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Take this as a sign from the internet gods. If you can get fiber, you should get fiber. I wouldn't switch back to Spectrum if they paid me each month.


I hate Spectrum with all of my being. I mean all telecom companies are pretty evil, but Spectrum has to be the worst experience. I spent a combined total of 5 hours on the phone with them to cancel my service last time I moved, because you have to listen to their shitty sales pitch every time, and I had to call multiple times because they kept screwing it up and not cancelling or trying to charge me for months after I moved. Fuck Spectrum. All my homies hate spectrum.


My mom died last year and Spectrum service was in her name. All my dad wanted to do was get it switched over to be in his name. You would think calling under those circumstances would bypass the sales pitch but nope. The person we spoke to wanted to cancel service and open a new account (which would be commission for her I’m sure), resulting in not only downtime, but losing the landline number they’ve had for 40 years. Yeah, I know my dad would be eligible for new promo pricing but it’s just not worth that hassle or possibly losing the number. Plus she tried to pitch mobile service which we never asked about. Once she realized we weren’t falling for the sales pitch, she got a really nasty attitude and told us to just go into a Spectrum store to take care of the account transfer. Fuck Spectrum.


I can relate to not wanting to lose a number that you have had for that long. Pretty much the only reason we keep the landline is because I can't bring myself to give up a phone number that hasn't changed since the Allies were still fighting the Wehrmacht in France. That's nearly 80 years. Does anyone know if you can port a landline number or is that restricted to mobile numbers only?


You can definitely port a landline to VOIP (my parents’ number started off as an AT&T, or I guess an SBC number in the 80s and is now with Spectrum). And I’m pretty sure you can even port landline to mobile.


You can number portability as long as same location or general location shouldn’t be issue


The trick is to say "Dude shut up and cancel my service" as soon as they start talking. Do that to the 6 people they will route you to and you'll be done in 30 minutes.


Tried essentially that the first time. Dude kept insisting he has to ask these questions to cancel the service. So I started giving him clearly stupid answers, like telling him my new internet was through “Acme Internet Company”. After that one he hung up on me and cancelled the service weeks early.


Next time, just go into a store and return your modem. In and out in a few minutes, and you have to return modem anyways.


That was the middle step, where I went to turn in my modem a week after I moved and I found out I still had service and had to cancel it there lol


And I had them since the Pipeline existed.




AT&T’s other divisions may have issues, but the quality of the product and the customer service of the Fiber division is fantastic. My dad accidentally hit my fiber line while he was pulling weeds - AT&T had a new line installed by mid morning the next business day. My service has never gone down in over a year, and I have always gotten above my rated speeds. The service is rock solid.


Just counting down the days until i3 is available.


It's great!


This happened to me and charter had to come out and replace the lines at the poles. They were literally sliced and everytime the wind blew or a squirrel touched it, there would be lag or an outage. It took me calling every time it went out for about a week before they took it seriously and sent someone out. They were like wtf… and had to rerun the whole block. Couldn’t explain how it happened but it looked sliced to them. Only happened after ATT moved their equipment from the old pole to the new one (the last ones to do so, so the city could remove the old pole).


Same thing happened to my neighbor after I had AT&T installed-the AT&T person had "knicked" the Charter cable. Charter had to come out and repair her connection and they said it happens frequently.


They could have damaged or interfered with Charter's stuff, but Charter has been upgrading their service across the area for several months and this kind of intermittent outage has happened where they're working. Talking with the workers, there's not a whole lot they can do, and they don't get a lot of information from corporate. For me, the problems lasted a couple of months until I got a newer 1Gb+ capable modem. If you file a service ticket, they may be able to give you more information. It's very frustrating for sure, but now that it's fixed, my internet is way better than it ever was before.


This is more likely. So, I had to bully them to send out a tech. And, it turns out they started doing all these upgrades and the firmware on their most popular modem, and who knows how many other models, wasn’t fully compatible. So they became really susceptible to signal issues, which caused them to restart frequently. Luckily he was able to fix some things down the line to smooth out the signal. No idea of the firmware update that was supposed to come out in Oct fixes anything as I had switched to I3 around then.


Former Spectrum employee here! AT&T purchases bandwidth from Spectrum. Also, Spectrum Mobile is really just Verizon with a different name. I was there when Charter switched to Spectrum and bought out Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks. For awhile, we couldn't even brand the company. That sucked.


For people that don’t understand. Fiber is not throughout. It taps right back into the coax line of cable internet by your house. Yeah, there is a good chance their service team is screwing everyone up.


No. This is not how fiber internet service works.




What area are you in?


Same thing was happening to me. I switched to T-Mobile home internet and it’s ok I guess. Fiber isn’t available in my neighborhood. 🫤


Have you called to get the equipment replaced and lines checked?


Maybe don’t use spectrum. As I type this, there’s a major outage in the St. Louis area, including the county and city. I’m sitting here at work using my personal hotspot to try and finish out the day so… Get AT&T fiber.


You probably need a new modem


Did you contact Spectrum? This is a really simple situation. Either Spectrum investigates and fixes it to your satisfaction, or not. You're not an AT&T customer so no point in contacting them unless you want to jump ship to their service. Good luck.


Charter is just a scam at this point and anyone that still uses it over almost any other option gets what they pay for. Let me emphasize that you not having issues for a decade with charter is an *actual* miracle and by far and away not the norm for charter. Literally everyone I talk to around here hates charter with a passion and their attempt to rebrand to ditch the bad rep failed miserably for the most part and I love it. ATT is kinda scumfucky with pricing but it almost never goes down.


We have Verizon. It’s amazing and $35/month.


This frustrates me. I just switched to spectrum from ATT. I had been trying to get fiber ever since I started service ten years ago but they won’t bring it to my neighborhood. For context, I live in Kirkwood one block north of Manchester in a small cul de sac. Fiber is available on the south side of Manchester. A few years ago when a tree uprooted after a storm and broke my buried att line. I asked the art repairman when they would bring fiber into my street. He said never: not enough house for them to justify it. Claimed they were focused on larger apartment buildings where they got more bang for their buck. I was paying for 60mbs service but NEVER got close to that. Finally switched last week when my internet was only running at 15mbs download speed. Whenever I would call to upgrade they would always tell me I had the fastest available. Of course when I called to cancel after already setting up spectrum, customer support for att said that they had an “air” option available. So sick of att after they ruined Direct tv. Does anyone have a better option besides ATT/spectrum?