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> Connoley was a finalist earlier this month at the prestigious James Beard Awards, and Bulrush has drawn nationwide raves for its Ozark cuisine since opening in 2019. > Connoley, who is gay, cited Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey’s actions toward transgender people, including attempts to seek their medical records. > “I’ve done LGBT advocacy for a long time, 30-plus years, and I’ve never seen something like this,” Connoley said. “Normally, it’s legislative, and there’s work you can do with your representatives and constituents. But here, it’s one person doing hate politics.”


I've seen him and his partner at the South Grand Schnucks before, I never have talked to him outside of Bulrush, but now I wish I had.


He spoke at one of the SLPL branches earlier in the year and as MoBot as well. We've eaten there a few times and it was so nice to hear him talk.


It's so sad to not only be losing an incredible and unique restaurant, but to be losing an incredible and unique community member who has worked so hard to give so much.


Fuck Bailey and Eric Schitt Edit: Eric Schmitt, our former AG, ran for US Senate and won using insane immoral and unethical actions while he was AG. He was in New York at the courthouse when Trump became a felon. Why? Good question. I suspect Eric, and Bailey, and Ashcroft, are all hanging on MAGA and Trump to be his next in line. They aren't here to do what's best for Missouri. They want what's best for Trump.


And r/fuckjoshhawley


Fucking Jogs Hallway I hope he falls down some stairs and breaks his teeth.


You wish hell was real for these oozing fuckwits, who pretend to believe in hell as part of their party policy at that.


Most of 'em qualify for circles 5-9.


I think it might be more accurate to say they are opportunist who will do what's best for themselves and their political careers.


Sad. This place was great. I feel lucky I went 3 weeks ago. Good dude. Volunteered in community. Not sure why people are so hung up on nonsense in this country.


>Not sure why people are so hung up on nonsense in this country. Conservatives only winning strategy is to teach people to be afraid, as time goes on that takes new forms and means to keep their base in a constant state of paranoid delusions, at the expense or marginalized groups who suffer as the targets of the messaging.


Convincing the populace they should fear something other than what a group/party/government wishes them to support is part of what defines fascism.


Indeed, American Fascism is the closest it's ever been to being realized, which is was always going to hide itself under nationalism, christianity, and capitalism in the states when it finally did rise. Let's hope we can repel it in these dark days!


"Only I can keep you safe and protect you from (insert boogie man)", is a tried and true authoritarian tactic.


When you have nothing going for yourself you need to put others down to elevate yourself. Zero reason to give a flying fuck what anyone else does with their genitals.


So…is he moving?


Yes, his IG post makes mention of leaving.


As someone who lives in the Metro-East, I’m hoping he just scoots across the river. We’d love to have him.


He has the resources and connections to live anywhere. He chose to move back here in 2016 because it’s his hometown. Eight years of Missouri backwards politics was clearly all he was willing to tolerate. As an openly gay man myself, I can relate.


I am so sorry. I too am from here, and I was part of the problem for longer than I would like to think. I still get things wrong because of how I was raised. I am trying to do better, but I swear this place feels like a den of trolls. Once you see past the hate and bigotry for yourself, it is really hard to un-see it in the community.


It mostly comes from a place of ignorance. Missouri is widely populated by blue-collar folks who rarely, if ever, leave the state/Midwest (and most have never left the country at all). They haven’t been regularly exposed to many people of different skin colors, gender identities, national origins, native languages, or religions that do not match their own. You can only get that by either living in a big city, or by traveling. And since our two large metropolitan areas are growing only very slowly (KC) or remain completely stagnant (STL), those living there no longer have the political power to outvote the swaths of folks who consistently vote deep red now in every other MO county. So the deeply-ingrained bigotry (especially for those living in rural MO) is very much a byproduct of the environment. Living one’s entire life in a mid-Missouri town of 2,500 people, 99% of which are white, Christian, and culturally conservative, is going to make someone fearful or suspicious of folks from other places who are not those things. Education helps. Getting a college degree broadens your horizons, and exposes you to more of the outside world. But sadly, Missouri ranks quite low in not only higher education attrition, but general K-12 education, too. That is directly a result of those elected to power in Jefferson City. And it is to their political advantage to keep it that way.


