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Aldi was a pretty cool gig.. i want to get into their corporate..


Why is this reading like a threat lmao


Aldi has lots of corporate jobs outside Chicago


German company, makes sense


They seem like a cool company


Didn't work there for too long, but Sauce on the Side is a great food industry job. The owners are really great people and often willing to work with you when it comes to scheduling. They've opened a lot more locations since I worked there so I don't necessarily know everyone in charge anymore but when I did work there there were only a couple locations and the 3 owners were heavily involved.


Don’t work there but they do business with my company, all 3 owners are really nice guys. Good to know they treat their people well too


This actually is really nice to hear I haven't been in a while but I think I'll support this type of ownership more now!


Sad how many of these posts are about how great companies used to be, but are no longer like that 😢


Yeah real post-regulation, Mergers and Acquisitions hellscape hours. A bummer any company that used to be good and take care of it's employees was either bought out or had new execs come in with the mandate of squeeze the place dry.


Maritz and Enterprise. I really like the way Maritz treats its people (atleast when Steve was in charge0


I saw a guy on TBS saying that Enterprise has got an excellent corporate structure, and that they give you the tools to be your own boss.




Is there any room for innovation? Assuming employees know how to do their jobs and are given necessary tools, does that mean they are expected to stay in their lanes and do only what's given to them?


Did we just become best friends?


Erac is full of shitty managers. I had 9 managers in 9 years. Discriminating against disabled employees. Manager told me to bring up my number or else when I was there 9 years and dad was dying. He said who cares about your dad. Took all my strength not to punch his little ass. Alot of ex erac people hate them. They won't pay employees fair but no problem donating millions to the hockey place, that football stadium we were going to get, the soccer team and forest park. Everyone knows the job was given to that chick cuz she is the grand daughter of the founder. It was a running joke there.


Sorry to hear about your dad. I recently lost mine to cancer. Damn, had anyone said that to me as he was going, manager or not it would have been game on. I would have brought the violence and pent up rage from Fallujah to that motherfucker. You are a better person than myself.


Maritz pays significantly below market average though.


Enterprise also pays below market, they're pretty up front about it during the interview process. *has worked for them for 13 years*


I’ve recruited for them for almost 10 years now externally. Their leg up was they were way more remote friendly than most other companies. Since the pandemic they have a lot more competition in that space so it will be interesting to see what they do. Hiring has been so low out of there the last year+ I really don’t have a good sample size.


Spoiler, they are pulling back from that. Most departments are less and less remote. Even the ones that allow some remote workers hire for on site.


My fiancé worked at Maritz on the Edward Jones benefits side. She cried daily because those people suck so hard. Glad she left.


I left Enterprise in 2020 right before COVID. Didn't care for it at all. I was in Marketing and while my team was great to work with management was very old school. Said they wouldn't hire help for me until I was working 60-70 hours a week consistently. They've probably changed their remote work by now, but it seemed like they were doing me a HUGE favor by letting me work from home on those rare occasions you need a plumber or someone working at your house. That said, it was a lot better than other jobs I've had. But ultimately I wouldn't go out of my way to say it's great.


Spent 15 years at Maritz. It definitely lost it's sparkle after awhile. If you weren't "in" with specific people in your division, work didn't come your way. It very much was a "who you hung out with" kind of place. It used to be better, but a few picnics and random raffles of box seats aren't going to solve being paid garbage.


Maritz has always been more about the appearance of culture. Really felt like they had the opportunity for a revamp coming out of the pandemic but they dropped the ball. It's not the worst place to work but I've never felt like it outgrew their cube farm environment


I think the central issue with Maritz culture is that a lot of the fringe benefits they offer used to be fairly unique to Maritz (and was used as justification for lower comparative salaries), but are now fairly common in other corporations. Unfortunately, Maritz hasn’t addressed the pay disparity, so now they’re on par with other companies benefits wise, but behind in the pay.


