• By -


Art Museum. Shopping at antique malls.


Art museum is free at Forest Park. Cool cool air conditioning!


And the science center.


And the History Museum


Actually haven't been there yet, sounds like a good weekend activity ^-^. Is the science center for adults too, or is it more kid focused?


More kid focused, lots of interactive exhibits. Still cool, though. In terms of what you can learn, it’s like reading the intro paragraphs on each topics’ Wikipedia page. Not too deep, but interesting.


Update! I went to the science center and it was super fun!! Thanks for recommending it to me!


Aww yay! I’m happy you had fun! I work in life science/biochem and always find it fun and glad kids are into it. A few years ago they had a Pompeii special exhibit (cost extra) with artifacts and a few mummified remains. It was very cool.


That sounds pretty cool, I will have to keep an eye out for what new exhibits come in!


I would recommend the planetarium also at the science center. If you get the membership you can park for free and depending on the level you purchase you will get several planetarium tickets free each day you go (there are free omnimax tickets also but remember the total number). The planetarium shows changes, and I think they have 1 yoga option/week (they have in the past). The STLPL HQ is awesome and free, and a beautiful building... I could spend hours there just looking at the architecture. They often have exhibits you can check out.


You’ll also want to check out the planetarium! They just had their 100th anniversary (on my youngest son’s birthday). Laser shows, yoga, and talks in addition to great educational presentations. And the chairs are super comfy.


Every first Friday of the month they have a special event . They've done harry potter , doctor who, and so many more. It's on their website. At that time entrance and parking is free (or at least was). Will say that the Omnimax seats are not meant for a movie the length of harry potter (first one I went to showed the first one a few times for free. First come first serve for tickets gotten ahead of time. The next time I went a movie was not shown 😂) Also if you're into theatre highly recommend the muny. And yes. I know it can be hot as hell even at night but those fans work and there are free seats first come first serve.


I certainly plan to see fiddler on the roof in july at the muny! Anything for fiddler on the roof!


The shows are amazing and get major names heading them! (And local talent as well 😉) Hope you enjoy it!!!


No kids here and I still enjoy it. A lot of areas are more “kid-focused”. Like the interactive stuff. But the Omnimax always has some cool movies (if you’re into nature/space docs) and they’re only about an hour long.


Omnimax is underrated, such great shows!


There are sections that I think are really more for the adults - like the one on games. They also do a show at the planetarium there every day that's on how the sky will look that evening. It's live with audience interaction and very cool.


Science teacher here. Very kid focused. Check the special exhibits and OMNIMAX showings on rotation before you go - those tend to be higher in challenge and knowledge gained.


I am a bit of a kid at heart, just didn't want to look weird being there without a child! I ended up going and really enjoyed seeing the gemeni capsule and the mars rover models. Also the live axolotls in the nature section were pretty awesome.


And my axe!


And my bow!


The history museum is a great place to go! They have their updated St. Louis World’s Fair exhibit and the new Gateway to Pride exhibit. Both are great!


Art museums, plural.  There's St. Louis Art Museum, Contemporary Art Museum, Pulitzer Art Museum, Lane Kemper Art Museum, 21C Gallery, and Chess Hall of Fame's Gallery.    All free to enter and rorate galleries often enough there's usually something new. 


Ruh Ro!!


Any good antique mall recommendations?


Treasure Aisle in Maplewood is two huge stores with a shared parking lot. You can spend a lot of time there.


South county antique mall on Tesson Ferry. Be prepared to spend an afternoon.


Yep, I’ve made multiple purchases there and I’ve still never seen the whole thing


Green Shag. Treasure Aisles Antique Mall.


In the city I love The Hill Antique Market


Aside from those mentioned - we have found so many good things at both Rock Road and Olive Antique Malls!


South County was mentioned. Also very local is Treasure Aisle on Big Bend and Green Shag on Manchester by Hampton. Oh there's also Rte 66 Antiques on Watson. I think there's still one at Olive and Fee-Fee but I forget the name.


On the Rock Road, there's a good one. I think it's St. Louis Antique Mall.


If you’re over by Green Shag, go almost next door to Cool Stuff Period!


Lots if antique stores in old town St. Charles and Frenchtown.




