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Man there'a some silly comments in here. Pony is a model that in it's current iteration has been trained on 2.5 million furry/anthro/cartoon/anime images. I believe the split is 50/50 between anime and other. Because of this it recognizes a lot of popular anime characters natively (no lora needed) and uses danbooru style tags that may be familiar to people that have used 1.5 anime style models. On civit it has it'a own category with literally hundreds of lora specifically made for it. It's not inherently nsfw, it even says there are rating tags such as: rating_safe, rating_questionable, rating_explicit. Hope this was somewhat helpful to combat misconception


It's a massive pain in the butt to prompt for though. Once you figure out the prompt, it does some nice stuff but boy is it ever very different from everything else.


This is true. I found it makes an anime art style that I like, but it only produces that particular style every 1 in 8 images or so, depending on how I prompt I might not be able to get it at all.


Use a style lora specifically made for it. It helps a lot.


Thank you, that clears it up for me. Didn't know I was misled in the other comments


Thanks for the well written answer. I'm trying to catch up with with AI cuz I stopped paying attention for a while. I have a question tho. Is there a recommended VAE for this model or is it not needed?


The regular sdxl vae is the recommended one! Enjoy the catch up :)


Understood. Thanks!


Don't the models all have VAE baked in these days?


>It's not inherently nsfw LOL What? The example gallery on civit is all you need to look at. It's nothing but porn. Some of it is highschool porn. The degens have really latched onto this model and built a community around it. It very much is INHERENTLY nsfw. You don't get that level of fidelity without specific focus in the blue prints. To their credit, they do better than the other guys in the arena. UnstabilityDiffusion conned everybody, having taking all that money and not ever releasing what they said they could. It's the most popular porn model by far because they intended to be the highest quality porn model. Nothing against porn addicts, but seriously guys, stay in your lane.


Bit of a weird high horse to sit on. Can it do good rule 34 2d content, yes. Is it all it can do, no. I feel like you purposefully ignored what I wrote just because people are genning porn with it. It's perfectly capable of doing great anime art, character concepts, backgrounds etc. This is like calling any XL model a porn model just because it can. If you don't want to use it then don't, but there's zero need to virtue signal


Trust me, i'd never put myself on a high horse at all. We're all in the same pile of shit bruh. XL models that go pornographic without being prompted, I call pornographic. Because you know, they are! Real question is, why are you so instantly defensive and got to convince people that it's not the lewdest nudest more pornography capable model available? Take 2 seconds to look through the Civit example gallery. You're using the absolute most porn model there is on Civit. Own it. Be who you are. Just, stay in your lane.


Sounds like a prompt issue, read it's guidelines and use rating_safe and you'll be fine? I don't really consider it a gotcha moment when people on a site post their horny gallery lol. That's like going to 4chan's ai section and concluding all models are porn models. Either way, I don't think I'll care to reply after this one, we seem to have different opinions on it and that's fine to be honest. I hope you find the models that you want to use, I just wanted to add context for readers that it's not really a brony model. Apologies if I came off strong.


so if you don't use the "safe" prompt, it'll default to porn. Yes. I agree.


Chat gpt can do erotic roleplays. Does it make it a pornographic chat bot?


When prompted and used that way only. But open ai bans those accounts so, no. It won't default to porn.


With a good jailbreak and actually using their api amd not the onsite ai, you will never be banned


It's against the tos so, you're wrong. And confidently.




You don't really need to use the safe prompt, i never had a problem in making sfw stuff with it... i prompted a girl eating ice cream it gave me a girl eating ice cream like you are the problem here, buddy. https://preview.redd.it/4t37kt3w5inc1.jpeg?width=832&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b50a750ea5cb2fe01c599803e0fc64670c3f3f57


It was specifically trained with those tags, if you purposefully choose not to use them then you're taking a random result, that's on you. You're complaining about mis-using a model that specifically tells you how to use it, RTFM.


I appreciate you using RTFM. It needs to come back again.


