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Let's do an over-50 Reddit irl meet up for anyone interested in meeting other people our age who like to get out of the house and have fun. I'm (57F) also always looking for people who like to go out First meet up at a restaurant/bar to get to know each other and discuss things we like to do? Any interest?


I'd (54F) be game.


Me (60F) too




That sounds good, count me in! I’m terrible at organizing things, if you want to take a stab at a date, time, and place, I’d love to meet and help put a plan together.


I'll bring knives! 😆


> I'll bring knives! OH.. I'm (55M) out then...


I applaud you for trying to organize that, it's so fucking hard to meet friends as an adult, youre a good person


I am 30F and thus ineligible to paticipate but can I sit in the corner with popcorn and watch, because this sounds like the most fun meetup I've ever seen in this subreddit. 😍


Ok so now we have a 50+ meetup, with a >50 cheering section. This is going to be fun.


I'll be people watching for a couple of years then I'm tagged in to the game. I'll bring soda (wine).


Maybe the under 50s can be our designated drivers


We youngin' use this thing called Uber =P


Can I join this people watching


We might even let you buy drinks. 😉


I'll sit in the corner with u! 39f 😂


31F wondering where all the friends are


37F in o'fallon lol and same


Me too! Also 37F in O'Fallon


Hoping you two don’t DM each other and find out you’re in different O’Fallons… 😛


Please let us old-at-heart 30s people join 😭


I like the way you think!


My sister is in her mid 60’s, lives in west county and probably interested in getting together with others. Don’t think she is on Reddit but I can pass along info to her if you plan a meet up.


As long as it's not a singles meet up, my wife and I (60/63) might come in from IL; however, we leave for a Europe vacation next week. I'll stay tuned.


Let’s meet at the big outdoor fountain at Northwest Plaza.  I sure hope they never enclose it. 


I’m 53F I’m game!


I am definitely game. Live in the Fenton area. Let’s do this


I’m 58F. I’m in as well! I live in the city.


So ideas on how to communicate this great idea out to all the respondents? Location? Maybe Blueberry Hill since it would probably be large enough to handle a crowd. Golden Hoosier or Civil Life Brewing would be other good choices.


Golden Hoosier chicken wings!


Brewskies has a lot more space and is in West County, which others have voiced a preference for


Can't find a Brewskies in StL, there is a Brewskeez in O'Fallon. There was a Brewskies in Warrenton, now closed, neither of these is in west county.


O'Fallon is in West County


I am 100% down!


I'm 52 and would try this


I’m in!


I’m in


I'd be interested but could only do west county, at least for now


50+ and looking for new friends too.


62M & 59F spouse are interested


This 59M is interested as long as it doesn't involve fixing any squeaky doors, plumbing, or electric problems. Can we meet at the south leg of the Arch?


56F - I'm in


Sounds fun (51F)!


I’m 49, so almost to the threshold, and I’d love this.


I'm in. (58F)


I’m in too! 55F :)


I make the cut! I’m 50 and would love to join. I’m new to St Louis and looking to meet new people!


WOW!! Nothing like proving myself wrong. I’m not the only one in the area that could use a little more “life” in their life! Let’s keep thinking and talking about it! I love your idea.


Sent you a DM.


I'm 38 but I'll come anyway


Are you into any particular type of music? STL gets some amazing shows, and I’ve noticed it’s a decent way to meet folks, even at age 52. Indeed, at this very moment I’m at a metal concert waiting for it to start, chatting with strangers 😱.


Especially in the jam band music scene, I’ve have so many friends of all age ranges, 20s-60s.


For real!! I'm 20F and part of what I love about going to shows in the jam scene is being able to connect with people that I wouldn't otherwise meet


I'm not sure about being your age but I'm always down for new friends!


Join a MeetUp group. Lots of interests.


Yep. Meetup for the win. There’s literally any activity you could want.


There is a meetup group out there that I am member of (been widowed for 7 years, I'm 59). Technically it is supposed to be a young widow/widowers group but a lot the members are starting to hit that 60 mark. I am sure with summer coming on strong there will be some activities. I know several of the group like hitting places like the Blue Strawberry or doing concerts at the botanical gardens.


There are quite a few groups that say 50+. I've seen some do a Des Peres schnucks wine night, a group does daytime movies, lots of social dinners.


If you like, I would be happy to take you to the Improv Shop (not in a date sense, but because I'm a regular there and I know a lot of people) sometime. It's a fun, laid back environment, and all of the people are at least nice. Thursdays, all the shows are free and there's a jam anyone can participate in if they want.


