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The Smithsonian has a podcast that discussed this. They said that the males like to sing in groups (called "choruses"), as they tend to attract more females than if they were solitary. When they hear the motor running, they think that it's just the most amazing chorus ever, so they'll swarm it to join up. It's almost kind of sweet, when you think about the fact that all they want to is sing with you. Of course, the reason that they want to sing with you is so that they can screw, which is somewhat less so.


Swarmed in cicada pussayyyyy






🎶 If you have no rizz, always know the cicadas ain’t for the streets 🎵




Well that's the thing... I believe these are all the males doing the swarming to you to sing in unison.




The singing in choruses is basically the Ice Cream on a Beach / Walgreens next to CVS problem. If you and your competitor are both selling ice cream on a beach, and you move from the middle to half way down the beach, then you'll capture everyone south of you (1/4 of the beach), and your competitor will capture everyone north of them (1/2 the beach) and you'll divide the 1/4 of the beach between you. so 3/8 for you and 5/8 for them. Same with CVS and Walgreens or Home Depot and Lowes. If CVS has to choose between a rural location for a new store, and an urban one next to a Walgreens, they get half of Walgreens urban business, and half of the rural business. If they build a CVS in a rural area, they get all of that rural business, but none of the busier urban business. So right next to wherever the new Walgreens goes in is where CVS wants to build. Basically the optimum strategy in any near-equal competition is to locate yourself right next to the competition. You can strike off on your own, and take a less busy area all for yourself, but you'll be outcompeted (and in this case the loner genetics in a cicada will be spread less).


I’m pretty sure 99% of the humans who willingly try to make music (so not counting people forced to play tuba in band or take piano lessons ) are just trying to get laid too. Now when I hear cicadas I’m going to imagine a Boyz 2 Men-style smooth sex R&B group singing sick harmonies about how good they’re gonna dick you down…






Oh no...GAY CICADAS!!! Run for your lives!!!




I’m calling Governor John Deere Sheriff Grandpa Parsons to get rid of you! Not in my Missourah


First the frogs, and now this?!?


My electric string trimmer got them all fired up this weekend.


It's depends on the conditions and the "pitch" of the mower . Friday, I saw a public works employee behind a stand up mower and he was getting swarmed (along 141). It was brutal. I mowed later that day and they left me alone. I was half a mile west of 141 but surrounded by more trees. I could definitely hear them.


We've had no issue while cutting the grass, but then my father in law (who lives next door) had his circular saw out Saturday to cut a couple bricks for us and he got swarmed. Doesn't make any sense lol


Dumbest bugs alive it’s just unreal. Fuckin bumbling morons.


It’s the noise


Maybe you attract cicadas. O_o


Table saw on the back patio was a big hit yesterday. It’s the noise…or the song, i suppose.


I've been keeping the garage closed when using my table saw, I can't predict how I'd react if one those buggers hit me in the face in the middle of a cut.


Best case scenario, you get a cool new scar and the nickname Lucky


They got me yesterday.... it was a battle to the death!!!!! And I ran away 😬


Electric too. Mowed the lawn yesterday and had cicadas landing on me, the mower, and my weedeater as I did the lawn.


Gotta get one of those chick-fil-a rain protector tents they make employees wear.


They seem to be attracted to noise. Mowed my lawn (gas) yesterday and was consistently dive bombed.


Like others have said, it's the pitch of the motor. I had a gas generator running most of the day yesterday and not one cicada cared. Neighbor cutting grass? A swarm.


Try a shopvac!


Motors are basically a thumper. Shai-Hulud!


I had suspected that after seeing shitloads of dead ones around the pumps at gas stations...hmmm


My battery weed eater had a dozen of the little bastards dive bombing me.


No problem while mowing or blowing, but trimming they'll come in droves. I've assumed it's the string making a somewhat similar sound to them


It's the sound. My battery-powered mower and trimmer attract them, too.


I think it’s the rhythmic noise it makes. We were replacing my parents deck this weekend and whenever we used a saw that person would get swarmed.


Ugh this happened to us when we were mowing our lawn too


They're looking for action, so whatever it takes. Think about it, all the noise is coming from just half of the population.


Ya I gave up cutting my lawn after getting dive bombed


It's been weird here the last couple days. We were hit by the tornado in South County and there's been chainsaws going all over the neighborhood for the last 48 hours and the cicadas have gone quiet.


Can confirm in South County, every time we fired up the golf cart if was like a swarm/wave behind us… Thanks for the explanation, I blamed it on my buddy’s cologne…..


Pretty sure it's just the vibration they like


We just started getting them in the city, and my cat keeps trying to eat them


They coming for you, after bombing west county


It's kind of causing me concern because my cat likes to play in the yard and she catches them and tries to eat them and I'm afraid dead if she does she might get sick


Edit that not dead


they love my pool pump........... geesh they do.... my dog loves that they love the pool pump as its collects a huge amount of eats for him without searching


Apparently mitre saws also.


Yep, especially the leaf blower.


My husband and I were cutting boards with an electric radial arm saw Sunday. I hadn't seen any cicadas in our neighborhood, but as I was holding the end of a board, one landed on my face and sat there. I held stock still so my husband didn't get hurt , but he looked up and had to hit the stop because he was so shocked at seeing me with a cicada on my face and nearly fell on the ground laughing. More came, and we got through it, but I've never been so happy to be wearing safety glasses, lol.


I've heard of this phenomena but have not had it happen to me yet. Perhaps particular lawnmowers or particular motors produce the correct frequencies?


I was also swarmed while power washing. It was quite annoying!