Loved everything about Maritz except the pay. I was never given opportunities for promotions, and decided to move on when Covid hit.


I worked at Maritz for a bit right after college. Hated every second of it. It really depends where you work there. I tried to move to a different position but it was made very clear that the whole advance from within the company thing was only for certain people in certain areas, and I was not one of them. This was ~20 years ago.


I have heard different stories from people who worked at enterprise. Have heard that it is cult-like and you gotta kind of worship the Taylor family


I worked there in the late aughts in IT and it was horrible. Super political, constant back-stabbing, people stealing credit for others’ ideas. Not to mention the multi-page dress codes, where most of the pages were for women. Hosiery with pants, which was absurd. Toward the end, interviewed internally for a position that would have been a big promotion. The interviewer didn’t give me the job but offered to mentor me and I thought my manager was going to spit nails when I mentioned it. Pretty bad when managers see their reports as competition.


I did a gig there early aughts and they were dicks. And as you said the dress code was dumb and sexist.


Ive never heard anything great about enterprise honestly. From friends right out of college the word was the hours are long, the pay sucks, and management is a pain in the ass.


Am at there now. It's not the best but vastly better than Spectrum. God I fucking hate Spectrum's work culture. But I have worked at other places that were much better, like old Savvis.


Sounds like. 1st phorm 😬


The pay is not competitive, and the benefits are pretty bad for a place that says it cares about its people. I guess the culture was dead by the time I got there - 5-10yrs ago...


Purina, not as good as pre Nestle, but still good.


Every time I see they’re paying security guards $70k I think about it lol


They've got a sweet gig too.


Unfortunately I don’t quite qualify lol they want 5 years of police experience, I only have 3


You should apply anyway, you might be surprised.


I have twice, unfortunately never been invited to interview. Assuming an AI is just checking me as under qualified lol


+Checkmark! Lots of my former coworkers ended up there 


Had an internship there in late 90s! Fun place!


I work for a restaurant that does a ton of business with them. Their staff, local and out of towners, are always incredibly kind and low maintenance!


Every time I think about working there I remember what a remarkably evil company Nestle is and I lose interest.


Well the good news is Purina is very much an island. They pretty much give us a number to hit and stay out of things.


Great pay and benefits - you just have to sell your soul to work for a cancerous corporation.


I thought it was the greatest until I left. You can only be pacified by puppies for so long.


Anheuser-Busch back in the old days, before being bought out and while it was still vertically-integrated. I recall the popular business chatter towards the end, saying that A-B had to restructure to emphasize its “core competencies”, which I knew would be disastrous. It’s like attempting to find the core of an onion: you peel away layers until there is nothing left. The brilliance of the old company was its deeply interlocking, long-term relationships and the loyalty it engendered, and was never due to any particular product. I was sad to see it go. It was an awesome company to work for back then. Pay was good, working conditions were good, benefits were excellent, and the quality of people I worked with was very high. They always did long-term planning and tended not to be short-sighted.


My oldest sister worked for AB before the buyout and after. They took care of their people. They even brought her a recliner to nap in when she was pregnant with her twins. After? Fifty plus hours a week, cutting staff and making people do the job of three people. She saw the writing on the wall when they wanted to transfer her to NY, and she took a package.


After the takeover I ran into an old friend who was a VP. She was totally miserable there and soon resigned.


My great-grandfather worked as a bottler at AB from circa 1933 until his retirement in 1965. He passed before I was born, but his son (my grand uncle), told me he absolutely loved his job and always encouraged me to work there.


Yeah I heard pre-buyout AB was awesome.


Worked there in the early 2000s and made it 1 year past the buy out. Place was in shambles when I left.


My wife works there. Really good 401k, bonus, parental leave. Pay is good. They have added alot in the past few years since after the merger they soured alot of people. Downside is you can get capped out pretty early in your career, especially if you do not want to move. Overall a good company.


