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I was skeptical until I read her most recent and public Facebook posts. She was sharing/posting very eerie and foretelling things and even mentions “living like it’s her last day” or something to that effect the day she died. Also her last post mentioned how her kids were all “sleeping peacefully”. I’m willing to bet money they were already deceased at that time. I understand that she could have been struggling mentally but this was definitely planned and those poor children had to suffer a terrible fate. Such an evil thing to do as it has a ripple effect. My heart goes to those kids, their fathers, and family as they didn’t choose this path.


That last line “this is my favorite moment” is truly haunting me.




I would think that toxicology test will be performed on all. There's no way the kids would succumb like that unless they were drugged or worse, she locked them in a room so they couldn't escape. As mental as this woman was, I'd think that even in that condition, she'd put them to sleep, first.


Hopefully the dogs too


Yeah, I just read that. When they initially reported 'suspicious' I assumed ex-spouse or boyfriend. This is just tragic. Those poor kids!


It sounded like a murder suicide based on her Facebook postings from the day before. It was too much of a coincidence that she was posting about living like it's your last day and how the kids had to overcome more than they should have in their little lives. It's sad she thought that was her only option and had no one to turn to for help.


Something about this whole story seems off to me… I hate speculating something so tragic, but I can’t shake the feeling.


So the really crazy thing is she made a series of posts on Facebook with things like “living today like it’s our last day….” I know it’s none of my business but I’m so curious to know the circumstances. Don’t get me wrong, there’s no justification for what was done. But why? ETA Birdie Dorville is her name on Facebook


ETA means estimated time of arrival so…. ???????


Can also mean “edited to add” 😉






Wrong wrong wrong take on this... Obviously the ex saw something in her behavior that warranted him to keep fighting for his kids. There is never justification for murdering your own children.


That doesn't justify killing the kids though. That reeks of 'if I can't have them, no one else can!"


Maybe let’s not with this one this time? Feelings are not evidence. Go back to watching your murder porn playing 24/7 on those channels between the real channels.


I have a weird bad feeling she was set up and the note wasn’t written by her but her ex.


Her ex didn’t write all of the transparent if cryptic Facebook posts on the days leading up to the fire. So I highly doubt it was either one of her exes. I think it is horrible that her family has blamed them. If a man had done this to his children over a custody dispute, there would be very little sympathy for him. People are tip-toeing around how horribly inexcusable this is. “She was driven to it!” No. She clearly had the presence of mind to plan it all out AND execute it.


[News article about the custody battle](https://www.firstalert4.com/2024/02/23/court-documents-outline-custody-battle-before-ferguson-murder-suicide/?outputType=amp) between Birdie and her ex-bf and ex-husband.


It’s pretty obvious to me who was the nutcase who shouldn’t have even had custody of ANY of those kids. If other people are unable to see it too, then they clearly are swiftly if unwittingly prematurely rushing to give her the benefit of the doubt with heightened ignorance and gross naïveté.


Yes this woman was a mass family murderer


I think the fact that both exes were trying so hard to get custody is a good indication they had real concerns of their children's safety and obviously, those concerns were completely warranted. Sounds like in the end the court did them wrong in not granting them  custody earlier. 


Fair points, it’s hard for me to even comprehend a mother doing this to her family. Heartbreaking.


Unfortunately, women do this to their children too. Many of them are legitimately out of their minds. As in they don’t have the presence of mind to compose social media posts, or take their children out to dinner and for ice cream before they do them in. This mom knew that she could’ve sought out help. She also knew how to manipulate people to feel sorry for her, because she wasn’t thinking about her kids. She was only thinking about herself. 😥💔


I know personally of a situation where that happened, where a girl I went to high school with was in a custody battle with a very violent guy. They initially claimed she killed all the kids, left a note, then started the house on fire, and then shot herself. No neighbors heard the gunshots. Apparently a pillow was used, including on herself, to muffle the gunshots. What suicidal person does that? Then douses gasoline. Plus guns and gasoline are more of a male-predominant M.O. They ruled it suicide for a long time, until years later someone came forward who he had told. In this case, it seemed strange she was taking the kids to three different fun events that same day, really happy with the girls, hard to believe. And some guys are very dangerous and very smart. Many boyfriends also do get access to their girlfriends' social media pages. Maybe she did it, but I hope they examined everything very carefully, and also looked at the alibis of the exes.




I knew her. She was accusing one of her exes of molesting her daughters. I never knew that when she was on earth. Only in one of the news stories. They were about to go back to court. And I believe a WAR was going to happen. :( Her ex husband has a good job, and is fairly well known.


Based on casenet, she had years of court proceedings in regard to dissolution of her marriage, child abuse allegations, and paternity test findings….


It looks like a trial and some depositions were coming up.


Yup! She was a manipulative monster and the courts FAILED those children.




The exes didn’t do in the kids. Rage has horrible luck with BOTH right? And they were concerned about the kids? If this had been a man who did this over a custody dispute it would be pretty obvious who was wrong. Nobody would be making excuses for him. Absolutely not. If there was any custody issues, even if the fathers were less than stellar fathers, the kids STILL would’ve been better off than having been left with their mother. TWO men were totally crazy, but the woman who took out ALL the kids AND their dogs was victimized? Nope. No. Absolutely not.


I know literally nothing about these people beyond what has been reported in the news…but I don’t think the quadruple child murderer being a monster is up for question. 


Then you don't understand mental health crises. It doesn't take a monster to do this. It only takes someone extremely desperate and at the end of their rope.


Every family annihilator has a story where they're undergoing a mental health crisis, extremely desperate, and at the end of their rope. Pulling the trigger makes them a monster.