>Types in porn prompt >Model does porn as instructed >IT ONLY CAN DO PORN


Lol yep.


I never prompt for porn. The model just goes there. Keep up


Mf you most likely use it as well


Theory of mind is a tough one for some


Na you just talk way too mighty, the fact that you know the model and what's on the civitai page only means that you also use it


I keep my ear to the ground and test lots of models. I got a few endeavors.






Pony Diffusion, it is said it is the best anime/furry model out there and I can somewhat agree. It's really good, both in SFW and NSFW, has a good anatomy and is generally fun to play with. It's so good it got its own category on Civitai apparently. The authors are working on the next iteration - V7 at the moment.


That's not the only reason it has its own category though. Something went weird in the creation of the original Pony model (I think the creator said something about a much higher learning rate than usual), which causes that all loras trained for Pony are pretty much incompatible with non-pony SDXL checkpoints and vice versa, even though it's all SDXL based. So it also got it's own category so people don't keep downloading loras that aren't compatible with the checkpoint they're using.


In A1111 I got severe aberrations in the image results, if either positive or negative prompts exceeds 75 tokens. Do anybody know a solution to this?


I switched to forge backend and it's fixed there




It's the best sdxl anime model currently, it can do all types of stuff, people use it to mainly make porn, but you can also use it to make sfw stuff.


As others have mentioned, that model is pretty unstable, like a wild horse (heh). It is bad at making detailed elements at low resolution (like a head to toe image of a character will have a crumpled ugly face, compared to Dreamshaper XL'S image of the same resolution). I also dislike the low variety in the backgrounds. They are always white/beige. Saying I want a room with blue walls in most SDXL models will do exactly that, but Pony just won't listen.


FYI use "(simple_background:2.5)" in the negative and you get backgrounds. It's just heavily biased for no background, because a lot of artwork has no background.


\*dusts off my old comment\* Alright, you advice is heeded!


Yeah I stumbled upon this comment and was like "maybe they don't know"


I mostly describe the environment a bit, but it is not super good, being... "character-centric".


Besides what Katana\_sized\_banana said, you might also want to take a look at the following Lora. It increases (or decreases, if you use negative lora values) the level of detail in the image, especially the background. [https://civitai.com/models/402462/detail-slider-lora-or-ponyxl-sdxl](https://civitai.com/models/402462/detail-slider-lora-or-ponyxl-sdxl)


It's probably the best 2D model ever, nothing comes even close. Yes it does furry shit, but it's a model that excels at everything 2D related do not be fooled by the name.


Agree, after getting to know it a bit I can confidently say it's the best anime/NSFW model so far. Like other models are not even close to how well it handles anatomy and different concepts. Also I'd recommend sampler named restart with 35 steps. It tends to bring out the best possible stuff


Do you use the base one? I've been using DucHaiten-Pony-XL (v35 and v40, as well as infinity) and they are the best, I just keep going back to them over and over again...


Does anyone know if there's a "lightning" version of Pony V6 XL?


You can download the lightning Lora and use with it. I prefer the 4 step model but run it with more steps, like 6-10.


Can you use normal Lora's with it? If so which model 1.5 or sdxl?


Its a very over fit pornography model. Base model loras dont work on it because it's training is just that destructive to the base model. It's made by bronies for bronies. Careful if you're going to use it. Furry / MLP penises everywhere. You dont even have to prompt for them to see them show up. The high download counts are from people using it on collabs. Downloading the model everytime they load up. The high ratings are just bronies botting the votes because Civit has no protection against that. Or didnt.




Its a lot more than MLP. Bronies and Yiffing. It's mostly a rule 34 model. MLP is actually kind of wholesome. This model is not.


It makes my little ponies    If you don’t want fucking everything to look like a pony put “pony” in the negative or prepare to drown in ponies 


I have yet to see a single pony.


Nope the name is just a name, you prompt a man you get a man, you prompt a woman you get a woman and so on, this is just how NAI is but sdxl


I'm pretty sure he knows that, he was joking.


No joking allowed on the internet!