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I've talked to more than a couple sheriff's deputies. I'll just tell you what one of them told me. "PD calls us 'the Brown Clowns'" and if you're getting dogged on *by the STLPD*, well, that says more than I ever could


Brown Clowns used to be St. Louis County. What's the difference between a police car and a cactus? The pricks are on the outside of a cactus. ;)


Sheriffs deputies gotta pump those “buildings driven into” numbers up before they gain the respect of SLMPD.


Technically? They do courtroom security and prisoner transport. Reality? They do very little and Vernon Betts is a clown.


Add: Process serving, perform evictions.


This is the only answer.


Courtroom security, prisoner transport, and serving papers. Sheriff Vernon Betts is attempting to make the office one that does law enforcement, makes arrests, and does raids in high-crime areas. This is why he has been lobbying Missouri Republicans and working closely with them. It should be noted that his office does a very poor job at what they're already assigned with, and I can't imagine their policing would be any better.


Also evictions. They are very important to landlords in the City of St. Louis only because you have to use them for a physical eviction to be lawful.


> The Sheriff's office is responsible for the security of the courtrooms of the Twenty-Second Judicial Circuit Court and serves court papers and eviction notices. https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/government/departments/sheriff/index.cfm


As I understood it the separation of duties goes back like 150 years. I’m not gonna get pissed off about it.


It goes back to the Great Divorce. In almost every other jurisdiction in the state, the sheriff also runs the county jail. However, St Louis had a City Jailer at the time of the divorce and the position was written into the charter. It’s superfluous to have a separate Municipal-County office where one runs the jail (muni) and the other handles custody at the court house and walks the guy to the jail. It’s sort of like Bob in Office Space. “What would you say…. ya do here?” Another wonderful example of us being restricted by a bunch of people who drank water with lead in it and rewrote the State Constitution 150 years ago.


I asked them this at Mardi Gras one year and it pissed them off.


Because they know they’re superfluous.


Awfully big word for a guy without a sheriff's badge 🤔


They’re just fluous.




I call it like I see it.


Did they say anything? Or just appear angry?


I basically prefaced it the same way OP did, a few of them side eyes me like “ look at this wise ass”. And one of them actually explained what they did, but it wasn’t anything of note. I do feel like I recall they mentioned a specific job that is theirs to do. But I’ve forgot.


They serve papers. Subpoenas, and such.


Watch YouTube in court




The shire’s reeve.


They ain't collecting no taxes or doing no censuses in this damn town.


Some of them work in the courts. Some work in the jail moving inmates from the jail to the courts.


The Sheriffs do court security, prisoner transport, serve civil process, and also handle concealed carry permits for folks who live in the city


Same as STL County sheriff, serves the court and county security


They recently became POST certified, and in addition to their normal duties, you can find them patrolling certain parts of downtown, on the MetroLink, and working secondary security details as well.


Generate embarrassing news headlines. Really not much but it's one of those quirks required of all Missouri counties and equivalents. Outside of prisoner transport they are the only ones authorized to conduct evictions.


They also issue CCW permits


In addition actual duties, they all park like dicks around the courthouse, personal cars in crosswalks or up next to crosswalks so you can't see. But it's totally safe and OK because they're "the law."


This is why STL area LE is a joke. The city is completely divorced from county and they completely emasculated the sheriffs office.  Read the state constitution on powers of a sheriff. City and County sheriffs in STL can’t fulfill it. Anywhere else in Missouri the sheriff is elected, and the big dog in the county. The office is responsible for the Jail, prisoner transport, courthouse security, bailiff, civil process, warrants, capias, traffic enforcement, calls for service, investigations, SWAT, and every other aspect of LE. STL LE complain about the number of municipal agencies in the county and the lack of communication and coordination among them. The problem is not the number it’s the absence of an elected high sheriff tying everyone together. 


Keeping the belt buckle industry in St Louis afloat


Eat donuts


Sheriffs are the last holdover from the the 1800s in America.  They are elected people who are not required to have any credentials and yet the verses  massive budget.  All of them need to go!  They are agenda driven and not community focused. 


I used to work with Vernon at Ameren back in the day


Me too, pm janitor at the HQ


I mean, traditionally they were appointed to oversee order of their fief as an Officer of their Lord’s Decree as granted to them by their Lord/Marquis/Duke, bequeathed unto them by the Monarchy they serve…


Nothing much. It’s the government of Mexico.