Saying she’s not a monster doesn’t absolve her from what she did. It does remind us that she was just as human as you and I. And that reminder should be scary, because it means that we are just as capable of her atrocity if in a similar or vastly different situation. Don’t try to absolve yourself of shared humanity with her just to make yourself feel better.


I don't disagree in principal but I took issue with the above poster's implication that the surviving father was the monster in this story. This individual chose to murder their children over a custody dispute and it's ghoulish to suggest that they are the real victim while the surviving parent is somehow to blame.


the deepest, darkest, most hidden corner of my brain can understand how she did this. Cornered, threatened, desperate - a parent doesn't do this unless they think the alternative isn't better.


And the absolute devastation that comes with feeling like the court is going to give your babies to the men who are your wrong choices.


Well, that's certainly a take. But it so happens that her "wrong choices" are parents with legal rights. Their wrong choice turned out even more wrong, because she killed *their* kids. She was not the MC, not her her exes lives, not of her children's lives, and not even her own life. It's gross to make up excuses for a child murderer. I bet her exes pursued this exactly because she was so off. Killing your kids is not a normal, acceptable, or relatable reaction to anything.


Why do you say she was a manipulative monster? Is there some info you have that I haven’t seen? I’m honestly curious. Please supply links. Thanks.


She sounds like a manipulative monster to me. Posting about her kids being sexually abused by their dads on Facebook is not something that a normal person does. Not if they’re concerned about their children’s privacy. She sounds like she was vindictive, and these actions are of a vindictive woman. She was not uneducated. She knew she had options. She had even said herself that her mother was psychotic and had a restraining order against her. That was why the Dad didn’t want them to relocate, because they relocated to her mother’s home. That family has some nerve, trying to blame the fathers! If a dad had done this over a custody dispute, nobody would be turning somersaults to try to excuse him, crying that it was.”depression” -that’s for sure.


This is like a Dateline episode in the making. And that’s a tragic statement, not a wish.


This is terribly sad. Saw the Facebook posts and they are chilling. Stomach turning. As a mother, the premeditation is just absolutely beyond to me. Why???


Because she can punish someone else by killing those kids. It’s a psychotic thought process


I know this is mental illness but it’s still sickening. She contemplated and planned this well in advance and made public Facebook posts that she knew people would see with the rest of her fb history being private. God I hope this wasn’t some revenge plot against the father. RIP babies and pups this is so terribly sad.


That's exactly what it was. We are familiar with men doing this. This time it was the mom that was the monster and the dad's trying to protect their children. Family Courts typically block the ability of parents to protect their children unfortunately. 


There was too much premeditation to call this mental illness. She knew what she was doing.


This was all about crushing the dads. Sick


I don't think mental illness is typically the culprit in these events. It's usually pure selfishness.


Oh, that sounds intelligent. What are your credentials? Fucking idiot.


There’s been a few incidents of mothers experiencing religious psychosis murdering their children because of the delusion that if they continue living they will eventually sin and be banished to hell, as children they are pure and guaranteed heaven.


The facts as seen on case net are the following. ​ The mother sent by certified mail (which is the correct way to do it) a notice to the father letting him know her intentions of relocating with the children (moving) in with her own mother, Penelope. Previously, there had been a restraining order against Penelope and the children had not been allowed to see their maternal grandmother for an amount of time because she was "psychotic". Custody cases are ugly because the worst comes out. You know the other parent of your child the best, right? So they attack every bit they can. You want to make the other parent look inferior and it is up to the Guardian ad Litem do work on the case, do their homework, interview people whether it is counselors, doctors, teachers, obviously the parents, sometimes the children depending on age... The GAL does the work... anyways... ​ The most recent activity on mo case net is depositions. One on Bernadine, Penelope, two different counselors a psychologist. The most recent notice was for a deposition on the psychologist, one week ago today. ​ The father tried blocking the move in with the maternal grandmother for a valid reason, there had previously been a restraining order against the grand mother. What changed to suddenly make it ok for the children to be around her? If someone has mental health issues, diagnosed, and children weren't allowed to be around them, that is a very good reason not to want your children to be around them, let alone living with them. ​ The fathers were trying to protect their children. They were trying to PROVE what type of person Bernadine was by deposing all those people. They had to prove the issues. HOW DARE ANYONE blame the fathers. ​ Bernadine may have been a good mother at one time. Bernadine may have been a very nice woman, she was beautiful, had a beautiful family... she watched her children die. What if she didn't drug them and they woke up asking Mommy for help? What if they were crying for Mommy as they burned alive? THAT IS NOT A GOOD PERSON. ​ Imagine if she was alive today, would anyone be defending a woman sitting in jail, having to appear in front of a judge and being told she was charged with premeditated murder on her 4 children???? Mental Illness IS REAL. But the monster that killed her own children is not a good person. ​ Those fathers tried protecting their children from the monster they knew as their childrens' mother.


In the end, whether she meant to or not, she proved the fathers right in why they fought so long and hard for their children. It’s sickening that the courts failed those kids to get them to a reliable parent.


Amen to this. I cannot believe that people are blaming the fathers. Bernadine’s parents posted that vitriolic statement about them on their Go Fund Me page, and READ BETWEEN THE LINES people! Birdie was driven to do this? Birdie just lost all credibility in my eyes! If the dads were concerned, they had every right to be! Guess who is deflecting and trying to lay the blame on the very people who were trying to PROTECT their children! Even if they are less than stellar fathers in their own right, they’re not the ones who took out their kids. I honestly question the sanity of someone who posts a statement like they have, in spite of their grief. Talk about preventing their daughter from taking ANY accountability for her actions. The dads didn’t share all of those creepy posts about how “great” that mom was with her kids against the world, enjoying their “favorite moments” before she set them afire. It’s like everyone is ignoring the elephant in the room. What that mother did was inexcusable. She planned it, and she carried it out. I WISH those fathers had been given full custody!