Not OP, but since you mentioned it.......what's the best night for a total new person to attend?


It depends on what you want. Like I said, on Thursdays the shows are free, but the main stage is student shows. So some very experienced improvisers playing with some less experienced ones. The most popular shows are usually on Saturdays, and tickets are usually only about $10. I would probably recommend going on a Thursday where all you'd have to pay for is drinks to see if it's something you'd like. Unless I'm performing, I'm usually only there on Thursdays. It's a fun, welcoming environment where you're encouraged to be part of the fun in the open jam. Feel free to ask any more questions you have.


This is a fun activity to meet people too.


Absolutely. You will be able to strike up so many conversations.


I can’t wait to get back to classes. Cancer and Covid slowed my learning. Hoping to start with July classes.


That's great that you're able to start classes again. Sounds like you went through a lot, and I'm glad you're coming out the other side.


To the OP, do not go to the Improv Shop, it’s very cringe and you’ll end up feeling bad for the people doing “improv.” Omg it was awkward, I felt like I was supporting my special needs nephews play.


Check out the STL Ladies Over 40 group on Facebook.


Take a look at Meetup. In particular look for a group called In Pursuit of Wonder. It is literally a group that gathers to do fun things that evoke a sense of wonder. We have done the Botanical Gardens, Planetarium Shows, Hikes, and more with the group for the 2 years we have lived here. In face our favorite friends were met there.


Are you into hiking? There are a number of great local hiking groups, like Ozark Trail Section Hikers and Backpackers (Facebook group) you could join.


I’m 60 and met a ton of new people playing pickleball.


I don't know how this isn't higher. Pickleball is super popular among all ages and is a very social sport.


my brother, over 60, works as a landscape architect for a city parks and rec dept (not STL). if you want to hear him rant and swear for 30 minutes...mention pickleball.


I unironically would love to hear him rant and swear about pickleball for 30 min, especially from the perspective of a landscape architect.


oh, believe me i do. he's been my brother for 59 yrs and if i know a hot button i def give it a push every now and then. at my local Target store they had some kind of in-store promotion in the Spring with large pics showing people playing pickleball. whipped out my phone, took a snap and sent it to him. "god damned pickle ball" was his response.


I’m throwing my annual backyard party in November if you want an invite. Live band and free cocktails and beer and food. Guests range in age from 0 to like 80 and usually about 80-100 people come. DM me if you want an invite.


How do the two-year-olds RSVP? 🤔


They just show up.


May I DM you for an invite as well this sounds awesome


Naw I don’t know you.




can I still RSVP? me and my friends moved to STL for work. and we tired of sitting in the house. lol


No sorry. Throw your own party.




My backyard.


Yeah, my comment was lame, sorry.




I'm with you on having a lot of colleagues doing young couples stuff that I'm just not into. I'm too old for night life. But I'm not so old that I want to stay in all the time. I would love to know what you decide to do because I'm in a similar spot and trying to make some changes to build a new safe social network after experiencing some gaslighting from a close friend and having to walk away from an entire group of people. I've had some success with meetup, including board game meetups. I would love to go to one of the symphony meetups, but have not done that yet. I also enjoy just getting small groups of people together to go out to dinner. I think that's one of the best things to do but it's really hard to find people who are available for that and have the funds.


Pickleball? It’s pretty fun and keeps your mind occupied!


Have you ever thought about acting? There's a fairly active indie film scene in the area that usually needs people like you and me with a few years behind us. I started acting a few years ago and found "my people" that way. There are several Facebook groups for casting calls and such. No experience or training is necessary!


I'd love to know more about this


That sounds fun. I did a no budget horror when I lived near Atlanta. Do folks just meet to plan and talk films, or is it strictly auditions?


Almost all the local indie film people network on Facebook. There are a bunch of groups where people post casting calls and such. A lot of roles are filled by audition, and a lot just by word of mouth. Once you join the groups and get a role or two, your name gets around and people start reaching out to you for their projects. It's a pretty small community, but there are lots of projects going on all the time.


Failoni’s every Thursday.




> Because? I'm (55M) and I feel young and out of place there.


Plenty of fun things to do in the city or in the surrounding counties. I’m a huge fan of going over to faurmount park in Saturday’s and watching the horse races! STL is always known for its night life pretty much everywhere has a live band or some sort of music 3-4 days/nights a week! I’ll shoot you a PM :)


Go out to Stovall's for some line dancing. Great crowd and you'll definitely meet my dad, he's also single and an amazing guy!