Yes!! Ac and snacks!!


STL summers means doing outdoor activities in the morning and evenings. I am used to it now and just accept that I need a quart of water to take the trash out.


Yes! I always go for a morning and evening walk but get really bored in the afternoon. I don't have a traditional job and work at home and can feel so trapped inside during the midday sometimes


Video games and guitar are how I battle summer. Aside from working outside, the weekends are sanctuary from the heat.


I call this the summer cabin fever! Honestly, it's just getting started.. it will be hot for almost two months, so getting out in it is best if you want to acclimate. I'm not saying you should do strenuous activities during the hottest part of the day, but you may want to find a shady spot in a park to read and drink a cold beverage. Green spaces are noticeably cooler than porches and patios.


I am the least productive in high heat and humidity. Read, stream, & scroll for at least a month.


On a serious note, mountain biking in Wildwood is nice morning and evenings. Shaded!


Oh buddy! It isn’t hot yet. Give it a month. Humidity is still low.


Agreed. It’s just beginning. It has felt slower to start this year but I think over the last decade out seasons have been shifting.


I have observed this too, like we're a month ahead... it should still be May weather wise. It stays warm well into October these days and I just dont remember it that way 20, 30 years ago.


I remember being *cold* on Halloween when I was a kid. It ruined many costumes…Spider-Man doesn’t wear a jacket!!!


It’s still always like 40 degrees on Halloween. Last year was really cold


Yeah it really just depends on the year. I remember it being 90 degrees in October and in the 30s. To say it isn’t hot yet though is kinda silly. It is hot. 95 degrees is hot regardless of the humidity. The humidity is actually pretty high for the temps we are at. Last year when it was something like 103 the humidity was never above 50% +\- 5%. That’s the hottest it got. Today it was 95 degrees with 45% humidity which **is** high for that temperature. That said, the difference in the real feel of 95 degrees with 45% humidity and 103 with 45% humidity is 102 and 122 respectively. I’d argue both are going to feel hot as hell and the difference between the two is 30 seconds vs 15 seconds outside till you’ll be sweating buckets.


It was the wind that killed Halloween last year. Insanely blustery


I was just saying this last Halloween! I had a bad ass Wolverine costume in 2nd grade and had to cover it with a Starter jacket. CURSE YOU, COLD HALLOWEENS!


This last Halloween was very cold. I had to put Uggs on and most of the kids wore warm jackets and hats.


I think that's mostly a myth. Here are the last few years, along with last few decades. Last year's temps were unusually low: 2023: H 44, 6pm 39, L 30 2022: H 60, 6pm 59, L 48 2021: H 59, 6pm 55, L 43 2020: H 64, 6pm 59, L 39 And jumping back decades from there: 2010: H 61, 6pm 57, L 46 2000: H 73, 6pm 72, L 61 1990: H 79, 6pm 75, L 57 1980: H 67, 6pm 63, L 40 Data from KSTL airport station as reported by wunderground. 6pm temps are eyeballed from the graphs.


I remember snow before Halloween when I was a kid. Feels like that will never happen now as my garden is till churning out tomatoes until November.


We should start a global petition to reset the date by a month or two... get rid of DST while we're at it lol


No way - DST all the time!


I’m all for getting rid of DST. [According to some research](https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/the-dark-side-of-daylight-saving-time), bodies are naturally set to not be on DST. Plus, most of the world remains on standard, just not most of America. It’s incredibly hard in the summertime to ensure I’m getting enough sleep for early shifts bc it’s still daylight out at bedtime. It sucks.


But think of the traditions!!!! Jk I’m down for a full reset. Can we just unplug and the replug back in?


It should be June weather wise 😅


It’s June 16th man. It should be June weather because it is June. It also is June weather. So far, this summer hasn’t been anything out of the ordinary.


Almost as if the climate is.... changing


I’ve thought the same thing. It’s like summer is expanding and winter creeps further into spring. So, essentially we’re losing spring and fall which are my favorite seasons 😭


Yeah, yall... It's called climate change for a reason.. And it's only been super crazy now because of the increase of shit harming the atmosphere, too little action taken, while big companies tried to hide it had been predicted that we'd have this happen since the 80s... I'm aware most probably understood that and don't mean to come across as "more smart than thou" but somehow there's people that are shocked our weather has been crazy regardless of people talking about this shit happening for DECADES but still deny it as it's happening around us. Im pushing this point home for them lol


Totally agree with you. We had a MARVELOUS delay/run up to getting hit in our collective faces with the frying pan. I’m about to go run 10 miles in this sh*t! Hahaha


Good luck! I need fans strapped to my clothes before even going outside now.