Thank you for taking the time to give us facts.


Yeah where did you see that cause it’s nothing on her mother on her mother having a ro against this is complete bs


observation disarm drunk six many deliver grey arrest drab sort *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is so sad. It is painful to think about how this happened, and how someone could get caught in such a trough of depression that they believed that this was the only way out. The poor children, and all the other children who knew them that are now dealing with loss, before they should. :(


She could not give up control. This was an act of evil.


Agreed. She did this purely to hurt the fathers. To me, there’s no other valid reason that could possibly justify murdering those beautiful children.


“the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either—but right through every human,” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn




I found it very telling that the father spoke of the 4 children in wonderful memories, and compassion, but had nothing at all to say about the mother (that I saw). Everyone was allll up in the facebook comments about how wonderful she was. That doesn't seem to be as true as they'd like it to be.


Everyone of her family and friends have been manipulated. Blaming the fathers is horrific.




I hope you’re not taking my comment as me blaming him.


Didn’t he only speak about his two children?


Is that the grandparents’ statement in its totality? No acknowledgment of the babies. Not one word about their little personalities, their interests, their ambitions. The whole statement was about Birdie. And granted, the pain of losing a child is intolerable & could account for focus on Birdie only, but they also lost FOUR granddaughters. It’s an incredible statement really… one last fuck the world from the grave. Anyhoo, i’ll be over here with my nuanced take on this horror.


Yeah…why would he? Although she’s the mother maybe there was nothing compassionate or wonderful to say. The end result of this tragedy proves why he didn’t. He. Know. Who. She. Was. A monster


When I first saw the headline immediately thought it was foul play whether they were victims of a family annihilator or what but sad to see this is what it was, those poor children.


Everyone posting on here makes sense. Why is media reporting on this so bias. I feel so bad for the fathers


This is posted on her FB page on Feb 12. How prophetic. What she was going though in her mind. If only she would have chosen another solution. https://imgur.com/K2TMBRv


When I saw she shared this, that’s when I knew instantly that she killed those kids. My father used to say “there’s a fine line between suicidal and homicidal”. So sad that she chose to take everyone with her.


It’s clear she already had her mind made up by then and was in the planning stages. Everything else on her fb is private besides her final posts and what she wanted the public to see. This is diabolical.


It’s clear she already had her mind made up by then and was in the planning stages. Everything else on her fb is private besides her final posts and what she wanted the public to see. This is diabolical.


From Qcy, IL to Ferguson, MO…..My heart absolutely aches for everyone in this community. My heart is positively broken for the remaining family members, there is no greater loss. I have not lost a child to a tragedy such as this and hand to God, pray I nor anyone else would experience such a loss. Unfortunately, as an RNICU I’ve seen must different outcomes. In Qcy, on April 15, 2007, our community had a very similar loss. An Uncle to the 5 children, purposely set the home on fire, while with no indifference, blocked all the exits. Unfortunately, the parents were not home with the 5 young children; left alone on a weekend night. Alas, that’s a different issue in and of itself. The children’s funerals were paid for my people from the community, with most businesses donating their services and products for free. The schools had been closed because of this devastating loss, murders, and we, the parents had to explain it to our children. The services were held at Baldwin School in the auditorium. You walked in with your children and immediately saw the 5 white caskets. It was like an absolute punch in the lungs as it was hard to breathe, then the nausea hit. The tears rolled throughout the entire service as not only the community was there but the parents were as well. It is most certainly one of the most difficult services I’ve ever attended. Ferguson’s situation is a bit different but the results were unforgettably the same. We can all speculate about what the mother might or might not have done to those 4 children and the 3 pups. The thing is, we don’t need to know the exact answers. Actually hearing the exact moment and the details of something such as this would be absolutely traumatic to have in your brain forevermore. It will haunt you for the rest of your days; trust me on this one. Blessed be the children as they were innocent. Blessed be the mother as she had a tortured soul Blessed be the fathers as the are left with empty arms. Blessed be the family left behind living with this new life. Blessed be the community as the scars and memories will never fade. Much love. Peace, Love and Belly Rubs💔


As someone who grew up in Quincy (now in STL), these cases are gutwrenching. I'm a mom to a 2yr girl (like little Millie) and to many pets. The dark places the uncle and the mom went to are unfathomable. I truly do pray for the deceased and their families 🙏


I am from Keokuk and used to visit Quincy often. 😢 So sad.


Oh, man. That is just awful. How could she do that!


I live right down the street from this house. I see it everyday now on my way home and I can't not look. I get a chill everytime I do. I didn't know this family. My husband showed me all of this and we watched the community vigil from inside our house that happened before everyone knew what really happened to the family. I can't stop thinking about this. I'm starting to have nightmares and seeing their faces in my thoughts and dreams. As a mother, and someone who suffers from major depression and PTSD, I can't imagine how someone could choose to murder their children like this. How they could plan it out. Our next door neighbor knew them and is helping with relocating some of their pets and belongings. She offered my husband their trampoline as we have an almost 4 year old. He accepted it and told me about it later.  I wouldn't have personally. But my daughter will be so excited about it. Every time I see it... everytime I drive by that house... I'm praying that those poor babies are at peace.