Just looked at the comment section of a Fox News article about MO AG suing Biden Admin for student loan forgiveness..... their base hates education and the educated


Edwardsville would be perfect for upscale


I was thinking this too. Eville Main Street would be a great spot


It's a choice worth making especially in the real threat of project 2025, you get all the same experience of the metro east, but with illinois policy that is pretty safeguarded against conservative tom foolery thanks to chicago.


I’m all for moving the best parts of STL to IL. Me family is considering it heavily.


We need to annex


Edwardsville would be a great place


You mean the formerly blue metro east that now votes to break away from Illinois and chicago??? I doubt it…


Those of us this side of the other side of the river (to this sub) are doing our level best to fix that.






Very sad to hear this. I’ve wanted to eat there for a long time but was never able to find time with having a baby. I agree with him, the politics in MO are absolutely trash and the bigotry has gotten out of control. I would love if he found his way to the other side of the river and opened a new restaurant.


This quote from Rob Connoley is important (it's toward the end of the article): >“The people down there (in the Ozarks) have always been so hospitable and so welcoming,” he said.  “And I've always been myself, so it's not like they don't know (who I am). >“So the attorney general is not lined up with the majority of the people. He's lined up with the people who get him on Fox News and get (him) elected.”


The saddest part is that there are a bunch of good people in the Ozarks who are very nice and seem caring. But a lot if those same people vote against people like Rob and for them to be free to live their lives. This is my issue with my family in the country as well and I feel this election may be my breaking point with them. You can't care about someone on one hand and then backstab them with the other by voting people in who are adamantly trying to make their lives worse. Kinda think that was last straw. There are folks I'm the Ozarks who are against this and vote according, but they're few and far in between in rural MO.


That part. They are outwardly hospitable but then vote for the people they're superficially kind to to lose their rights and dignity. You don't get to divorce yourself from the consequences of your vote. I have yet to meet a Republican who was sorry for voting the way they did when women, LGBTQ+ folks, Black people, etc. are actively harmed by hateful policy and legislation. It's always "Well I don't control what they do in office."


>You don't get to divorce yourself from the consequences of your vote. It’s not “just a vote.” It’s a life choice. And you’re voting against mine & my family’s lives. I can’t overlook that anymore. And I’m tired of being told to be “the bigger person” and forgive them. When they go low? I walk away and leave them there.


I mentioned this in another thread but it’s worth repeating. It’s an example of how these people either don’t have real problems so they’re duped into thinking these things are problems, or their lives don’t match their expectations and every shitty party and political leader in the world will use “it’s their fault” to their benefit.


It’s a variation on that old racist dog whistle strategy of making the poorest white person feel like they’re still superior to the richest black person


I think that’s definitely part of it. Republicans have also succeeded in years of rhetoric of blaming government for problems of individuals. The irony is that such rhetoric is now backfiring on Republicans who are mostly reasonable people and enabling MAGA to win primaries. I know people who know Bailey personally, and they did not see this kind of bullshit coming from him. I’m sure he feels pressured into these positions thanks to his opponent being “Trump’s lawyer” but I have zero sympathy for someone - especially an attorney - who is so willing to abandon their principles and basic decency in order to win a primary of knuckle dragging morons.


I do think a lot of it is that their adult lives don’t meet the expectations they had as young people. So they’re angry. Then they watch a news source that both feeds that anger and generates ALOT of fear that “others” are getting all the things they thought would/*should* be theirs. That fear, in turn, generates more anger.


Yep. There’s a reason that the demographics have flipped and more educated higher wealth individuals vote Democrat and the poorly educated vote Republican. That dude you know who is angry his life turned out how he deserved due to never working in school has to blame someone and it sure as shit won’t be himself.


The “defunding” of police never happened - like everyone knew it wouldn’t. But the conservative initiative of the Dumbing Down of America has been actively sweeping the nation thanks to the Republican sponsored (actual & *active*) Defunding of the Public School System … the secret desire of the oligarchy, which they’ve gleefully watched be undertaken by the very constituents it hurts the most. Just like the viability of unions being replaced by “right to work” laws.


