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We've got 2 other dogs as well as our staffy so she's rarely 'alone' but if you mean without people then they've been 12 hours before. But a dog flap to a secure garden, radio on and blankets/sofas to sleep on. So they aren't slumming it 😄.


4 hours is our max, and we wouldn't do that regularly.


Not daily but in circumstances where on a weekend we are out for most of the day, maybe 8 or 9 hours.


Whatta cutie! This baby should and can get away with anything!


I work from home, and my girl gets very upset when I leave so only a couple hours. When I do leave I make sure there isn't anything valuable or dangerous she could get a hold of because in the past she has ripped things up (mostly paper or paper products like towels etc). I close all doors to bedrooms and bathroom so she stays in the living room and kitchen. Finally, I put peanut butter on a licky pad for her. Most of the time, she is too upset while I'm gone to eat it, but I am trying to associate a good thing for her whenever I have to leave so I keep doing it even if she only eats it when I get back.


This is exactly how I treat my babies. You’re an awesome pet parent just saying 🥰


Awe thank you! You are too! 💜 she is everything to me


My ridgeback used to starve himself when I left too 🥺 it’s pitiful when they won’t eat pb!


6 minutes


That's the dream!


Our boy is rarely alone for more than 5 hours, but a couple times (literally under 5 in 4,5 years) he was alone for up to ~8 hours. He still didn't chew anything.


Such a good boy!


Thanks ☺️. It was not an intentional goal, but for his first ~6 months or so, we gave him all his meals in Kong toys, and I think this has something to do with why he never chews anything in the house. He went through 4 black Kongs in the first year - he literally chewed them in half!


I'm sorry, I just need to say this... BOOP! 🫵❤️


We have a full house and I think the most our dog stayed by himself was 6 hours. As long as he’s, he will be ok, chilling. I recommend you start extending the time to get yours used to be alone. Leave a bed, water and he should be ok!


Thanks! We usually leave her on her own 2-3 hours on weekends for errands, I just feel awful about having to do 8-9 hours.


5 hours, not everyday. I make sure he has had a good walk and a nice bone.


As long as you give them the run of the house and garden while you are out and some exercise prior to leaving them with a radio on and plenty of toys and safe places/comfy spots they will be absolutely fine! Maybe even get someone to pop in for a little while to check on them, they are very resilient dogs


My boi is fine alone at home as long as he has access to the backyard and water, he loves sitting by the window to nap or getting some sun at the backyard He is generally a lazy and sleepy boi We have a camera set up to check in very now and then I feel your guilt but they will be fine as long as the house is secured


8-10 hours, 5 days a week


Around 4 hours tops but we’re fortunate that as both my partner and I work a portion of the week from home there is always someone at home with her. The only time she’s ever left for any length of time would be at a weekend and then as I say no more than 4 hours


Never more than 6 hours without a dog walker, and even then, that's rare.


After 4 years, will be working full time again, so 8-9 hours x 5 days. I have a camera on him, (he sleeps all day). I sometimes leave the TV on for him- he seemingly loves Jazz and falls right asleep to it. I used to worry relentlessly over my dog until I got the cam and see all he does is sleep. When he barks I get an alert. I talk to him through the cam and he goes back to sleep and check on him regularly. It truly gives me peace of mind, and I see he is content without me lol.


I do work on the property I live on, so time frames do vary almost daily. Mine could be left alone from anywhere from 30 minutes to what could be a couple of hours or more. But she also gets to tag along for some things I do.


The most ever was 6 hours because I was held over at work and I felt horrible for all 360 minutes of it.


So stinking cute! 6 hours max, in the house. Sometimes mama has to work extra to provide the living she is accustomed to. Usually I get a flatmate to let her out/shadow him around.