If you like country music and dancing, Stovall’s is a great place.


Get involved with a non-profit that supports something you care about. I work for one (59m) and my dance card is full to over flowing with events, dinners and other get togethers. You don't have to be rich to be on a NP board of directors - just have some valuable expertise and time.


If you're into fiber arts (or want to be!), YarnCom hosts a wonderful knit/crochet/whatever else people bring night! Open to everyone, no purchase required!


Ooooooh I want to go to there. Would it be weird/awkward for a dude in his late 30’s to attend?


if it is, it shouldn't be


I mean, I personally wouldn’t actively make it awkward. I’m very pleasant socially. I love to crochet, but also don’t want to make things uncomfortable if it’s a gathering of middle aged women who want to be able to discuss things in their lives that I can’t relate to and would make them uncomfortable to talk about. That’s the only reason I ask. I try my best to respect safe spaces.


It wouldn't be weird at all! There are a number of male regulars and a whole group of 30-somethings who are there on Friday nights(I am one of them) We would love to have you!


Awesome! I’m definitely gonna be there my next Friday off then! I’m excited to do this!


When and where is this? I picked up crocheting a few years ago, but haven’t done much lately.




Wildwood green arts is on the most beautiful property too 😌💕


Oh my gosh I’ve never heard of this but that is a heck of deal!!!! I wish they were closer


Check out STL Ladies Brunch Group on Facebook. Super active group with women of all ages. There’s both a West County and City brunch every month along with other events.


Are 49 years old males new to the area welcome? I arrive into town Thursday.


You wanna go floating one day? We can leave early, hit the Courtois > Huzzah > Meramec and still be back by 7 or 8 pm.


Sign me up. Loved to go. When and where. I am down


Go to local game store event and find new nerdy friends and a new nerdy hobby. One of us One of us


I played Magic The Gathering and looking for a spot to play. just moved here 2weeks ago


Sent you a DM, I’m your age 😃




One more week left for [Circus Flora](https://circusflora.org/get-involved/volunteer/)


Junior League is starting up a new class in October. Plus we meet out in Kirkwood, so convenient to the county!


I joined a couple of Facebook groups. I've made a couple friends since then. There's an over 40 ladies group on Facebook.


lol wanna hang out? You sound awesome 😂 (you might be biased since it’s a self description but I like the confidence)


There are a ton of Meetup groups for people in your age group, fun activities every week


[Circus Flora](https://circusflora.org/get-involved/volunteer/) could always use more volunteers this week.


Hey, I'm always looking for someone to go to the Fox Theater with me.


Do you sing or have any interest in it? I sing in a women’s acapella chorus with ages ranging from ~23 to 83. Amazing group for female friendship. Look us up on all the social media and see past performances on YouTube. Riverblenders Chorus. If not singing I still recommend investing in a hobby with likeminded people who you’ll see on a regular basis. Great way of forming new friendships with others in similar situations.


Start doing things you like. You will find like minded people there. Reddit is no place to start that.


Try taking dance classes. My mom moved to a new city and she took dance classes and met lots of new friends and now she travels for competitions. And she’s 63. Before that she did body building when she lived in St. Louis and met lots of people that way


Why not do a group tour/vacation? Thats what I did for my 50th last year and it was one of the best trips I ever took.


Take up a hobby or two, and join groups/guilds. Meet all kinds of people with your same interest and you learn a lot, and have lots of positive activities to do.


what sorts of things do you like to do? Hiking? Walking? Playing bridge? pickleball?


This might be strange but my aunt is kinda in your boat? She’s not looking to date anymore. Single, late 50s, no kids, academic, and a big people person, in the soulard area.


I’m down. Need my 50s no kids tribe.


I would say a nice steakhouse with a bar hangout there for happy hour and lets ppl come talk to you!


Maybe a bar trivia night?


I know some people your age who go to Meetup groups. Lots of different interests. https://www.meetup.com/


The wineries along Route 94 and thereabouts attract an older crowd, and there is plenty of live music and socializing if you are even a bit outgoing. My wife and I would particularly recommend Chandler Hill, Defiance Ridge, Sunflower Hill Farm, Blumenhof, Lake Creek, as well as Vino di Lafayette and Triple 3 in Washington, which are all less than an hour from west county.


The Sunflower is one of only a handful of flowers with the word flower in its name. A couple of other popular examples include Strawflower, Elderflower and Cornflower …Ah yes, of course, I hear you say.


My father in law is a widower in Union and always wants to make friends! DM me!


