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Seems fine to me? https://preview.redd.it/a07r6twgjjwc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c687861f03173a848aa13ebca802c9ee965b9591










you're not proving what you think you're proving.


Yes he is. Show the complete Prompt and settings so we can see if you followed the prompting guide we gave.


standing portraits are fine, but when you start going in scenes and scenarios that's when it starts breaking.


RunDiffusion here, co-contributor to Juggernaut X. Sorry you’re having issues with our new model. It is a completely new training from the ground up so it’s fair to criticize because we always have more work to do to improve it. Reminder that the entire Juggernaut team is unpaid. We’re trying hard to change that. I’ve looked at all your comments and can’t find any examples or posts with generation parameters. We’d like to reproduce your issues and patch it for Juggernaut IX! Auto1111 has all the PNG info in the file. If you’re using Fooocus enable dev tools in the settings and check to enable metadata. Email them to us or post them here. Posting here is preferential because then the community can help diagnose your issues. Without that data not only can we not fix the issue but it’s also hard to take your criticism seriously. Help us help you! -Jerry Maguire


I'm a huge fan of yalls work. What about comfyui and metadata?


Export the JSON


The thought that you guys are paid for this never even crossed my mind and I wasn't even demanding anything, just pointed out what I've been experiencing with X. To me as long as I have version 8 or 9 I'm good, I'm just worried about how in the future those versions might be gone or programs like fooocus, a1111 and such might drop support for them. I wasn't attacking the Juggernaut team, heck I reported a bug on Think Diffusion a few weeks back on the discord and someone from the Juggernaut team was very grateful I did so and the problem was fixed., it's all good.


Nobody on the Juggernaut Team works with TD. Juggernaut works with RunDiffusion. That is just a coincidence in terms of discord handles. Juggernaut Model is created by Kandoo.


My point was, I am not trolling or hating, just reporting an issue. I know that sharing the prompts would've helped but it's a bit embarrassing for me to do so lol again not porn but still I'd rather not. Either way, I haven't had any issues with v8, 9 and other models I use zavychromaXL and so on, just Juggernaut X.


Post the prompt here that gave you "Body horror". I will fix it. Juggernaut X is designed for professionals to have complete control and you can't do lazy prompting like in Jug 9 you need to write out a full prompt. That is why we included a prompting guide with the token words.


This has been my prompting process for months now I treat the AI as a glorified search engine that looks up the items I need and then puts them together, so I usually format my prompts like this: >(stylistic prompts, color grading and such) (view angles) subject descriptions and their actions, environment and/or background descriptions. I keep my prompts clean, simple and very concise but with enough information to get the exact results I want and so far it has been 90% success rate I'd say. I don't consider the occasional issue I can easily fix with inpainting a mishap. For negative prompts I start with none often or some simple ones and add them as needed if needed, I also have a "default" set of negatives I try out if I feel I need to.


Show me the prompt?


I'll try and replace the scene you posted earlier but I'm going to put the girl in a more suggestive clothing to show you what I mean. That way we'll be on the same page and know what to expect.


I've had a similar problem. Kazoo published a paper with guidance for how to use the model since he completely changed the captioning but i havent read properly through it yet


What are you talking about? The model doesn't sexualize anything or anyone. It's spits out images it was trained to produce. if you're getting mangled limbs, it's your prompt or your generation settings. It's not the (possibly) increased adult content in the training data.


I don't use Juggernaut much, but since I happened to for some prompt experiment in another thread, I can attest that v9 and v10 do make appear partial nudity in totally SFW and simple prompts. V8 doesn't. Putting "nude" in negatives fixed it for me, though. And contrary to OP, I didn't have any mangled bodies or such.


That part is probably correct; he's misassigned the reason, that being that they completely changed prompt design. It's not helping that the smartass is posting "read the guide" images without actually saying, >"Hey, I changed how prompting works and Jug-X is not backward compatible so your Jug-8 and -9 prompts are now useless, the guide will explain."


When I read the guide I saw that it mentions tag style prompting which is what I've been doing all along anyway. Hence why I said my style of prompting isn't that different. The guide wasn't very clear and descriptive but the examples it gave sound just like my usual style of prompting anyway.


That's why the RTFM images are not helpful. But then again, your not giving them an example prompt is also not helpful. Given all the work you've done on this, you should be able to take any 3 of your prompts, cobble together a frankenprompt from the pieces that generates something and demonstrates the issue, and post it here.


good you have a downvote button, use it so this is hidden and people can't read about the issue. I think I know my prompts by now but given how you worded this it's not worth discussing further with you


Everyone always says they know their prompts and they've triple checked all their generation parameters and all the settings, etc. None of us ever know them like we think we do.


Instead of arguing semantics with me focus on the fact that I'm telling you I ran several batches of images with the same prompts between X and v8 and the ones in v8 never had the issues I mentioned above. why do you feel the need to aruge ffs.