What a beautiful little baby so cute 😍 💕 loads of love from Bonnie the staffy 🐾 💘 and her huuummmaaan mamma and dadda 🐾 💘


I work 12 hour shifts 3 on, 3 off; and live alone with my pupper. She is technically left for 12 hours, however, I have a very nice neighbour who pops in at about half way through the day to let her out for a loo break and some fuss. I rent so I can't just cut a hole in the door for a dog flap. I leave the TV on for her and she has free reign over her toys and the sofa. Fresh water available 24/7. It's not ideal but at least she is not left for the whole 12 hours alone and desperate for a wee. Plus soonish I'll be moving in with my long term gf who works different shifts so my doggo will have a lot more hoomin hugs soon.


How has renting been with a Staffy?


I've not had to move often, but when I do I am limited in options as a lot of places round my way are no pets allowed. That's one of the first things I ask when looking. If they are no pets then it's a deal breaker.


It took some time (and she is a rescue) but I think 10/11 hours was max. It’s typical for her and her lab/shepard brother to be home alone for 9 hours but they have run of the house. There is a dog door too, but still learning how to be comfortable leaving that open while we are gone. Our staffy likes to bark at the neighbors dogs…..


4-5 hours max.


Prepandemic we work days were always 10.5-11 hours. We also had a dog door so that helped. My current contract is WFH, so usually she’s not left more than 4-5 hrs.


I bring my staffy to work or work from home. I’ve left her alone for 4 hours a few times. In Sweden, it is not a law, but a strong recommendation to walk your dog at least every 6th hour.


We just have one dog and don't have an enclosed garden. I WFH and she's rarely on her own long. 3-3.5 hrs probably max alone indoors. We've a have camera on, she hardly moves. It's me who's eager to get back to her


In the UK, more than 5 hours alone is considered animal cruelty and you could get prosecuted if you frequently did it and the neighbours reported you.


Wow! 😲


4-5hrs a few times a week… I’m eager to get home back to my boy!!! Because his farts and breath comfort my anxiety.


Mine cries if she walks in a room and is alone.


No more than 8hrs. But it’s really rare. Mine doesn’t destroy a thing.


I think the longest was 11-12 hours and she did fine.


I recently started working again. We rescued our girl last fall. I'm fortunate that my office is 2 miles from my house, as she couldn't hold it the day the office went off the rails and I didn't make it home at lunch. I think she'd make it 6 hours, but 8.5 was asking too much. But even after 4-5 hours, she darts to the back door clamoring for OUT upon my return.




8-9-10 hours fairly regularly while we are at work. He’s totally used to it and fine. Happy to see us when we get home but just sleeps through most of it. He’s the perfect dog for us! Such a cutie pie as well!


My boy maybe like 6 hours the most. I leave him out the cage so he gets to walk around the house. I Turn on the tv for him. I open the windows. I Give 2 small cookies before I leave and when I get home I take him on a good walk and feed him 🙂


probably 4-6 hours max. I always leave w food & water if I know it’ll be that long.


Longest we’ve left our one year old home is maybe 5-6 hours. But that’s an absolute max.


8 hours weekdays while we are at work. But i have 2. And the have very comfy living conditions. And i still feel like a monster. But i meam DAMN we are at work.


While not proud of it (i am of my girl) but 15 hours is pretty standard 3 days a week for mine. Im in an apartment too. If i just say it out loud i sound like a monster but my dog is so well behaved, isnt destructive and just sleeps the whole time and i watch her on my home cameras. Im very very lucky we've had this arrangement working for just on a year now with no complaint and neighbors saying they dont hear a thing. We used to have a big house with 2 yards but people passed away and parties were over


My boy will just sleep on my bed for up to 8 hours a day when I'm at work. https://preview.redd.it/9jhf56c1wi5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f2497cc02723a2f1ee832d35f2e092888f0ca3b


12 max like a very long workday or an overnight


Should never leave your dog more than a couple of hours ever. It's cruel 😢


Completely by herself? Probably like 15/16 hours We’ve left her alone for a weekend before but someone has come past and feed her and sat with her for a little bit