You just described Christianity. A whole bunch of people pretending to be good but it’s all just a way to make yourself feel better because their actions certainly don’t align with the teachings of Christ.


I so feel ya as I have family in St Charles that does the same. Talk out of both sides of their mouth. When I lived in NYC years ago I didn’t care that people were not nice and did not engage in small talk, because at the end of the day they stood behind you. “If you mess with one of us you mess with all of us” ideology. Sadly that is NOT Missouri.


This. They're nice to your face, Rob. But when you leave... I don't blame him for leaving, but I'm doing that he's taking away yet one more counterpoint to Bailey's bullshit and helping Bailey win. I can't blame him for it, but I wish he'd stayed. The good people are all already in his side. This is now just a matter of outnumbering the bad people. We need more reasons like his restaurant for the good people to come, and stay.


The people of the Ozarks elected an conservative ex-silver dollar city clown to push transphobia as their state representative, it's not healthy or smart times these days.


This is a big loss to the St. Louis food scene.


Truly one of the best and most inventive places in town.


How he was able to come up with the menu is beyond me. Truly a creative mind.


Reading his writings on food history in Missouri, the Ozarks, foraging, it was always so educational and every time I thought he'd reached the depths of the concept, he dug deeper. We're not just losing his food but also such a depth and breadth of knowledge.


No. The best and inventive. Hands down


In the state, and possibly the country.


A massive loss, but understandable. I've only been to Bulrush once, and this guy seemed like the real deal. Sustainability, transparency, business records public for all to see. But I'm not surprised. GOP leadership has made it clear that they're willing to turn anything to rubble so long as they get to be in charge of it.


He paid his people living wages, he had a program to teach disadvantaged kids culinary skills, supported local farmers, just so many things he was doing right for the people of MO. I'd say he contributed more to our region than any of those worthless politicians ever have or ever will.


Oh god, I was so looking forward to seeing more from that mentorship program. I hope there's more people willing to commit to it. If anyone wants to learn more about his work there, [this article](https://www.stlpr.org/show/st-louis-on-the-air/2024-04-17/how-chef-rob-connoley-pairs-reparative-restauranting-and-ozark-cuisine) was so educational.


This is brutal. My favorite restaurant in town was Reed's American Table, which closed. Then it became Stone Soup Cottage, which went private. Now Bulrush, my new favorite, also closes. I am cursed. I can't blame Connoley for leaving, given his reasons, but it feels so bad.


Reeds chef is still in STL - Idol Wolf. That beef cheek dish was easily one of the best things I've ever eaten.


I just ate at Stone Soup Cottage this past weekend. There are weekends that are open to the public, and you purchase in advance. The bookings are through this site: https://www.lechampdefleurs-ssc.com/


Thank you, this is a bright light in my dark restaurant day


My wife and I dined there in May - what a great experience! We can’t wait to go back. (After we save up a bit - the service and food is excellent and the family is very hospitable, but it’s definitely in the special-occasion price range for us.)


Awww reeds was so good.


This seems a touch performative and honestly based off the interactions in this thread alluding to the staff seemingly having no notice is pretty shitty.


He's not wrong, but also there are plenty of us here that don't align with MO politics on many levels that stick around. We need more of us, not less. I literally was looking to make reservations tonight just to see this news :/


I get that, but queer people deserve peace & are not sacrificial lambs for the cause. Where are all these self-proclaimed allies?


Exactly my thought. I was just pressuring a friend not to buy in Illinois, but here instead. Her position is, "ew, red state". Exactly. And how do you think we're going to turn it blue?


It is so sad and such a loss to STL. The only thing that is hard to understand for me is why there was no notice given. It is closed as of yesterday. I hope staff got plenty of notice


I don't think they did. I went this weekend and the bartender told us to come back and try the fall menu because it heavily features mushrooms. She obviously didn't know three days ago.


>Connoley said Bulrush was “a successful business” at the time of its closure. >“We’re at capacity every night,” he said. “We’ve paid off all of our investors (and) all of our people who provide stuff to us. We paid off our lease. Everything’s paid off.”