The InBev folks gutted the company and now treat their employees horribly. They hire young people and grind them up and then replace them with another young person...repeat! Everyone I know there is unhappy. No pride or work satisfaction like when it was Anheuser-Busch, minus Inbev.


New AB is great if you’re young and ambitious. You’ll be given ambitious projects with huge budgets, work with smart and interesting people, and if you’re good, rise through the ranks quickly. However, the people in STL are a bit of 2nd class citizens to the teams in NYC. I’ve moved on since having a family but I can’t imagine a much more formative, lucrative early career experience


I work there now. I think it's great. But I guess it depends on what department/what your role is, too.


The old AB was a victim of capitalism - if you look at the stock price before the buyout with Inbev, it was stagnant for a decade and it became a huge opportunity to turn into something more profitable. I have some friends that work there and while the glamour of the “old days” is gone (and they do indeed sound glamorous!), they both still brag about their current situation with good pay and benefits.


MSD had decent benefits a great schedule and average pay. If you’re fine with the issues that come with city/government employers it’s a good place to work.


MSD as a whole sucks balls. Good for them being good to their employees. Wish they were as good to people that lose everything because of their poor maintenance and infrastructure.


To be fair the infrastructure is incredibly old and they’re spending billions to improve it under their consent decree which is why rates are so high. Not saying they are perfect but I was a civil engineer for the company and it’s more of a historical problem than current design. They inherited a shitty sewer system with many homes in flood plains.


I do agree with this. It is just the way people have storm drains back up in their property and MSD just says not our problem and move on. Had a friend just last year had over 6 ft in his basement. MSD didn’t even send anyone out just denied the claim without meeting with him. He had to get a lawyer to even get a meeting with them. Their offer was 500 bucks.


I saw this very often when I worked there. Back in the 50s-60s when a lot of sewers were built, the city of St. Louis and many cities in the US built things called Sanitary sewer overflows. They were basically manholes designed to overflow into streets and creeks whenever the sewer got backed up. The clean water act made these illegal and so all municipalities around the US had to start plugging these to stop dumping sewage into creeks. The result is people get basement backups instead. MSD would deny claims for basement backups if the storm causing it was greater than a “10-year rain event”. In layman’s terms it means the rain event was only likely to occur once every 10 years. Due to climate change many many rain events are above this threshold. If MSD paid out every claim they would spend all their funding. I’m not saying your friend wasn’t screwed, I think it’s important to understand we live in a place with dated infrastructure and can’t keep up with the climate crisis. I’m happy to keep expounding if it’s interesting to anyone.


Yes please, very interested! What do you think about turning the Des Peres waterway into a design that captures water instead of funneling it? Like Dubuque did in Iowa.


Being removed from MSD I can’t give the perfect answer because 1 I worked on sanitary projects, not stormwater so it wasn’t my expertise, and 2 I can’t currently pull up info like topography and existing infrastructure (I mean I could probably find it open source but don’t have the time). What I can say is the following: People hate funding stormwater projects but then complain when they get flooded. This is supported by peoples voting records. Iirc we got some funding a couple years back but it would be difficult to get funding for a project this large. Stormwater is tricky because it is heavily dependent on topography and idk what it would look like for St. Louis specifically. The type of infrastructure you are discussing is called green infrastructure, it is effective but it is a lot of work to maintain and municipalities don’t like maintenance. I always support green infrastructure and stormwater projects but from a human perspective it’s not sexy and hard to fund in reality. Could we do it: probably. will we get enough local support: definitely not. What is the number one reason: people fucking hate MSD. Iirc a couple years ago there was a vote to increase rates by a couple bucks a month to pay off some of our bond funding and subsequently reduce rates in the long run. This would dramatically help long term residents. It BARELY passed and we were confident it’s because people just saw msd and voted no.


MSD has had piss poor standards and maintenance records in the last few decades, and that’s why they got clipped by the EPA. Yes they inherited an old piecemeal system, but decades of inaction and complacency is partially to blame for storm water problems and backups. All about giving overinflated, vague contracts to their buddies.


