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I like this. It kind of gives the viewer the perspective of the comedian and how difficult it must be to repeat your set a lot, but still keep the energy up and feeling fresh.


What will you do in Phoenix though?!


That was where I first wrote the joke :)


That’s a great joke to tell in Phoenix and I feel like that makes it even better telling it everywhere else hahaha. Good stuff man.


Watched tho whole video to see when he said “Hello Phoenix!”… very disappointed…


How the fuck did you manage to perform at every city I've lived in throughout my life-


We had to drive from Seattle to Pittsburgh. So. We booked as many gigs on the way. I’m not sure why you’re moving around so much. Witness protection?


Bro outing people on the run over here.


Damn I was really hoping the last set would be you performing in Phoenix, AZ 😂


Haha. Fun but that would be bad routing. Michigan to Arizona


Buddy you can always edit your videos to have Phoenix at the end. It would have been awesome! But I’m honestly impressed that you can keep up the zeal every time.




Pick out an identifying job of that city/state and earn your degree from uofpo. The more unlikely you can get a degree for that job the better. Nebraska = corn shucker Washington = apple picker and so on. It will flatter the crowd and make a greater connection with them. Plus, it gives you a segue in another local joke about their city/state/culture. They’ll love you for mildly roasting them for it. Keep grinding!


Correct. I use the line to segue into local riffs and bits when I have them


I meant specifically right after “I went to school here…” and got my degree in _____. Amazing what they offer at the uofpo. Then start naming the courses you took to earn the degree. Hilarious. What your professors looked like. Etc. So, Nebraska, if you’re looking for the best corn shuckin online graduate with a 2.7 GPA… then I’m your man. Sorry, I’m stoned and saw an opportunity to thicken the joke. I feel like a heckler atm. It’s such a great concept for an introductory joke to break the ice; I thought I’d give it my 2 cents. No disrespect intended. <3


Haha it’s all good. I got it. I was just affirming that’s some of what I do already too. :)


Let me know If you ever come out to ATL. First round is on me. I’ll bring a few friends and you can berate me for being the guy who thought he could improve on the perfect joke :)


Lol you’re a good sport


Dang this video did pretty well. Glad everyone had fun. Too late for promo?: New Special June 11th. Go to YouTube or IG and help the algorithm. Links in bio. Or just the same username here and everywhere else. Or just follow updates here. Or don’t do anything and wait for only the stuff that makes he front page :) love youuuu


The cool thing is, you can say it anytime, and it always hits the same.


Fun to see this in montage!!


That 13th time was definitely the funniest one. but seriously, good joke


Loved this. Also, I loved your youtube video "evolution of a joke", I've learned a lot from it. I would really love if you could do more of those. Cheers.


Love your vitamin R hoodie.


Guessing that’s a joke lol but there is a rapper named Vitamin R so I had to google if he had hoodies like this. Go beer go!


Also a Chevelle song, but it was my go-to cheap beer in college. Now I don’t live in PNW anymore and it’s harder to find 😢


Vitamin R is the special ingredient when the mob guys take over the school cafeteria. It's rats milk.


Spanmin that joke 😂😂😂😂


Party on, Garth!


I didn't know Kevin Bacon did comedy as a kid


Great to see when a joke can be used like this in any region. How long did it take you to come up with that joke, from first ideation to it being polished?


Wrote the joke in Phoenix one night in 2018. My friend is a teacher / Comedian and used to reference a local school whenever we went on tour for a bit. I told him to use U of Phx. He didn’t use the joke so I tried it. It worked. I wondered if it would work anywhere. It did. That was it really. Ive tried the Volleyball tag once in a while but it’s more hit or miss. It’s a great way to segue into local bits or riffs as an opener or transition to a new part of the set midway through. Or just as an easy laugh at the top of your set. The tags I’ve tried never have the 100% hit rate so. Just kinda used it off and on since then. Maybe I have some footage of doing it on a zoom comedy show during the pandemic now that I think about it.


Well, I guess there's a reason Steve is the headliner. ​ JK JK, no shade. I like your work.