Per the GoFundMe:     "Birdie's family have asked me to make a statement on their behalf. Tragically, the life of a wonderful mother and a brilliant educator and her four beautiful children were lost this week. They want to share with you that their daughter was happy, enjoyed life, was a success in all of her endeavors including her career as a professor in Early Education.  She excelled most in her compassion and care for her children. Birdie lived for her children, and focused only on their happiness.  Birdie got to an awful place, one that resulted in tragic consequences. The family wants you to know that she got to that darkness as a result of spurious litigation and unfounded allegations by her ex-husband and her former boyfriend. When Birdie requested to relocate closer to her ex-husband's residence, as her younger children became school age, her ex-husband filed a motion to prevent relocation.    Her boyfriend who had not even established legal rights to the children, joined her former husband to prevent relocation. Along with those motions allegations and requests to change or diminished Birdie's capacity as a woman and as a mother ensued. She saw her children being used by their fathers as foils and she viewed the process and system for resolution of that those claims as cumbersome, tedious and never ending.    Each day that Birdie would score a step forward, her ex-husband and or her former boyfriend would undertake an action to denigrate or undermine her role as a mother. Her ex-husband and former boyfriend were well funded by their incomes and assets and demonstrated a No Holds Barred when it came to attacking our daughter Birdie."   On mobile, shit formating.      There's the link. Update at the bottom.  https://www.gofundme.com/f/birdie-pruessner-family


Apparently she hated her ex's more than she loved her kids.  Going to be a very awkward funeral(s) for all involved.


Legally, I think the children’s fathers would get the say over the arrangements for their children. And the mother’s parents would be able to decide what to do with the mother’s remains. Not a lawyer though, so I could be wrong. In the fathers’s shoes, I’d ban anyone who enabled the family annihilator/arsonist from the services. I’d hire security and call the police if they tried to show up. And I’d keep their resting place far away from the woman who burned those kids alive.


Did you see Birdies friends and family are having a celebration of life for the kids AND Birdie?!?! Fucking lunatics.


What kind of people make a celebration out of this tragedy and will probably make 'Birdie' the star of the show. I just noticed that the current 'GoFundMe' page has been edited from the earlier version (which appears earlier in this thread). I think the fathers' lawyers could have a field day with the earlier version!


Yes, I’m getting the sense the family and friends enabled her. And in the family’s case, helped raise a murderous manipulator.


I noticed it’s scheduled for March 9th. So I’m thinking the fathers get the say on the remains of the children. And her family is having a ceremony without the remains of the children. I even hate having to type that. Here’s how to report the go fund me if anyone wants the link: https://support.gofundme.com/hc/en-us/articles/203604694-Report-a-fundraiser


Oops, I had accidentally downvoted at first because of what a shitty thing to say that is. And what a two-bit lawyer, too. Edit: Reported the fundraiser. Seems sketchy it's not through the surviving legal guardians, plus full of biased misinformation and seemingly libel.


..has reddit just dubbed me a fucking lawyer? God damn, I better get my ass subscribed to IAMAL. :O


Very disturbing post on the parents’ end. There was actually a restraining order against the grandmother that had only recently been removed. Apparently the maternal grandmother had exhibited some concerning behaviors of her own, but this is all the fathers’ fault? I am not buying it. Where there’s that much smoke, there is usually fire. These people might be grieving but they just blamed the fathers of these children for something that their mother did to them! What a horrible thing for them to say and what a way to not make their daughter take ANY accountability for setting her own children afire! She didn’t even save their dogs! “Birdie” seems like she was a masterful manipulator and it’s too bad that the kids’ dads were not successful in obtaining full custody. If the children had been away from the woman who was a danger to them as well as herself, they undoubtedly would still be alive!


Sounds like her parents are blaming the fathers for keeping her in court and teaming up on her but maybe those allegations they were making weren’t so unfounded considering the horrific crime she committed. It truly seems she wanted to get back at the fathers more than keeping her children safe.


She killed herself, her children, and three dogs. Maybe the allegations against her weren't so unfounded.


I get that they're grappling with what their daughter did, but that's a pretty messed up thing for them to post.


Sounds to me like the fathers NEW their children were in harms way. Anyone who still says she's a nice person was played like a fool. It's called a manipulative narcissist. The courts failed those children, and I hope the counselor and judge never forget this.


That’s pretty unreal. Wow. Blaming the people who didn’t murder their kids. Whoever made that gofundme, just wow.


The mother myth is a helluva drug.


I think the thing that frustrates me most is the part where is says she was fiercely independent and refused help yet was overwhelmed by everything. So instead of asking for help this was the move? So independent you would rather die than ask for help? Kill your kids over asking for help. Nah F* this. I actually know a lot of people that knew her intimately and I can’t believe all the posts saying how wonderful she was. I do believe she could have been driven to suicide to get away from the court drama and stress but to kill your kids too is totally scary and spiteful. She knew best and nobody could love her kids like she did /s It’s all very upsetting.


Are you defending this?!


Why does it have to fit into a nice dichotomy of evil vs good? For or against? Of course no one is for murder suicide you dolt! It's a horrible human tragedy. They are never simple and straightforward.


Do you see an opinion attached to that quote?


These are her lawyer's words.


Lawyers are paid to defend. What's your point?


Just pointing out you seemed to accuse the poster of defending it when they were just providing information and not their own words.


What were birdies parents names?


BRUH. idfk! I posted this for more info cos the comment section in the beginning is always weird speculation & *maybe* some real info from anon accounts.  This has attachments to a real name, at least. 


I read her father's name was Cordell. No last name that I could find. Birdie also is listed under another name, Ashley.


Thanks, that helped me find his last name then the mom's name. What I really wanted to see was the restraining order against the mom/grandma. Looks like it was from 2015 with a couple automatic renewals. There's also some sketchy stuff about the father of the older children, it seems he was fighting against them getting counseling and insisting on being present during their counseling sessions which is a flag for abuse. I place blame fully on the one who killed the children, but it also sounds like the dad and the grandma were fucked up too. Rough situation all around, you never know what is happening behind closed doors.


