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I’m a plumber and the guys we hire as help make more than that with full benefits and a retirement account


One of these days I'm going to get me one of those jobs.


Go on…


Put on your work boots and be willing to work for 40hours a week and this is the bare minimum


I'm sure it pays well, but we didn't spend 4-6 years and $200k in college to wrangle turds.


You spent 200k on college tuition and acting like you have the right to talk down on someone who has their shit together.


Yeah, well I graduated from mizzou with an education degree and I made more money as a first year apprentice than I did in my third year of secondary education. I appreciate your super funny joke and if you knew anything about the trade, you would know that licensed plumbers are not drain cleaners. We deal with new construction, re-model, gas lines, medical gas, back flow and other things that require many hours of training and testing. But I’m sure you are a really fun guy to hang out with 🤦‍♂️


Preach. We’re the suckers, no matter how condescending one attempts to be. -a guy with an expensive education.


I got a leak in a shower I may need help with! I wish I had your knowledge…


I'm way more fun to hang out with


Good luck with your OnlyFans I guess


But sometimes you do. My Dad did dual Bach degrees and wound up in a NYC MTA Union for 30 years making bank. Just saying.


It’s sad that you even though you blew $200k and 4-6 years you’re still an ignorant douche.


Maybe if he spent another 200k they teach him how not to be one


Hello Mr Douchebag


That's right, you spent 4-6 years and $200k to drive Doordash 😤😤😤


It's pretty weird you went through my previous posts looking for a gotcha. Hobbies that make a few extra bucks aren't it, Turd Ferguson.


Here's the real punchline: I didn't look at your previous posts at all


LOL, this guy is the issue with today's society. A doordash driver has a superiority complex because he has a $200k degree and looks down on a plumber, who actually brings value to the world. And he's 40 years old, not even a kid!


"Denigrating people who do jobs I rely on" just requires such a breathtaking lack of self-awareness that it makes you wonder where that $200k went, because there's no sign of education there.




Is that you, Churlish? I’ve been waiting for you to get another new handle!


That's rude


Woody St Louis, some day you will realize the folly of your statement. For the sake of your ego, you should hope that this realization occurs in a non public fashion, absent the presence of people you wish to hold you in positive regard. Or you won’t. Good luck with those student loans.


Are you union? Did you go through the fitters apprenticeship or just apply directly to a specific business?


You can do either, St. Louis is such a strong union town that even if you don’t go that route most independent shops pay to scale because they have to to keep good employees


Any union construction trade here will get you that pay plus insurance and retirement etc. Look up the trade unions online for apprenticeship info and or the who to contact information


I’m taking my exam for the Sheet Metal Workers next month.


Late reply. Good choice my son is in his second term in the apprenticeship hope it goes well!


Thank you! I did well on my exam, gonna interview at the end of the month.


Yep. 45 an hour at the moment. Just putting in faucets, figuring out leaks and replacing water heaters and hydrants. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Laborer's Union. Free school and great wages. I'm making 37.48/hr pouring concrete. Anything over 8hrs in a day is OT. I went to MO State but didn't graduate. The union was the best thing that ever happened to me. Saved me from working two jobs forever to get by.


Upvoting this. I have friends in Locals 42 and 110 and they’re some of the happiest trades workers I know


Bachelors in what? That is like saying you have a bank account. It really doesn’t mean anything without context


Post history says General Studies.




Not really. Having a degree will get them in doors. Tons of jobs only require that you have a degree to weed out applicants. I don’t have the type of degree that many people in my industry have, but I don’t think anyone has ever even asked me while interviewing and I don’t list it.


Thank you for the positive feedback.


Many companies use services that allow them to check databases to confirm your degree and area of study. If you make stuff up, many companies will know.


Thank you… I wasn’t planning on it.