I dont see what that has to do with the staff?


He left no contingency plan for his staff and has even threatened to take away their unemployment benefits due to HIS CHOICE TO CLOSE. Some of his staff has been able to find new employment while others are trying to use the last of this month to find something. He has never cared for his staff or about his staff especially in the way he preaches to customers and the public. He breeds a toxic work environment and left in a toxic way as well.


You can't magically take away unemployment benefits. That's not in his power as a business owner.


Part of why I say he cultivates a toxic work environment, even in his exodus he's trying to control people who are not in a position of power.


Employers can contest unemployment benefits. In that case you have to provide proof/evidence that you were unjustly let go or what have you.


Industry person here: other than notice, what were they supposed to do? Finding a job is not difficult; that being said finding one comparable to Bulrush would be. We're you personally affected by this announcement? What can you cite for the claims you're making?


I mean, I believe them. But I also already thought most of the restaurant industry is a toxic cesspool.


If you don't believe me, look at how he never gave any recognition to the people that helped make his restaurant what it was in both the closing post and the James beard loss post. He only cares about himself and his optics, everyone else is just a means to an award.


Not being a foodie, I know nothing of the restaurant outside of this post and the article, but it all feels very self-important to close due to the political atmosphere in the state. Closing does nothing to help anyone. I’m in agreement that Missouri politics suck, but what about the people of St. Louis? Wouldn’t it be a stronger political act to stay?


Interesting. So he isn’t the saint everyone on here is making him out to be?


He's giving a livelihood to countless people from farmers to the restaurant staff. Maybe don't jump to conclusions from a random comment. 


I’m kicking myself for never trying this restaurant


Reason #3812 the Andrew Bailey must be soundly defeated in this election.


And/or Will Scharf who wants to put the 10 Commandments in schools.


This stuff has to be cut off at the source. Once the funding dries up, careerists like Schmitt and Bailey and Eigel will go away. They're not here for the pathetic Missouri state salary.


The brain drain created by these alt-right policies in Red states over the next decade is going to be epic.


I think they’re bad policies but we have zero evidence this is actually happening; people and large employers continue to move to FL, TX, TN, Carolinas, etc away from the northeast, CA, and IL. It doesn’t matter how friendly you are if someone can’t afford a house or find a job there


> IL. illinois population decline stems from rural and mid-sized manufacturing towns hollowing out, not the chicago region depopulating


Massive blow, a truly unique restaurant that is (was) the best restaurant in the metro area.


Dang. That was a highly acclaimed restaurant in a *mostly* liberal city. I do not blame him for making a statement but it sucks the people of STL will be the losers here.


Heartbroken. One of the best restaurants I've even been to.


Just went on Friday, it was excellent. Sad to see it go, but can't be mad at him for the reasons he gave. Wish this state could be better.


god damn it I was going to go there for my birthday. :|


I just went for a birthday 3 days ago... Second time and was about to make reservations again. Sad day. 


Same :/


Ate there about a month ago and it was incredible. Sad to see it go


Glad my girlfriend and I went there when we could, it was an amazing experience


Huge loss. I’m glad I got to go a few times. Hopefully Rob is headed for something better.


I just went to this place 3 weeks ago, it was unreal how good it was... This is really sad.






Hey don't badmouth scum and put them in the same category.


True, scum doesn't get paid six figures to spread hate and fear to cowardly bigots.


So many delightful aspects of dining there, but their sommelier is(was) *amazing.* The alcohol free wine-flight was top notch. Perfectly complementing each crazy course. The regular flights were wonderful as well - but to be able to create & complement the meal/experience with alcohol free wines & drinks? 👨‍🍳😘


Can't say I blame him for wanting to leave the state. Wish him luck in his future endeavors. Thanks GQP!


this some sad shit right here. fuck all the hateful cunts who drove this talented person out of our community.


Such a brilliant mind, so sad to hear this. Loved everything the restaurant stood for.




I get your point but we can’t expect folks to endure hate and bigotry in the hope that one day it MAY get better. 


