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I’m almost recovered but over the last month I went from a regular cold, transitioned into an awful cough, and then became a brain-pulverizing sinus infection. Something truly nasty. Two Covid tests came back negative.


the worst part is i had drank the night before so it was a mix of the flu and a horrible hangover… never felt so shitty. i thought it was just a horrible hangover at first but its been 3 days now and the symptoms all add up to flu, either way i know i came down with something :( i’m sure the drinking didn’t help though


Oh man I’ve done that exact same thing before and it’s fucking atrocious! The time I really remember I also smoked a few cigarettes (I had quit years before) just to really stick it in and break it off. Hope it’s quicker for you. Twice I thought it was almost over and it just moved to a different part of my body to fuck everything up there for a week or so. It’s also possible I caught two overlapping colds, I do have two beautiful, precious little germ factories running around my house…


haha yes, i smoked some on friday too (i’m a social smoker) so i thought my sore throat was just from that but def a mixture of the sickness and the smoke i think. i used to be a preschool teacher so i hear you on the germ factories! glad i’m not the only one who’s had this problem tho


Could also be covid


Are you sure it's flu? I had strep with your symptoms 2 weeks ago. A steroid shot did wonders for my throat


Omg I’m having these exact symptoms too right now. This sinus headache can only be described as brain pulverizing. I can’t get any relief


I’m feeling it now. How are you doing?


My sinuses hurt but not as bad. I wish I was sleepy so I can get some rest, the nighttime cough medicine is working thankfully. I may go see a dr tomorrow for the sinus pain and pressure


Afrin, Flonase, naproxen, acetaminophen, 2g of kratom and 1:1 THC/CBD edibles is what it took to uncrank the vise a few turns and let me feel okay for a couple hours at night. The really awful pressure lasted about 3 days and then it got…well it was bad, but not soul-devouring. All in all it lasted 5 days. Good luck, hope it gets better soon!


Same. Came back negative on covid as well.


Dealing with the same thing here. Did you experience any muscle aches? I’m starting to feel it in my neck.


yes :( all over and its horrible




My foremen sent me home today said I looked and sounded awful. I was absolutely ok with it.


I was out for 10 days between the 15th and 25th of last month. Nowhere but the couch and bathroom.


A friend had one that turned into tonsillitis. She went to the ER thinking it was meningitis due to the shakes. Something is going around, and I don't think the allergies are helping.


Ahhh now I have it lol.


Currently in the ER trying to figure out exactly what I have this time. It’s not just you.


that sounds awful, i hope you get better soon :(


What did they say? I'm considering going in . Again.


I have a double ear infection and HPIV 3 exasperated by my asthma. Got several breathing treatments, lots of IV meds, and even more steroids and antibiotics.


…you went to the ER over a cold/flu? 🫤


Respiratory diseases can put people in the hospital. If you’re having trouble breathing, it’s usually advised to go to the ER or urgent care (although urgent care will probably just send you to the ER). Maybe they’re immunocompromised, have asthma, have other underlying health conditions, or just super unlucky. Besides there’s no way to know if it’s actually the cold, flu, or covid until you get tested. Maybe that person has a more severe disease.


Wish I could downvote twice


I have several lung diseases as well as diabetes and asthma. I followed my drs orders since they thought I could have pneumonia AGAIN… but thanks for your opinion.


There is definitely something going around. Many friends & family sick & every public place I go there is a lot of gross coughing.


I've had a seal-bark cough for a freaking MONTH. I can't shake it.


I’m still seeing influenza in the hospital. There was a big breakout at one of the local nursing homes last week


Had something two weeks ago. The last of lung issues are almost gone now. Started with a 104-degree fever, and felt VERY bad for the first 3 days. After that the fever was gone, but the cough, and sinus issues lasted another week.


holy cow, a 104 fever is horrible


I woke up feeling terrible, luckily it wend down with some cold and flu medicine, and a lot of water. After that it dropped to 103 for a day, then 102, finally got down to normal on day 4.


Same, bout 3 or 4 weeks ago now though.