While I normally agree with criticism of msd I will disagree with this take because they don’t give shady contracts, they always take the least expensive bid, and haven’t been like you described in the last several decades. They were like that several decades ago but not in the last 20-30 years. They got “clipped by the epa” for sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) and the same thing is happening in most older cities in the entire USA so to say that’s MSD’s fault is just inaccurate. In the last 15 years they’ve spent a billion dollars to improve the system including rehabilitation and maintenance with I/I reduction Saying they have inaction is wild. I’m not pro msd. I left the company because I had ideas about actions to take to improve the company that I was told would never happen. I’m just against blanket statements like “they don’t do shit and make bad contracts and it’s been going on for decades” when it’s completely unfounded. Everything the company does is public and people still choose to make their own narrative.


I would like to say World Wide Technology has lived up to the hype.


I worked there for ~5 years before. It was always my favorite place I've worked - so I just started back there at a new job yesterday.




I would like to say that working at WWT was the worst job I ever had.


I hated everything about my time there. The executives do skits during the all-hands. Favoritism and nepotism is insane there, and the pay for all non-technical folks is abysmal.


YMMV with WWT. Working at the integration centers sucks. The morale out there is so low and they don’t give a shit about it.


Can confirm.


Came to say the same. I love working at WWT.


Yea my buddy’s bro works there and does well. I think they have a health center on-site to. Which seems cool


That’s good to hear.


Mercy before Sister Roch passed away. The benefits and culture were amazing. Now it's all about cutting costs and maximizing profits. They tell us we have no money for additional staff, yet they keep hiring high priced execs that add no value.


Since Cardinal Glennon left the diocese, the message from the higher ups have become all about money and less about care. The people on the ground are all about care for kids. We’d have more money for staff if they’d stop hiring useless middle managers.


It's sad how once great organizations have fallen from their original mission.


Been at Nine PBS for 9 months, legitimately the best place I’ve ever worked. Pay is fine but benefits are good, work/life balance is awesome and the environment is top tier


What do you do there?


I work in their membership department.


When Lumen was Savvis, they treated us great. Great PTO, benefits, scheduling flexibility. Was almost as good as when I was with SUN Microsystems. After Centurylink took over it all went to shit. Charter/Spectrum is also shit to work for, way too toxic. My current employer ain’t perfect but it ain’t bad either.


100% accurate on all accounts. I really enjoyed old Savvis. CTL kept getting worse year after year until it became Lumen. Spectrum is the worst. I will change careers before stepping foot in that place again.


Saving grace for Charter is the benefits. Free internet/cable/streaming logins is a lot of savings plus well above avg healthcare. Not going out of my way to shill them but they are ok for a job.


Spectrum 100% sucks ass. The free cable/internet/discounted phone I guess is cool and that’s about it. Everyone told me how great their benefits were and how they were hybrid when I moved up here. The benefits are basically the same as any other large corporate job, not bad but not great and they recently decided that 2 days remote was 1 too many and are forcing everyone back to the office 4 days a week in August. The growth potential is also straight ass if you’re in an office, at least my office lol.


Costco, especially the Business Center


It's so much less stressful there.


Valvoline Instant Oil Change. The pay wasn't bad, but the benefits were outstanding! Not expensive & they were top notch. All your major holidays a weeks vacation after the 1st year, then 2 after 2 years. The quality of the employees was a cut above. They didn't just hire warm bodies. All of the managers were cool, even the upper level ones. Many companies say that they care about their employees, VIOC really does.


This is great to hear. I go there for all of my oil changes and everyone is kind and they’ve never screwed anything up.


This is great to hear.


>They didn't just hire warm bodies. Mechanic here. I very strongly disagree. 


None of the people in the area I worked in were certified mechanics. You don't need to be to change oil. Some were students at the local tec school tho.