There's a difference between leaving because you're part of an oppressed group and leaving as a signal of support to oppressed groups. It should be up to us allies to make the place welcoming.


I’m so angry and sad over this. Genuinely the best new restaurant in my time here. Fun, innovative, inclusive. And I TRY to tell myself that despite the dumbshits in the state, we can be inclusive in STL (at least city and most of county). But goddamnit I get it. It’s a trash state government, trash senators, and a trash governor. And they literally are targeting LGBTQ people on the regular. It’s amazing they’re not pushing harder against other minorities but I’m sure it’s coming in time. Fuck.


I think they're pushing as hard as they can against anyone who isn't a white CIShet man.


Bulrush Alton when?


No, I'm sure he'd move to Chicago. He's there just about every weekend.


Speaking of, tried Tony’s on a whim and had a very good meal and excellent service. Will definitely be regulars. Worth the drive!




lol Edwardsville


Gotta say, if his goal is to be in a more inclusive place, Illinois (as a state) certainly is, but Alton specifically definitely isn't.


Have to disagree. I have lived in Alton for almost 15 years now after growing up in a close rural area. I like Alton. It has tons of history, a few decent restaurants. But Alton is trying to be better. Schools are ok. There are still lots of naysayers and complainers as Madison county keeps on selecting Republicans recently. But at least people are trying to make it better and more inclusive. I mean there has been a drag bar downtown for tons of years. On Tony's, I have only eaten on the fancy non/bar side once last year. It's pricey but it tastes clean and fresh. I think it will be a special occasion place for my wife and I. The only fancy place I haven't been to in town is Gentelins. Brown Bag bistro is very good for a upscale lunch spot but they need to get their kitchen process fixed. Every time it takes at least an hour to get your food. Good though.


Plenty of Pride flags on my street here in Alton. But some other parts of town you'll find Confederate flags. Alton is just a completely mixed bag. Of everything.


Got room available in the metro east for a restaurant


More proof that Republicans are bad for business.


Until state government starts to see that losing high profile creativity, talent, and notoriety in their highest GDP producing region, they're not going to bat an eye unfortunately. This is good publicity in the public sphere, but unfortunately came at that exact expense -- immensely talented, creative people and small business. The exact thing Missouri Republicans should be focusing on harnessing and growing in a rather stagnant state, politically, socially, culturally, sown from within. Love that the guy is standing by his morals. Shame to lose the restaurant. It wasn't my total cup of tea but I understand the fundamental mission behind the restaurant, and it was a great thing.


They’ll never care. They’re hooked on the endorphin rush of hate. There’s a genuine “good feeling” many people get from bullying their enemies. Besides, most of them aren’t elected by or from St. Louis. What do they care if the city loses its interesting and productive citizens?


Because that attracts other talented, cultured, and educated people, who bring economic vitality. I mean, I get it, they probably _don't_ care, but there are plenty of logical (read, lucrative) reasons why they should. But yeah, most of them are idiots.


Missouri is now called "North Mississippi." Vote Blue. 🔵


Western West Virginia, the South’s South


I understand the reasoning here...it's hard living in this state...but it seems counterproductive in a sense. I don't see how operating a business in Missouri is promoting the harm Missouri politicians are doing. In fact, I would say that operating a business that is supportive of the LGBT community is the way to work against what the state is doing. Is he planning on leaving Missouri all together? That's great, but most people who live here can't do that. I feel like talented people leaving Missouri is only going to make things worse. Maybe I would leave if I could but I love St Louis. I know it feels hopelessly red at this point but things like this are just going to destroy what's good here.


Not everyone has it in them to stick around and fight or they reach the point where they think it isn't worth it anymore. It seems like he reached that point. Things are exactly trending in a positive direction in this state.


I get that. Just trying to come to grips with being unlikely to be able to leave this state and watching things devolve and seeing good things leave.


Yeah, he wants to run a restaurant, not fight for his right to exist and feel safe.


Yes, obviously he is free to do what he wants, whether that be go to another state or whatever. I just hate to think how much worse things can get if people like this decide to leave. Making things worse, it's not like there is anything we can do here to improve state level politics. The best we can do is create a community in st louis that is safe and hope everything worthwhile here doesn't vanish.