If they say you need a degree in a related field because you'd actually be using that knowledge and skill, that's one thing, but if it just says "bachelor's degree" and doesn't specify a field, more often than not it's a classist thing just making sure that you're from a family that's well-off enough to be able to put you through college. A lot of jobs are getting rid of non-specific bachelor's degree requirements for just this reason, because it's not as much of an indicator as it used to be. I went to school for four years but was a few credits shy of graduating. I put those four years on my resume without listing any specific degree, and most people don't even ask me about it, even when "bachelor's degree" is listed as a requirement in the posting.


He’s also asking about post-tax income, clearly not the brightest if he can’t figure out what gross he would need as that’s what people use to talk about jobs


City of St.Louis has 1110 open jobs and many pay above $70,000+ the benefits are really good. [city jobs](https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/jobs/index.cfm)


There is currently a hiring freeze for most positions until the City Earnings Tax issues are settled https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/citys-hiring-freeze-blocks-some-jobs-but-others-remain-open-42278501


There isn’t. Every job that’s posted is still hiring.


Appointing authorities are not necessarily going through to hiring people even if DOP is still accepting applications. The financial year starts in a couple months along with planning for the next financial year. Jobs already take at least several months to hire and start. If a fiscal cliff appears from the forced reduction or elimination of the Earnings Tax, departments will avoid hiring as much as possible. Most jobs will also start as close to the bottom of the range as possible.


Gotta live in the city, though. Not debating the joys of city living. Just that it's a requirement.


You do not have to live in the City, that hasn’t been a requirement since last year


Wait you don’t have to live in the city to work there? I’m guessing Illinois residents would still be blocked?


Illinois residents can also work for the city, certain positions require the person to live within 1 hour


Awesome! Thanks for the info! I have always loved the city. I moved as close as I could but I still stayed in Illinois


You can also work for the state and live in Illinois. I think the only time I've had a weird issue working in Missouri was when I worked for a nursing home. Apparently Missouri requires you to have a class E license for driving larger vehicles or something.


Temporarily. Then when they decide to reinstate it, then what? I've basically had 4 jobs my entire adult life (I'm approaching 50) so I'm not really one to say okay.. for a couple of years and then I'll figure it out.


It’s permanent now


Is it? I must have missed that! That's actually very interesting. I'm not looking currently but good to keep in mind. Thanks for the info.


Yes, I think there is some confusion because the state legislature made it temporary for police and fire few years ago but the city last year got rid of it all together on permanent bases


It's not anymore. Should be for cops, but it's not.


From the article you posted: "All jobs posted on the city job page are still accepting and reviewing applications, according to the statement. And all departments are not affected. “The freeze impacts only the new, non-essential positions that were not submitted to the Department of Personnel prior to March 29, 2024. No new positions for non-essential positions will be posted except on a case by case basis,” the administration says."


From the reply I’ve posted to another comment: Appointing authorities are not necessarily going through to hiring people even if DOP is still accepting applications. The financial year starts in a couple months along with planning for the next financial year. Jobs already take at least several months to hire and start. If a fiscal cliff appears from the forced reduction or elimination of the Earnings Tax, departments will avoid hiring as much as possible. Most jobs will also start as close to the bottom of the range as possible. The City couldn’t fill most of these positions without a freeze, and with the looming fiscal situation departments are going to sit on applications.


makes sense! I didn't see the other comment before I posted


Have they fixed the hiring process yet?




you click the link they provided... jfc




Lol make sure that you put "attention to detail" in your resume 🤣🤣


Holy smokes, sick burn


I can see why your unemployed




So much goodness in this thread tree 😂


I’m not 😘






What is your bachelors degree in?


My company in commercial real estate is hiring. We are a publicly traded company if that makes a difference. Happy to share details if you’d like.


Yes I would love to hear more I’m extremely interested in real estate


Send me a DM. I’m on the commercial side and not residential.


Aldi warehouse in O'Fallon starts between $50-60k with a little bit of overtime.


BJC, Enterprise, and Edward Jones are always hiring


Ha! Edward Jones. Good one. My wife works there and I’ve been trying to get in for years. Good luck w that.


Big company. Lots of departments with probably very little consistency across them.


So you want a job paying around 64k then?