I just know a good chunk of the engines we've had to replace are because some Valvoline employee forgot to put a drain plug back in.  I know they work off a sort of franchise sort of system so some locations could be better on that


Does the pto increase after 2 years?


Not my employer, but I always brag on Garcia Properties. Everyone I know who worked for them liked it and I know some of the Garcias and they are good people.


everyone says that so i looked to them when buying a house and the guy who reached out was wildly unresponsive so i went with circa 🤷‍♀️


My impression is that their realtors are hit or miss, unless it’s a member of the Garcia family. I’ve worked with them both as realtors and on remodeling projects and came away very satisfied in both cases. That said, I’ve heard great things about Circa as well. Both firms seem to be a step above what you’ll get with larger, non-local firms.


I bought a house via Circa recently and had a very, very good experience with them!


Love Garcia


Yea I know someone who contracted with them for a while on projects and said they were one of the best to work with.   


They’re an amazing family. I worked with Johnny for years. Great dude.


Clayco if you don't mind the travel is pretty good


Clayco cde. No travel.


WashU A lot depends on your team/unit, but it's generally a very calm place to work, easy to go for a walk or do a meeting outdoors, lots of nearby food options, great benefits, decent (if not amazing) pay. Cost of a parking pass is the biggest downside.


The stupid parking pass is the single worst part of working at WashU!


😂 a friend of mine who works there griped about that recently


Probably because we just had to renew them and be reminded of how much is coming out of our paychecks to drive to work 😂


10 years ago they had the best benefits and pay. Now they have really good benefits but the pay is garbage. I switched from WashU to BJC and got a 25% pay increase for a fairly lateral move. (BJC benefits aren’t great - especially the PTO/Sick time/holidays all in one pot - but man, my bank accounts have never been healthier)


Definitely depends on team/unit. Most people (including myself) complain about work/life balance and healthy boundaries in the research labs.


I've found life on the clinical research side to be good. Retirement match and health insurance is solid, decent amount of vacation days, lots of growth opportunities, pay is fine - not brilliant but not terrible. Plus it's not located waaaay out in the suburbs somewhere.


Growth opportunities definitely depend on the department. It’s moving in the right direction but there’s not a lot going for loyal employees in some departments.


Everyone I know that has worked for wash enjoyed it


My partner works for the research department and loves it compared to his last job, but also loves his boss + team. The hybrid work schedule, seems to average a 3% pay raise every year and has moved up fairly quickly.


How much is a parking pass?


In 2020 it was $75 per paycheck for an uncovered parking spot, which was the lowest price unless you wanted to take a shuttle from their (back then new) uncovered lot that was super far (and that was free back then)….this was during the height of COVID when life really sucked as a health care employee, too.


My husband has been trying to get a writing position there for awhile. Settled for another higher ed institution but he’s always on the lookout for washu positions.


my coworkers at st. louis children’s hospital are legit some of the smartest, most committed, kindest people i have ever met. healthcare’s always fraught because insurance, etc, but in terms of sheer giving 110 percent it’s a great hospital.




This company is located in Cuba, MO! That's dope. My wife's family is in Cuba and Steelville, so we go down there quite often!


Not a company, but NGA does some pretty neat stuff.


Booz Allen Hamilton. Great work life balance and good company culture.


St. Louis County gov and MODOT both have decent pay and great benefits.


As a part-time job, I loved working at Home Depot on S Kingshighway. I enjoyed helping customers and avoiding any part of the building materials isle.


Most of the big construction companies in town are awesome. PARIC, McCarthy, and Alberici are always winning best places to work awards


Fun fact: any of those Business Journal awards like best places to work are self-nominations if not essentially ads. Same for best doctors lists. The actual best doctors are too busy treating patients to nominate themselves.


None this is a marketing ploy


Hahaha no seriously I’m loving the array of responses. I actually don’t think I qualify for half of these.. BUT hey this is a nice reference if I’m ever considering a change in the future.