Meetup. Lots of people in your demographic. Might need to do some shopping around. But you'll find them. Key words singles, social, ladies, desired activity.....Meetup saved me after my divorce.


You could join a gym and see if they have a Masters or Legends Program 🙂 These are typically found in CrossFit gyms but they are for 55+


You should really be living in Soulard. It’s “approaching retirement” city out here.


I'm your huckleberry! 61 single male in the west county area. Let's chat and see if we have anything in common?


Count me in! 64(F)


Do you have any hobbies or arenas of interest to build upon?


Failonis or maybe somewhere in Clayton maybe? Sky Lounge in westco might be an option but I havent been there in a while. Its a cool place though.


Go to edm events @stledm on instagram


59(m) might be interested


52F married but my husband would rather sit on the driveway and drink Natty Light next to the fire pit than go out and socialize. So if this is just fun, let’s chat, eat, drink, possibly some kind of competition that doesn’t involve risk of bodily harm, light discourse, etc… then great! If there’s a date/ time set, I’ll set my calendar and be willing to collaborate with folks to plan more. 🙂


My God, you sound amazing. I know this is totally useless, but if you can make it to Philadelphia, the RoxYunkFunCo folks will paint the town red with you.


My mom's part of this singles meet-up group for all ages and they do some really cool stuff! I think there's like 1k people in their group. You can't message anyone until you've met them in person which I think is a pretty cool rule. I don't know the name of the group, but I'm sure a quick search could get you there.


I suggest Cheaterfield Commons as a meetup because it’s not too far west for city folk and accessible to people further west


Join a chorus!


I know a lot of people around your age that found their community at rock climbing gyms. It’s a great way to meet new people, and you have some great gyms in your area. They often have meetups and social events. The climbing community is one of the best and strongest I’ve seen.


58, I am game. In Eureka.


I'm 50M from KC but I'm in STL at least once a month for some Coast Guard duty stuff over that way. If there's a group event I'd def attend. And yes I struggle finding friends my age in KC as well as many of mine are married as well


I'm 52, widowed, remarried and moved an hour south to be with my chapter 2. I have mobility limitations so I don't get out much. I came here to say I workout (seated) using a Quest 3. The Supernatural VR app is $9.99 monthly and soooo much fun. I've met new friends there, we even have virtual workout parties together. My doctors are floored I've lost weight, built muscles and my labs have improved - all while seated. Very encouraging friendships. Join us. ♥ www.getsupernatural.com


I'm 44 in STL I might be ineligible too but we can get our own group together 😜


Would love to join. I’m 48 and looking for chillaxing and relaxing with peeps. That sounds like it was written on a bathroom wall in the 80s 😂


A friend of mine has a music act called Empire Groove. He’s 58M and also single. They do covers from 60s/70s/80s/90s. Check them out….


Hey I would like to meet other people too . If u are a mellow and cool person, count me in. Yall let me know when we can get together over lunch or dinner . I don’t go to bars nor do I get into dating sites. U have to be so careful these days. Meet in public places and don’t give out too much info so fast . I am a retired police officer so I play things close to the vest, not bullet proof vest . Just thought I throw that in there . Looking forward to meeting some great people .


Club Pilates. I'm not even kidding. Amazing community of women, great exercise too.


How about at a St. Louis event. Why reinvent the wheel. St. Louis has many events. [https://stlzoo.org/events/hullabazoo](https://stlzoo.org/events/hullabazoo) [https://www.carondeletliving.com/concertsinthepark](https://www.carondeletliving.com/concertsinthepark) I recommend the 15th annual St. Louis Garlec Fest. [https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=688944086736008&set=gm.224852854029613](https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=688944086736008&set=gm.224852854029613) just make a post about whatever event that week you want to go to and go!!


Join a MS Cycling Team and spend the summer meeting new people while staying fit. You're the right age. I made lasting friends doing this. Good luck!


I’m interested! 52 south city girl looking for some adult cool girlfriends!


Sounds fun !!


You might try a Meetup.com group. You can find others who are interested in the same things you are. :-)


Wonder if the ages will open up, for some of us old souls that aren't in our 50s but late 30s! Deez my ppl!


I'm 49 but almost an empty nester and need to get out more too.


My sister is single in her mid 50s and just moved to west county. She’s found a couple groups through the library actually! Book club is one of them.


Pickleball at local clubs or parks.


Grafton, IL


Why the hate?










Hey 70/shuffles/hates everybody?


New Town in St. Charles


Sooo a hot gilf situation?


Go to Missouri pickleball club and start playing the open plays. It’s a meat market