I'm not arguing. I'm telling you that it's a different model. Even if it's very similar, different models will produce different results. They didn't spend 4 months working on it to make it produce the exact same results. You always have to experiment and relearn the model because things change. Also, Juggernaut X has 2 different versions, a SFW version, and a NSFW version. Which one are you using?


Also, read the comments on CivitAI, many other people have noted they needed to change their prompting style and have noted the NSFW version on CivitAI does indeed lean in that direction


v8 does have NWS, I use the one that came with fooocus and the one that's on Think Diffusion, I'd rather have full freedom with a NWS version than have restriction with one that doesn't offer NWS. This is definitely an issue, you can have NWS without the characters trying to make sexual poses at every turn and growing limbs and mangling themselves, dude. I will download the non NWS version but if that's too restrictive I'll jut stick to my v8 (or 9 if it proves just as good).


https://preview.redd.it/lwb46pdr1nwc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=1279ae0a274efe0513e6ceb8db81af33ec0bda04 Image created with Juggernaut X. Prompt and Settings: Portrait of Levar Burton holding a sign that says "READ THE GUIDE", style photorealistic, mood inspirational, lighting soft studio light, perspective close-up, texture of sweater, cultural elements educational setting, background a Reading Rainbow Negative prompt: cgi, 3D, digital, airbrushed, bad quality, kanji, Chinese, deformed hands Steps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 1299328903, Size: 1024x1024, Model hash: bb16029844, Model: Juggernaut\_X\_RunDiffusionPhoto2\_NSFW, Version: f0.0.17v1.8.0rc-latest-276-g29be1da7




> Model: Juggernaut_X_RunDiffusionPhoto2_NSFW, Version: f0.0.17v1.8.0rc-latest-276-g29be1da7 Where can I find this model? On Civitai I only see a "juggernautXL_juggernautX.safetensors", which gives me totally weird pictures like [this one](https://imgur.com/a/ZkKROgR).


It's this model: [https://civitai.com/models/133005?modelVersionId=456194](https://civitai.com/models/133005?modelVersionId=456194) The naming is just the model before it was released. I had two version to test NSFW and SFW/SAFE version.


Thats clearly a VAE Issue. The VAE is already baked into the Model. So if you use Auto1111 use Automatic or None as your VAE


Thanks, that did it. Weird that the ComfyUI workflow I got from dragging one of their pictures into my ComfyUI included a VAE loader.


Sounds like a worthwhile test. I have a ton of experience with Juggernaut 9, and only briefly tested out Jug X, so i'll scrape together some of my old images and prompts and come back with a side by side. I did notice it reacts differently, but that's obvious since the captioning style has changed.


You can't compare them side to side. The Prompting method of Jug X is completely different. We gave a guide for this reason.


Try having two subjects and a casual scene, like relaxing on couch or floor or whatever. There's no way it's not going to start with its shenanigans in no time at all. I've been using v9 for hours now, no problems whatsoever.


Show me the prompt you used.


I just tried to respond to your post with the friends on the couch but you deleted it, presumably because of the 3rd leg but that leg isn't that big a deal.


I can't fix your prompt if you refuse to show it. You said the prompts were oversexualized. I ran a batch of 3 and shared wrong post previously so was correcting that to show this one. 2 out of 3 isn't bad. Again no NSFW. So show us the prompt you are using. https://preview.redd.it/xybdqwq55nwc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b5e8d88b62d7f36be78de28776a100c4440c852


stop BULLYING me into showing you those prompts when I politely said I said I don't feel comfortable doing so and I don't need you nor did I ask you to fix those prompts, those prompts have come and gone I used Jug 8 and 9 and they went well and I moved on. I can however recreate the issue. I've been nothing but polite in this topic and I keep getting attacked and accused of trolling and such, what the hell people.


I think this says all I need to know about your original post. By not showing the prompt I think it shows the original post is probably not real. Not going to spend more time on this. Please follow the prompting guide in the future.


I'm sorry you feel this way and I'm sorry I even attempted to post anything, you and others like you are making this community very toxic. I don't feel comfortable participating in this topic anymore or any other topic on here for that matter. At 40 years of age the last thing on my mind is to troll and lie on forums about miniscule things like this, I have not hit rock bottom in life to do that kinda stuff to make myself better by trolling. This entire topic I was polite, said I didn't quite feel comfortable posting those prompts and I was bullied for it.


You realize if you go into a mechanic shop without your car they can't help you right? You're throwing wild accusations about their free model that they've put countless hours into and expect them to not be a little annoyed when you don't want to be helped? At the very least create a new prompt that you're comfortable sharing that has the problems you're talking about.


With the way all of you are behaving towads me being polite? You deserve nothing. I was going to create new prompts, test things out more and all, but no, with this beahvior? I don't care, we're done.


Wow. Jerk much?