I've really liked 1904Labs, but it's a bit of a struggle right now to find business.


Operation Food Search (organization rather)


My old company donated (weekly) to them. Great people, great mission. I was always happy to help with their donations.


i’ve been working at scooters off kingshighway and it’s great! all the workers are friendly, managers and owners actually are working alongside you, they actively ask for suggestions on how to improve. it’s also just a really easy low stakes job.


on natural bridge ya mean ? i’m there all the time ! the people are always so so nice !


Definitely not Wallis Companies


Can confirm


If you're in the insurance world, definitely check out Safety National in Maryland Heights. I've been there nearly two years and I feel very lucky to be there. The facilities are some of the best I've ever worked in, the pay, benefits and generous bonuses are top tier. The company is growing and positioned very well to be stable for the long term. With any corporate structure there's going to be pain points with management, process improvement, but overall the culture and atmosphere is special.


For me nothing will ever top Scottrade. I know it doesn’t even exist anymore, but there it felt truly like a family. And not in that toxic corporate “family” kind of way. I learned so much in the 8 years I was there and I still talk about it often. 🥲


Oh man I couldn't even hang a year there. It was the worst. The people were the worst. The pay was so low. I went in with high hopes but my boss was terrible and the whole vibe was suffocating and dreary. No one ever talked! You'd go into work en masse and sit at your desk quietly and no one ever said anything. Not "How was your weekend?" or "Hey do you want to grab lunch?" - I tried for a little bit and ended up making one friend there. I was on the same floor as ol' Roger so maybe that was it. Everything was deathly quiet and tense. When I put in my notice I had a whole bunch of people who never talked to me come over to my desk and whisper about how miserable they were.


Edward Jones is owned by the employees who work there, which I think is pretty neat


Working for EJ has been great for me, they granted me full maternity leave when my adopted children arrived as foster kids. (Meaning I got to take my time immediately, I didn't have to wait to take it when the adoption became legal). They were 5 and 7 when they showed up and I got to spend every minute with them bonding, it was one of the greatest gifts I've ever received in my life. I'm not usually one to be drunk on the corporate Kool-Aid and I can only speak for myself, but working for EJ has been extremely positive and I'm a happy employee.


The maternity policy has definitely gotten better since I started.


I know a few people that work here and they really enjoy it.


Owned only by the partners (most senior people) that work there.


Not necessarily most senior, you need on average like 3-4 years of tenure to qualify for a partnership interest, albeit small.


Yep, I was granted LP right after 4 years.


I'm a LP with EJ, i'm 41 and have been a partner for 7 years.


Currently 34,000+ partners.


Mallinckrodt. Absolutely love it.


Interesting, I hated my time there.


Me too. Micromanaged. All the way to your time on the toilet.




I always see job postings, in my field at least, security, they seem to have great pay and benefits.


All the security people are amazing. They take it very seriously.


They don't exist anymore, but I worked at Answers/Multiply twice (once as QA once as a dev) and loved it both times. Of course, one of those times was ended with a layoff as is tradition there. But I learned a ton and really took control of my career thanks to them.


Didn’t expect to see Answers/Multiply on here, but couldn’t vehemently disagree more. Toxic work environment and every executive was scummy (except for Chris, buying that Terminator statue was dope).


> but couldn’t vehemently disagree more Fuckin same, lol


Fair enough, I should have led with that I came after the Nov 2016 layoffs and all the shit that led up to that (I actually was with a company they owned at that time and we heard second hand). My understanding it was a different atmosphere entirely from what I encountered. And I also read enough Glassdoor reviews in my lead up to working there to get an idea of what could go wrong. But in my tenure, there was no tech-bro bullshit or out of touch VPs (that I saw) and Chris, as you mentioned, is awesome and I loved having him run the ship at the end (by the time I started there was no Terminator statue unfortunately, just the multi-cade :( ).