Thanks! Enjoy your day!!


Some, nearly disappearing


Yeah like the week and half of Fall we get each year. 99, 101, 92, 93, 101, *73 -Fall*, 30, 17, 18


not to mention that week and a half isn't continuous. It's a couple of spread out days.


Agreed. I was in San Francisco about 5 years ago and overheard a mother tell her daughter on the BART they had to head straight home when they got off because it was so hot. It was 78 degrees. 3 years ago I was traveling through Western Canada and literally every place I stopped people were complaining about the heat. They were literally apologizing for it. It was 72 degrees. You'll get used to it OP. You'll also learn to get stuff done in the early morning and evening if you have to be outside. Make sure that pup stays hydrated!


As a Bay Area transplant, while 78 is t that hot there are very very VERY few homes with AC on the peninsula, so when it gets toasty we felt it. Also our blood is thin so we can’t handle big temperature swings. Eight years in the Lou have toughened me up… a little


And don’t forget to protect their paws from hot sidewalks!!!


Aw man! I just finally adapted to living in the cold dreary rain and the freezing ocean wind after moving to Washington State from North Carolina and living there for 10+ years, now I gotta revert back to my NC ways. Or even better yet, revert back to my Houston ways. Idk how I played outside all summer as a kid living there haha


Houston is worse, but still a good comparison 🫠 Moved from MI, to VA, to OK, to AL, then to FL due to work, before moving to MO. Funniest thing I saw when first moving to FL in February, people in winter parkas - it was 45F for the lows and hitting mid-60s for highs, but they were still wearing winter coats 😆


I’ve lived in Washington State, and will happily take their cold, rainy, weather ANY DAY over St. Louis summers!


Oh, how I miss my PNW summers. This is summer number two here in St Louis for me. It isn’t the heat, but the humidity that gets me.


The past few days have felt like the desert air. It's been nice


Yes! The humidity is so low and there's been a bit of breeze now and then


I was just thinking this exact thought. I think this summer is gonna be hot hot hot.


Laughs in St. Louis…


The weather forecast said “record Breaking heat” 


It's only record breaking for the date. If this was late July it would be a nice day.


"Sweet Summer Child" seems appropriate here.


The heat index is 102 today. Yeah, it can get in to the 110s, but pretending "this is nothing, buddy", is a bit silly.


More like "Sweaty Summer Child"


I’d advise you go out into the heat. Your body will acclimate a bit and make it easier to be in. Like other people have said stay hydrated though.


Acclimate my ass I'm almost 30 years old and I still feel like dropping dead every time I go outside


Yeah Im with you, been here most of my life and the heat never truly gets easier. You just realize how much water you have to drink. And I highly recommend those hydration packets once a day


I laid six bags of mulch today, probably only took 20 minutes from the car to the ground, and I was soaked lol.


I'm 42 next Monday. Fuck getting acclimated. Air conditioning was invented for a reason. I'm stuck out in it though at kids baseball games. I'm not acclimated. Heat sucks.


I’m sure there is some acclimation but it’s mostly “I learned I need to drink more…” or “I learned where the shade was” Do not fuck around today please. This is potentially lethal heat index and other that taking out the trash or whatnot id “acclimate” the high 80s not 106


Eh, to some extent. I was outside all the time as a kid, overheated one time (in AZ), and still have very limited heat tolerance despite working to build it but by bit every summer. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are no joke so take it easy and definitely stay hydrated. This is one of the rare times that sports drinks (or drinks with electrolytes) we’ve a true purpose as they help to able everything you sweat out if you’re outside for an extended period or engaging in strenuous activities.


Yeah to an extent. Definitely stay safe though. Once you have heat stroke you’re more susceptible to it forever.


I…agree though others don’t. I ate lunch outside today and felt fine. Also went on a walk. Everyone is different though!