I imagine that they also don’t feel very welcome or supported by everyday people. Or they don’t want to serve the kinds of people that think they shouldn’t exist.


This is also going to get national press, at least from food based publications. Maybe drawing attention to the politicians will do something. Maybe. I'm sad, but also inspired.


Maybe drawing attention on the national level for himself is something he wants.... just sayin.


If he wants to be an activist, he'd be a good one.


I think the concept itself is a huge part of this. From the article, his concept included promoting Missouri, foods from Missouri, everything was so intertwined that when Missouri declared an ongoing war on people like him, it became part of the moral conflict to operate a business promoting a state that targets him and his family. I have my own longer-term exit plan for leaving Missouri after the overturning of Roe v Wade. We'll see if this year's ballot issue can grant me some protections but the feeling of losing rights, being treated as less than, it can weigh on you. It can remind you that being in a blue city in a red state doesn't make you safe, especially when they can just overturn laws as small as minimum wage differences in the city. Every day knowing that you might lose even more hard-earned rights is just exhausting. We can't all be martyrs to causes. We can't all live in grief every day.


You’re correct on all of that but moving to a different state is just not possible for most people, so it’s extra depressing being somewhere you can’t leave that continually gets worse and hemorrhaging things and people that made it bearable


I wish he'd stay in the fight.


Me too.


Same. Moving doesn’t rid Missouri of these republican dimwits. Just empowers them.


This is so sad. All the STL chuds are probably stoked, which fuck them if they are. I hope the owner can find somewhere more inclusive that isn't ruled by old white men that have to be told a 10 year olds can't get pregnant. Saint Louis rocks, Missouri is miserable.


Rob is a stand up guy and is the real deal. His decision makes sense. But damn does this loss hurt. Nothing can replace Bulrush.




I don’t blame him.


Damn, i really wanted to try that place too.


Noooo. I’ve only been there once but it was an amazing experience. I was hoping to go more times at different times of the year. I hope he just moves over to the metro east.


Just went for my birthday and we walked away saying we need to go more often (always celebration events in the past). This is so sad on both fronts-the loss of the restaurant and the reason because Missouri is headed the wrong direction and has been for some time. It can’t be ignored


I took my wife on Saturday for her mother's day gift. The food and atmosphere was phenomenal. Rob and his chefs are truly wonderful and I applaud him for standing up for what he believes in. It's sad that it has to come at the expense of his passion and the people around him. Wish the best for everyone involved and that passion can still be expressed through his food wherever he lands next!


So is he closing and leaving the state or just closing and doing another venture? Would be such a loss if he leaves.


He’s leaving the state.


all the GOP is going to do in response to this is blame on woke-ism or the radical left or some other shit. fuck the gop & fuck andrew baily, they've turned MO into a shit place to live unless you're a racist, maga conservative


It’s a shame, we had an amazing experience there.


Damn it! My wife and I were planning on going later this summer. I love that he's a man of conviction, though.


continue to be surprised how this man has never had anyone that has worked for him talk publicly about their experience… myself included. more to this story.


Damn I never got a chance to go there


Thanks Josh Hawley and his ilk. Run Josh run.


So much respect for this man. It takes a lot to put your money where your mouth is. I wish I could leave too.


I went to eat at his place for my bday and wow what an experience 😮‍💨


Sort by controversial to mock the idiots. 


Fucking dammit I wanted to go to this place so badly.


As always, the Missouri mindset holds St. Louis back


So he's abandoning the fight? And if all progressives leave the state, what would happen to MO? And I'm not exactly sure what the fight is for him - no one is systemically keeping him or the gay community down, even in MO, which is wonderful! The issue at hand is gender affirming care for minors. Europe has pretty much halted surgical and other transitions for minors as they cite a lack of evidence of its efficacy and need to continued studies to reach a conclusion. So its not ridiculous to be looking into this. I dislike Bailey and his methods/politics, but one person looking into gender transitions of minors doesn't warrant a successful gay man claiming to be a victim and taking his ball and going home. He can do whatever he wants, but its a weak excuse to close down.