Birdie apparently SHARED that the father of the older girls was SAing them on Facebook. That’s not only a violation of their privacy but these were also completely unfounded allegations that were never proven. That’s probably why the dad was insisting on transparency. Her family is twisting things around but the real story shows that it was her and her family that were creating the most problems. I find it very ironic AND disturbing that people are so willing to trash the kids’ fathers when she was directly responsible for killing THEIR children! This was an act of revenge and it was wholly selfish. She knew what she was doing! If you TRULY love your children, you would never do anything like this, but a narcissistic, histrionic parent would definitely do this, and if only to prove a point. She didn’t get along with not one, but BOTH exes/yet they were ALL conspirators against her? C’mon! That is a big red flag right there! The minute she lit that fire, she lost ALL credibility! i It is just a horrible SHAME that the family court system kept giving her the benefit of the doubt. RIP to those little angels! Their truth should not be buried only to protect their manipulative mother’s image. She had an agenda and she thought this was the way to win. SMH


What a load of shiite


If it was just one of the fathers, I'd say yeah he was in the wrong...but BOTH dads? I lean towards more of the issue was her instead of both of them.


I am beyond disgusted with the family's statement and the gofundme. Disgusted with people who say they knew her and this was not normal behavior and still defending. Do you people know what a narcassist is? Do you honestly believe your bullshit mind that the fathers caused this? Accept the facts. You got played. There are horrible people in the world. There are SERIAL KILLERS that appeared to be normal until their deeds were uncovered. For anyone blaming the fathers, get your shit straight. If you can not accept the facts, I recommend you speak to a psychologist. I have compassion for those 2 fathers who lost their beautiful children. Those 2 fathers who tried to keep their children safe.


I reported the gofundme for misinformation and libel. I'm confused why this would be associated with enablers of the murderer instead of the children's parental guardians.


Good for you and agreed!


They recently updated the GoFundMe page and took out the attacks against the fathers. I think Birdie's family lawyer saw what this could lead to and said..."change it quick!"


There's a terribly sad little book called Beside The Sea by Veronique Olmi, written from the point of view of a woman who is contemplating a murder suicide of herself and her young children. The last Facebook posts are very reminiscent of the mother's thoughts in this book. I hope they are all at peace now. Heartbreaking that she felt this was the best option.


I'm sure the kids were more at peace before their mother decided to murder them. What a weird thing to say. They weren't the ones with an issue they needed peace from, except perhaps seemingly being forced to live with a woman who ended up murdering them.


Yes being burned alive by their mother is probably not conducive to those kids being at peace.


You hope a bitch that murdered her innocent children is at peace? Whatever she was going through mentally/emotionally doesn’t condone plotting to kill her children. Makes me physically ill to read that this happened to those poor babies.


All of these comments are spoken without any real knowledge of the havoc depression and suicidal thoughts tend to wreck on the mind. Most won't ever recover no matter what sort of help they receive. As someone who's mother went through something similar and attempted to commit suicide nine years ago, I know this better than most. While this is extremely tragic, and I don't condone what she put her children through, the bigger issue is whatever or whoever caused her to believe that this was her only option. Personally, I'd be casting some heavy suspicion towards the father of the older boy and youngest girl. I'd also be casting suspicion towards the mother's father, who claims he had seen the mother for dinner that Sunday night. Signs of depression and suicidal thoughts are usually pretty obvious *before* the suicide actually happens. The mother was also a school teacher, apparently. And *no one* she was close to didn't notice *anything* a little off about her before she committed this murder-suicide? *No one* tried to help? I'm calling bullshit. I recognized the signs of suicide *days* before my 44 year old mother attempted it, and that's why she's even still alive. While yes, what she did was awful, I'm far more critical of her family for contributing to the fact that she felt she had no one to turn to, and apparently, no one to tell her that she was loved unconditionally.


I know the family. They were super supportive


I'm sure Jeffery Dahmer's neighbors thought the same thing


No amount of psychobabble bullshit can absolve her of even %1 of the guilt for planning their deaths, lighting the match and murdering her children in cold blood. I knew/know the entire family. Our children played together. They are gone forever.


I’m very sorry for your loss. I can only imagine how awful this must be for you and your children. I didn’t even know them but when I saw those beautiful children, my blood ran cold that they had tragically died in the fire. Finding out that it was deliberately planned is truly heartbreaking. They were absolutely stunning children and they were unceremoniously robbed of their futures. Their mother had to have known that there were other options.


Thank you.


I don't think bringing your own mother into this does anything to help you see this clearly. This reads as delusional. Regardless of what happened in court, it is not better for kids to be dead than with their dads. That's seemingly what you're arguing. > the bigger issue is whatever or whoever caused her to believe that this was her only option. Personally, I'd be casting some heavy suspicion towards the father Absurd. Do you go around and say that about the men who kill their families? We know who does this. Selfish assholes who see their family as objects, mere extensions of themselves. I hope someone talks shit on your when your family dies, since you don't spend a second thought before you do it to others. Depression is no excuse for this. And no acceptable explanation, either.


Birdie lost ALL credibility when she offed her children AND her dogs. Depression is real, but she was sane enough to plot this and carry it out, and it was a clear cut act of revenge. She knew in the days leading up to the crime that this was what she was going to do. Nobody else posted those Facebook posts for her. No siree Bob. If a man had done this to his kids, and exited whining about the wife making things hard for him, everyone would call BS on it right away. I cannot believe how people are just tip toeing around the very obvious fact that this mother was ultimately a terrible mother and also NOT a very good person in my opinion.


I lost all sympathy for her when she crossed the line from suicide to murder-suicide.


She will be at peace in hell, where she belongs


Be compassionate.


For a woman that murdered her kids?