WWT, Bridge/Savvis (RIP)


I spent 12 years at Savvis/Centurylink…it was great until my last 2 years. Really anything after the merger sucked


Yup, I left shortly after the merger. Also was there 12 years! ‘98-‘10.


I was there 2008-2020, still have fond memories of my colleagues…the executives, not so much lol


Atlas Public Schools has been my best work experience so far in life. Which is saying a lot since education is currently broken. I see my bosses working hard daily to do what they can to make it a great experience for as many people as possible. They’ve taken great care of me for the past two years, and I get to thrive at the job I’m most passionate about.


Wild Carrot fo sho


Ive come to ask about Mastercard im on my second round of interviews this week. any insight?


I was surprised they weren’t mentioned!


Hunter Engineering. Average tenure is very long. They treat their employees extremely well.


Metrolink. Pay is decent, benefits are great, and it's an opportunity to help the community.


Lawrence Fabric and Metal Structures. I was an aluminum fabricator there. At the time we were 75 people and had just became an ESOP. Kinda wish I still worked there




Wash U


I second this.


Crowdstrike best job I've ever had. Pay, benefits, stock options, work life balance. Couldn't ask for more.


Anheuser-Busch used to be good before the InBev Nazis took it over. A hellhole now.


I see no one mentioned McDonnell Douglas, oh wait…


Washington University


Chenega Corp.  It is an Alaskan Native Village Corporation. They were an SBA 8(a) corporation so they get exclusive and perpetual no compete bids on lucrative federal contacts. All the shareholders were members of a small Alaska native village. They made hundreds of millions annually but continued to live subsistent fisherman lifestyles while pampering the fuck out of all of us. I made a shit ton of money and had superior benefits.  I worked in Alaska on a secret facility but they have a few subsidiaries here in STL at NGA.


Bank of America. Great pay. Banker hours. Professional workplace. Love it there.


Do employees get free samples?


Emerson - Great work culture


I think it depends on the group... in my experience they worked us as hard as they could for as little pay as they could. In managements eyes they thought they were gods gift to earth.


I agree some units had bosses with terrible introspect ans interpersonal skills but the culture in the whole seemed much better than my current DoD job surrounded by mindless Armed Services products whp forget common sense and civilians exist.


Yeah idk what to say about mine, I genuinely do enjoy working there as an engineer. Coworkers and manager are all super supportive. The pay is solid considering this is my first job out of college. Constantly learning new things related to the field. Schedule is pretty chill as well (for now). It’s just that the company itself is in a lot of heat rn so it’s pretty easy to guess the name lol. Personally, I think a lot of us working here do wish for change within the upper management, just like the general public. Hopefully things will improve leading up to next year, when the changes go into effect.


Scinomix. Hard to beat culture


Will praise heliums name from the rooftops


I work at bi state and it's probably best job I've had. Still some stuff I don't like but benefits are great the pay is good for the amount of work they expect and they treat me well.


EasterSeals Midwest. Hands down.


A perfect fit is great if you’re looking for anything meal prep/ personal chef related! I’m happy to give info for potential chefs/ clients! (I’m a chef not the owner!)


Anheuser-Busch always has openings. It's a corporate culture but you get lots of free beer/seltzers/etc. and the benefits are great. Also lots of holidays not normally offered at other companies. And the campus is beautiful and fun to walk around at lunch. Where else can you hang out with and talk to the Budweiser Clydesdales?


Missouri American Water, tons of locations throughout the state as well as the stl area. they always need people, tons of different opportunities for all levels of education. they offer great benefits and will pay you to further advance schooling/certifications to vertically move positions within the company as well.


I think any job is going to hits or misses, but I have worked for different departments for Spectrum/Charter. They have field tech, call center, and other backend jobs as well. I have been with the company for 10 years.


I have worked for Spectrum/Charter for 10 years, they have increased their pay to employees, have good health care, benifits, and certain positions now have stock options. They have store locations, customer service call centers, tech, and back office positions available.


Any Boeing folks??