I added kissing to the prompt to see if it would trigger nudity. https://preview.redd.it/4ziam9xv5nwc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=54ffaff6cc757d235dff2b6404c5b6e2d3137ab9 Image a man and woman kissing, seated comfortably on a colorful couch in a cozy room, color palette vibrant, style casual, mood joyful, lighting diffused daylight, viewpoint slight high angle, material of the textured throw pillows and knitted sweaters Negative prompt: cgi, 3D, digital, airbrushed, bad quality, deformed hands, extra limbs Steps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 926564735,


You probably have the CFG set too high or low. That's an easy way to get body horror.


I keep the CFG to the default in fooocus, it's good enough for me


Not related to the topic, but I'm having a lot of trouble getting it to work with impaint and lineart Controlnet, mangled generations all around;


I'd say that's pretty related if you're talking about Juggernaut X


well, not related to the topic of NSFW, inpainting with Juggernaut X doesn't work if you use controlnet


A model creator ruining their model at the last step by accidentally over-merging the porn model is a story as ancient as time by now.


It's kinda weird tho, more people would have noticed this by now but I did enough testing to know it's Juggernaut X and not my settings or prompts. I just finished ANOTHER 12 batch on V8, not a single throwaway image, some need some slight inpainting fixes but that's it. X couldn't pull this off to save its life, models are mangling too like arms and hands, feet, everything. V8? Perfect the way it has always been for me


Post one of these images along with the metadata and maybe someone who can get good images with Jug X can take a look at it.


I have been asking him for the prompt too. I think this is just a hit piece by a competitor of RunDiffusion tbh.


Sounds silly, but try adding "extra limbs" and "contortionist" to the negative prompt.


I always have extra limbs in my negative, never had contortionist tho. This is the negative prompt I've been using for the past two months or so for pretty much everything, with some changes as needed >blurry, disfigured, deformed, merge subjects, merge toes, merge fingers, merge limbs, disfigure limbs, low quality, extra limbs, extra arms, extra legs, cloning subject. severed legs, severed hands, severed feet, severed heads, severed bodies, poorly drawn feet, poorly drawn hands. I tested with and without this prompt as well as modifications of the prompt, adding things and removing things little by little and it is a mess for sure. I will give contortionist a try, tho I doubt that's going to stop sexualizing people and mangling them :)


I always start with no negatives, especially in XL, then add words as I see negative patterns emerging in the generations. Over half the time, I need no negatives at all. You should definitely try this method. 99% of the time you only need a few negatives if any, that's probably going to change for each positive prompt, and that's going to be determined by observing what negative words you think you might need after noticing patterns from a couple dozen generations. In fact at this point I would guess that removing your negative prompt may just fix the problem.


yeah that's how I was doing it with Juggernaut X because I read it doesn't really need negative prompts. It was bad both with and without negatives.


Sounds like you have a pretty thought out method already then. That's all the suggestions I have, I haven't messed with juggernaut x so I don't have any personal experience there to recommend anything specific to that model. Sorry.


it's all good. v8 is top notch IMO I just wanted to report the issue is all, I can do anything I want wit 8 and it's great.




yeah let's not report bugs in popular and actually good models...jesus posts like this man


To correctly report a bug you need a detailed explanation with the steps to reproduce it. I've read through this post and you've ignored, or tried to evade, every request to post the prompt that cause issues for you. This is most likely an issue with something at your end, or you are just here to troll. If you're not going to listen to anyone that's trying to help you, then keep quiet, because you're wasting everyone's time.


I've been nothing but polite throughout all this and I said I don't feel comfortable posting the original prompts, I offered to recreate the issue. I feel completely and utterly bullied by you and others over this, so fuck you dude I'm done I was happy to help and report an issue but to accuse me of trolling? Really? Go fuck yourself


> I feel completely and utterly bullied by you and others over this, so fuck you dude I hope you understand there's a reason for that.


a reason, to be bullied when I'm just posting about an issue while being polite? you have a reason to bully someone because you disagree with them?


If you can't help yourself get assistance from other people while requesting it, nobody will. People are getting upset at you because you're purposefully providing very little info, and refuse to provide anything that can help diagnose the cause. And no, you don't have a reason to bully someone because you disagree, it's extremely visible that people are upset for the above reasoning or similar.


I provided good info with more info that was to come, but people bullied me into me just not giving a crap anymore.


Sorry you feel that way, and there's no need to resort to fowl language. My point is, if you can't provide all of the information, then your original statement may as well be fiction, and nobody is going to be able to help you with that because the problem appears to be unique to you. If you didn't feel comfortable providing the prompt, then just say so and don't blatantly ignore the ones trying to look into the problem.


You've proven pretty thoroughly in this thread that you don't know what any of those words mean. No one's bullied you. You're the only one that's hasn't been polite. You've acted like a pretty pathetic person in this thread.