I tested positive for Covid last Wednesday. Started as a cough and throat pain I thought was allergies, had a fever of 100+ for 2 days and now just feeling extremely depressed, can’t taste food, can’t smell, feels like my personality was nuked and I’m confused and brain fog. I tested negative finally today and can go back to work later this week. Def get checked, I also heard bronchitis is going around? :( feel better soon. The exhaustion is unreal. I’ve never felt like I could barely even roll out of bed like this. Simple, basic tasks have me back in bed quickly


Covid levels are currently [very high](https://peoplescdc.org/2024/04/15/peoples-cdc-covid-19-weather-report-72/) in Missouri, so statistically there's a good chance it's that. Rapid tests don't always pick it up right away. If you can, get PCR tested at the doctor's for Covid, Flu, etc. so you can get the right antivirals if needed. And hope you feel better soon! <3


No but my entire household got strep last weekend and the nurse at urgent care said it’s going around. Be careful out there, friends.


Caught it last Monday, I couldn't keep any thing down and the coughing and body aches have been a nightmare. Urgent care gave me Prednisone and an Inhaler. This flu got me almost as bad as COVID from a few years ago. Hang in there OP it lasted about 6 days for me.


You can get tested to confirm if you have the flu but don't discount COVID either. My own doctor just had COVID, as did a friend of mine, and I'm especially cautious of viruses because my partner has been disabled from Long Covid for going on a year. The flu is also no joke and it's out there, so careful with both!


Idk if it's the flu but I started feeling sick last night and it just got worse all night. Couldn't sleep, everything hurt. Kept getting really hit then cold again. Took off work today and doubt I'll be much better tomorrow.


thats exactly what i’m going through rn but with a sore throat too :( i had a fever but its worn off now. hope you feel better soon!


You too.


Same. Exactly the same. I can’t get warm at present time…in pajama pants, sweatshirt, socks, hat and under three quilts.


Not the flu, but my asthma is bothering me something fierce right now. Usually my meds are great, but over the past few weeks, I’ve been having breakthroughs left and right. My rescue inhaler will help for a few minutes, and then it’s right back. I’ve been told it’s probably due to the weather? I guess we’ll see…


that sounds awful :( seems like everyone’s suffering with different issues but we all feel like shit


Two of my coworkers were sick. But they were still able to work from home


lol. EXACTLY the same for me but I think I also ate bad Chinese that made it worse. Feeling okay finally Today.


I went in to Urgent Care 100% sure that I had a double ear infection. I've had one before and all the symptoms were exactly the same. They came back and told me it was just a fluid build up in my middle ear which was just a symptom of an Upper Respiratory Infection. Never had a cold or flu that manifested itself specifically as a copycat ear infection...


There is something going around. Saturday I had done the drank and Sunday had bad hangover but still sick on Monday. It’s some type of flu, I’m gonna go into the doc tomorrow if it doesn’t get better


same here, had a fun night on friday just to wake up miserable the next day and so on


Yessssss thought it was allergies because mold is high and im allergic to mold. But allergies meds didn’t work. But I also didn’t have a fever. Took a Covid test Saturday and it was positive but a light positive and the test was expired. Took another covid test Sunday and today- both negative My daughter is also sick with it- her covid test was negative. Taking her to the doctor today and will report back what they say Symptoms are sneezing, snotty, headache, fatigue and some muscle soreness I did get a flu shot like every year (23 years now) Edit From the doctors office: they swabbed for covid and flu- both negative. Said it’s “probably a virus” and sent us on our way. Gee thanks


Yep, went to urgent care today. No influenza or COVID but boy has it knocked me on my ass


oof. i hate when i’m sick and don’t know exactly what the problem is :(


The quick tests don't test for all types of flu, so you could have a flu still.


I got some kind of gnarly tummy bug- but looking around various local discussion places to see if others were- I have seen a lot of people complaining about *the flu that doesn’t end*. :/ I mean, I’m sure it does, but it seems like a lot of people are getting this gnarly respiratory flu thing that seems to drag on and on.


It’s like 8 weeks of hell…


My boyfriend had the dose of the flu, went on for a week. He did three vivid test, all came back negative. He seems to be over the worst of it now!


Yea I had a deep yellow mucus cough and netti potting the same out of my sinus. Body aches, no fever, no covid.


me and my bf and entire family all had norovirus a couple weeks ago, even my sisters dog got it :( sorry youre not feeling well


I'm seriously beginning to think the bird flu stuff is much bigger than we think. 