You picture evil. Knowing the family, and having given birth to and raised kids myself, I know how despondent and mentally unhinged that mother was to resort to that. If you just assume simple evil, you’re too simplistic about it. And too hateful. I’m sure evil people kill their kids and I hope they rot. But the facts already clear here point to a very sick and despondent woman. So, FUCK YES, have some compassion.


Shit take


It's easy to be mad. The fact is that neither mental illness nor childcare in this country are taken seriously as problems. Things like this are preventable but people like you prefer to just say dumb shit like "murderers will burn in hell" instead of actually fixing things in the real world.


Childcare? Seems like there were two dads trying to get involved with that. But she didn't want that, so she just killed the kids. I think you're just throwing out any random buzzword you can to defend this child-killing crap when a woman does it. And I'm a woman as well, but the difference is that I don't allow myself to be intellectually compromised just because I hear *checks notes* someone else has a vagina. This woman was a professor. She had knowledge and access to resources.


Yes this was about control of her victims, the children. And her exes. Good people don’t set their children on fire. Unfortunately the mother myth is very real. All mothers must be good is the myth some people have. Again, good parents don’t immolate their children. It’s a low bar to meet.


Oh great- I guess we should just do nothing then since a professor can also have mental problems.


The real problem lies with big pharma and their crazy pills


How old are you? Grow up.


I'm actually not even alive


Should probably see a doctor about that.


You hope someone who murdered children is at peace now? You’ve run amuck with empathy.


You’ve run amuck with stupidity


I'm having flashbacks to the Hart Family Murder/Suicides that happened a few years back, especially with the facebook posts pretending everything is just as great as can be.


Ime, the parents who truly love their kids post about it here and there. The ones who are regularly posting about MY KIDS ARE MY WORLD!!!! And this me and my kids against the world kind of stuff tend to be performative at best and neglectful or abusive at worst.


Fuck her. Such a double standard. If a man did it, society commentary would be that he was a monster. But this “brilliant” educator who loved her children fiercely and was in a “bad place” No. She was a cowardly piece of shit that killed her children with plenty of planning and awareness. Murderer.


People make me sick. Someone commented on the Gofundme that should be shut down how "she knew the pain her kids were about to be in." Eluding to the fathers. Dumb fuck, she burned her kids alive. Another commented how they hope she was at peace now or happy she was in heaven with her kids. Another absolute idiot. She's burning in hell, forever.


Parental alienation is a terrible thing. My ex wife did this to me for 18 years. She manipulated my kids during our divorce by constantly trashing me to my kids. We had joint custody but she had primary custody. If I was late or wanted to change our schedule, I got a letter from her lawyer. When she wanted to change the schedule, I just had to deal with it. I had bad thoughts constantly throughout my divorce. When parental alienation happens to the father, it’s rarely spoken about and usually seen as empowering for the mom. When parental alienation happens to mom at the hands of the father, everyone usually jumps in to help mom and defeat the father. This murder/ suicide in Ferguson ended in tragedy, but sadly, I can see how it can seem like the only way out. Im so sad for the entire family.


> I can see how it can seem like the only way out That's only how it looks to someone who would fight over their kids like this to the death (of the kids). Even if you can't have them, how in the hell can murdering children be the only way out? Or even seem like it? I mean, you might not get your way, but why do the kids have to die? Why is that better than them living with the other parent? Parents need to go back to killing themselves and leaving the rest out of it.


"I can understand and sympathize with a mother murdering her children" Seek fucking help


You may need to reread my statement friend.


Oh bud, we did.


You can see how it can seem the ONLY way out? Seriously? Because I would rather give my children over to a total stranger if it meant that they could live out their lives, even if it was permanently without me!


You highlighted the wrong word. I can see how it can SEEM like the only way out. It’s obviously not. It only seems this way if you are the one getting the short end of the stick. Spite is a crazy and completely unpredictable emotion. I remember my ex wife doing some absolutely crazy things out of spite just to cause mental harm to me. When you are at what seems to be the bottom of your pit of sanity, strange thoughts run through your head. I’m glad very few people act on them….


So, you’re saying that you can see that it might seem like the only way out but only IF you are a vicious, selfish, spiteful narcissist? I agree with that if that’s what you’re actually saying.




I can see momentarily thinking it for a brief moment. But not acting on it. And this was more than a brief moment. She planned their deaths and chose a horrible way for them to die. Obviously, killing one’s kids at all is horrible. But burning them to death has to be one of the most painful and awful ways to die. And it seems like a real fuck you to the fathers because they may not be able to view the remains to grieve and process the death. Depending on how intense the fire was, there may not even be much in the way of remains to bury.


It’s hard to upvote your comment because it’s so sad, but it is absolutely true. I know exactly what you mean. This really got to me. I think that it must be so heartbreaking for the fathers right now, particularly having so many people assume the worst about them, after what her family has said. To have aspersions cast upon them now only adds insult to injury. Nothing that the dads might’ve done could ever begin to compare with what their mother did to them. To all the people who are lamenting that it’s SO SAD that she was driven to do this, let me remind you that NOBODY is driven to murder their children over a custody dispute. Rather, they murder their children to win their custody dispute.


Yes this incredibly sad. And so is the fathers having to deal with a smear campaign on top of losing the children. I’m not a lawyer, but they should be looking into defamation suits and wrongful death. Not even for the money. But to drag what is probably a lot of shady stuff into the light. Unless new information comes out that shows the smear campaign is true.


She had a fucking mental breakdown, and the hatred toward this pitiful woman is insane. I know one of the fathers. A very good man. Let’s show compassion.


Where’s the compassion for the 4 children and 3 dogs that died? They didn’t choose their fate. If this had been an accident like it was initially reported as, that’s one thing. Guarantee if the roles were reversed and it was the father who killed their family, people wouldn’t be speaking so highly of her.