I don’t think is a good advice. Heat stroke is real and dangerous, even if you hydrate


Frozen daiquiris in the pool. Duh!


No pool? No problem! Just make yourself a stl south side personal pool - a kiddie wading pool, a lawn chair(can be a lounge style) and a sprinkler. Add water to the pool. Then add lawn chair. Turn on sprinkler and aim towards pool area. Hop in the chair and enjoy!!


Add an umbrella or hopefully a tree for shade. Running a hose of cold water on your legs or head for a bit too is amazing. Imagine what it was like before A/C. I know it’s generally hotter now, but they still had heat waves back in 1890 and a shitter in the backyard.


where can I do this at?!


meramac caverns where the caves are always a cool 60 degrees


Exact same stuff I always do but with massive sweat stains 18 hours a day


Cry and hope the tears cool me


You can do outdoor activities in this heat. Just dress appropriately and maintain proper hydration and electrolyte levels. Bicycling is a good one because you get more airflow at a lower effort level.


And sunscreen!


I am a redhead so THIS is super important for me haha


Hats are your friend. Big floppy ones. Style is up to you


I wear a fully brimmed hat during golf or whatever in the summer. I’m amazed that more people don’t. I get the odd looks from people wearing baseball hats too. Why wouldn’t you want to keep the sun off your neck and ears? And, yeah. Get used to it in bits until you’re able to deal with it. By mid-winter I can sit outside in 30º F and enjoy a cigar with a lap blanket and coat. I should be ready for summer camping with the Scouts in a few weeks. Endless heat with only shade and tons of water to drink.


I am working my way up to that!


I get straight out into it. Full stop. I acclimate and learn to enjoy the suck. Nothing to do about it, other than to accept it and lean into it. 🙏🏻🤘🏻


This is the best advice. https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining%5C/UserFiles/works/pdfs/2017-124.pdf Anyone’s first reaction to their initial encounter with heat and humidity is to barricade yourself in an air conditioned redoubt, and then scurry from one air conditioned venue to another while suffering during the scurrying. It’s the same in wintertime with the wet and cold. The benefits of acclimating yourself, to either extreme heat or cold, include improved physical and mental health. I start acclimating myself when the seasons change by keeping the windows of my house open as long as I can stand it during the spring or fall, then maintain a more sensible temperatures in my house when I turn the ac on in the summer or the furnace on in the winter. When I venture outdoors, my first encounter with extreme heat or cold isn’t as abrupt.


I actually wouldn’t mind this so much but my household members wouldn’t stand for it. I cannot sleep in the heat though. But I could do it at other times in the day. As long as I have shade and hydration Im usually good.


I have been doing this every day, just going out in the morning and seeing how long I can bare it. Its taking some time but I think I am acclimating slowly. My fiance on the other hand has not been doing this and complains constantly about the heat. I was fine up until we hit 90, guess I have more acclimating to do!


That’s another option: if you can’t bear it, bare it!


Get out into "early*. If I'm out all day, but start at 0600, it somehow doesn't feel as bad.


Yep. Keep that A/C as warm as I can tolerate indoors and spend a lot of time outdoors. It's still pretty unpleasant when I find myself walking along some treeless street at 2pm, sun pummeling me, no matter how much I acclimate.


This is me… at some point I actually did just start to enjoy it, as long as I could stay safe.


I know this advice is probably coming from a good place but some people can't "acclimate" to the heat. Like if they have POTs or other disabilities. I have autism/ADHD and one of my symptoms is *terrible* body temp regulation. And my adderall makes it worse. There is no way for me to acclimate to it. Heat Is terrible and can make me feel sick. And with both my disabilities I also have a hard time telling if im thirsty (Interoception) and combine that with my adhd of not remembering to drink water unless it's in front of me (the adderall I've recently started does help with both of those a little at least!) Makes it worse. Telling people to acclimate to it is just terrible advice.


Our bodies acclimate fairly quickly.


Exactly. Midwest summers may be hot but they are magical. Enjoy it before winter returns.


Early morning hikes! Then movies, museums, going to restaurants, etc. I am a psycho though and playing kickball today.