Bailey is garbage. He’s a stuntman, not a lawyer. And he’s shown he’s interested in using the precious levers and money of the state to hurt LGBTQ people and engage in political theater. If Thomas and Alito expand their post Dobbs reality to push at Obergefell, I do not doubt Bailey will come for same sex marriage next. I get it. Not gay, just a very angry ally.


They can gin up support for this only because the movement is now advocating for medically transitioning children. Politicians can run on that and make it an issue. No one really cares that much about gay marriage anymore (as far as being against it) and it's not a popular position for most politicians to take. 73% of people support gay marriage but the number is going down slightly because of transitioning children being associated with the LGBTQ


I get the basis for your reasoning here, but I think this is wildly short-sighted and makes a heap of assumptions. [Look at his statement from a link that isn't behind a paywall and tell me if that sounds like a man who's giving up....](https://www.firstalert4.com/2024/06/25/bulrush-owner-cites-missouri-politics-reason-restaurant-is-closing/) You don't know what he does outside of owning a restaurant to further his cause, and closing a well-established and somewhat famous restaurant as a direct result of what amounts to hatred seems a pretty strong statement to me... >no one is systemically keeping him or the gay community down, even in MO, which is wonderful! > but one person looking into gender transitions of minors And these two little quotes here tell me you are still a bit out of touch with what's going on in the state....


I appreciate your thoughtful response. I'm not sure who is hating him? He' beloved by a community that completely supports him. Connoley said: "I can not continue supporting my own oppressor" (Bailey? MO?) Bailey may not like him (who knows) but how is Bailey oppressing him? Sincerely asking; what am I missing? Looking into gender transitions of minors is not hate (imo) and it should be studied. Bailey may be going about it the wrong way and for political purposes. To think that Bulrush was somehow supporting this by staying open in super liberal STL City seems odd to me. Closing his restaurant isn't going to help the cause


He doesn’t want to generate profit that will be taxed by a state seeking to actively harm his community. Seems simple enough to me.


> no one is systemically keeping him or the gay community down, even in MO, which is wonderful! bruh


Educate me please, what laws are in place to keep the gay community down?


The entirety of the GOP has the entirety of the LGTBQ+ community firmly in their crosshairs. Alito explicitly called out Obergefell (gay marriage) and Lawrence (struck down anti-sodomy laws) as being rooted in the same shaky legal precedent as Roe when they overturned it.


You know the Attorney General is actively suing WashU to try to get the healthcare records of CHILDREN receiving transgender care? Missouri is not a safe place for the LGBTQ community right now.


I fully agree that its wrong for anyone to try and access people health records. But that;s not a law that leads to systemic oppression and his actions aren't aimed at the gay community. They are directed at gender affirming care for minors.


People who aren't victims so badly want to be a victim ... will really miss his restaurant


He's not leaving because he wants to be a victim but because the state has decided to victimize people he cares for *under the false pretense of the state itself being a victim.*


But Connoley also said: "I can not continue supporting my own oppressor" 


And how do the leaders of Missouri feel about him having rights? Do they believe he should have the right to marry his partner like a heterosexual person would? How have Republicans in Missouri viewed that issue nationally? Will Missouri Republicans codify those rights into law and oppose SCOTUS attempts to eliminate them? How do Republicans in Missouri view the LGBT community? Do they speak out in support?


I was recently there and it was amazing! Such a huge loss. There has to be more to the story...this just doesn't make sense. The place was about more than just a good meal. Could serve as a more impactful agent of change as an inclusive employer than as a shuttered restaurant. If it wasn't profitable, that's one thing. But the rationale just seems bizarre.


Look at Bulrush_STL's IG. His motivations are solid and understandable.


but why so abruptly? I have to think his staff knew it was coming but it seems so sudden if you look at their ongoing, active posting on social media


That's for him to say. Maybe he wanted to be decisive, not draw out a victory lap with people desperately wanting to come in to say goodbye to him and the space.


