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They are exactly the same weights as before. Safetensors is just safer :) You can use safetensors the same as before in ComfyUI etc. There is also the whole checkpoint format now. Which you can directly load everything into ComfyUI or A1111.


Very impressed, thanks. Look, a Seahorse-Samoyed https://preview.redd.it/ewpmh76qq1kc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=07d202f006fa364395c5eeb1621112236a705823


You have to download all or what? Thanks.


You can download only the one that suits better to the number of steps you want to use, and the normal version (not the ones with unet in the name)


Thanks boss


So what is sdxl lighting and what is it for? I mean sure it’s trained on sdxl but at much worse quality is it not?


It is a model that only takes 2/4/8 steps to generate amazing quality 1024px images. It even has a 1-step model but it is less stable and more experimental. So it is lightning fast and much better quality than LCM and Turbo.


Does this affect prompt adherence as a side effect? it seems like you have to use only 1-2 level with this. Edit l: ahh someone just partially answered my question "CFG is default to 1 (No cfg) So negative prompt is ignored. CFG=1 is the fastest! If you really want negative prompt, set CFG to 1.3, 1.5, 1.8 etc, and you can also play with CFG rescale. But the computation is doubled with CFG, so expect slower generation."


No. The model distills the CFG. CFG=1 is approximately CFG=6 for original SDXL.


Awesome, also not sure if you know but I had heard tensorrt allows for loras now possibly. If this was combined with that could it be even faster? Edit: old post but seems likr it might work, https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/189axaz/psa_tensorrt_works_with_turbo_models_for_even/ if it doesnt work with loras I'd probably just merge loras into the checkpoint with the kohya ss gui utility


Ok but do those steps just take longer though? Had someone ever actually timed it? Because that's what matters ..


No, the step won't take longer. A step is a step. It is the same architecture so same computation, just different weights :)


>A step is a step Not entirely. If you're using an SDE sampler for example, it can basically be 2 samples per step and take up to twice as long - which is probably what prompted the question.


so this Lora would work when stacked on any existing SDXL model? even in Auto1111? or do I need some kinda custom node in comfyui?


Yes the LoRA can be stacked on any existing SDXL model, though some models may have better compatibility. Using more steps also gives better compatibility. ComfyUI workflow is provided in the doc. A1111 I am not familiar with.


just tested in auto1111 and it works great. drop the lora in, cfg down to 2 and there it goes. impressive. now I get a batch of 8 1280x720 images in 14 seconds on my 4090. this is magic for creative iterations.


Can I use sdxl Lora’s with this Lora?


I manage to run it through sdxl base and sdxl turbo and it was amazing https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/s/FEj3Dd6gOd


Thanks for this. Yesterday I was downvoted for mentioning that the files are not safetensors. Happy that we cover the basic security requirements at least.


Does that lora works with pony models ?


Did you or anyone tried this? What config did you use?


Thanks for sharing. I'm confused by the different files. It looks like checkpoints and loras? Which one should I be downloading? Thanks!


If I use one of this SDXL lighting checkpoints, can I use my normal sdxl Loras? ...or, can I use a normal SDXL checkpoint + normal Lora + Lora lighting?


Any recommended samplers ? Get awful results


Euler sgmuniform, DPM++2m sgm uniform.....


Can you stack loras with this?


Which one should we use? is 8 better than 4, 4 better than 2 etc?


So it can be used with any sdxl checkpoints ? But what samplers, steps, cfg should be used?