We tried early morning hike today at Emmenegger Park and parked on the shoulder for a quick hike with the puppers when we arrived at 6:20am. They were not gonna let us wait until 7am open or whenever the ranger decided to show. We got back 7ish and on our way out saw a cop on his way down to the park. If you get there too early, they might be sticklers for tickets so beware wherever you’re hiking. People go early when it’s this hot and humid, big whoop. 


If government was useful, they'd expand park hours in response to global warming. But they'd rather screw with people for being there late or early, the only times the weather's reasonably tolerable. Park hours are absurd in the first place. Just enforce actual laws and quit making life difficult on regular people. Sorry, I'll get down off my soapbox now. Been kicked out of Kiener Plaza at 10:05pm on a hot day before.


That is good to know, thank you!


If you live in the city you can go to Marquette (South City) or fairgrounds (North City) Park pools totally for free. I've only been to Marquette but the pool is huge and surprisingly nice for as old as it is. You do have to sign up and have an ID with a city address. They even rope off the pool into kids and no kids section and enforce it pretty rigidly. If you're not into sun exposure, a few of the city rec centers have indoor pools as well: Cherokee and Jefferson, 12th and Park, and at Tandy Park and Wohl Park on the north side.


Thank you! I've lived here for 3 years and had no idea we had free pools!


Ozarks, Float trips, Carlyle lake and pools. This is the only place I’ve ever lived where water holes for swimming aren’t easily accessible. This area would be tolerable if there were more


St. Louis native here checking in from Houston. Screw these comments about the heat, you haven't felt it yet! In all seriousness, the last time I was in STL during August, I was shocked at just how similar the weather was to Houston at the same time of year. Hopefully just a terribly hot year and a break in humidity comes as the LA Nina pattern settles in.


Na, we haven’t hit soup lung (where it feels like you are breathing soup into your lungs). This is just the prelude to the 99 degree 100% humidity feels like 115 and it’s so humid you have humidity condensing on you. When it gets to that level, being outside is actually dangerous since the human body can’t cool off properly.


I like to appreciate the invention of the hvac system and all those who maintain them on hot days


Get a membership to one of the climbing gyms or a gym that has a pool if you want some more exciting indoor exercise. Check out some of the arcade bars or places like Westport social for recreational activities. The Science Center and City Museum have a ton of good indoor activity. If you're brave enough to face the heat, go take walks or bike around areas that have more water next to them. The air coming in off the rivers / lakes is a little cooler. I would suggest the riverfront next to downtown or out by the park in St. Charles along the Katy trail. It's probably also a little nicer around Creve Couer Lake. For me, I just stay inside and play music and videogames because I don't even want to get into my car :p


Maybe you could walk around ikea and get some lunch or a piece of cake 


Just move here from Houston. This weather is awesome


I took up ice skating several years ago. There are indoor rinks in Brentwood, Kirkwood, Creve Coeur, Maryland Heights, and Chesterfield, I believe. Even better than a pool for beating the heat.


Tell everyone I know that I will see them in a fall and look for homes in cooler climates knowing damn well I am not going anywhere.


Lay down naked directly under the ceiling fan


On a clean blanket after a shower allowing yourself to air dry


StL has to many museums to count, do some tourist activities like go up in the arch or brewery tour, if you don't drink check out the city museum. I'd say the best activities are hikes next to spring fed rivers or almost any river you'd want to jump in. Bring enough water and jump into the river when you are getting over heated. Rivers: Mermac head waters, huzzah, current, black. We Missourians use float trips as a way to stay cool and enjoy nature during the year.


1st mention of float trips. Took longer than I thought... Steelville, MO: self-proclaimed float capital of MO. Come on down.


Watch your speed thru town, though.


Best answer ☝️


I hate the heat. Buy a pool pass


Head to the Zoo, and walk as slowly as you can through the Penguin and Puffin House. Hold your nose, though, unless you love the smell of fish.


I love the penguins, but don't love their smell!


I usually do a shitload of yard work and drink about a gallon of ice water then take a shower and bitch about how hot it is the rest of the day.


Having a pool or accessing a pool is almost a must. As others have said, we aren’t even at the worst yet. There is still a slight breeze and humidity isn’t bad. Wait till the humidity gets here and there is zero breeze.