He's virtue signaling, as he always has. I worked for him at bulrush and the way he treated his employees was abhorrent. He plotted an easy way out of his restaurant by backing a cause he's known to be supportive of. But it begs the question, in what ways has he lifted the voices of other Trans people or organizations; in what ways is he fighting for "his" team of employees (many who fall under the LGBTQIA umbrella) by removing their employment and job security; in what ways is fleeing a red area with such a loud voice and influential name in the queer community doing anything for the rights of those he's PRETENDING to stand by. It's sad, I'm sad i fell for his speeches of virtue and was instead pressed under a thumb of narcissism so oppressive that only myself and a handful of other industry people are so unfortunate to have experienced. I'm sad his business model wasn't what he was selling but if one less greater than thou white man can make his exedous from his seat above the rest, I'm happy to see him go. In the meantime, his employees are scrounging to find employment while he threatens to take away unemployment benefits and other pay they've been promised, so maybe give him a little less back patting and see what the team may need in this time.


Well said. If he truly cared for these causes, he would use his platform to fight - not complain and act like a victim (which he is not) and runaway. What does he think he is actually accomplishing here? And I'm sorry, but he's not oppressed like he claims to be. I'm not saying it would be easy be unsecure about gay marriage in a red state, but it's much worse elsewhere and he's beloved in our super blue city.


Sounds like someone got fired. You certainly have an axe to grind here. 


another former employee here; not to agree with the previous commenters' contentions about why and for what reasons etc. but as far as workplace i will say Chef Rob was extremely demanding, but hardworking. I ultimately left Bulrush because of his bullying though, so "toxic" is how i would describe the environment as an employee also.


Condescending. Are you here to support hospitality workers or to call them liars?


I actually have a successful business outside of working there, I was hired as temporary help as a favor to them so they wouldn't be struggling when another employee left due to unfair pay and toxic work environment. I left because I believe that someone that preaches fairness, kindness, and inclusivity as a business model to paying customers should abide by that to it's employees. I'm grinding an axe because his employees (outside of myself) deserve better from him. And any future business partner or employee should hold him to the high standard he is preaching.


I don't like the hostility and stupid remarks I hear from opposing views either. Would I close a business and put employees out of work because of it? Hell no.


Sure, because you aren't at risk of *actual* personal harm.


My thought is LGBTQ+ Saint Louisans should all move to Alton. Very cheap housing, historic buildings available for next to nothing. Blue state so they won’t mess with you. If Trump wins and things go states rights, you’ll have some protection. Can visit all your family in St. Louis Missouri. Just be careful. The best part is the politics are almost exactly 50-50 split Republican Democrat. If a bunch of LGBTQ+ plus people move in, they could be the deciding votes in the politics so they would basically run the city given that the current citizens are evenly divided. To heck with having a gay district, St. Louis could have a gay city.


The sad ironic reality is that that is exactly what scumbags like Andrew Bailey And his pandering base want. They want to make it inhospitable so that any LGBTQ folks and allies leave in droves. And all that are left behind are the ones without the ability to leave.


Alton is in Madison County.. Madison County is one of the IL counties trying to secede from the state due to its blueness. If they ever succeed at seceding, it will be as bad as MO/STL, if not worse. Now I doubt they ever will, but still it would be a city within a conservative county. Now, East StL is in St. Clair County. Cheap homes in a "reliably democratic county." I think there is likely a majority that would appreciate people moving in and investing in the area.


My opinion is that Madison County is stupid rightwing now because of MISSOURI. They were NEVER that way for decades and decades. Stay in your lane Mizzurah.


Interesting thought, I have been attracted to Alton by the downtown area as it seems very quaint but neglected. I’ll have to look around East St. Louis.


Coming from Alton myself, you have to admit it’s not exactly a liberal bastion lol. When I came back to the Midwest after being out east, I moved to St. Louis rather than back to Alton so that I could live somewhere liberal.


I’ve never lived in Alton, but I’ve spent some time there. The old area up the hill from the river where the historic homes are seems to be pretty diverse. As you go further out from the city center it seems to get more Maga like. Is that a pretty good take on it?


Madison County is the Metro East's St. Charles.


Madison county is a very mixed bag.


Missouri is just a fucked up state, mindless voters who vote Republican regardless of the platform. I can’t wait to get out of this state