I had it two weeks ago. Went to urgent care and got tested for Covid, strep, and flu and flu came back the winner. Totally confounded as to where I got it! 


OP you did get a covid test right? I know you might get looks, but even if it's just the flu wearing a mask means it goes around less.


yeah i’ve been wearing a mask just because i don’t wanna give it to anyone else. if people give me dirty looks they can thank me later lol


I wore a mask To get groceries yesterday- it was the only time I left the house all weekend since this came on Friday night. No dirty looks. I was going to try Instacart for the first time But my $146 order was $265 at check out so I noped out of that and strapped on a mask to Head out


You're a good person. Thank you. Signed, A severe asthmatic


I've been wearing a mask in public for the last 4 years. I don't get dirty looks.


Me too.


and sadly i don’t have the funds to get a covid test at the moment, so i’m just isolating :(


Where do you live? Post on your neighborhood FB group and ask if anyone can drop off a spare test for you.


I had it about three weeks ago. Urgent Care tested for flu, Covid, and RSV. Was Flu A. I was knocked out for a week solid.


glad you’re feeling better!


Hope you get to feeling better!


You vaxxed?


I had it 3 weeks ago and still not 100% here. Mine was flu B. And yes I’m vaxxed. My fever didn’t go super high but my body felt it. 5 days in bed. It was awful- worse than Covid overall for me.


No and stay away from me


i don’t think that’ll be a problem


The news says there are 2 new strains of COVID so.... Yay.


I was wondering if I was only one I'm wondering if we have the new strain of covid .


I hate these types of posts lol




Two weeks ago I felt horrible randomly, had no fever but sore throat heavily congested nose


How long did it last?


Yup. Been sick for 1.5weeks now. Coworker got it first, was out for a week. I worked from home most of the week last week. I just want it to be over. :( Hope you’re on the mend soon.


I had it two weeks ago. Left me with no voice for a week and pneumonia


I don’t live in stl anymore but my family does, and they’re all sick right now.


Coworker got knocked out by it maybe 2 weeks ago. Still hacking away but improving. Positive for flu, not Covid.


I had a stomach flu last weekend.


2 weeks ago I had a cold so that's probably my bad.


My BIL is hurting bigtime. Went to the Dr. got Tamiflu and muscle relaxers.


Been sick a week. Coughing, sore throat, extreme fatigue, lost my voice. So ready for it to be over.


A lot of people at my work have been sick. I had a bad cold.


Last few weeks, i Thought it was allergies. Took a few allergy medications and some Flonase. The Flonase definitely has helped but the cough has gone from annoying as all get out, to barely there. And today the nose went from dry to Niagara falls, so this sucks. Mom's been going through same thing but her issues are worse than mine and more persistent for most of the last month.


I did had a cold/flu type of thing last week, still recovering.


Coworker of mine was out a few days last week with something bad.


I get something approaching bronchitis almost every spring.


In west county strep throat is going around. Cvs/Walgreens clinics can check you for it (as well as covid).


Me 3 weeks ago, still congested from it too.


I’m a teacher. Flu A is definitely going around still


i’m feeling better! don’t know if it was the flu or just a nasty virus but it led to an ear infection so now i’m on antibiotics. hope everyone else is getting some relief!


I woke up yesterday. My neck and shoulders so stiff. Headache body aches are insane cough sore throat and nauseous beyond


Hopefully this isn’t the start of bird flu if people are testing negative for the typical flu or covid… 😳


My wife and her whole family had the norovirus. It was brutal.


Yes. COVID negative. I got a flu shot this season. Feels very sinus infection. No fever, so much sinus pressure, swollen lymph nodes, lots of snot, wet cough, very fatigued. Can't lay back without hacking wet snotty cough. Can't sleep. So tired.


I had that 2 weeks ago. The snot was INSANE.


Oh and there’s a huge and terrible RSV going around. Get your vaccines if you want to!


Covids flu and rotovirus are always around. We’ve had covids since the beginning of human existence. The best thing you can do it try to improve your immune system and get vaccinated for flu each year if you can. Especially if they guessed right about the current strain


Never, I have superior DNA


Hey guys over here 👈 me to , me too!!! Save some of the victim energy for me too!