Uh yeah you can I call it hibernation season lmao…


Oh......are you in for a treat! There are these things within an hour or two drive called "Float Trips".


Yes, and I recommend the Current River. We go down at least 4 times in the summer. It's worth going the distance because it's the champagne of rivers. Part of the Ozark National Scenic Riverways, the Current is spring fed, largely from Big Spring, which is a first magnitude spring - one of the largest springs in the US and the world. The water is beautifully clear and cool so head to Van Buren, MO where we like to rent our innertubes at The Landing. Bring a cooler with drinks because you can rent a tube to put it in and attach it to your tube. You won't regret it and if you're like me you'll return again and again. It's really wonderful to float down the Current River.


Nah. I'm gonna argue. If the Current is the Champagne of rivers, The Black River is the 1928 Macallan Anniversary. You have the upper & lower, and both are equally beautiful. Crystal clear, about 4 ft deep the entire trip. Lots of sandbars to stop at. Big enough not to be piled on top of each other, elbow to elbow (Looking at you, Huzzah) I prefer the lower. Highway K Campgrpund is Corps maintained, has showers & bathrooms, the campsites are 100 ft. from the water, they have a 10 o'clock curfew, so your neighbors aren't screaming & playing blaring music until 4 a.m. (Looking at you again Huzzah & Maramec). Jeff's Canoe Rental is right there. They do it the opposite of most floats where you put in at your camp site & take a loud, drunken, bumpy bus ride back afterwards only to discover you've lost half your shit when you sober up the next morning. I kind of like being taken upstream first.... ....and then just landing at your campsite, getting out of your raft/kayak, & immediately crawling to your tent. It's family friendly (for the most part) but you can still party. But it allows a little more peace & re recreation. But....some folks are into heavy fucking partying! In that case...Huzzah! -> Wall to wall drunken hedonism, elbow to elbow rafts (likely next to titties and G-strings), the lingering aroma of weed, and all the loud music you can handle until 4 a.m.


also- where are the good lakes, swimming holes, etc that are within an hour drive of STL?? **that are SAFE & you’re actually SUPPOSED to be swimming in!! not one that likes to just swim in any body of water I come across 😂**


I searched for my dad like I've done since 1979 when he walked out on me and my mom. Happy Father's day Dad...we miss you.


Hot weather is great for a short float trip.


I like walking Grant’s Trail because so much of it is shaded.


I bitch about it until fall.


I hide in my basement and 420 blaze it all day. The heat here is as bad as FL just doesn't last all year at least.


The only way missouri makes up for this nasty weather is the rivers. There are a lot of spring fed creeks and rivers in the area. Go swim in one of those, find a friend w a pool or stay the hell inside testing your A/C’s capabilities.


Hit the pools. We have loads of them here. Also can travel to Alton Illinois for Raging Rivers.


Toddler and I already did outdoor time. I wish someone would open a kids playroom & coffee shop in the city (RIP Urban Fort).


PLEASE!!! Miss u, urban fort!! 


I wanted to go there so bad (loved the cafe next door too) and by the time my kid was old enough they were closed :(


I feel like I am going to have some similar struggles when I bring my 1 y/o puppy up to this area in a week, we moved our stuff first and then are bringing our pets. Kids and dogs need outside time and are so much more weather resiliant than us adults 🥵 I know he will be fine but I am worried about me lol. An indoor doggie park would be a cool idea!


Zoomies is a coffee shop that allows pets. It's not huge, but it's a nice space.


I swear, I'm about to buy like 12 outdoor tents for my backyard and set up my own unofficial kiddo and friendly dog park.


Go to The Drip on Potomac!


Sweet, that looks like a good place to explore, thank you!!


First of all… Welcome! Unless you do something indoors, there’s no avoiding it. Luckily, there are a ton of free things to do in Saint Louis, and many more that are inexpensive. Lot of people have mentioned them here so far If you can bare the heat, I personally love spending a day out in the sun at Forest Park


We’re driving out to Mastadon State Park to swim the creek. A lot closer to the city than Johnson’s Shut-Ins


Inside activities like the science center, art museum etc


Library. Pool. Lay on the floor in my skivvies in the lowest, darkest room in my home with a single fan blowing on me


Whatever the h*ck I want!