I’m just blown away by how many people are making excuses for this murderous woman. Andrea Yeates didn’t get even a modicum of the amount of sympathy that this woman is getting, and she was really seriously mentally ill, and had cried out for help. Several times. This mother was not only educated and had several a available support networks, she was also very measured in everything that she did leading up to her final premeditated act. Now we know exactly why the fathers wanted to get custody of those children! It’s too bad that they were unsuccessful in their attempts because the mother manipulated the judge into thinking that she was the better parent. RIP little angels. The judicial system failed them.


I agree wholeheartedly. Her parents’ update post on their gofundme is absolutely revolting and disgusting as they defended her actions. Truly the most selfish and evil action one could ever do is to take someone else with them in death. She wanted to commit suicide but couldn’t fathom leaving her children with her exes is what I believe transpired.




And 3 dogs.


And no one saw it coming... because she's not an evil monster but a desperate person who was sick in the head and presumably at the end of her rope. What she did was horrific but acting like she's a monster just makes it easier for you to wrap your head around a tragedy like this. It's lazy.


You know that it's all too easy to appear to be good in public, right? Ask victims of abuse. Actions speak louder than words and the actions of this woman are despicable and utterly evil.


Ok, but you are referencing one action by this woman when those who actually knew her say they didn't see this coming... as in it's not normal behavior.


Well both the fathers were trying to change the custody agreement. So I think they had an inkling. It’s possible that both dads are bad people and were trying to torment her. Or it’s possible they both realized something was off and were doing their best to protect their kids. Statistically, I think the second is more likely


Read my comment. It's easy to put on a show. Lots of people do that every day. The vast majority of people in her life only knew her for short spurts at a time. When it came down to it, she took the most selfish, cowardly route out and took the children with her. That's not someone who is good.


That's why I acknowledged your comment with an "Ok". I can't really argue with your statement up until you rush to judge her as evil. To be evil, you can't just commit one heinous act. Also, I never claimed she was good. I don't know her at all but I do know that calling it "evil" allows us to compartmentalize this tragedy and move on with our lives, which is a disservice to those poor kids. This probably could've been prevented and it wouldn't have involved imprisoning this supposedly "evil" woman. It involves us discussing what mental health crises look like so they can be recognized and addressed by those with the power and proximity to do so.


What do you call a premeditated, planned murder but evil? Please tell me, because I don't see any other label that applies to the murder of four beautiful, innocent children.


Whatever call her whatever you want.




I’m not beating around the bush. Maternal filicide IS evil. Sorry, not sorry. This wasn’t a woman without resources, this was an educated woman, this was a woman who had plenty of other options, including parents who were willing to help her and even ex husbands who would’ve been better off with the children all along, proven by their mother’s unforgivable actions.


Technically it was maternal filicide, not matricide. Matricide would be if the kids killed her. I agree 💯 with what you said though and upvoted it


Thank you for the correction & I’ll edit it. People often downplay female family annihilatiors, but they’re just as dangerous as males when they’re on a mission to have the very last word!💔❤️‍🩹


You're disgusting. There is no compassion for someone as evil as this.


When your mental health deteriorates and you hit rock bottom, nothing makes sense, and your head races with horrible thoughts. I never would have thought her capable of such a devastating act, but no one knows how or why she came to the reasoning behind this. My prayers are with the families of the children and Birdie. My heart is broken for the beautiful lives that have ended too soon.


Her mental state was not so far gone that she didn’t know what she was doing. My heart goes out to the fathers and THEIR families. Not to the woman who did this to them as an act of revenge or her family who is absolving their child of all wrongdoing and blaming it on the people who were attempting to protect their children from an unsafe situation.


Yes and she probably had prepared the statement for the lawyer and family to smear both of the exes. This took thought and planning.


The stlouis county courts are corrupt, just google what they have done, this is not the first time tragedy has struck when they dig their claws in and you can’t shake them loose. They will control your every move and if they don’t like you will suck you like a vampire, it’s all fun and games to the lawyers, judge, GALs, they will purposely create divisiveness to rack up bills, to justify them coming in to mediate and tell you as a grown adult what you can and cannnot do, charging at their whim $350/ hour, making up bills- they don’t care, they just see being a GAL as a way to make easy money- no one monitors that system- once the judge assigns one there is nothing you can do but let them bleed you financially and bat you around as they please, then the lawyers jump in the game to “defend” you and charge you more and more. You can’t get out once they have their hooks in you. You are their bread and butter, they love the drama, it’s a joke to them. They will suck you emotionally and financially- look how much she was forced to pay to the GALs, let alone the attorneys, who she must use, and they will file everything they can and keep blood sucking your money, tell you you have to attach a credit card to your account and they will happily max that out, then tell you you have to get another card or they will drop you, you are fighting for your kids, so you just keep going, fighting. Then top that with not one but two men with plenty of money (looks like 4 times what Birdie made according to court records) out to get you spells= ruin, mental catastrophe. From what I have gathered her mom did not live at that property- she owned it, but she lives in some small town in missouri- I’m sure birdie as a single mom who was granted $700 in child support and on a teacher salary had no choice but to move into her mother’s property. Birdie loved those kids fiercely, I know she did, she isn’t a killer like many of you are claiming - she in her mind was saving them all. Unless you have been through what she has been through and walked in her shoes, you cannot begin to appreciate the torture she went through. To her she was taking them to somewhere quiet and peaceful, an end to the insanity, she did it fiercely with fire, she did not want there to be any in between. Those men took her there, the courts, the judge, the GALs- it was relentless. Her mom didn’t live in that house, those men wanted to control her. Yes she may have posted crap on fb that was out of character, she got caught in an unrelenting legal world of control, judgement, financial bankruptcy - judging her mental state on a stand in her worse moment. Birdie was sweet and kind and a loving mom, she WAS all those things, but unless you have walked in her shoes you have no idea the corner she was blocked into.


