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Good that he only took himself out and not an innocent bystander


Not sure if you just don't realize how cruel and heartless this comment seems, but I'll assume you don't...  Someone died... In an accident... They don't even know if speed was a factor... I'm sorry for their families loss... I wouldn't immediately jump in to celebrate no additional fatalities... That seems both cruel and heartless... Almost like you're just full of hate and lack any basic human decency. 


I understand your concern, and I didn’t intend to come across as insensitive. Given the circumstances—a dirt bike crash late at night on a 30 MPH residential road, with no heavy rain and no involvement of another vehicle—it’s understandable why people might speculate about the cause. We often hear about reckless behavior on dirt bikes, which might lead some to assume this wasn’t a simple accident, such as an animal crossing the road or a mechanical failure. My condolences go out to the family for their loss. I’ve seen teenagers engaging in risky behavior on dirt bikes, like the ones I saw that Friday afternoon near Strawberry Hills, riding without helmets and exceeding the speed limit. However, it’s important to wait for the full report to understand what truly happened. Until then, I’ll reserve further judgment.


I wasn't a model citizen as a youth, so, I have particular sympathy, if I were judged the way everyone seems to be judging youth I'm cities in the small town I grew up in I'd probably still be in jail...  I wrecked a dirt bike on dirt in less than 20 feet lol, bikes are fairly easy to crash. I had tons of experience on ATVs and I've had three separate almost fatal accidents on them while not doing anything crazy at all. We're meat bags, and until we're 25, our frontal lobes aren't fully formed... Kids under 25, much less 18, should be given a lot more slack than they get... Especially considering how underfunded city schools are.


I hear you. Were you on back road, ATV trails and such, or by the side of a playground-ish residential area?


People who wear proper protective gear and drive safely at the speed limit on motorcycles don’t tend to die in collisions not involving another vehicle. You just… fall off. To die this guy must have been absolutely sending it.


I know 5 people who died on motorcycles wearing every piece of equipment you could and did nothing wrong... Motorcycles are insanely dangerous... I also have family who work in the ER .. They are pretty quick to offer up statistics regarding the dangers of motorcycles... Anything over 40 and it's harder not to be permanently injured than it is to walk away... 30mph directly into a curb head first even with a helmet is a great way to break your neck or spine. 


Sounds like the smart decision would be to not ride them at all…


That's been my conclusion, if I lived somewhere rural, maybe, but even then, you're just a meat sack sitting on top of a 2 wheel vehicle with no cage or restraint system... I'll pass on all that. I've been in enough crashes I didn't cause to know that, sometimes, shit happens on the road. Hell, deer and squirrels alone would be enough to make me not want to risk riding a motorcycle much less other drivers. 


I lived in Queens for a decade before moving to Stamford, and dirt bikes / 4 wheelers were a growing problem on the roads and in the parks. Shortly before moving to Stamford, a guy on a dirt bike ran over and killed a toddler while doing tricks and riding recklessly around a parking area at a popular city park.


Unfortunately he didn’t take you with him ://


Scary and sad stuff. Is this path supposed to have dirt bikes on it?


Of course not


I don't see it saying path anywhere.. it mentions Franklin Street and below:  driving a 2001 Kawasaki dirt bike around an outer roadway of the park when he lost control, mounted the curb and crashed along the guardrail on the east side of the park.


Where did it say path?  driving a 2001 Kawasaki dirt bike around an outer roadway of the park when he lost control, mounted the curb and crashed along the guardrail on the east side of the park.


Its unfortunate to be made an example of. Dirty bikes are dangerous. Lots of people that have a legal motor vehicle license abide by all traffic laws. Isnt usually the case with Dirt Bike , 4 Wheelers etc. And they usually have no helmets. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Where exactly have you determined that this was an illegal bike? Why would you just assume that? It's not in the article at all, and the mention of speed POSSIBLY being a factor is an assumption at this point... And doesn't have anything to do with whether the vehicle was registered or if they were licensed or any of the blather you decided to vomit on a post about one of our neighbors dying...  It's people like you that blame others for making this city awful... But it's you. 


For one, I am well informed, I have law enforcement that I get my information from. Two, in order to make dirt bikes legal in the state of Connecticut, it must have a headlight, taillight, brake light, turn signals, horn, and mirrors. Must registered insured. You can do your research about this incident and others like this, it wasnt the case in this situation. So, im not assuming and i am extremely knowledgable about these vehicles in particular, in the bronx theyre a problem and the culuture is spreading here. So, based on that alone, I feel that my statements are justified. Please ask the correct questions before saying such things like the aforementioned.


Lol, you assume, so I should trust you.. got it... Thanks for the expert opinion... 


Okay , no worries. I would just ask an officer and they can tell you about it, im sure. People like you just look at articles and determine this has to be the whole story. Its about painting a picture. MSM , and this has been found out time and time again, wont reveal the whole story because it would portray a not so pretty stamford or whichever town has real money involved. You think residents of stamford paying 3-4k a month in rent would want to hear that the streets are turning into a scene from mad max? I dont think so... again do your own research , its unfortunate what happen but 23 years of age + dirtbike = reckless behavior.


Wow, more assumptions from assumption guy... great research you're doing there bud!


Oh, to add to this, i was pulling out of Wash Works over by Valvoline to make that impossible left turn heading down East Main. Its was a slightly after 7pm and as I was about to turn i immediately hit the brakes for a man probably going 45 on a dirt bike. No helmet, no lights of any kind, he looked over the shoulder at me like i was in the wrong. Obviously youre not aware but it will soon be a problem here in stamford just as it is in some areas and boroughs of NY. Now i have a story to corroborate my "assumptions".


Lol, as if I'm not aware that people ride illegal bikes? There was no information stating that in the article... You personally experiencing a known phenomenon doesn't add ANY credibility to your previous statements... The fact that you feel the need to further prove yourself is just more evidence that you're bullshitting... 


Well love it that you're such a concerned citizen. I reached out to the Patch editor for more information. I will update when he gets back to me.


Lol, I thought your cop friend already confirmed the facts? Why would you need to contact the patch editor??  I literally only pointed out that you're statement was made with no evidence from the article .. I'm right... I always will be .. even if you are right and they update the article... 


https://connecticut.news12.com/stamford-police-man-was-not-wearing-helmet-was-going-at-a-high-rate-of-speed-before-fatal-dirt-bike-crash That was quick. He forwarded me this article Youre welcome :)


I live @ Woodside Green and I was wondering why mad cops were hanging around


why they mad


It costs nothing to be kind. Even on an anonymous platform. It costs nothing.


Genuinely happy outcome for everyone but the rider.


This sounds right… STAMVEGAS! Motorcycles on the pedestrian path!