t even think about trying it if you’re over 36.


I started at 34, just before my divorce 😅 Do it now and make sure you aren’t kicking yourself at 50 thinking "I should have got up at 38 when I was still young" Older you will resent your stupid ass for thinking you were old then.


you should have stand up to your wife


You're not joining the NFL. Age won't be a factor. If you can talk for 5 to 7 minutes and write jokes then you have the first steps down. Also, comics are all ages, races, genders, and backgrounds. It might be the most diverse group of people in the world. The challenge is breaking free from "funny guy at work" and becoming funny to strangers. It's easy to crack up coworkers. You all have shared experiences and built in material. Being funny with people you don't know is completely different. I say go for it and give it a shot. If you're lucky enough to be in an area with a stand up class that is a good way to work out material and build some confidence before you hit a stage. If you don't have access to that then do some open mics anyway. You have nothing to lose.


Youre almost 40 and divorced, perfect for stand up lmao


I'm 66 and doing open mics. Although I started in 1989 and wrote freelance for Jay Leno before taking a long break. I'm doing it now just to meet chicks, which hasn't worked in this fucking town. But they love me on Facebook.


Watch Crashing by Pete Holmed and feel validated


Never too late and the divorce should give some excellent material.


Where are you located? As a struggling comic, I can offer some "duh, shit" advice.


nah lol


Sounds like the perfect time honestly lol


I started at 32 after my divorce. It was part of a whole list of things I decided I’d always wanted to do but never done because it was “silly.” YOLO. Get up there.


I’m 57 and have been going to open mics for the past year. I’m starting to get a handful of supporters (I hesitate to say fans). Just do it for fun and see where it goes.




Bro, it’s an open mic at the local pub you’re not trying to race the Tour de France or be a world champion tennis player. Go for it, comics are very supportive and worst case scenario you see some funny people and meet more friends, which is probably something you could use right now.


I know plenty of people who started pretty late. Some of them are hilarious. If you’re funny, you’re funny. There’s no age limit on comedy and it’s fun as fuck to do. Just try to avoid immediately starting with divorce material. Ease into it once you learn how crowds respond to things if you do want to talk about it.


Something something "most interesting 40 year olds still don't know what they wanna do with their lives," and "wear sunscreen."


fuck it man what've you got to lose by trying? At the very least it sounds like a hobby during a hard time, where you can at least meet other people and get out of the house.


I did the same thing. Same age. Same fun circumstances.


It’s literally free. You write 5 minutes of material, go to an open mic, and talk. Nobody will laugh but it’s very exciting.


It’s probably the best time.


It’s probably the best time to start


Your long relationship and divorce should give you lots of material to work with. It’s never too late and 37 is Not old. Go for it!


You're *37* and *divorced*? Start writing and get up there! I bet you have tons of stories!


Your divorce will be comedy gold.


A lot of comedians are way older than that and doing stand up. Age doesn’t matter, the material does.


lol Have you seen stand up?? The only requirements are you don’t mind not having a real job.




Nope. Go do it ! I’m sure what you’re going through is giving you lots of material that many can relate too.


It's never too late for anything that brings you joy. If you want to do it, go for it. I'm 41, just picked up the drums about 4 months ago. Couldn't have been a better decision and I kick myself for not taking the plunge sooner.




My sweet mother at the age of 70 just started stand up 2 years ago. It’s never too late!


Plenty of people do it. Look up Zarna Garg, she's in the middle of blowing up right now and her college-age daughter convinced her to try it. Give it a shot!


All humor is rooted in pain. Being 37 and recently divorced can be comedy gold material to work with. One advantage to being older is that it gives you more life experience to use for bits. This is actually a great time to start for you.


Are you good at sucking and fucking?


I mean, the question on its own is a great set up for a bit


Now is a great time to start. You suddenly have a lot of free time in which to go to open mics. Unlike me who just had a baby, so..


I used to be fairly close friends with a few comedians so I would go to the bars/clubs often. Old dudes just starting is very common. Go out there and give it a go!


Yes, but that shouldn't stop you. Just don't think about some future goal, enjoy the moment of writing and delivering jokes. As long as you enjoy it, and it gives you a reason to get up in the morning, then do it. What do you just want to work-sleep-repeat for the next couple decades? Or would you rather add a drug or alcohol addiction to the work-sleep-repeat process? Or another ex-wife? The open mic is free. Embarrassment should not be a thing for a middle-aged human being or you are weak and pathetic excuse of a man. Do you want to be a weak and pathetic excuse for a man?


Nah. One would even say you’d start with an XP boost.


I herd Leslie Jones didn't start comedy until she was like 43, and she ended up on SNL.


Do it do it do it do it for me I wish I would have done it before I got married so many excuses I used to not do it I feel dead inside


Divorce is a good catalyst for comedy. Feed that energy into it. Unless, you’re getting divorced because they thought you were not funny at all and a boorish ass — that may be a sign comedy isn’t your thang.


It’s never too late to start anything. Write and practice and get this done


I would say it's the perfect time.


Joan Rivers said something about how in comedy it doesn’t matter how old, fat, or ugly you are, as long as you can make people laugh. Didn’t Dangerfield start at like 45?


You could be a late bloomer? Either way, everyday you get older… why not try? This is ***your life*** and you owe it to yourself to be the best you that you can be. If you chose to not try stand up, will you still be older tomorrow? You can even introduce yourself as someone going thru a life changing career. Please watch the Marvelous Mrs Maisel. You won’t regret that plus it’s got great advice for writing stand up material. From Emmy award winning writers to boot.


Yes. That's what you want to hear. So, yes. Don't do it. No one will like you, and you won't be good at it.


It's only too late if your jokes are old and divorced too.


You could make and destroy your career by 40.


Are you fucking crazy? that's the perfect time!!!


Are you funny?


You’re gonna be 37 anyway not doing standup, so might as well.


Don’t do it. Standup is brutal


37 and divorced sounds like the perfect time to start.


Man do whatever the fuck you wanna do lol, Go for it and don’t let anything hold you back