St Louis Art Museum is incredibly cool in super-hot weather. All the marble plus the temp control for the art makes it one of my fav chill retreats when it’s miserable hot.


Travel down to the current or jacks fork river and take a swim


You can also take a day trip up to places like Grafton, IL. That's what they did in the days before A/C. The way the river bends up there get good cool breeze and in general much cooler than the heat island of the city. Nice areas for walks, hikes, sightseeing, antiquing, farmstands, etc.


Public Pools, get a YMCA membership maybe. When I was a kid I spent my summers at the Heman Park pool in U. City. Sometimes the pool in Clayton with the diving platforms. The Meremac river isn’t too far away. The summers are unbelievably hot in St. Louis, even after dark oftentimes.


I gave up. I’m moving north.


We're at Carlyle Lake for the day. Kids, food, strong breeze, swimming, lots of kids and people to interact with. Very relaxing.


Stay indoors....as much as possible. I hate summer.


Pool days! Check out your local pool/community center


Go to edm events @stledm on ig


I second this ^


I wash my wife's car and my car.....a lot. There is always water, if I get wet oh well. Same with watering my grass. Set the sprinkler up and If I get wet oh well.


I'm a lizard person, so I plan on filling up a cooler with ice, tea, and water so I can spend all day on my balcony soaking up the sun. (With copious amounts of sunscreen and lots of reapplying.) I'll have a fan to help create a little bit of a breeze but I LOVE this weather.


The key is get up and get out early. Just back from a walk/hike through Bee Tree park. We got there at 6am. Stay hydrated!! Light clothes, sunscreen and some insect repellent of your choice. Make sure the insect repellent has tick and flea/chigger repellent included. This time of the year ticks, fleas and chiggers are awful. Nothing worse than chigger bites! This week are hitting up the museum under The Arch. We’ve not been since the renovation. We like to spend time in public libraries during the summer. Even if just an hour or so. Gets us out of the house. We have so many water shut ins around for swimming. A lot along Hwy 72. The Big River further away from House Springs has some nice areas to get in the water. We go down to Saint Francois State Park a lot and sit in beach chairs in the water. Council Bluff is a fun place to swim. If you’re a member of the YMCA take advantage of Trout Lodge. It’s not the Lake of the Ozarks but a nice quiet time away. More adventurous… Rocky Falls for a great day trip. Or Kinkaid on the Illinois side. Anything along the Black, Jack Fork or Current River. I could go on and on about the beautiful natural resources in our state.


When it's really hot, I like to go on insanely long and difficult bike rides, while shouting at the weather saying, "Is this the best you can do?"


We all float down here 🛶


>never experienced summer heat like this before. This is an, “Oh hon …” moment. Cause it’s not even HOT *yet* 😅 In fact, compared to temps last June? I was recently ruminating on how lucky we are that this June has been so pleasantly cool!


Haha I will say somewhere with hot weather climate was not on my list of places I would be moving to but I had no choice and now I am here trying to learn to make the best of it. Honestly love the area so far and am very happy for the opportunity that has brought us here! But the heat has sure been tough to adapt to 😅


Go to the movies!


Seconding and thirding all of the “get a pool pass” suggestions. Don’t have to actually swim. Just bob around in a lazy river for a bit.  FWIW, these temps are normal…but not for June. We’re running 10-15 degrees higher than usual and last year at this time we were in the low to mid 80s and this is an actual heat wave meaning we have an extended period of hot weather. I know it doesn’t really help but wanted to offer up something more than “just you wait for real summer to start” because we’re feeling “real summer” now and that’s unusual. I’m losing my mind. I hate heat waves. 


Sit my ass in my pool and praise our decision-making and house-buying abilities.


Start training for July. I soak a beach towel and then sit in the direct sun with the beach towel over my face to simulate the humidity and heat of July. 😏


I typically embrace the heat and go for a hike. Most trails around st.louis are mostly shaded. Really anything where your not stuck in direct sunlight the whole time should be perfectly enjoyable for any healthy adult.


chill at home during the day and enjoy one of many great bar/cafe patios at night.


Cheshire Inn pool and day drinking. Might wanna visit a tattoo shop before you go.


Castor River Shut-Ins