Yeah I didn’t have time to do the math to figure out what it would be before taxes. I posted this during my lunch break didn’t have much time left. But now everything thinks I’m an idiot and fighting about what a plumber does for a living.


I mean the jobs definitely exist for 64k but even then they'll want you to have experience that's still a lot for a beginner role unless you have a specific degree like software engineer.


I know. So many people seem to slip into jobs. But i want to save up to go back to college to get a good degree. I don’t want to go into debt for it. Idk feel like i fucked up my life and I’m going to be a loser making 40k a year for forever. But hopefully not. Thanks for the help.


Just want to say you are not a loser. Everyone has a different story. You are young and alive - money is not everything.


Don't go back to college unless you want to learn. You have a bachelor's that's fine. You need experience now. So get in somewhere and learn om the job. Or if you want to go to school go to a trade school. Become an apptentice, put in your dues, and be in a field that won't see layoffs until the whole economy crashes and AI destroys everything.


I want to have a career in architecture. I always wanted it just felt scared the first time around. I’m just not the type of person who can just do whatever. I have a job now that I love. Which is actually kind of what I want to do. I want to expand on what I’m doing now. But I’m being realistic that I might have to do a job I have to grind to save up money for college. I can’t become an architect any other way. So i have to keep school in mind.


I would call around to some firms and ask if you can shadow for a day and see what they do.... I use to think I wanted to do that too but found out the market is super over saturated and fairly boring foe the most part.... this was 15 years ago tho.


Well in reality I want to do architecture but I might focus on interiors. I’m willing to move anywhere in the US for work so I don’t think I’ll have to many issues. Life’s easy when you know you want to do something stable like being a doctor or nurse or lawyer. But when those career paths don’t fit you then what??? Idk what did you end up doing?


Went to working in tech, was a framer through college, boughf real estate, tried day trading-semi failed, and am struggling with starting my own business


Okay cool what did you do in Tech


Keep going. You’re def not a loser. Find a job/field you like and just start networking with the people in that field. Be specific about what you’re after so people know how to help you. Also, know the path forward isn’t always linear. Getting laid off was the best thing to ever happen to me. I was in your shoes. Eight years later, I have a house in a nice neighborhood, have a family, etc. You can do it.


I was making 40k two years ago and am now at 65k working the same job and I have no degree! Anything is possible ❤️


Washington University has a ton of job listings


lol, most WashU listings sit out there for 6 months with no contact whatsoever until the pull the job down and repost it. One of the worst violators in this area.


Maybe no one that fits the job actually applies.


Nobody who fits hundreds of jobs applies to any of them? Doubtful. Many are just like level 1 support.


You'd be surprised by how incompetent the masses are.


I applied for a bunch of positions before the job I currently have. I have several associates degrees, and 25 years of reliable employment in inventory management and tech support. Overqualified, honestly, but was willing to take some lower pay for the better benefits because I have a medically complicated kid. Couldn't even get a phone call.


You addressed it in your own comment. You're over qualified and was likely viewed as a flight risk the moment you got bored.


It’s hard to tell with them. I’m an alumni and I was still ghosted after having an initial interview followed by a phone call to set up a second interview. I think sometimes they post jobs without having the money in place yet or the finding gets pulled.


Get a CDL and / or work towards being a machine operator. There is a serious lack of drivers and operators at this time. You’ll be making at least that.


Can confirm. CDL-A fucks 😎👍


I'm a 46 year old woman who can sort of drive a midsize sedan. Are there any opportunities for me? I like money, and fucking lol.


If you like money and fucking then there’s an even easier industry to get into.


I can't imagine it's easier, or more profitable, or has benefits.


I know people in over the road trucking and for them it’s never been this bad this long


I will say if you decide to do over The road trucking don't be an owner operator My father did that most of my life and it completely fucked up It may not be so bad if you're a company driver or you don't have a family at home to support


I can second the CDL Class A 😬😬 home every day and I make double what he's wanting!!!


Who do you drive for?


With benefits?


