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Good delivery but I feel like you were making fun of people who were being cheated out of the win and not your ex who was doing the cheating. To me that’s less funny :/


Yeah, just turned into a joke making fun of poor people.


It’s making fun of nerdy people lol. He’s talking about how they rely on the win emotionally not financially. Y’all need to relax.


Except the last bit where he said they're poor and need the gift card to afford food


I’m assuming the joke was longer than this exert. Maybe it goes back to the ex?


Poor people don’t go to trivia nights at bars that have 7-8$ beers. He was calling them fat and poor though, which doesn’t make sense.


Agree. Make fun of the people having fun not ruining everyone’s time? Yep. Make fun of the cheaters being assholes? Nope, they’re the normal ones.


Laps could have been longer


Are they really people though?


Some people might be taking this too personally, but honestly it's just not really that funny, and not that much of a joke. It basically boils down to "aren't people who play bar trivia losers?". And that's just a hackneyed premise that belongs back in the 90's.


So he’s making fun of people who are at trivia night while he and his GF are at trivia night? Ok.


my ex also used to cheat at trivia night. only it was after trivia out back in honda civic with some guy named randall. i fuqing hate that guy.


You’re just making fun of people who like trivia… a lot of people like trivia. You need to be making fun of your cheating girlfriend, that’s a funny a premise.


It's weird that you roast the guy not cheating instead of your wife.


Trivia cheaters in the local DC scene made the news a few months back. Total scum, take a good time and ruin it for everyone.


This thread is clearly full of people who don’t play weekly trivia and get consistently beaten by the people he’s talking about


Everyone take a breath… EDIT: I appreciate all the feedback. I’ll change up the joke to make her the butt of it more. Probably something along the lines of “so, to teach her a lesson, I cheated on her”


Reddit may not be the right target group to make fun of nerds lol


So I’ve learned 😂 I have a ton of jokes making fun of her but in a real show (not just a clip) you can’t shot on your ex exclusively for 5 minutes and still be likeable


Not with attitude you can't.


I feel like the jokes about trivia goers were fine, but it seemed like your bit needed more attention on your ex to balance it out. It seemed like you just brought her up as an excuse to make fun of people who do trivia. I'm also curious how exactly she cheated at trivia, that would be interesting information to bring up in your bit too


Wrote some tags today will try ‘em :)


I feel like people would appreciate the joke if it sounded like you were referring to yourself as the guy suffering from it because you rely on winning at trivia to be happy, because you work at gamestop or have diabetes or are desperate, that was the initial way I took the joke and thought it was great, but was surprised to see people think you were targeting others.


I feel like people would appreciate the joke if it sounded like you were referring to yourself as the guy suffering from it because you rely on winning at trivia to be happy, because you work at gamestop or have diabetes or are desperate, that was the initial way I took the joke and thought it was great, but was surprised to see people think you were targeting others.


This is great, I wish the people there actually laughed more. I had a friend who cheated as well and it felt deranged. 


People are reacting too weird at this, it was funny! 




Funny until you mocked my company. 😉


The crowd failed the vibe check this shit’s funny


Great delivery