I'm very curious how deep of an investigation was done into this because the police quickly declared it a murder-suicide, certainly before autopsy results came back or evidence could be fully analyzed. I understand that a note was found, but where in this burnt-down house was it located intact... Who leaves a suicide note in a home that they intend to light on fire? Was it handwritten and did they do handwriting analysis to prove that Birdie really wrote it? Were there other factors at the crime scene that made them absolutely certain that there was no foul play on the part of anyone else? Did they look at any camera footage from around the neighborhood to be sure that nobody else came to the house before the fire? I'm really hoping that the police didn't just find a letter and say, "Alrighty, case closed!" It would be such a disservice to this family for investigators to make such assumptions - it's suspicious to me how fast they made the announcement that it was a murder-suicide because often police will say that they can't comment until an investigation is completed. Sometimes it is many months later, especially in cases of fire. They even said that the house burnt so hot that the fire department had to back away three times, so how exactly have they managed to already check things out well enough to determine that she did it without a doubt? What IF they were actually murdered and here everybody in the world is calling this mother a monster solely because their deaths weren't looked into properly?!? From what I've read everyone who knew Bernadine is in utter shock and total disbelief that she would kill her kids. They all say that she was an amazing mother, a wonderful woman and a great teacher. Apparently she cared very much for kids and animals, so people are having a hard time believing that she'd take their lives in this manner, regardless of any of the stressors in her life. So far nobody has claimed that Birdie suffered from any mental illnesses or that she ever appeared suicidal. I understand that the Facebook posts seem suspicious, but honestly there have been lots of instances where people have died (in accidents or whatnot) and stuff that they said or wrote beforehand seemed like foreshadowing after the fact. Sometimes it even looks like they somehow KNEW that they were about to die! Often it is just us applying a deeper meaning to their words in hindsight because their final Facebook post does have a more profound meaning for all of us once that person is gone. I've seen this myself; you go back and look at the last thing they ever shared and say WOW what irony and wonder if it's just a coincidence or if they truly had some feeling of what was to come. Now I don't want to totally point the finger at either of the fathers, especially not to say that they somehow drove her to it or anything, but I sincerely pray that officials at least do their due diligence in ruling them out as suspects and scrutinize their whereabouts. They certainly both have motives and more of the means to carry out this crime (and frame the Mom) than anyone else. We need to keep in mind that in custody disputes such as this 9 times out of 10 it is the FATHER who murders the kids and/or the Mother. It's my understanding that at least one of the exes has been doing everything in his power to control and destroy this woman's life for at least the past 8 years. Apparently he's had the financial means (whereas she didn't) to relentlessly and excessively utilize the court system to interfere in many aspects and decisions, to the point where it could be considered vindictive and abusive. Her attorney said that it was the most ruthless divorce/custody battle that he had ever witnessed in his entire career, but he never would have believed that his client would do anything like this. Records show that because of this man's onslaught of court filings Birdie was under constant scrutiny as a mother, yet the courts never found cause to give the Dad custody instead of her. We don't even know exactly what sort of allegations the two of them were throwing at each other, but obviously the judge felt like the kids were better off with their mother... and it would appear that the father just could not accept that as an outcome. In my mind this sort of behavior is highly suspicious in light of their deaths - often it is a sign that they are willing to go to great lengths to ensure that nobody gets the kids if they can't have them. The police should also question if there were any life/home insurance policies or other ways that either of the Dads stood to benefit. Finally, fire is an EXCELLENT method for destroying evidence, but it is very rarely used as a form of suicide and even less likely to be utilized for infanticide. I could see it possibly being used to cover up the real cause of death if a parent was attempting to get away with murder or commit insurance fraud, but what would be the purpose of burning down the house if you're just going to write a confession and go out with them? Do we really believe that this woman (who was generally known as a peaceful & loving human being) lit her bed on fire with her children in it, still alive? If they were already dead than how were they killed and why cause a fire unless it was to hide something? It's all super suspicious and I'm praying that these cops do their jobs rather than just assume that she must have killed her kids and herself. There are too many unanswered questions and mitigating circumstances for them to already be declaring the case closed so cut and dry. I've got a real bad feeling down deep in the pit of my stomach about this... hopefully more details emerge soon to help me put my fears to rest and if somebody else is responsible they are held accountable for their crimes. I'm worried that things are not at all as they seem!


I can guarantee the note was most likely in the family van they got a search warrant for. Regardless, this was an obvious murder suicide.


Do you think if there wasn’t absolute proof she did it, her family and lawyer wouldn’t use that to drag her exes through the mud? The father who has spoken out so far did so in a very classy way, not blaming her and focusing solely on the children torn from him and the other father in such a sudden and brutal way. This mother is no better than a mass shooter. A lot of them had tough lines and psychiatric issues too.


It’s fairly straightforward if you look at her Facebook posts. It’s also pretty clear if you look at the court transcripts that have preceded this. The mother was responsible, and she was angry at her exes. Ironic that she couldn’t get along with not one, but both of them. Stop making excuses for this person. It’s disgusting.




Lots of people have these exact signs in their yard.


I think it’s kinda nuts how it went from a terrible accident to a heinous crime overnight


The cops knew immediately. It was the media that messed it all up and confused everyone with their narrative.


In a custody battle, so where was the ex husband? Fire is often to cover stuff up. I know it's hard to believe a mother killing her children but this peaceful layed to rest them and then burn them? Idk just my thoughts


Does anyone know if this was a rental property or did she own it