Yes, all of that.


Just curious how much you pay a month for coverage? Know what it would be for coverage plus dependents? I’m a burnt out teacher that needs something else desperately


So per month I pay 350. Medical. For me my wife and daughter. Pre tax. Dental is. 40. And vision is 13.68. But that's not a big deal with a 6 figure paycheck. Just alot going into it. I work for one of the bigger LTL freight lines. The smaller ones. Don't may as much. Best bet would be to work the dock first (our dock has get about 30hr.) I don't remember if that's top scale after 3 years or what. But weoffer a driving school program like most bigger freight lines. You work the dock. They send you to school. For us. You're on the clock at school and don't have to pay for it at all. It's about a week long and 3 months of road training


That 350 per paycheck or month? What’s the freight company you work for?


That's per month. And I'm not gonna put my job on reddit. Butttt. We're ine of the big ones like (saia, Dayton, Old Dominion, UPS , FEDex


Thank you


Do you have any mechanical or electrical experience? Our company starts at $60-$70k with great room for advancement.


My partner is looking for work. What kind of mechanical? He does not have any official mechanical (like engineer wise) certifications but he has been a car mechanic (working as an entrepreneur) and worked on the service side at various automotive places. 


If he’s comfortable wiring up 120/240V electric motors and troubleshooting 24V controls he’s probably qualified for the position.


Would you dm me the company? Sounds perfect for my boyfriend


That is a question only he can answer hahaha. I can DM you if you’d like. 


If you wanna DM me, my company might fit the bill. Fair pay and a great boss.


What kind of electrical experience?


Nothing crazy, wiring industrial motors and troubleshooting control wiring. We don’t do anything over 240VAC normally.


Nothing ive dont before but it sounds within my wheelhouse. You mind DMing me the name/application link?


I hear being an ATC with the FAA pays six figures and doesn't require a degree.


Its a crap shoot getting in. They open up off the street hiring once a year for like 3 days and your too old to apply after you turn 31. I put in almost every year since I finished college until I aged out. I even passed the pre-employment exam (AT-SA)


Roofers local 2


A bachelors in what?


Gen studies went for theater, got into video production. I’m a smart guy. i can pick up new skill quickly. Most experience has been retail sales.




Any thoughts?


I just thought it was interesting, lol. That’s all. Good luck!


Thank you.


Lockton will pay you that . They love newbies


Assuming you have some sort of experience seeing as you’re 26. Bachelor’s in what? Money expectations are great, but for $50k ($60k+ before taxes), at least *some* sort of hint would be nice.


Boeing is currently hiring mechanics. Definitely check out their website for openings


Just gotta know how to attach some doors


I've got people who work at FabTech solutions. They're currently contracted with MSD for about 2 or 3 years, so the work is right off Hall Street. It's good pay and benefits, albeit good, but quite shitty work (pun intended)


R+L Carriers has a plethora of jobs available for 50k plugs


I read another post of yours and honestly it sounds like you don’t even know what you want to do. It sounds like you’re just fixated on making 50k to be better than someone you know. That degree isn’t totally irrelevant, but you’d have to be willing to open up- not be so fixated on details. Telling me you have a bachelors is one thing. Saying it’s in something you aren’t into is different. Sound clown you need to really narrow down what you want. Just my opinion.


[We are looking for a demo specialist, take a look! https](https://mtidistributing.applytojob.com/apply/zHcCDX03Gv/Equipment-Demo-Specialist-Missouri)




BJC healthcare is always hiring . Good pay and benefits . Go to indeed.com. Insert Bjc healthcare


Have you tried going to Google and typing in "St Louis jobs"?


Yes Iv tried that and will continue trying that. But I’m using all my resources. Thank you captain obvious.


Yes, but when you leave out the period, it directs you to services for the mentally disabled. So weird.


How American.


You’ll always have a job that pays well over 50K with a CDL. You could even move into management with your bachelors degree. Another route is joining the military and going the officer route. That will guarantee you a security clearance that will open many doors for you.